92 resultados para copper(II) hexacyanoferrate


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Four new trinuclear copper(II) complexes, [(CuL1)(3)(mu(3)-OH)](ClO4)(2)center dot H2O (1), [(CuL2)(3)(mu(3)-OH)](CIO4)(2) (2), [(CuL3)(3)-(mu(3)-OH)](ClO4)(4)center dot H2O (3), and [(CuL4)(3)(mu(3)-OH)](ClO4)(2)center dot H2O (4), where HL1 = 8-amino-4,7,7-trimethyl-5-azaoct-3-en-2-one, HL2 = 7-amino-4-methyl-5-azaoct-3-en-2-one, HL3 = 7(ethylamino)-4-methyl-5-azahept-3-en-2-one, and HL4 = 4-methyl-7-(methylamino)-5-azahept-3-en-2-one, have been derived from the four tridentate Schiff bases (HL1, HL2, HL3, and HL4) and structurally characterized by X-ray crystallography. For all compounds, the cationic part is trinuclear with a CU3OH core held by three carbonyl oxygen bridges between each pair of copper(II) atoms. The copper atoms are five-coordinate with a distorted square-pyramidal geometry; the equatorial plane consists of the bridging oxygen atom of the central OH group together with three atoms (N, N, O) from one ligand whereas an oxygen atom of a second ligand occupies the axial position. Magnetic measurements have been performed in the 2-300 K temperature range. The experimental data could be satisfactorily reproduced by using an isotropic exchange model, H = -J(S1S2+S2S3+S1S3) yielding as best-fit parameters: J = -66.7 and g = 2.19 for 1, J = -36.6 and g = 2.20 for 2, J = -24.5 and g = 2.20 for 3, and J = -14.9 and g = 2.05 for 4. EPR spectra at low temperature show the existence of spin frustration in complexes 3 and 4, but it has not been possible to carry out calculations of the antisymmetric exchange parameter, G, from magnetic data. In frozen methanolic solution, at 4 K, hyperfine splitting in all complexes and spin frustration in complex 4 seem to be confirmed. ((c) Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim, Germany, 2005)


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The transition metal-directed self-assembly of dithiocarbamate ligand functionalised upper and lower rim calix[4]arenes affords novel dimeric bimetallic bis(calix[4]arene) species as determined by a combination of analytical methods including X-ray crystallography. An exception is a zinc(II) dithiocarbamate upper rim calix[4]arene assembly which is monomeric in nature. Electrochemical investigations reveal the bimetallic copper(II) bis(calix[4]arene) systems can electrochemically sense dihydrogen phosphate and carboxylate anions via significant cathodic perturbations of the respective copper(II)/(III) dithiocarbamate oxidation wave.


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The hexaazamacrocycles [28](DBF)2N6 {cyclo[bis(4,6-dimethyldibenzo[b,d]furaniminoethyleneiminoethylene]} and [32](DBF)2N6 {cyclo[bis(4,6-dimethyldibenzo[b,d]furaniminopropyleneiminopropylene]} form stable dinuclear copper(II) complexes suitable to behave as receptors for several anionic substrates. These two receptors were used to study the binding interactions with several substrates, such as imidazole (Him) and some carboxylates [benzoate (bz−), oxalate (ox2−), malonate (mal2−), phthalate (ph2−), isophthalate (iph2−), and terephthalate (tph2−)] by spectrophotometric titrations and EPR spectroscopy in MeOH (or H2O):DMSO (1:1 v/v) solution. The largest association constant was found for ox2− with Cu2[32](DBF)2N64+, whereas for the aromatic dicarboxylate anions the binding constants follow the trend ph2− > iph2− > tph2−, i.e. decrease with the increase of the distance of the two binding sites of the substrate. On the other hand, the large blue shift of 68 nm observed by addition of Him to Cu2[32](DBF)2N64+ points out for the formation of the bridged CuimCu cascade complex, indicating this receptor as a potential sensor for the detection and determination of imidazole in solution. The X-band EPR spectra of the Cu2[28](DBF)2N64+ and Cu2[32](DBF)2N6]4+ complexes and the cascade complexes with the substrates, performed in H2O:DMSO (1:1 v/v) at 5 to 15 K, showed that the CuCu distance is slightly larger than the one found in crystal state and that this distance increases when the substrate is accommodated between the two copper centres. The crystal structure of [Cu2[28](DBF)2N6(ph)2]·CH3OH was determined by X-ray diffraction and revealed the two copper centres bridged by two ph2− anions at a Cu···Cu distance of 5.419(1) Å. Each copper centre is surrounded by three carboxylate oxygen atoms from two phthalate anions and three contiguous nitrogen atoms of the macrocycle in a pseudo octahedral coordination environment.


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The coordination behavior of pyridylmethylthioether type of organic moieties having N2S2 donor set [L-1=1,2-bis(2-pyridylmethylthio)ethane, L-2 = 1,3-bis(2-pyridylmethyl-thio)propane and L-3 = 1,4-bis(2-pyridylmethylthio)butane] with copper(II) chloride and copper(II) bromide have been studied in different chemical environments. Copper(II) chloride assisted C-S bond cleavage of the organic moieties leading to the formation of copper(II) picolinate derivatives, whereas, under similar experimental conditions, no C-S bond cleavage was observed in the reaction with copper(II) bromide. The resulted copper(II) complexes isolated from the different mediums have been characterized by spectroscopic and X-ray crystallographic tools.


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Metathesis reactions were used to prepare a range of dicopper(II), monocopper(I), diruthenium(II, III), dimolybdenum(II,II) and dirhodium(II,II) complexes of either racemic or resolved forms of endo- and exo-bicyclo[2.2.1]hept-5-ene-2-carboxylic acid (C7H9CO2H). The X-ray crystal structure of [Cu2{(±)-endo-μ-O2CC7H9}4(CH3OH)2]·2CH3OH shows the two copper(II) ions bridged by two (+)-endo-bicyclo[2.2.1]hept-5-ene-2-carboxylate anions and two (−)-endo-bicyclo[2.2.1]hept-5-ene-2-carboxylate anions. Methanol molecules occupy the two trans axial sites, and there are also two methanol molecules hydrogen bonded to opposite carboxyl oxygens.


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Phenylphosphinic acid (HPhPO2H) is oxidized to phenylphosphonic acid (PhPO3H2) at room temperature using a solution of [Cu2(μ-O2CCH3)4(H2O)2] in pyridine. The phenylphosphonic acid was recovered as the monomeric copper(II) complex [Cu(PhPO3H)2(C5H5N)4]·H2O (1a), and the reaction thought to proceed via a copper(I) intermediate. Recrystallization of 1a from methanol gave [Cu(PhPO3H)2(C5H5N)4]·2CH3OH (1b). The unsolvated complex [Cu(PhPO3H)2(C5H5N)4] (1c) was prepared by refluxing polymeric [Cu(PhPO3)(H2O)] (2) in pyridine. The X-ray crystal structures of 1b and 1c show that in each of these monomeric complexes the copper(II) ion is ligated by four equatorial pyridine molecules and two axial monoanionic phenylphosphonate groups. A cyclic voltammetric study of 1a revealed a quasi-reversible Cu2+/Cu+ couple with E1/2 = +228 mV (vs Ag/AgCl).


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2-[Methyl(2-methylphenyl)amino]ethanol undergoes an ortho-alkyllithiation reaction with n-butyllithium to lead to a new mixed benzyllithium−lithium alkoxide. This organolithium species reacts with PPh2Cl, with selective P−C bond formation, to afford the ligand 2-[methyl(2-((diphenylphosphino)methyl)phenyl)amino]ethanol L1. The coordination of the ligand L1 to copper(I) leads to the complex [Cu(L1)2](BF4), whose structure has been determined by an X-ray diffraction study. In the solid state, one of the ligands acts as a monodentate phosphine while the other adopts a tridentate P,N,O coordination mode. A variable-temperature 31P NMR study demonstrated the existence of an equilibrium between the two modes in solution, with a coalescence temperature of ca. 0 °C, indicating a double-hemilabile behavior for the nitrogen and the oxygen functions. L1 reacts with [Pd(Me)(Cl)(COD)] to give a dinuclear complex in which the ligand appears to behave as a bridging anionic P,O ligand. Such a complex could serve as a model for a key intermediate in the proposed mechanism for the homogeneous catalysis of the methoxycarbonylation of propyne by certain palladium(II) complexes containing P,N ligands. L1 can undergo a second ortho-alkylmetalation reaction with n-butyllithium which, after addition of PPh2Cl, provides the new ligand 2-{methyl[2-(bis(diphenylphosphino)methyl)phenyl]amino}ethanol (L2) in high yield.


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The synthesis of new Cu-VOx nanotubes has been achieved by exchanging a Cu(II) salt against the protonated template in the parent dodecylamine-VOx nanotubes. The intercalation of Cu(II) species induces some significant morphological and structural changes within the material, but the tubular shape is still well preserved. Controlled thermolysis under nitrogen of the Cu(II) species initially dispersed within the multiwalls induces the growth and sintering of copper nanoparticles, which are formed without destroying the tubular morphology of the host carrier. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A Cu-II complex of protonated 4,4'-bipyridine (Hbyp) and 2-picolinate (pic), [Cu-2(pic)(3)(Hbyp)(H2O)(ClO4)(2)], has been synthesised and characterised by single-crystal X-ray analysis. The structure consists of two copper atoms that have different environments, bridged by a carboxylate group. The equatorial plane is formed by the two bidentate picolinate groups in one Cu-II, and one picolinate, one monodentate 4,4'-bipyridyl ligand and a water molecule in the other. Each copper atom is also weakly bonded to a perchlorate anion in an axial position. One of the coordinated perchlorate groups displays anion-pi interaction with the coordinated pyridine ring. The noncoordinated carboxylate oxygen is involved in lone-pair (l.p.)-pi interaction with the protonated pyridine ring. In addition there are pi-pi and H-bonding interactions in the structure. Bader's theory of "atoms in molecules" (AIM) is used to characterise the anion-pi and l.p.-pi interactions observed in the solid state. A high-level ab initio study (RI-MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ level of theory) has been performed to analyse the anion-pi binding affinity of the pyridine ring when it is coordinated to a transition metal and also when the other pyridine ring of the 4,4'-bipyridine moiety is protonated. Theoretical investigations support the experimental findings of an intricate network of intermolecular interactions, which is characterised in the studied complex, and also indicate that protonation as well as coordination to the transition metal have important roles in influencing the pi-binding properties of the aromatic ring. ((C) Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim, Germany, 2009)


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The structural transformations between cesium silver-copper cyanides under modest conditions, both in solution and in the solid state, are described. Three new cesium silver(I) copper(I) cyanides with three-dimensional (3-D) framework structures were prepared as single crystals from a one-pot reaction initially heated under hydrothermal conditions. The first product to appear, Cs3Ag2Cu3(CN)(8) (I), when left in contact with the supernatant produced CsAgCu(CN)(3) (II) and CsAgCu(CN)(3)center dot 1/3H(2)O (III) over a few months via a series of thermodynamically controlled cascade reactions. Crystals of the hydrate (III) can be dehydrated to polycrystalline CsAgCu(CN)(3) (II) on heating at 100 degrees C in a remarkable solid-state transformation involving substantial breaking and reconnection of metal-cyanide linkages. Astonishingly, the conversion between the two known polymorphs of CsAg2Cu(CN)(4), which also involves a major change in connectivity and topology, occurs at 180 degrees C as a single-crystal to single-crystal transformation. Structural features of note in these materials include the presence of helical copper-cyanide chains in (I) and (II), which in the latter compound produce a chiral material. In (II) and (III), the silver-copper cyanide networks are both self- and interpenetrating, features also seen in the known polymorphs of CsAg2Cu(CN)(4).


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The structures Of four alkali-metal copper (I) cyanides, KCu2(CN)(3)(H2O)-H-.-II (I), K2Cu3(CN)(5) (II), CsCu3(CN)(4) (III) and KCu3(CN)(4) (IV) are described. Three of these, ((II)-(IV)), with previously unknown ACN:CuCN ratios have new copper-cyanide frameworks, whilst (1) is a new polymorph of KCu2(CN)(3)(H2O)-H-.. These structures are discussed in terms of assembly from the simple building units Cu(CN)(2/2), Cu(CN)(3/2), Cu(CN)(2/2)(CN)(1/1) and Cu(CN)(4/2). Compounds (I), (II) and (III) are layered materials based on (6,3) nets containing (CuCN)(6) rings (I) and (CuCN)(8) rings (II) and (III). In compound (IV), (4,4) nets containing (CuCN)(12) rings link to generate a three-dimensional network. Both (III) and (IV) are examples of interpenetrating solids in which two and four identical networks interweave, respectively. These materials illustrate the structural versatility of copper (I) in cyanide frameworks. (c) 2006 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.


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Using the 1:2 condensate (L) of diethylenetriamine and benzaldehyde as the main ligand, binuclear copper(l) complexes [Cu2L2(4,4'-bipyridine)](CIO4)(2).0.5H(2)O (1a) and [Cu2L2(1,2-bis(4-pyridyl)ethane)](CIO4)(2) (1b) are synthesised. The two metal ions in la are bridged by 4,4'-bipyridine and those in 1b by 1,2-bis(4-pyridyl)ethane, From the X-ray crystal structure of la, each metal ion is found to be bound to three N atoms of L and one of the two N atoms of the bridging ligand in a distorted tetrahedral fashion. The Cu(I)-N bond lengths in la lie in the range of 1.998(5)-2.229(6) Angstrom. Electrochemical studies in dichloromethane (DCM) show that the (Cu2N8)-N-I moieties in la and 1b are composed of two essentially non-interacting (CuN4)-N-I cores with Cu-II/I potential of 0.44 V vs. SCE. While la displays metal induced quenching of the inherent emission of 4,4'-bipyridine in DCM solution, 1b exhibits two weak emission bands in DCM solution at 425 and 477 nm (total quantum yield = 3.59 x 10(-5)) originating from MLCT excited states. With the help of Extended Huckel calculations it is established that the higher energy emission in 1b is from Cu(I) --> bridging-ligand charge transfer excited state and the lower energy one in 1b from Cu(I) --> L charge transfer excited state.


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The antioxidant activity and interactions with copper of four olive oil phenolic compounds, namely oleuropein, hydroxytyrosol, 3,4- dihydroxyphenylethanol- elenolic acid ( 1), and 3,4- dihydroxyphenyl-ethanolelenolic acid dialdehyde ( 2), in olive oil and oil- in- water emulsions stored at 60 degrees C were studied. All four phenolic compounds significantly extended the induction time of lipid oxidation in olive oil with the order of activity being hydroxytyrosol > compound 1 > compound 2 > oleuropein > alpha- tocopherol; but in the presence of Cu( II), the stability of oil samples containing phenolic compounds decreased by at least 90%, and the antioxidant activity of hydroxytyrosol and compounds 1 and 2 became similar. In oil- in- water emulsions prepared from olive oil stripped of tocopherols, hydroxytyrosol enhanced the prooxidant effect of copper at pH 5.5 but not at pH 7.4. The stability of samples containing copper at pH 5.5 was not significantly different if oleuropein was present from that of the control. Oleuropein at pH 7.4, and compounds 1 and 2 at both pH values tested, reduced the prooxidant effect of copper. The lower stability and the higher reducing capacity of all compounds at pH 7.4 could not explain the higher stability of emulsions containing phenolic compounds at this pH value. However, mixtures containing hydroxytyrosol or oleuropein with copper showed higher 1,1-diphenyl- 2- picrylhydrazyl radical scavenging activity at pH 7.4 than at pH 5.5. Moreover, the compound 2- copper complex showed higher radical scavenging activity then the uncomplexed compound at pH 5.5. It can be concluded that the formation of a copper complex with radical scavenging activity is a key step in the antioxidant action of the olive oil phenolic compounds in an emulsion containing copper ions.


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Two complex heterometallic salts with formulae Tl-6[Fe(CN)(6)](1) (33)(NO3)(OH) (1) and [Co(bpy)(2)(CN)(2)](2){[Ag(CN)(2)](0) (5)[Fe(CN)(6)](0) (5)} 8H(2)O (2) have been synthesized and fully characterized Single crystal X-ray analyses reveal that compound 1 is comprised of discrete Tl+ cations and [Fe(CN)(6)](3-) anions together with OH- and NO3- anions Compound 2 contains [Co(bpy)(2)(CN)(2)](+) cations and {[Ag(CN)(2)][Fe(CN)(6)]}(-) anions together with eight molecules of water of crystallization Both structures form unprecedented three-dimensional supramolecular networks via non covalent interactions Another important observation is that the stereochemically active inert (lone) pair present on Tl+ plays little role in controlling the structure of 1 The water molecules in 2 play important roles in providing stability organizing a supramolecular network through hydrogen bonding In the syntheses of 1 and 2 Fe(II) is oxidized to Fe(III) and Co(II) to Co(III) respectively facilitating the formation of the salts that are obtained Both compounds exhibit photoluminescence emission in solution near the visible region.


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The phenoxo-bridged dinuclear Cu-II complex [Cu2L2-(NCNCN)(2)] (1) and the dicyanamide-bridged molecular rectangle [Cu4L4{mu(1,5)-(NCNCN)(2)}]center dot(ClO4)(2)(H2O)(2) (2) were synthesized using the tridentate reduced Schiff-base ligand HL {2-[(2-dimethylamino-ethylamino) methyl] phenol}. The complexes were characterized by X-ray structural analyses and variable-temperature magnetic susceptibility measurements. Complex 2 was formed through the joining of the phenoxo-bridged dinuclear Cu2O2 cores of 1 via the mu(1,5)-bridging mode of dicyanamide. The structural properties of the Cu2O2 cores in two complexes are significantly different. The geometry of the copper ions is distorted trigonal bipyramid in 1 but is nearly square-pyramidal in 2. These differences have a marked effect on the magnetic properties of two compounds. Although both are antiferromagnetically coupled, the coupling constants (J = -185.2 and -500.9 cm(-1) for 1 and 2, respectively) differ considerably.