91 resultados para Supply Reduction
This paper presents preliminary results from an assessment of the barriers to adaptation to water supply shortage in a case study catchment in south east England with multiple supply companies. The investigation applies a conceptual framework, which distinguishes between generic barriers affecting the ability of supply companies to make adaptation decisions, and specific barriers to the implementation of each option. The preliminary analysis suggests that whilst there is a widespread awareness of the challenge of climate change, and a conceptual understanding of the need for adaptation, some of the generic barriers that will affect detailed evaluations and actual adaptation decisions have yet to be approached. The analysis also shows that different individual adaptation options are assessed differently by different stakeholders, and that there are differences in the barriers to adoption between supply-side and demand-side measures. First, however, the paper develops the general conceptual framework for the characterisation of the barriers to adaptation used in the study.
A unified view on the interfacial instability in a model of aluminium reduction cells in the presence of a uniform, vertical, background magnetic field is presented. The classification of instability modes is based on the asymptotic theory for high values of parameter β, which characterises the ratio of the Lorentz force based on the disturbance current, and gravity. It is shown that the spectrum of the travelling waves consists of two parts independent of the horizontal cross-section of the cell: highly unstable wall modes and stable or weakly unstable centre, or Sele’s modes. The wall modes with the disturbance of the interface being localised at the sidewalls of the cell dominate the dynamics of instability. Sele’s modes are characterised by a distributed disturbance over the whole horizontal extent of the cell. As β increases these modes are stabilized by the field.
A solution has been found to the long-standing problem of experimental modelling of the interfacial instability in aluminium reduction cells. The idea is to replace the electrolyte overlaying molten aluminium with a mesh of thin rods supplying current down directly into the liquid metal layer. This eliminates electrolysis altogether and all the problems associated with it, such as high temperature, chemical aggressiveness of media, products of electrolysis, the necessity for electrolyte renewal, high power demands, etc. The result is a room temperature, versatile laboratory model which simulates Sele-type, rolling pad interfacial instability. Our new, safe laboratory model enables detailed experimental investigations to test the existing theoretical models for the first time.
The National Housing and Planning Advice Unit commissioned Professor Michael Ball of Reading University to undertake empirical research into how long it was taking to obtain planning consent for major housing sites in England. The focus on sites as opposed to planning applications is important because it is sites that generate housing.
Electrochemical reduction of the triangular clusters [Os-3(CO)(10)(alpha-dimine)] (alpha-dimine = 2,2'-bipyridine (bpy), 2,2'-bipyrimidine (bpym)) and [Os-3(CO)(10)(mu-bpym) ReBr(CO)(3)] produces primarily the corresponding radical anions. Their stability is strongly determined by the pi acceptor ability of the reducible alpha-dimine ligand, which decreases in the order mu-bpym > bpym >> bpy. Along this series, increasing delocalisation of the odd electron density in the radical anion over the Os(alpha-dimine) chelate ring causes weakening of the axial (CO)(4)Os-Os(CO)(2)(alpha-dimine) bond and its facile cleavage for alpha-diimine = bpy. In contrast, the cluster radical anion is inherently stable for the bridging bpym ligand, the strongest pi-acceptor in the studied series. In the absence of the partial delocalisation of the unpaired electron over the Re( bpym) chelate bond, the Os-3-core of the radical anion remains intact only at low temperatures. Subsequent one-electron reduction of [Os-3(CO)(10)(bpym)](center dot-) at T = 223 K gives the open-triosmium core (= Os-3*) dianion, [Os-3*(CO)(10)(bpym)](2-). Its oxidation leads to the recovery of parent [Os-3(CO)(10)( bpym)]. At room temperature, [Os-3*( CO)(10)(bpym)](2-) is formed along a two-electron (ECE) reduction path. The chemical step (C) results in the formation of an open- core radical anion that is directly reducible at the cathodic potential of the parent cluster in the second electrochemical (E) step. In weakly coordinating tetrahydrofuran, [Os-3*(CO)(10)( bpym)](2-) rapidly attacks yet non- reduced parent cluster molecules, producing the relatively stable open- core dimer [Os-3*(CO)(10)(bpym)](2)(2-) featuring two open- triangle cluster moieties connected with an ( bpym) Os - Os( bpym) bond. In butyronitrile, [Os-3*( CO)(10)(bpym)](2-) is stabilised by the solvent and the dimer [Os-3*(CO)(10)(bpym)](2)(2-) is then mainly formed by reoxidation of the dianion on reverse potential scan. The more reactive cluster [Os-3(CO)(10)(bpy)] follows the same reduction path, as supported by spectroelectrochemical results and additional valuable evidence obtained from cyclic voltammetric scans. The ultimate process in the reduction mechanism is fragmentation of the cluster core triggered by the reduction of the dimer [Os-3*(CO)(10)(alpha- diimine)](2)(2-). The products formed are [Os-2(CO)(8)](2-) and {Os(CO)(2)(alpha- diimine)}(2). The latter dinuclear fragments constitute a linear polymeric chain [Os( CO)(2)(alpha-dimine)] n that is further reducible at the alpha-dimine ligands. For alpha-dimine = bpy, the charged polymer is capable of reducing carbon dioxide. The electrochemical opening of the triosmium core in the [Os-3( CO)(10)(alpha-dimine)] clusters exhibits several common features with their photochemistry. The same Os-alpha-dimine bond dissociates in both cases but the intimate mechanisms are different.
Recent research in multi-agent systems incorporate fault tolerance concepts. However, the research does not explore the extension and implementation of such ideas for large scale parallel computing systems. The work reported in this paper investigates a swarm array computing approach, namely ‘Intelligent Agents’. In the approach considered a task to be executed on a parallel computing system is decomposed to sub-tasks and mapped onto agents that traverse an abstracted hardware layer. The agents intercommunicate across processors to share information during the event of a predicted core/processor failure and for successfully completing the task. The agents hence contribute towards fault tolerance and towards building reliable systems. The feasibility of the approach is validated by simulations on an FPGA using a multi-agent simulator and implementation of a parallel reduction algorithm on a computer cluster using the Message Passing Interface.
In two separate studies, the cholesterol-lowering efficacy of a diet high in monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) was evaluated by means of a randomized crossover trial. In both studies subjects were randomized to receive either a high-MUFA diet or the control diet first, which they followed for a period of 8 weeks; following a washout period of 4–6 weeks they were transferred onto the opposing diet for a further period of 8 weeks. In one study subjects were healthy middle-aged men (n 30), and in the other they were young men (n 23) with a family history of CHD recruited from two centres (Guildford and Dublin). The two studies were conducted over the same time period using identical foods and study designs. Subjects consumed 38% energy as fat, with 18% energy as MUFA and 10% as saturated fatty acids (MUFA diet), or 13% energy as MUFA and 16% as saturated fatty acids (control diet). The polyunsaturated fatty acid content of each diet was 7%. The diets were achieved by providing subjects with manufactured foods such as spreads, ‘ready meals’, biscuits, puddings and breads, which, apart from their fatty acid compositions, were identical for both diets. Subjects were blind to which of the diets they were following on both arms of the study. Weight changes on the diets were less than 1 kg. In the groups combined (n 53) mean total and LDL-cholesterol levels were significantly lower at the end of the MUFA diet than the control diet by 0×29 (SD 0×61) mmol/l (P,0×001) and 0×38 (SD 0×64) mmol/l (P, 0×0001) respectively. In middle-aged men these differences were due to a mean reduction in LDL-cholesterol of ¹11 (SD 12) % on the MUFA diet with no change on the control diet (¹1×1 (SD 10) %). In young men the differences were due to an increase in LDL-cholesterol concentration on the control diet of þ6×2 (SD 13) % and a decrease on the MUFA diet of ¹7×8 (SD 20) %. Differences in the responses of middle-aged and young men to the two diets did not appear to be due to differences in their habitual baseline diets which were generally similar, but appeared to reflect the lower baseline cholesterol concentrations in the younger men. There was a moderately strong and statistically significant inverse correlation between the change in LDLcholesterol concentration on each diet and the baseline fasting LDL-cholesterol concentration (r¹0×49; P,0×0005). In conclusion, diets in which saturated fat is partially replaced by MUFA can achieve significant reductions in total and LDL-cholesterol concentrations, even when total fat and energy intakes are maintained. The dietary approach used to alter fatty acid intakes would be appropriate for achieving reductions in saturated fat intakes in whole populations.