113 resultados para Contrôle Optimal
There is a current need to constrain the parameters of gravity wave drag (GWD) schemes in climate models using observational information instead of tuning them subjectively. In this work, an inverse technique is developed using data assimilation principles to estimate gravity wave parameters. Because mostGWDschemes assume instantaneous vertical propagation of gravity waves within a column, observations in a single column can be used to formulate a one-dimensional assimilation problem to estimate the unknown parameters. We define a cost function that measures the differences between the unresolved drag inferred from observations (referred to here as the ‘observed’ GWD) and the GWD calculated with a parametrisation scheme. The geometry of the cost function presents some difficulties, including multiple minima and ill-conditioning because of the non-independence of the gravity wave parameters. To overcome these difficulties we propose a genetic algorithm to minimize the cost function, which provides a robust parameter estimation over a broad range of prescribed ‘true’ parameters. When real experiments using an independent estimate of the ‘observed’ GWD are performed, physically unrealistic values of the parameters can result due to the non-independence of the parameters. However, by constraining one of the parameters to lie within a physically realistic range, this degeneracy is broken and the other parameters are also found to lie within physically realistic ranges. This argues for the essential physical self-consistency of the gravity wave scheme. A much better fit to the observed GWD at high latitudes is obtained when the parameters are allowed to vary with latitude. However, a close fit can be obtained either in the upper or the lower part of the profiles, but not in both at the same time. This result is a consequence of assuming an isotropic launch spectrum. The changes of sign in theGWDfound in the tropical lower stratosphere, which are associated with part of the quasi-biennial oscillation forcing, cannot be captured by the parametrisation with optimal parameters.
In this paper we study convergence of the L2-projection onto the space of polynomials up to degree p on a simplex in Rd, d >= 2. Optimal error estimates are established in the case of Sobolev regularity and illustrated on several numerical examples. The proof is based on the collapsed coordinate transform and the expansion into various polynomial bases involving Jacobi polynomials and their antiderivatives. The results of the present paper generalize corresponding estimates for cubes in Rd from [P. Houston, C. Schwab, E. Süli, Discontinuous hp-finite element methods for advection-diffusion-reaction problems. SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 39 (2002), no. 6, 2133-2163].
We obtain sharp estimates for multidimensional generalisations of Vinogradov’s mean value theorem for arbitrary translation-dilation invariant systems, achieving constraints on the number of variables approaching those conjectured to be the best possible. Several applications of our bounds are discussed.
In this paper, multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) transmit beamforming (TB) systems under the consideration of nonlinear high-power amplifiers (HPAs) are investigated. The optimal beamforming scheme, with the optimal beamforming weight vector and combining vector, is proposed for MIMO systems with HPA nonlinearity. The performance of the proposed MIMO beamforming scheme in the presence of HPA nonlinearity is evaluated in terms of average symbol error probability (SEP), outage probability and system capacity, considering transmission over uncorrelated quasi-static frequency-flat Rayleigh fading channels. Numerical results are provided and show the effects of several system parameters, namely, parameters of nonlinear HPA, numbers of transmit and receive antennas, and modulation order of phase-shift keying (PSK), on performance.
This paper presents an adaptive frame length mechanism based on a cross-layer analysis of intrinsic relations between the MAC frame length, bit error rate (BER) of the wireless link and normalized goodput. The proposed mechanism selects the optimal frame length that keeps the service normalized goodput at required levels while satisfying the lowest requirement on the BER, thus increasing the transmission reliability. Numerical results are provided and show that an optimal frame length satisfying the lowest BER requirement does indeed exist. The performance of BER requirement as a function of the MAC frame length is evaluated and compared for transmission scenarios with and without automatic repeat request (ARQ). Furthermore, issues related to the MAC overhead length are also discussed to illuminate the functionality and performance of the proposed mechanism.
Sea surface temperature (SST) can be estimated from day and night observations of the Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infra-Red Imager (SEVIRI) by optimal estimation (OE). We show that exploiting the 8.7 μm channel, in addition to the “traditional” wavelengths of 10.8 and 12.0 μm, improves OE SST retrieval statistics in validation. However, the main benefit is an improvement in the sensitivity of the SST estimate to variability in true SST. In a fair, single-pixel comparison, the 3-channel OE gives better results than the SST estimation technique presently operational within the Ocean and Sea Ice Satellite Application Facility. This operational technique is to use SST retrieval coefficients, followed by a bias-correction step informed by radiative transfer simulation. However, the operational technique has an additional “atmospheric correction smoothing”, which improves its noise performance, and hitherto had no analogue within the OE framework. Here, we propose an analogue to atmospheric correction smoothing, based on the expectation that atmospheric total column water vapour has a longer spatial correlation length scale than SST features. The approach extends the observations input to the OE to include the averaged brightness temperatures (BTs) of nearby clear-sky pixels, in addition to the BTs of the pixel for which SST is being retrieved. The retrieved quantities are then the single-pixel SST and the clear-sky total column water vapour averaged over the vicinity of the pixel. This reduces the noise in the retrieved SST significantly. The robust standard deviation of the new OE SST compared to matched drifting buoys becomes 0.39 K for all data. The smoothed OE gives SST sensitivity of 98% on average. This means that diurnal temperature variability and ocean frontal gradients are more faithfully estimated, and that the influence of the prior SST used is minimal (2%). This benefit is not available using traditional atmospheric correction smoothing.
Optimal estimation (OE) and probabilistic cloud screening were developed to provide lake surface water temperature (LSWT) estimates from the series of (advanced) along-track scanning radiometers (ATSRs). Variations in physical properties such as elevation, salinity, and atmospheric conditions are accounted for through the forward modelling of observed radiances. Therefore, the OE retrieval scheme developed is generic (i.e., applicable to all lakes). LSWTs were obtained for 258 of Earth's largest lakes from ATSR-2 and AATSR imagery from 1995 to 2009. Comparison to in situ observations from several lakes yields satellite in situ differences of −0.2 ± 0.7 K for daytime and −0.1 ± 0.5 K for nighttime observations (mean ± standard deviation). This compares with −0.05 ± 0.8 K for daytime and −0.1 ± 0.9 K for nighttime observations for previous methods based on operational sea surface temperature algorithms. The new approach also increases coverage (reducing misclassification of clear sky as cloud) and exhibits greater consistency between retrievals using different channel–view combinations. Empirical orthogonal function (EOF) techniques were applied to the LSWT retrievals (which contain gaps due to cloud cover) to reconstruct spatially and temporally complete time series of LSWT. The new LSWT observations and the EOF-based reconstructions offer benefits to numerical weather prediction, lake model validation, and improve our knowledge of the climatology of lakes globally. Both observations and reconstructions are publically available from http://hdl.handle.net/10283/88.
Optimal estimation (OE) is applied as a technique for retrieving sea surface temperature (SST) from thermal imagery obtained by the Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infra-Red Imager (SEVIRI) on Meteosat 9. OE requires simulation of observations as part of the retrieval process, and this is done here using numerical weather prediction fields and a fast radiative transfer model. Bias correction of the simulated brightness temperatures (BTs) is found to be a necessary step before retrieval, and is achieved by filtered averaging of simulations minus observations over a time period of 20 days and spatial scale of 2.5° in latitude and longitude. Throughout this study, BT observations are clear-sky averages over cells of size 0.5° in latitude and longitude. Results for the OE SST are compared to results using a traditional non-linear retrieval algorithm (“NLSST”), both validated against a set of 30108 night-time matches with drifting buoy observations. For the OE SST the mean difference with respect to drifter SSTs is − 0.01 K and the standard deviation is 0.47 K, compared to − 0.38 K and 0.70 K respectively for the NLSST algorithm. Perhaps more importantly, systematic biases in NLSST with respect to geographical location, atmospheric water vapour and satellite zenith angle are greatly reduced for the OE SST. However, the OE SST is calculated to have a lower sensitivity of retrieved SST to true SST variations than the NLSST. This feature would be a disadvantage for observing SST fronts and diurnal variability, and raises questions as to how best to exploit OE techniques at SEVIRI's full spatial resolution.
Optimal estimation (OE) improves sea surface temperature (SST) estimated from satellite infrared imagery in the “split-window”, in comparison to SST retrieved using the usual multi-channel (MCSST) or non-linear (NLSST) estimators. This is demonstrated using three months of observations of the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) on the first Meteorological Operational satellite (Metop-A), matched in time and space to drifter SSTs collected on the global telecommunications system. There are 32,175 matches. The prior for the OE is forecast atmospheric fields from the Météo-France global numerical weather prediction system (ARPEGE), the forward model is RTTOV8.7, and a reduced state vector comprising SST and total column water vapour (TCWV) is used. Operational NLSST coefficients give mean and standard deviation (SD) of the difference between satellite and drifter SSTs of 0.00 and 0.72 K. The “best possible” NLSST and MCSST coefficients, empirically regressed on the data themselves, give zero mean difference and SDs of 0.66 K and 0.73 K respectively. Significant contributions to the global SD arise from regional systematic errors (biases) of several tenths of kelvin in the NLSST. With no bias corrections to either prior fields or forward model, the SSTs retrieved by OE minus drifter SSTs have mean and SD of − 0.16 and 0.49 K respectively. The reduction in SD below the “best possible” regression results shows that OE deals with structural limitations of the NLSST and MCSST algorithms. Using simple empirical bias corrections to improve the OE, retrieved minus drifter SSTs are obtained with mean and SD of − 0.06 and 0.44 K respectively. Regional biases are greatly reduced, such that the absolute bias is less than 0.1 K in 61% of 10°-latitude by 30°-longitude cells. OE also allows a statistic of the agreement between modelled and measured brightness temperatures to be calculated. We show that this measure is more efficient than the current system of confidence levels at identifying reliable retrievals, and that the best 75% of satellite SSTs by this measure have negligible bias and retrieval error of order 0.25 K.
In this paper a modified algorithm is suggested for developing polynomial neural network (PNN) models. Optimal partial description (PD) modeling is introduced at each layer of the PNN expansion, a task accomplished using the orthogonal least squares (OLS) method. Based on the initial PD models determined by the polynomial order and the number of PD inputs, OLS selects the most significant regressor terms reducing the output error variance. The method produces PNN models exhibiting a high level of accuracy and superior generalization capabilities. Additionally, parsimonious models are obtained comprising a considerably smaller number of parameters compared to the ones generated by means of the conventional PNN algorithm. Three benchmark examples are elaborated, including modeling of the gas furnace process as well as the iris and wine classification problems. Extensive simulation results and comparison with other methods in the literature, demonstrate the effectiveness of the suggested modeling approach.
Data from three cocoa (Theobroma cacao) clonal selection trials are used to investigate the genetic and environmental components of variation in yield and the percentage of total pods affected by black pod disease (Phytophtora pod rot). Simulations based on these estimated components of variation are then used to discuss the best choice in future of numbers of clones, replicates and years of harvest to maximise selection advances in the traits measured. The three main conclusions are the need to increase the number of clones at the expense of the number of replicates of each clone, the diminishing returns from additional years of harvesting and the importance of widening the genetic base of the clones chosen to be tested.
Motivated by the motion planning problem for oriented vehicles travelling in a 3-Dimensional space; Euclidean space E3, the sphere S3 and Hyperboloid H3. For such problems the orientation of the vehicle is naturally represented by an orthonormal frame over a point in the underlying manifold. The orthonormal frame bundles of the space forms R3,S3 and H3 correspond with their isometry groups and are the Euclidean group of motion SE(3), the rotation group SO(4) and the Lorentzian group SO(1; 3) respectively. Orthonormal frame bundles of space forms coincide with their isometry groups and therefore the focus shifts to left-invariant control systems defined on Lie groups. In this paper a method for integrating these systems is given where the controls are time-independent. For constant twist motions or helical motions, the corresponding curves g(t) 2 SE(3) are given in closed form by using the well known Rodrigues’ formula. However, this formula is only applicable to the Euclidean case. This paper gives a method for computing the non-Euclidean screw/helical motions in closed form. This involves decoupling the system into two lower dimensional systems using the double cover properties of Lie groups, then the lower dimensional systems are solved explicitly in closed form.
This paper discusses ECG signal classification after parametrizing the ECG waveforms in the wavelet domain. Signal decomposition using perfect reconstruction quadrature mirror filter banks can provide a very parsimonious representation of ECG signals. In the current work, the filter parameters are adjusted by a numerical optimization algorithm in order to minimize a cost function associated to the filter cut-off sharpness. The goal consists of achieving a better compromise between frequency selectivity and time resolution at each decomposition level than standard orthogonal filter banks such as those of the Daubechies and Coiflet families. Our aim is to optimally decompose the signals in the wavelet domain so that they can be subsequently used as inputs for training to a neural network classifier.
Inverse methods are widely used in various fields of atmospheric science. However, such methods are not commonly used within the boundary-layer community, where robust observations of surface fluxes are a particular concern. We present a new technique for deriving surface sensible heat fluxes from boundary-layer turbulence observations using an inverse method. Doppler lidar observations of vertical velocity variance are combined with two well-known mixed-layer scaling forward models for a convective boundary layer (CBL). The inverse method is validated using large-eddy simulations of a CBL with increasing wind speed. The majority of the estimated heat fluxes agree within error with the proscribed heat flux, across all wind speeds tested. The method is then applied to Doppler lidar data from the Chilbolton Observatory, UK. Heat fluxes are compared with those from a mast-mounted sonic anemometer. Errors in estimated heat fluxes are on average 18 %, an improvement on previous techniques. However, a significant negative bias is observed (on average −63%) that is more pronounced in the morning. Results are improved for the fully-developed CBL later in the day, which suggests that the bias is largely related to the choice of forward model, which is kept deliberately simple for this study. Overall, the inverse method provided reasonable flux estimates for the simple case of a CBL. Results shown here demonstrate that this method has promise in utilizing ground-based remote sensing to derive surface fluxes. Extension of the method is relatively straight-forward, and could include more complex forward models, or other measurements.
This review provides an overview of the main scientific outputs of a network (Action) supported by the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) in the field of animal science, namely the COST Action Feed for Health (FA0802). The main aims of the COST Action Feed for Health (FA0802) were: to develop an integrated and collaborative network of research groups that focuses on the roles of feed and animal nutrition in improving animal wellbeing and also the quality, safety and wholesomeness of human foods of animal origin; to examine the consumer concerns and perceptions as regards livestock production systems. The COST Action Feed for Health has addressed these scientific topics during the last four years. From a practical point of view three main scientific fields of achievement can be identified: feed and animal nutrition; food of animal origin quality and functionality and consumers’ perceptions. Finally, the present paper has the scope to provide new ideas and solutions to a range of issues associated with the modern livestock production system.