116 resultados para Ractopamine, Bovine serum albumin, Molecular spectroscopy, Interaction, Multivariate curve resolution-alternating least squares


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High-resolution vibration-rotation spectra of monofluoroacetylene are reported for many bands in the region 1700 to 7500 cm−1. The spectra were observed on Nicolet 7199 and Bruker IFS 120 Fourier spectrometers, with resolutions of about 0.06 and 0.003 cm−1, respectively. About 130 bands have been observed in this region, of which about 80 have been rotationally analyzed. The assignment of vibrational labels to the higher energy levels is complicated by the effects of strong Fermi resonances, and many weak localized rotational resonances are observed.


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The lowest-wavenumber vibration of HCNO and DCNO, ν5, is known to involve a largeamplitude low-frequency anharmonic bending of the CH bond against the CNO frame. In this paper the anomalous vibrational dependence of the observed rotational constants B(v5, l5), and of the observed l-doubling interactions, is interpreted according to a simple effective vibration-rotation Hamiltonian in which the appropriate vibrational operators are averaged in an anharmonic potential surface over the normal coordinates (Q5x, Q5y). All of the data on both isotopes are interpreted according to a single potential surface having a minimum energy at a slightly bent configuration of the HCN angle ( 170°) with a maximum at the linear configuration about 2 cm−1 higher. The other coefficients in the Hamiltonian are also interpreted in terms of the structure and the harmonic and anharmonic force fields; the substitution structure at the “hypothetical linear configuration” determined in this way gives a CH bond length of 1.060 Å, in contrast to the value 1.027 Å determined from the ground-state rotational constants. We also discuss the difficulties in rationalizing our effective Hamiltonian in terms of more fundamental theory, as well as the success and limitations of its use in practice.


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Three experiments have been performed to resolve an uncertainty in the assignment of ν2 and ν4 for SO3: (i) the gas phase Raman spectrum has been measured; (ii) the infrared active combination band ν3 + ν4 has been measured; (iii) a band contour calculation has been performed taking account of the ℓ-type resonance in ν4 and a strong Coriolis resonance between ν2 and ν4. These experiments establish beyond any doubt that ν2 lies at about 497.5 cm−1 and ν4 lies at about 530.2 cm−1. The contour calculation also shows that the Coriolis resonance gives rise to a positive intensity perturbation.


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Vibration-rotation spectra of HOCl have been measured at a resolution of 0.05 cm−1 to determine vibration rotation constants, and 35–37 Cl isotope shifts in the vibration frequencies. The spectrum of DOCl has also been recorded, and a preliminary analysis for the band origins has been made. The vibrational frequency data and centrifugal distortion constants have been used to determine the harmonic force field in a least-squares refinement; the force field obtained also gives a good fit to data on the vibrational contributions to the inertial defect. The equilibrium rotational constants of HOCl have been obtained, and an equilibrium structure has been estimated.


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The vibrational structure of C---H stretching states in gas-phase cyclobutene was studied using FTIR spectroscopy in the range 700–9000 cm−1. The structure was modelled using two effective vibrational Hamiltonians, one for each type of C---H bond present, consisting of local mode basis functions subject to coupling with symmetrically equivalent bonds and to Fermi resonances with suitable low frequency vibrations. Best-fit model parameters were determined using least-squares routines and the model predictions are compared to the observed band positions and intensities. Some discussion is given of the relevance of the observed couplings to intramolecular vibrational redistribution (IVR) which results in the observation of statistical behaviour in cyclobutene isomerization induced by excitation of C---H stretching overtones in the visible region.


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The infrared spectrum of carbon suboxide has been recorded from 1800 to 2600 cm−1 at a resolution of 0.003 cm−1. About 7% of the ca. 40 000 lines observed have been assigned and analyzed, belonging to 36 different bands. Most of these are associated with the fundamental ν3, at 2289.80 cm−1, and the combination band ν2 + ν4, at 2386.61 cm−1, each of which give rise to a system of sum bands, difference bands, and hot bands involving the low-wave-number fundamental ν7 at 18 cm−1. A few other tentative assignments are made. The bands have been analyzed for vibrational and rotational constants.


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The vibration-rotation Raman spectrum of the ν2 and ν5 fundamentals of CH3F is reported, from 1320 to 1640 cm−1, with a resolution of about 0.3 cm−1. The Coriolis resonance between the two bands leads to many perturbation-allowed transitions. Where the resonance is still sufficiently weak that the quantum number K′ retains its meaning, perturbation-allowed transitions are observed for all values of ΔK from +4 to −4; in regions of strong resonance, however, we can only say that the observed transitions obey the selection rule Δ(k−l) = 0 or ±3. The spectrum has been analyzed by band contour simulation using a computer program based on exact diagonalization of the Hamiltonian within the ν2, ν5 vibrational levels, and improved vibration-rotation constants for these bands are reported. The relative magnitudes and relative sings of polarizability derivatives involved in these vibrations are also reported.


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The presently available microwave, millimeter wave, and far-infrared data of five isotopic species of isocyanic acid, namely, HNCO, H15NCO, HN13CO, HNC18O, and DNCO, have been used to obtain improved values of the ground-state rotational constants, the five quartic distortion constants, and some higher-order distortion constants in the Ir S reduced Hamiltonian of Watson. The appropriate planarity relation among the quartic centrifugal distortion constants has been imposed in the fitting procedure. The general harmonic force field of isocyanic acid has been determined using all existing data, and assuming a trans bent equilibrium geometry of the molecule with an NCO angle of 170°. Finally an rz structure has been obtained using the Az, Bz, and Cz rotational constants of five isotopic species. The bending of the NCO chain is found to be 8° in the trans configuration.


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Analytic functions have been obtained to represent the potential energy surfaces of C3 and HCN in their ground electronic states. These functions closely reproduce the available data on the energy, geometry, and force constants in all stable conformations, as well as data on the various dissociation products, and ab initio calculations of the energy at other conformations. The form of the resulting surfaces are portrayed in various ways and discussed briefly.


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Several high-order vibration-rotation perturbations in the high-resolution infrared spectrum of monofluoroacetylene, HCCF, are assigned and analyzed in detail. They result in avoided crossings in the rotational structure of several bands, and precise values for the effective high-order terms in the Hamiltonian have been determined. The significance of these results for intramolecular vibrational redistribution is discussed.


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Rovibrational energy levels, transition frequencies, and linestrengths are computed variationally for the sulfur hydrides D2S and HDS, using ab initio potential energy and dipole surfaces. Wave-numbers for the pure rotational transitions agree to within 0.2 cm−1 of the experimental lines. For the fundamental vibrational transitions, the band origins for D2S are 860.4, 1900.6, and 1912.0 cm−1 for ν2, ν1, and ν3, respectively, compared with the corresponding experimental values of 855.4, 1896.4, and 1910.2 cm−1. For HDS, we compute ν2 to be 1039.4 cm−1, compared with the experimental value of 1032.7 cm−1. The relative merits of local and normal mode descriptions for the overtone stretching band origins are discussed. Our results confirm the local mode nature of the H2S, D2S, and HDS system.


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The effects of ℓ-type resonance on rovibrational bands in infrared spectra are reviewed. Observed spectra are compared with computer-simulated spectra obtained by solving the Hamiltonian matrix numerically and calculating the true (perturbed) wavenumber and intensity of each line in the band. The most obvious effects in the spectra are shown to result from intensity perturbations rather than line-shifts; in oblate symmetric tops the Q branch structure near the band center may show anomalies due to ℓ-resonance even at quite low resolution and even when the accidental resonance is not very exact. Numerical values of ℓ-doubling constants are obtained for several cyclopropane bands by comparing observed band contours at about 0.2-cm−1 resolution with computed contours. Although the constants are not determined with great precision, the sign of the ℓ-doubling constants is determined unambiguously.