107 resultados para time-resolved fast spectroscopy


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An important application of Big Data Analytics is the real-time analysis of streaming data. Streaming data imposes unique challenges to data mining algorithms, such as concept drifts, the need to analyse the data on the fly due to unbounded data streams and scalable algorithms due to potentially high throughput of data. Real-time classification algorithms that are adaptive to concept drifts and fast exist, however, most approaches are not naturally parallel and are thus limited in their scalability. This paper presents work on the Micro-Cluster Nearest Neighbour (MC-NN) classifier. MC-NN is based on an adaptive statistical data summary based on Micro-Clusters. MC-NN is very fast and adaptive to concept drift whilst maintaining the parallel properties of the base KNN classifier. Also MC-NN is competitive compared with existing data stream classifiers in terms of accuracy and speed.


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A recent area for investigation into the development of adaptable robot control is the use of living neuronal networks to control a mobile robot. The so-called Animat paradigm comprises a neuronal network (the ‘brain’) connected to an external embodiment (in this case a mobile robot), facilitating potentially robust, adaptable robot control and increased understanding of neural processes. Sensory input from the robot is provided to the neuronal network via stimulation on a number of electrodes embedded in a specialist Petri dish (Multi Electrode Array (MEA)); accurate control of this stimulation is vital. We present software tools allowing precise, near real-time control of electrical stimulation on MEAs, with fast switching between electrodes and the application of custom stimulus waveforms. These Linux-based tools are compatible with the widely used MEABench data acquisition system. Benefits include rapid stimulus modulation in response to neuronal activity (closed loop) and batch processing of stimulation protocols.


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A ferroelectric liquid crystal spatial light modulator is used to generate up to 24 independently controllable traps in a holographic optical tweezers system using time-multiplexed Fresnel zone plates. For use in biological applications, helical zone plates are used to generate Laguerre-Gaussian laser modes. The high speed switching of the ferroelectric device together with recent advances in computer technology enable fast, smooth movement of traps that can be independently controlled in real time. This is demonstrated by the trapping and manipulation of yeast cells and fungal spores. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America.


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The Cassini flyby of Jupiter occurred at a time near solar maximum. Consequently, the pre-Jupiter data set reveals clear and numerous transient perturbations to the Parker Spiral solar wind structure. Limited plasma data are available at Cassini for this period due to pointing restrictions imposed on the instrument. This renders the identification of the nature of such structures ambiguous, as determinations based on the magnetic field data alone are unreliable. However, a fortuitous alignment of the planets during this encounter allowed us to trace these structures back to those observed previously by the Wind spacecraft near the Earth. Of the phenomena that we are satisfactorily able to trace back to their manifestation at 1 AU, two are identified as being due to interplanetary coronal mass ejections. One event at Cassini is shown to be a merged interaction region, which is formed from the compression of a magnetic cloud by two anomalously fast solar wind streams. The flux-rope structure associated with this magnetic cloud is not as apparent at Cassini and has most likely been compressed and deformed. Confirmation of the validity of the ballistic projections used here is provided by results obtained from a one-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic projection of solar wind parameters measured upstream near the Earth. It is found that when the Earth and Cassini are within a few tens of degrees in heliospheric longitude, the results of this one-dimensional model predict the actual conditions measured at 5 AU to an impressive degree. Finally, the validity of the use of such one-dimensional projections in obtaining quasi-solar wind parameters at the outer planets is discussed.


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In recent years, a large number of papers have reported the response of the cusp to solar wind variations under conditions of northward or southward Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) Z-component (BZ). These studies have shown the importance of both temporal and spatial factors in determining the extent and morphology of the cusp and the changes in its location, connected to variations in the reconnection geometry. Here we present a comparative study of the cusp, focusing on an interval characterised by a series of rapid reversals in the BZ-dominated IMF, based on observations from space-borne and ground-based instrumentation. During this interval, from 08:00 to 12:00 UT on 12 February 2003, the IMF BZ component underwent four reversals, remaining for around 30 min in each orientation. The Cluster spacecraft were, at the time, on an outbound trajectory through the Northern Hemisphere magnetosphere, whilst the mainland VHF and Svalbard (ESR) radars of the EISCAT facility were operating in support of the Cluster mission. Both Cluster and the EISCAT were, on occasion during the interval, observing the cusp region. The series of IMF reversal resulted in a sequence of poleward and equatorward motions of the cusp; consequently Cluster crossed the high altitude cusp twice before finally exiting the dayside magnetopause, both times under conditions of northward IMF BZ. The first magnetospheric cusp encounter, by all four Cluster spacecraft, showed reverse ion dispersion typical of lobe reconnection; subsequently, Cluster spacecraft 1 and 3 (only) crossed the cusp for a second time. We suggest that, during this second cusp crossing, these two spacecraft were likely to have been on newly closed field lines, which were first reconnected (opened) at low latitudes and later reconnected again (re-closed) poleward of the northern cusp.


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Intracavity photoacoustic overtone spectrum of monofluoroacetylene, HCCF, has been recorded in the wave number region 10 750–14 500 cm−1 with a titanium:sapphire ring laser. The spectrum contains many dense vibration–rotation band systems which can be resolved with Doppler limited resolution. Altogether 58 individual overtone bands have been analyzed rotationally. Many of the observed bands show perturbations of which some have been attributed to anharmonic resonance interactions. A Fermi resonance model based on conventional rectilinear normal coordinate theory has been used to assign vibrationally bands from this work and from earlier studies. Many of the observed vibrational term values and rotational constants can be reproduced well with this model. The results show the importance of the Fermi resonance interactions at the high overtone excitations.


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Aims: To investigate the changes in the surface properties of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG during growth, and relate them with the ability of the Lactobacillus cells to adhere to Caco-2 cells. Methods and Results: Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG was grown in complex medium, and cell samples taken at four time points and freeze dried. Untreated and trypsin treated freeze dried samples were analysed for their composition using SDS-PAGE analysis and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), hydrophobicity and zeta potential, and for their ability to adhere to Caco-2 cells. The results suggested that in the case of early exponential phase samples (4 and 8 h), the net surface properties, i.e. hydrophobicity and charge, were determined to a large extent by anionic hydrophilic components, whereas in the case of stationary phase samples (13 and 26 h), hydrophobic proteins seemed to play the biggest role. Considerable differences were also observed between the ability of the different samples to adhere to Caco-2 cells; maximum adhesion was observed for the early stationary phase sample (13 h). The results suggested that the adhesion to Caco-2 cells was influenced by both proteins and non-proteinaceous compounds present on the surface of the Lactobacillus cells. Conclusion: The surface properties of Lact. rhamnosus GG changed during growth, which in return affected the ability of the Lactobacillus cells to adhere to Caco-2 cells. Significance and Impact of the Study: The levels of adhesion of Lactobacillus cells to Caco-2 cells were influenced by the growth time and reflected changes on the bacterial surface. This study provides critical information on the physicochemical factors that influence bacterial adhesion to intestinal cells.


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Asynchronous Optical Sampling (ASOPS) [1,2] and frequency comb spectrometry [3] based on dual Ti:saphire resonators operated in a master/slave mode have the potential to improve signal to noise ratio in THz transient and IR sperctrometry. The multimode Brownian oscillator time-domain response function described by state-space models is a mathematically robust framework that can be used to describe the dispersive phenomena governed by Lorentzian, Debye and Drude responses. In addition, the optical properties of an arbitrary medium can be expressed as a linear combination of simple multimode Brownian oscillator functions. The suitability of a range of signal processing schemes adopted from the Systems Identification and Control Theory community for further processing the recorded THz transients in the time or frequency domain will be outlined [4,5]. Since a femtosecond duration pulse is capable of persistent excitation of the medium within which it propagates, such approach is perfectly justifiable. Several de-noising routines based on system identification will be shown. Furthermore, specifically developed apodization structures will be discussed. These are necessary because due to dispersion issues, the time-domain background and sample interferograms are non-symmetrical [6-8]. These procedures can lead to a more precise estimation of the complex insertion loss function. The algorithms are applicable to femtosecond spectroscopies across the EM spectrum. Finally, a methodology for femtosecond pulse shaping using genetic algorithms aiming to map and control molecular relaxation processes will be mentioned.


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Maize silage nutritive quality is routinely determined by near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS). However, little is known about the impact of sample preparation on the accuracy of the calibration to predict biological traits. A sample population of 48 maize silages representing a wide range of physiological maturities was used in a study to determine the impact of different sample preparation procedures (i.e., drying regimes; the presence or absence of residual moisture; the degree of particle comminution) on resultant NIR prediction statistics. All silages were scanned using a total of 12 combinations of sample pre-treatments. Each sample preparation combination was subjected to three multivariate regression techniques to give a total of 36 predictions per biological trait. Increased sample preparations procedure, relative to scanning the unprocessed whole plant (WP) material, always resulted in a numerical minimisation of model statistics. However, the ability of each of the treatments to significantly minimise the model statistics differed. Particle comminution was the most important factor, oven-drying regime was intermediate, and residual moisture presence was the least important. Models to predict various biological parameters of maize silage will be improved if material is subjected to a high degree of particle comminution (i.e., having been passed through a 1 mm screen) and developed on plant material previously dried at 60 degrees C. The extra effort in terms of time and cost required to remove sample residual moisture cannot be justified. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An experimental technique based on a scheme of vibrationally mediated photodissociation has been developed and applied to the spectroscopic study of highly excited vibrational states in HCN, with energies between 29 000 and 30 000 cm(-1). The technique consists of four sequential steps: in the first one, a high power laser is used to vibrationally excite the sample to an intermediate state, typically (0,0,4), the nu(3) mode being approximately equivalent to the C-H stretching vibration. Then a second laser is used to search for transitions between this intermediate state and highly vibrationally excited states. When one of these transitions is found, HCN molecules are transferred to a highly excited vibrational state. Third, a ultraviolet laser photodissociates the highly excited molecules to produce H and CN radicals in its A (2)Pi electronic state. Finally, a fourth laser (probe) detects the presence of the CN(A) photofragments by means of an A-->B-->X laser induced fluorescence scheme. The spectra obtained with this technique, consisting of several rotationally resolved vibrational bands, have been analyzed. The positions and rotational parameters of the states observed are presented and compared with the results of a state-of-the-art variational calculation. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.


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A method is described for the analysis of deuterated and undeuterated alpha-tocopherol in blood components using liquid chromatography coupled to an orthogonal acceleration time-of-flight (TOF) mass spectrometer. Optimal ionisation conditions for undeuterated (d0) and tri- and hexadeuterated (d3 or d6) alpha-tocopherol standards were found with negative ion mode electrospray ionisation. Each species produced an isotopically resolved single ion of exact mass. Calibration curves of pure standards were linear in the range tested (0-1.5 muM, 0-15 pmol injected). For quantification of d0 and d6 in blood components following a standard solvent extraction, a stable-isotope-labelled internal standard (d3-alpha-tocopherol) was employed. To counter matrix ion suppression effects, standard response curves were generated following identical solvent extraction procedures to those of the samples. Within-day and between-day precision were determined for quantification of d0- and d6-labelled alpha-tocopherol in each blood component and both averaged 3-10%. Accuracy was assessed by comparison with a standard high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method, achieving good correlation (r(2) = 0.94), and by spiking with known concentrations of alpha-tocopherol (98% accuracy). Limits of detection and quantification were determined to be 5 and 50 fmol injected, respectively. The assay was used to measure the appearance and disappearance of deuterium-labelled alpha-tocopherol in human blood components following deuterium-labelled (d6) RRR-alpha-tocopheryl acetate ingestion. The new LC/TOFMS method was found to be sensitive, required small sample volumes, was reproducible and robust, and was capable of high throughput when large numbers of samples were generated. Copyright (C) 2003 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.


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This paper formally derives a new path-based neural branch prediction algorithm (FPP) into blocks of size two for a lower hardware solution while maintaining similar input-output characteristic to the algorithm. The blocked solution, here referred to as B2P algorithm, is obtained using graph theory and retiming methods. Verification approaches were exercised to show that prediction performances obtained from the FPP and B2P algorithms differ within one mis-prediction per thousand instructions using a known framework for branch prediction evaluation. For a chosen FPGA device, circuits generated from the B2P algorithm showed average area savings of over 25% against circuits for the FPP algorithm with similar time performances thus making the proposed blocked predictor superior from a practical viewpoint.


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When considering the relative fast processing speed and low power requirements for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPAN) and Wireless Universal Serial Bus (USB) consumer based products, then the efficiency and cost effectiveness of these products become paramount. This paper presents an improved soft-output QPSK demapper suitable for the products above that not only exploits time diversity and guard carrier diversity, but also merges the demapping and symbol combining functions together to minimize CPU cycles, or memory access dependant upon the chosen implementation architecture. The proposed demapper is presented in the context of Multiband OFDM version of UWB (ECMA-368) as the chosen physical implementation for high-rate Wireless USB.


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The Self-Organizing Map (SOM) is a popular unsupervised neural network able to provide effective clustering and data visualization for data represented in multidimensional input spaces. In this paper, we describe Fast Learning SOM (FLSOM) which adopts a learning algorithm that improves the performance of the standard SOM with respect to the convergence time in the training phase. We show that FLSOM also improves the quality of the map by providing better clustering quality and topology preservation of multidimensional input data. Several tests have been carried out on different multidimensional datasets, which demonstrate better performances of the algorithm in comparison with the original SOM.


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Asynchronous Optical Sampling has the potential to improve signal to noise ratio in THz transient sperctrometry. The design of an inexpensive control scheme for synchronising two femtosecond pulse frequency comb generators at an offset frequency of 20 kHz is discussed. The suitability of a range of signal processing schemes adopted from the Systems Identification and Control Theory community for further processing recorded THz transients in the time and frequency domain are outlined. Finally, possibilities for femtosecond pulse shaping using genetic algorithms are mentioned.