223 resultados para Organic coatings


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The mechanism of formation of pinonic and norpinonic acids from alpha-pinene ozonolysis has been investigated by studying the products of the ozonolysis of an enone derived from alpha-pinene using gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry.


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Gas-phase ozonolysis of terpinolene was studied in static chamber experiments using gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometric and flame ionisation detection to separate and detect products. Two isomers of C-7-diacids and three isomers of C-7-aldehydic acids were identified in the condensed phase after derivatisation. Possible mechanisms of formation of these acids were investigated using different OH radical scavengers and relative humidities, and were compared to those reported earlier for the ozonolysis of beta-pinene. In addition, branching ratios for some of the individual reaction steps, e. g. the branching ratio between the two hydroperoxide channels of the C-7-CI, were deduced from the quantitative product yield data. Branching ratios for POZ decomposition and the stabilisation/decomposition of the C-7-CI were also obtained from measurements of the C-7 primary carbonyl product.


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This paper describes experimental studies aimed at elucidating mechanisms for the formation of low-volatility organic acids in the gas-phase ozonolysis of 3-carene. Experiments were carried out in a static chamber under 'OH-free' conditions. A range of multifunctional acids-which are analogous to those observed from alpha-pinene ozonolysis-were identified in the condensed phase using gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry after derivation. Product yields were determined as a function of different OH radical scavengers and relative humidities to give mechanistic information about their routes of formation. Furthermore, an enone and an enal derived from 3-carene were ozonised in order to probe the early mechanistic steps in the reaction and, in particular, which of the two initially formed Criegee intermediates gives rise to which products. Branching ratios for the formation of the two Criegee Intermediates are determined. Similarities and differences in product formation from 3-carene and alpha-pinene ozonolysis are discussed and possible mechanisms-supported by experimental evidence-are developed for all acids investigated.


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Gas-phase ozonolysis of alpha-pinene was studied in static chamber experiments under 'OH-free' conditions. A range of multifunctional products-in particular low-volatility carboxylic acids-were identified in the condensed phase using gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry after derivatisation. The dependence of product yields on reaction conditions (humidity, choice of OH radical scavengers, added Criegee intermediate scavengers, NO2 etc.) was investigated to probe the mechanisms of formation of these products; additional information was obtained by studying the ozonolysis of an enal and an enone derived from alpha-pinene. On the basis of experimental findings, previously suggested mechanisms were evaluated and detailed gas-phase mechanisms were developed to explain the observed product formation. Atmospheric implications of this work are discussed.


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Mineralised organic remains (including apple pips and cereal grains) collected during the ongoing excavations of Insula IX at the Roman town of Silchester, Hampshire have been analysed by a combination of SEM-EDX, powder XRD and IR spectroscopy. The experiments included mapping experiments using spatially resolved versions of each technique. IR and powder XRD mapping have been carried out utilising the synchrotron source at The Daresbury Laboratory oil stations 11.1 and 9.6. It is concluded that these samples are preserved by rapid mineralisation in the carbonate-substituted calcium phosphate mineral, dahllite. The rapid mineralisation leads to excellent preservation of the samples and a small crystal size. The value of IR spectroscopy in studying materials like this where the crystal size is small is demonstrated. A comparison is made between the excellent preservation seen in this context and the much poorer preservation of mineralised remains seen in Context 5276 or Cesspit 5251. Comments on the possible mechanism of mineralisation of these samples are made. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.


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In the reaction of equimolar amounts of copper(II) acetate with 2,2'-dipyridylamine (DPA) in aqueous tetrahydrofuran, in presence of KOH, aerial CO2 is spontaneously fixed to the carbonate anion yielding [Cu(DPA)(CO3)] . 3H(2)O (1). X-ray crystallography shows the presence of zigzag ribbons of cyclic water pentamers in the channels of a chain-like metallo-organic framework. The water ribbons are stabilised by hydrogen bonds to the metallo-organic backbone. Each (H2O)(5) pentamer is approximately planar.


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Low doses of gamma radiation were given to four different solvents containing C5-BTBP and CyMe4-BTBP, each molecule dissolved both in cyclohexanone and hexanol. Four corresponding solvents were kept unirradiated and used as references for the extraction experiments. Multiple samples were taken from both the irradiated solutions and the reference solutions at certain time intervals. The samples were used in extraction experiments with the radionuclides Am-241 and Eu-152. The protection against radiolysis of the extracting molecules by the diluent used for dissolution without adding a scavenger molecule was checked. The interplay between the diluent and the side group of the extracting molecule for protection against radiolysis was also studied by keeping the same type of core molecule for binding to the metal ions and varying the diluent and side group. The results were unexpected. The presence of a cyclic molecule as both a side group or diluent seems to keep the extraction of europium almost unaffected by radiolysis, while americium behaves differently from solvent to solvent. The diluent alone does not protect the extracting molecule. In some of the studied systems there is a distinct change in the extraction behaviour of Am between the irradiated and reference solutions, an effect that is however only present at the beginning of the experimental series. At later times the difference in distribution ratios between the irradiated and reference solution is constant. This phenomenon is found only when the side group and diluent are structurally dissimilar.


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HL and MeL are prepared by condensing benzil dihydrazone with 2-formylpyridine and 2-acetylpyridine, respectively, in 1:2 molar proportions. While in a reaction with [Ru-(C6H6)Cl-2](2), HL yields the cation [Ru(C6H6){5,6-diphenyl-3-(pyridin-2-yl)- 1,2,4-triazine}Cl](+), MeL gives the cation [Ru(C6H6)(MeL)Cl](+). Both the cations are isolated as their hexafluorophosphate salts and characterised by X-ray crystallography. In the case of HL, double domino electrocyclic/elimination reactions are found to occur. The electrocyclic reaction occurs in a C=N-N=C-C=N fragment of HL and the elimination reaction involves breaking of a C-H bond of HL. Density functional calculations on model complexes indicate that the identified electrocyclic reaction is thermochemically as well as kinetically feasible for both HL and MeL in the gas phase. For a double domino reaction, similar to that operative in HL, to occur for MeL, breaking of a C-C bond would be required in the elimination step. Our model calculations show the energy barrier for this elimination step to be much higher (329.1 kJ mol(-1)) for MeL than that for HL (96.3 kJ mol(-1)). Thus, the domino reaction takes place for HL and not for MeL. This accounts for the observed stability of [Ru(C6H6)-(MeL)Cl](+) under the reaction conditions employed.


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Nanometer metal particles of tailored size (3-5 nm) and composition prepared via inverse microemulsion were encapsulated by ultrathin coatings (<2.5 nm) of inorganic porous aerogels covered with surface -OH groups. These composite materials formed metastable colloids in solvent(s), and the organic surfactant molecules were subsequently removed without leading to aggregation (the ethanolic colloid solution was shown to be stable against flocculation for at least weeks). We demonstrate that the totally inorganic-based composite colloids, after the removal of surfactant, can be anchored to conventional solid supports (gamma-alumina, carbons) upon mixing. Application of a high temperature resulted in the formation of strong covalent linkages between the colloids and the support because of the condensation of surface groups at the interface. Detailed characterizations (X-ray diffraction (XRD), pore analysis, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), CO chemisorption) and catalytic testing (butane combustion) showed that there was no significant metal aggregation from the fine metal particles individually coated with porous aerogel oxide. Most of these metal sites on the coated nanoparticles with and without support are fully accessible by small molecules hence giving extremely active metal catalysts. Thus, the product and technology described may be suitable to synthesize these precursor entities of defined metal sizes (as inks) for wash coat/impregnation applications in catalysis. The advantages of developing inorganic nanocomposite chemical precursors are also discussed.


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A mixture of organic acids and lactulose for preventing or reducing colonization of the gut by Salmonella Typhimurium was evaluated in pigs. A total of 63 4-week-old commercial piglets were randomly distributed into three different experimental dietary groups: a plain diet without additives (PD) and the same diet supplemented with either 0.4% (w/v) formic acid and 0.4% lactic acid (w/v) (AC) or 1% (w/v) lactulose (LC). After 7 days of adaptation, two-thirds of the pigs (14 from each diet) were challenged with a 2-mL oral dose of 10(8) CFU/mL of Salmonella Typhimurium, leaving the remaining animals unchallenged (UC). After 4 and 10 days post-challenge, pigs were euthanized and the ileum and caecum content were aseptically sampled to (a) quantify lactic, formic, and short-chain fatty acids (SCFA), (b) quantify bacterial populations and Salmonella by fluorescence in situ hybridization and (c) qualitatively analyse bacterial populations through denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). Modification of fermentation products and counts of some of the bacterial groups analysed in the challenged pigs receiving the treatments AC and LC were minimal. Treatments only influenced the bacterial diversity after 10 days post-challenge, with AC generating a lower number of DGGE bands than UC(P < 0.05). Neither the inclusion of a mixture of 0.4% (w/v) formic and 0.4% (w/v) lactic acids nor of 1% (w/v) lactulose in the feed influenced numbers of Salmonella in the ileum and caecum of experimentally challenged pigs. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The analysis of organic residues from pottery sherds using Gas-Chromatography with mass-spectroscopy (GC-MS) has revealed information about the variety of foods eaten and domestic routine at Silchester between the second and fourth–sixth centuries A.D. Two results are discussed in detail: those of a second-century Gauloise-type amphora and a fourth-century SE Dorset black-burnished ware (BB1) cooking pot, which reveal the use of pine pitch on the inner surface of the amphora and the use of animal fats (ruminant adipose fats) and leafy vegetables in cooking at the Roman town of Silchester, Hants.


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The VISIR instrument for the European Southern Observatory (ESO) Very Large Telescope (VLT) is a thermal-infrared imager and spectrometer currently being developed by the French Service d'Astrophysique of CEA Saclay, and Dutch NFRA ASTRON Dwingeloo consortium. This cryogenic instrument will employ precision infrared bandpass filters in the N-( =7.5-14µm) and Q-( =16-28µm) band mid-IR atmospheric windows to study interstellar and circumstellar environments crucial for star and planetary formation theories. As the filters in these mid-IR wavelength ranges are of interest to many astronomical cryogenic instruments, a worldwide astronomical filter consortium was set up with participation from 12 differing institutes, each requiring instrument specific filter operating environments and optical metrology. This paper describes the design and fabrication methods used to manufacture these astronomical consortium filters, including the rationale for the selection of multilayer coating designs, temperature-dependant optical properties of the filter materials and FTIR spectral measurements showing the changes in passband and blocking performance on cooling to <50K. We also describe the development of a 7-14µm broadband antireflection coating deposited on Ge lenses and KRS-5 grisms for cryogenic operation at 40K


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The health risks associated with the inhalation or ingestion of cadmium are well documented([1,2]). During the past 18 years, EU legislation has steadily been introduced to restrict its use, leaving a requirement for the development of replacement materials. This paper looks at possible alternatives to various cadmium II-VI dielectric compounds used in the deposition of optical thin-films for various opto-electronic devices. Application areas of particular interest are for infrared multilayer interference filter fabrication and solar cell industries, where cadmium-based coatings currently find widespread use. The results of single and multilayer designs comprising CdTe, CdS, CdSe and PbTe deposited onto group IV and II-VI materials as interference filters for the mid-IR region are presented. Thin films of SnN, SnO2, SnS and SnSe are fabricated by plasma assisted CVD, reactive RF sputtering and thermal evaporation. Examination of these films using FTIR spectroscopy, SEM, EDX analysis and optical characterisation methods provide details of material dispersion, absorption, composition, refractive index, energy band gap and layer thicknesses. The optimisation of deposition parameters in order to synthesise coatings with similar optical and semiconductor properties as those containing cadmium has been investigated. Results of environmental, durability and stability trials are also presented.


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New Sn-based materials have been deposited and characterised in terms of their optical and mechanical properties and compared with existing cadmium-based thin films that currently find wide spread use in the optoelectronic and semiconductor industries.