235 resultados para Dairy-cows


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Aims: All members of the ruminal Butyrivibrio group convert linoleic acid (cis-9,cis-12-18 : 2) via conjugated 18 : 2 metabolites (mainly cis-9,trans-11-18 : 2, conjugated linoleic acid) to vaccenic acid (trans-11-18 : 1), but only members of a small branch, which includes Clostridium proteoclasticum, of this heterogeneous group further reduce vaccenic acid to stearic acid (18 : 0, SA). The aims of this study were to develop a real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay that would detect and quantify these key SA producers and to use this method to detect diet-associated changes in their populations in ruminal digesta of lactating cows. Materials and Results: The use of primers targeting the 16S rRNA gene of Cl. proteoclasticum was not sufficiently specific when only binding dyes were used for detection in real-time PCR. Their sequences were too similar to some nonproducing strains. A molecular beacon probe was designed specifically to detect and quantify the 16S rRNA genes of the Cl. proteoclasticum subgroup. The probe was characterized by its melting curve and validated using five SA-producing and ten nonproducing Butyrivibrio-like strains and 13 other common ruminal bacteria. Analysis of ruminal digesta collected from dairy cows fed different proportions of starch and fibre indicated a Cl. proteoclasticum population of 2-9% of the eubacterial community. The influence of diet on numbers of these bacteria was less than variations between individual cows. Conclusion: A molecular beacon approach in qPCR enables the detection of Cl. proteoclasticum in ruminal digesta. Their numbers are highly variable between individual animals. Signifance and Impact of the Study: SA producers are fundamental to the flow of polyunsaturated fatty acid and vaccenic acid from the rumen. The method described here enabled preliminary information to be obtained about the size of this population. Further application of the method to digesta samples from cows fed diets of more variable composition should enable us to understand how to control these bacteria in order to enhance the nutritional characteristics of ruminant-derived foods, including milk and beef.


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An evaluation of milk urea nitrogen (MUN) as a diagnostic of protein feeding in dairy cows was performed using mean treatment data (n = 306) from 50 production trials conducted in Finland (n = 48) and Sweden (n = 2). Data were used to assess the effects of diet composition and certain animal characteristics on MUN and to derive relationships between MUN and the efficiency of N utilization for milk production and urinary N excretion. Relationships were developed using regression analysis based on either models of fixed factors or using mixed models that account for between-experiment variations. Dietary crude protein (CP) content was the best single predictor of MUN and accounted for proportionately 0.778 of total variance [ MUN (mg/dL) = -14.2 + 0.17 x dietary CP content (g/kg dry matter)]. The proportion of variation explained by this relationship increased to 0.952 when a mixed model including the random effects of study was used, but both the intercept and slope remained unchanged. Use of rumen degradable CP concentration in excess of predicted requirements, or the ratio of dietary CP to metabolizable energy as single predictors, did not explain more of the variation in MUN (R-2 = 0.767 or 0.778, respectively) than dietary CP content. Inclusion of other dietary factors with dietary CP content in bivariate models resulted in only marginally better predictions of MUN (R-2 = 0.785 to 0.804). Closer relationships existed between MUN and dietary factors when nutrients (CP to metabolizable energy) were expressed as concentrations in the diet, rather than absolute intakes. Furthermore, both MUN and MUN secretion (g/d) provided more accurate predictions of urinary N excretion (R-2 = 0.787 and 0.835, respectively) than measurements of the efficiency of N utilization for milk production (R-2 = 0.769). It is concluded that dietary CP content is the most important nutritional factor influencing MUN, and that measurements of MUN can be utilized as a diagnostic of protein feeding in the dairy cow and used to predict urinary N excretion.


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Epidemiological evidence suggests high milk consumption protects against certain chronic diseases, and yet the high saturated fatty acid (SFA) concentration of milk fat has lead to research into reducing SFA and trans- fatty acid content, and enhancing conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) content. The most successful method of reducing SFA content is by feeding dairy cows supplemental oilseeds, although amount, type and form of oilseed influence the degree of effect. Also, the high unsaturated fatty acid content of oilseeds leads to increases in milk fat trans- fatty acids unless the oilseed is protected from rumen metabolism.


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The efficiency of energy utilisation in cattle is a determinant of the profitability of milk and beef production, as well as their environmental impact. At an animal level, meat and milk production by ruminants is less efficient than pig and poultry production, in part due to lower digestibility of forages compared with grains. However, when compared on the basis of human-edible inputs, the ruminant has a clear efficiency advantage. There has been recent interest in feed conversion efficiency (FCE) in dairy cattle and residual feed intake, an indicator of FCE, in beef cattle. Variation between animals in FCE may have genetic components, allowing selection for animals with greater efficiency and reduced environmental impact. A major source of variation in FCE is feed digestibility, and thus approaches that improve digestibility should improve FCE if rumen function is not disrupted. Methane represents a substantial loss of digestible energy from rations. Major determinants of methane emission are the amount of feed consumed and the proportions of forage and concentrates fed. In addition, feeding fat has long been known to reduce methane emission. A myriad of other supplements and additives are currently being investigated as mitigators of methane emission, but in many cases compounds effective in sheep are ineffective in lactating dairy cows. Ultimately, the adoption of ‘best practice’ in diet formulation and management may be the most effective option for reducing methane. In assessing the efficiency of energy use for milk and meat production by cattle, and their environmental impact, it is imperative that comparisons be made at a systems level, and that the wider social and economic implications of mitigation policy are considered.


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An in vitro study was conducted to investigate the effect of tannins on the extent and rate of gas and methane production, using an automated pressure evaluation system (APES). In this study three condensed tannins (CT; quebracho, grape seed and green tea tannins) and four hydrolysable tannins (HT; tara, valonea, myrabolan and chestnut tannins) were evaluated, with lucerne as a control substrate. CT and HT were characterised by matrix assisted laser desorption ionisation-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS). Tannins were added to the substrate at an effective concentration of 100 g/kg either with or without polyethylene glycol (PEG6000), and incubated for 72 h in pooled, buffered rumen liquid from four lactating dairy cows. After inoculation, fermentation bottles were immediately connected to the APES to measure total cumulative gas production (GP). During the incubation, 11 gas samples were collected from each bottle at 0, 1, 4, 7, 11, 15, 23, 30, 46, 52 and 72 h of incubation and analysed for methane. A modified Michaelis-Menten model was fitted to the methane concentration patterns and model estimates were used to calculate the total cumulative methane production (GPCH4). GP and GPCH4 curves were fitted using a modified monophasic Michaelis-Menten model. Addition of quebracho reduced GP (P=0.002), whilst the other tannins did not affect GP. Addition of PEG increased GP for quebracho (P=0.003), valonea (P=0.058) and grape seed tannins (P=0.071), suggesting that these tannins either inhibited or tended to inhibit fermentation. Addition of quebracho and grape seed tannins also reduced (P≤0.012) the maximum rate of gas production, indicating that microbial activity was affected. Quebracho, valonea, myrabolan and grape seed decreased (P≤0.003) GPCH4 and the maximum rate (0.001≤ P≤ 0.102) of CH4 production. Addition of chestnut, green tea and tara tannins did not affect total gas nor methane production. Valonea and myrabolan tannins have most promise for reducing methane production as they had only a minor impact on gas production.


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An in vitro study was conducted to investigate the effects of condensed tannins (CT) structural properties, i.e. average polymer size (or mean degree of polymerization); percentage of cis flavan-3-ols and percentage of prodelphinidins in CT extracts on methane production (CH4) and fermentation characteristics. CT were extracted from eight plants in order to obtain different CT types: black currant leaves, goat willow leaves, goat willow twigs, pine bark, red currant leaves, sainfoin plants, weeping willow catkins and white clover flowers. They were analysed for CT content and CT composition by thiolytic degradation, followed by HPLC analysis. Grass silage was used as a control substrate. Condensed tannins were added to the substrate at a concentration of 40 g/kg, with or without polyethylene glycol (+ or −PEG 6000 treatment) to inactivate tannins, and then incubated for 72 h in mixed buffered rumen fluid from three different lactating dairy cows per run. Total cumulative gas production (GP) was measured by an automated gas production system. During the incubation, 12 gas samples (10 μl) were collected from each bottle headspace at 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24, 30, 36, 48, 56 and 72 h of incubation and analyzed for CH4. A modified Michaelis–Menten model was fitted to the CH4 concentration patterns and model estimates were used to calculate total cumulative CH4 production (GPCH4). Total cumulative gas production and GPCH4 curves were fitted using biphasic and monophasic modified Michaelis-Menten models, respectively. Addition of PEG increased GP, GPCH4, and CH4 concentration compared to the −PEG treatment. All CT types reduced GPCH4 and CH4 concentration. All CT increased the half time of GP and GPCH4. Moreover, all CT decreased the maximum rate of fermentation for GPCH4 and rate of substrate degradation. The correlation between CT structure and GPCH4 and fermentation characteristics showed that the proportion of prodelphinidins within CT had the largest effect on fermentation characteristics, followed by average 27 polymer size and percentage of cis-flavan-3-ols.


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Diet digestibility and rate of passage, eating and rumination behavior, dry matter intake (DMI), and lactation performance were compared in 6 Jersey and 6 Holstein multiparous cows. Cows were fed gestation diets according to body weight (BW) beginning 7 wk before expected calving and ad libitum amounts of a lactation diet postpartum. Diet digestibility and rate of passage were measured in 5-d periods at wk 5 prepartum and wk 6 and 14 of lactation. Eating and ruminating behavior was measured over 5-d periods at wk 5 and 2 prepartum and wk 2, 6, 10, and 14 of lactation. Milk yield and DMI were higher in Holsteins, but milk energy output per kilogram of metabolic BW (BW0.75) and intake capacity (DMI/kg of BW) did not differ between breeds. Holsteins spent longer ruminating per day compared with Jerseys, but daily eating time did not differ between breeds. Jerseys spent more time eating and ruminating per unit of ingested feed. The duration and number of meals consumed did not differ between breeds, but the meals consumed by Jerseys were distributed more evenly throughout each 24-h period, providing a more regular supply of feed to the rumen. Feed passed through the digestive tract more quickly in Jerseys compared with Holsteins, suggesting particle breakdown and rumen outflow were faster in Jerseys, but this may also reflect the relative size of their digestive tract. Neutral detergent fiber digestibility was greater in Jerseys, despite the shorter rumen retention time, but digestibility of dry matter, organic matter, starch, and N did not differ between breeds. Utilization of digested N for tissue retention was higher at wk 5 prepartum and lower at wk 14 of lactation in Jerseys. In contrast to numerous published studies, intake capacity of Jerseys was not higher than that of Holsteins, but in the present study, cows were selected on the basis of equal expected milk energy yield per kilogram of metabolic BW. Digestibility of neutral detergent fiber and rate of digesta passage were higher in Jerseys, probably as a consequence of increased mastication per unit of feed consumed in Jerseys and their smaller size.


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A more complete understanding of amino acid ( AA) metabolism by the various tissues of the body is required to improve upon current systems for predicting the use of absorbed AA. The objective of this work was to construct and parameterize a model of net removal of AA by the portal-drained viscera (PDV). Six cows were prepared with arterial, portal, and hepatic catheters and infused abomasally with 0, 200, 400, or 600 g of casein daily. Casein infusion increased milk yield quadratically and tended to increase milk protein yield quadratically. Arterial concentrations of a number of essential AA increased linearly with respect to infusion amount. When infused casein was assumed to have a true digestion coefficient of 0.95, the minimum likely true digestion coefficient for noninfused duodenal protein was found to be 0.80. Net PDV use of AA appeared to be linearly related to total supply (arterial plus absorption), and extraction percentages ranged from 0.5 to 7.25% for essential AA. Prediction errors for portal vein AA concentrations ranged from 4 to 9% of the observed mean concentrations. Removal of AA by PDV represented approximately 33% of total postabsorptive catabolic use, including use during absorption but excluding use for milk protein synthesis, and was apparently adequate to support endogenous N losses in feces of 18.4 g/d. As 69% of this use was from arterial blood, increased PDV catabolism of AA in part represents increased absorption of AA in excess of amounts required by other body tissues. Based on the present model, increased anabolic use of AA in the mammary and other tissues would reduce the catabolic use of AA by the PDV.


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Whilst much is known of new technology adopters, little research has addressed the role of their attitudes in adoption decisions; particularly, for technologies with evident economic potential that have not been taken up by farmers. This paper presents recent research that has used a new approach which examines the role that adopters' attitudes play in identifying the drivers of and barriers to adoption. The study was concerned with technologies for livestock farming systems in SW England, specifically oestrus detection, nitrogen supply management, and, inclusion of white clover. The adoption behaviour is analysed using the social-psychology theory of reasoned action to identify factors that affect the adoption of technologies, which are confirmed using principal components analysis. The results presented here relate to the specific adoption behaviour regarding the Milk Development Council's recommended observation times for heat detection. The factors that affect the adoption of this technology are: cost effectiveness, improved detection and conception rates as the main drivers, whilst the threat to demean the personal knowledge and skills of a farmer in 'knowing' their cows is a barrier. This research shows clearly that promotion of a technology and transfer of knowledge for a farming system need to take account of the beliefs and attitudes of potential adopters. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Effects of transition from late gestation to early lactation on plasma concentrations of glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP), glucagon-like peptide 1-(7-36) amide (GLP-1), and cholecystokinin (CCK) have not been reported in cattle. The objective of the present study was to measure plasma concentrations of GLP-1, GIP, CCK, insulin, glucose, and nonesterified fatty acids in blood plasma obtained from the coccygeal vein of 32 Holstein cows at an average of 11 d before, and 5, 12, and 19 d after calving. Feed dry matter intake (DMI) averaged 14.4, 17.7, and 19.9 kg/d on d 5, 12, and 19 of lactation, respectively, as milk yield increased (30.6, 36.6, and 39.7 kg/d, respectively). Plasma concentrations of insulin and glucose were lower postpartum than prepartum, but did not differ among samples collected after calving. In contrast, plasma concentration of gut peptides increased linearly after calving, perhaps as a consequence of increased feed intake and nutrient absorption; however, the increases in plasma concentrations of GIP and GLP-1 as lactation progressed were not associated with increased DMI per se, and likely reflect the endocrine and metabolic adaptations of lactogenesis. In contrast, increased concentration of CCK was related both to increasing days in milk and DMI. By 19 d postpartum, concentrations of GLP-1, GIP, and CCK increased by 2.3-, 1.8-, and 2.8-fold, respectively, compared with values at 11 d before calving. Although these peptides have direct and indirect effects that reduce appetite and DMI in other species (including increased insulin secretion), these may be glucose- or insulin-dependent functions, and insulin and glucose concentrations were reduced in early lactation.


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A survey was carried out on 55 commercial dairy farms located in the South of Chile during 1995-97. A questionnaire was developed to obtain informed estimates of dairy effluent management on those farms. Information was analysed on an annual basis using a computer spreadsheet linking all the parameters surveyed. In addition, slurry samples were taken for analysis of dry matter content (DM). Herd size varied between 50 and 800 cows per farm. A large proportion of the total volume of effluents produced came from rainfall (46%), dirty water accounted for 29% with only 25% from cow's faeces and urine. The large volume of effluents produced resulted in a reduced storage capacity (on average of 2 months) or more frequent and higher application rates to the field. Only 37% of the farmers knew the application rates of manure and there was a wide range in the quantity used per year (12 m(3)/ha to 300 m(3)/ha). Dairy effluents were applied mainly on grass (71%) throughout the year but, mostly concentrated during the winter and spring time using only surface irrigation system. The total solids contents of effluents was very low, with 62% of the samples being <4% DM. This reflected the large volumes of clean water that the storage tanks received. The information collected has identified problems in effluent management in Chilean dairy farms where research and technology transfer will be necessary to avoid pollution problems.


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Four multiparous cows with cannulas in the rumen and proximal duodenum were used in early lactation in a 4 x 4 Latin square experiment to investigate the effect of method of application of a fibrolytic enzyme product on digestive processes and milk production. The cows were given ad libitum a total mixed ration (TMR) composed of 57% (dry matter basis) forage (3:1 corn silage:grass silage) and 43% concentrates. The TMR contained (g/kg dry matter): 274 neutral detergent fiber, 295 starch, 180 crude protein. Treatments were TMR alone or TMR with the enzyme product added (2 kg/1000 kg TMR dry matter) either sprayed on the TMR 1 h before the morning feed (TMR-E), sprayed only on the concentrate the day before feeding (Concs-E), or infused into the rumen for 14 h/d (Rumen-E). There Was no significant effect on either feed intake or milk yield but both were highest on TMR-E. Rumen digestibility of dry matter, organic matter, and starch was unaffected by the enzyme. Digestibility of NDF was lowest on TMR-E in the rumen but highest postruminally. Total Tract digestibility was highest on TMR-E for dry matter, organic matter, and starch but treatment differences were nonsignificant for neutral detergent fiber: Corn silage stover retention time in the rumen was reduced by all enzyme treatments but postruminal transit time vas increased so the decline in total tract retention. time with enzymes was not significant. It is suggested that the tendency for enzymes to reduce particle retention time in the rumen may, by reducing the time available for fibrolysis to occur, at least partly explain the variability in the reported responses to enzyme treatment.