165 resultados para Galton-Watson Prozesse


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We have recently shown that collagen activates platelets through a pathway dependent on the Fc receptor gamma-chain and the tyrosine kinase Syk. We report here that the Fc receptor gamma-chain and the candidate collagen receptor glycoprotein VI (GPVI) co-associate. Furthermore, cross-linking GPVI stimulates a similar pattern of tyrosine phosphorylation to that stimulated by collagen, including tyrosine phosphorylation of Fc receptor gamma-chain. These results support a model where GPVI couples collagen-stimulation of platelets to phosphorylation of the Fc receptor gamma-chain leading to activation of Syk and phospholipase Cgamma2.


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Activation of mouse platelets by collagen is associated with tyrosine phosphorylation of multiple proteins including the Fc receptor gamma-chain, the tyrosine kinase Syk and phospholipase Cgamma2, suggesting that collagen signals in a manner similar to that of immune receptors. This hypothesis has been tested using platelets from mice lacking the Fc receptor gamma-chain or Syk. Tyrosine phosphorylation of Syk and phospholipase Cgamma2 by collagen stimulation is absent in mice lacking the Fc receptor gamma-chain. Tyrosine phosphorylation of phospholipase Cgamma2 by collagen stimulation is also absent in mice platelets which lack Syk, although phosphorylation of the Fc receptor gamma-chain is maintained. In contrast, tyrosine phosphorylation of platelet proteins by the G protein-coupled receptor agonist thrombin is maintained in mouse platelets deficient in Fc receptor gamma-chain or Syk. The absence of Fc receptor gamma-chain or Syk is accompanied by a loss of secretion and aggregation responses in collagen- but not thrombin-stimulated platelets. These observations provide the first direct evidence of an essential role for the immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM) in signalling by a non-immune receptor stimulus.


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Activation of platelets by collagen is mediated through a tyrosine kinase-dependent pathway that is associated with phosphorylation of the Fc receptor gamma chain, the tyrosine kinase syk, and phospholipase C gamma2 (PLC gamma2). We recently described a collagen-related triple-helical peptide (CRP) with the sequence GCP*(GPP*)GCP*G (single letter amino acid code: P* = hydroxyproline; Morton et al, Biochem J306:337, 1995). The cross-linked peptide is a potent stimulus of platelet activation but, unlike collagen, does not support alpha2beta1-mediated, Mg2+-dependent adhesion, suggesting that its action is independent of the integrin alpha2beta1. This finding suggests the existence of a platelet receptor other than alpha2beta1 that underlies activation. In the present study, we show that CRP stimulates tyrosine phosphorylation of the same pattern of proteins in platelets as collagen, including syk and PLC gamma2. Protein tyrosine phosphorylation induced by CRP is not altered in the absence of Mg2+ or the presence of monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs) to the integrin alpha2beta1 (MoAb 6F1 and MoAb 13), conditions that prevent the interaction of collagen with the integrin. In contrast, phosphorylation of syk and PLC gamma2 by collagen is partially reduced by MoAb 6F1 and MoAb 13 or by removal of Mg2+. This may reflect a direct role of alpha2beta1 in collagen-induced signaling events or an indirect role in which the integrin facilitates the binding of collagen to its signaling receptor. The results show an alpha2beta1-independent pathway of platelet activation by CRP that involves phosphorylation of syk and PLC gamma2. This pathway appears to contribute to platelet activation by collagen.


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Stimulation of platelets by the extracellular matrix protein collagen leads to activation of a tyrosine kinase-dependent mechanism resulting in secretion and aggregation. Tyrosine phosphorylation of the tyrosine kinase Syk and phospholipase Cgamma2 are early events in collagen-induced activation. We recently proposed that collagen-signaling in platelets involves a receptor or a receptor-associated protein containing an immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM) enabling interaction with Syk. In this report we show that collagen stimulation of platelets causes rapid tyrosine phosphorylation of the ITAM containing Fc receptor gamma-chain and that this is precipitated by the tandem Src homology 2 (SH2) domains of Syk expressed as a fusion protein. In addition we demonstrate an association between the Fc receptor gamma-chain with endogenous Syk in collagen-stimulated platelets. The Fc receptor gamma-chain undergoes tyrosine phosphorylation in platelets stimulated by a collagen-related peptide which does not bind the integrin alpha2beta1 and by the lectin wheat germ agglutinin. In contrast, cross-linking of the platelet low affinity receptor for immune complexes, FcgammaRIIA, or stimulation by thrombin does not induce phosphorylation of the Fc receptor gamma-chain. The present results provide a molecular basis for collagen activation of platelets which is independent of the integrin alpha2beta1 and involves phosphorylation of the Fc receptor gamma-chain, its association with Syk and subsequent phosphorylation of phospholipase Cgamma2. Collagen is the first example of a nonimmune receptor stimulus to signal through a pathway closely related to signaling by immune receptors.


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Glutathione-S-transferase (GST)-Grb2 fusion proteins have been used to identify the potential role of Grb2-binding proteins in platelet activation by the platelet low-affinity IgG receptor, Fc gamma RIIA. Two tyrosine phosphoproteins of 38 and 63 kD bind to the SH2 domain of Grb2 following Fc gamma RIIA stimulation of platelets. Both are located in the particulate fraction following platelet activation and are also able to bind to a GST-construct containing the SH2 and SH3 domains of phospholipase C gamma 1. p38 also forms a complex with the tyrosine kinase csk in stimulated cells and is a substrate for the kinase. The SH3 domains of Grb2 form a stable complex with SOS1 and two proteins of 75 kD and 120 kD, which undergo tyrosine phosphorylation in Fc gamma RIIA stimulated cells. The 75-kD protein is recognized by antibodies to SLP-76, which has recently been isolated from T cells and sequenced. Tyrosine phosphorylation of p38 and p63 is also observed in platelets stimulated by the tyrosine kinase-linked receptor agonist collagen and by the G protein-coupled receptor agonist thrombin, although phosphorylation of SLP-76 is only observed in collagen-stimulated platelets. p38 and p63 may provide a docking site for Grb2, thereby linking Grb2 SH3-binding proteins SOS1, SLP-76, and p120 to downstream signalling events.


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There is controversy about whether traditional medicine can guide drug discovery, and investment in ethnobotanically led research has fluctuated. One view is that traditionally used plants are not necessarily efficacious and there are no robust methods for distinguishing the ones that are most likely to be bioactive when selecting species for further testing. Here, we reconstruct a genus-level molecular phylogeny representing the 20,000 species found in the floras of three disparate biodiversity hotspots: Nepal, New Zealand and the Cape of South Africa. Borrowing phylogenetic methods from community ecology, we reveal significant clustering of the 1,500 traditionally used species, and provide a direct measure of the relatedness of the three medicinal floras. We demonstrate shared phylogenetic patterns across the floras: related plants from these regions are used to treat medical conditions in the same therapeutic areas. This strongly suggests independent discovery of plant efficacy, an interpretation corroborated by the presence of a significantly greater proportion of known bioactive species in these plant groups than in a random sample. Phylogenetic cross-cultural comparison can focus screening efforts on a subset of traditionally used plants that are richer in bioactive compounds, and could revitalise the use of traditional knowledge in bioprospecting.


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Abstract Objective: To systematically review the available evidence on whether national or international agricultural policies that directly affect the price of food influence the prevalence rates of undernutrition or nutrition-related chronic disease in children and adults. Design: Systematic review. Setting: Global. Search strategy: We systematically searched five databases for published literature (MEDLINE, EconLit, Agricola, AgEcon Search, Scopus) and systematically browsed other databases and relevant organisational websites for unpublished literature. Reference lists of included publications were hand-searched for additional relevant studies. We included studies that evaluated or simulated the effects of national or international food-price-related agricultural policies on nutrition outcomes reporting data collected after 1990 and published in English. Primary and secondary outcomes: Prevalence rates of undernutrition (measured with anthropometry or clinical deficiencies) and overnutrition (obesity and nutrition-related chronic diseases including cancer, heart disease and diabetes). Results: We identified a total of four relevant reports; two ex post evaluations and two ex ante simulations. A study from India reported on the undernutrition rates in children, and the other three studies from Egypt, the Netherlands and the USA reported on the nutrition related chronic disease outcomes in adults. Two of the studies assessed the impact of policies that subsidised the price of agricultural outputs and two focused on public food distribution policies. The limited evidence base provided some support for the notion that agricultural policies that change the prices of foods at a national level can have an effect on population-level nutrition and health outcomes. Conclusions: A systematic review of the available literature suggests that there is a paucity of robust direct evidence on the impact of agricultural price policies on nutrition and health.


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CONTEXT: The link between long-haul air travel and venous thromboembolism is the subject of continuing debate. It remains unclear whether the reduced cabin pressure and oxygen tension in the airplane cabin create an increased risk compared with seated immobility at ground level. OBJECTIVE: To determine whether hypobaric hypoxia, which may be encountered during air travel, activates hemostasis. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: A single-blind, crossover study, performed in a hypobaric chamber, to assess the effect of an 8-hour seated exposure to hypobaric hypoxia on hemostasis in 73 healthy volunteers, which was conducted in the United Kingdom from September 2003 to November 2005. Participants were screened for factor V Leiden G1691A and prothrombin G20210A mutation and were excluded if they tested positive. Blood was drawn before and after exposure to assess activation of hemostasis. INTERVENTIONS: Individuals were exposed alternately (> or =1 week apart) to hypobaric hypoxia, similar to the conditions of reduced cabin pressure during commercial air travel (equivalent to atmospheric pressure at an altitude of 2438 m), and normobaric normoxia (control condition; equivalent to atmospheric conditions at ground level, circa 70 m above sea level). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Comparative changes in markers of coagulation activation, fibrinolysis, platelet activation, and endothelial cell activation. RESULTS: Changes were observed in some hemostatic markers during the normobaric exposure, attributed to prolonged sitting and circadian variation. However, there were no significant differences between the changes in the hypobaric and the normobaric exposures. For example, the median difference in change between the hypobaric and normobaric exposure was 0 ng/mL for thrombin-antithrombin complex (95% CI, -0.30 to 0.30 ng/mL); -0.02 [corrected] nmol/L for prothrombin fragment 1 + 2 (95% CI, -0.03 to 0.01 nmol/L); 1.38 ng/mL for D-dimer (95% CI, -3.63 to 9.72 ng/mL); and -2.00% for endogenous thrombin potential (95% CI, -4.00% to 1.00%). CONCLUSION: Our findings do not support the hypothesis that hypobaric hypoxia, of the degree that might be encountered during long-haul air travel, is associated with prothrombotic alterations in the hemostatic system in healthy individuals at low risk of venous thromboembolism.


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Endothelial dysfunction and an associated increase in vascular tone are risk factors for cardiovascular disease and highly predictive of future cardiovascular events. A part of the benefits associated with increased intake of the long chain (LC) n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid, found in fish oils is a positive impact on cardiovascular health. Here, the recent evidence from human observational and intervention trials are reviewed, and an insight into potential mechanisms underlying the impact of LC n-3 PUFA on vascular reactivity is provided.


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Major outer membrane proteins (MOMPs) of Gram negative bacteria are one of the most intensively studied membrane proteins. MOMPs are essential for maintaining the structural integrity of bacterial outer membranes and in adaptation of parasites to their hosts. There is evidence to suggest a role for purified MOMP from Chlamydophila pneumoniae and corresponding MOMP-derived peptides in immune-modulation, leading to a reduced atherosclerotic phenotype in apoE−/− mice via a characteristic dampening of MHC class II activity. The work reported herein tests this hypothesis by employing a combination of homology modelling and docking to examine the detailed molecular interactions that may be responsible. A three-dimensional homology model of the C. pneumoniae MOMP was constructed based on the 14 transmembrane β-barrel crystal structure of the fatty acid transporter from Escherichia coli, which provides a plausible transport mechanism for MOMP. Ligand docking experiments were used to provide details of the possible molecular interactions driving the binding of MOMP-derived peptides to MHC class II alleles known to be strongly associated with inflammation. The docking experiments were corroborated by predictions from conventional immuno-informatic algorithms. This work supports further the use of MOMP in C. pneumoniae as a possible vaccine target and the role of MOMP-derived peptides as vaccine candidates for immune-therapy in chronic inflammation that can result in cardiovascular events.


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Methods for recombinant production of eukaryotic membrane proteins, yielding sufficient quantity and quality of protein for structural biology, remain a challenge. We describe here, expression and purification optimisation of the human SERCA2a cardiac isoform of Ca2+ translocating ATPase, using Saccharomyces cerevisiae as the heterologous expression system of choice. Two different expression vectors were utilised, allowing expression of C-terminal fusion proteins with a biotinylation domain or a GFP- His8 tag. Solubilised membrane fractions containing the protein of interest were purified onto Streptavidin-Sepharose, Ni-NTA or Talon resin, depending on the fusion tag present. Biotinylated protein was detected using specific antibody directed against SERCA2 and, advantageously, GFP-His8 fusion protein was easily traced during the purification steps using in-gel fluorescence. Importantly, talon resin affinity purification proved more specific than Ni-NTA resin for the GFP-His8 tagged protein, providing better separation of oligomers present, during size exclusion chromatography. The optimised method for expression and purification of human cardiac SERCA2a reported herein, yields purified protein (> 90%) that displays a calcium-dependent thapsigargin-sensitive activity and is suitable for further biophysical, structural and physiological studies. This work provides support for the use of Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a suitable expression system for recombinant production of multi-domain eukaryotic membrane proteins.