94 resultados para Structural silicone sealant
Currently, the Genomic Threading Database (GTD) contains structural assignments for the proteins encoded within the genomes of nine eukaryotes and 101 prokaryotes. Structural annotations are carried out using a modified version of GenTHREADER, a reliable fold recognition method. The Gen THREADER annotation jobs are distributed across multiple clusters of processors using grid technology and the predictions are deposited in a relational database accessible via a web interface at http://bioinf.cs.ucl.ac.uk/GTD. Using this system, up to 84% of proteins encoded within a genome can be confidently assigned to known folds with 72% of the residues aligned. On average in the GTD, 64% of proteins encoded within a genome are confidently assigned to known folds and 58% of the residues are aligned to structures.
The accurate prediction of the biochemical function of a protein is becoming increasingly important, given the unprecedented growth of both structural and sequence databanks. Consequently, computational methods are required to analyse such data in an automated manner to ensure genomes are annotated accurately. Protein structure prediction methods, for example, are capable of generating approximate structural models on a genome-wide scale. However, the detection of functionally important regions in such crude models, as well as structural genomics targets, remains an extremely important problem. The method described in the current study, MetSite, represents a fully automatic approach for the detection of metal-binding residue clusters applicable to protein models of moderate quality. The method involves using sequence profile information in combination with approximate structural data. Several neural network classifiers are shown to be able to distinguish metal sites from non-sites with a mean accuracy of 94.5%. The method was demonstrated to identify metal-binding sites correctly in LiveBench targets where no obvious metal-binding sequence motifs were detectable using InterPro. Accurate detection of metal sites was shown to be feasible for low-resolution predicted structures generated using mGenTHREADER where no side-chain information was available. High-scoring predictions were observed for a recently solved hypothetical protein from Haemophilus influenzae, indicating a putative metal-binding site.
The results of applying a fragment-based protein tertiary structure prediction method to the prediction of 14 CASP5 target domains are described. The method is based on the assembly of supersecondary structural fragments taken from highly resolved protein structures using a simulated annealing algorithm. A number of good predictions for proteins with novel folds were produced, although not always as the first model. For two fold recognition targets, FRAGFOLD produced the most accurate model in both cases, despite the fact that the predictions were not based on a template structure. Although clear progress has been made in improving FRAGFOLD since CASP4, the ranking of final models still seems to be the main problem that needs to be addressed before the next CASP experiment