96 resultados para Phytophagous insects.


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Field experiments were conducted to quantify the natural levels of post-dispersal seed predation of arable weed species in spring barley and to identify the main groups of seed predators. Four arable weed species were investigated that were of high biodiversity value, yet of low to moderate competitive ability with the crop. These were Chenopodium album, Sinapis arvensis, Stellaria media and Polygonum aviculare. Exclusion treatments were used to allow selective access to dishes of seeds by different predator groups. Seed predation was highest early in the season, followed by a gradual decline in predation over the summer for all species. All species were taken by invertebrates. The activity of two phytophagous carabid genera showed significant correlations with seed predation levels. However, in general carabid activity was not related to seed predation and this is discussed in terms of the mainly polyphagous nature of many Carabid species that utilized the seed resource early in the season, but then switched to carnivory as prey populations increased. The potential relevance of post-dispersal seed predation to the development of weed management systems that maximize biological control through conservation and optimize herbicide use, is discussed.


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Termites are an important component of tropical soil communities and have a significant affect on the structure and nutrient content of soil. Digestion in termites is related to gut structure, gut physico-chemical conditions and gut symbiotic microbiota. Here we describe the use of 16S rRNA gene sequencing and Terminal-restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis to examine methanogenic Archaea (MA) in the guts and food-soil of the soil-feeder Cubitermes fungifaber Sjostedt across a range of soil types. If they are strictly vertically inherited, then MA in guts should be the same in all individuals even if the soils differ across sites. In contrast, gut MA should reflect what is present in soil if populations are merely a reflection of what is ingested as the insects forage. We show clear differences between the euryarchaeal communities in termite guts and in food-soils from five different sites. Analysis of 16S rRNA gene clones indicated little overlap between the gut and soil communities. Gut clones were related to a termite-derived Methanomicrobiales cluster, to Methanobrevibacter and, surprisingly, to the haloalkaliphile Natronococcus. Soil clones clustered with Methanosarcina, Methanomicrococcus or Rice Cluster I. T-RFLP analysis indicated that the archaeal communities in the soil samples differed from site to site, whereas those in termite guts were similar between sites. There was some overlap between the gut and soil communities but these may represent transient populations in either guts or soil. Our data does not support the hypothesis that termite gut MA are derived from their food soil but also does not support a purely vertical transmission of gut microflora.


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Termites are an important component of tropical soil communities and have a significant effect on the structure and nutrient content of soil. Digestion in termites is related to gut structure, gut physicochemical conditions, and gut symbiotic microbiota. Here we describe the use of 16S rRNA gene sequencing and terminal-restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis to examine methanogenic archaea (MA) in the guts and food-soil of the soil-feeder Cubitermes fungifaber Sjostedt across a range of soil types. If these MA are strictly vertically inherited, then the MA in guts should be the same in all individuals even if the soils differ across sites. In contrast, gut MA should reflect what is present in soil if populations are merely a reflection of what is ingested as the insects forage. We show clear differences between the euryarchaeal communities in termite guts and in food-soils from five different sites. Analysis of 16S rRNA gene clones indicated little overlap between the gut and soil communities. Gut clones were related to a termite-derived Methanomicrobiales cluster, to Methanobrevibacter and, surprisingly, to the haloalkaliphile Natronococcus. Soil clones clustered with Methanosarcina, Methanomicrococcus, or rice cluster I. T-RFLP analysis indicated that the archaeal communities in the soil samples differed from site to site, whereas those in termite guts were similar between sites. There was some overlap between the gut and soil communities, but these may represent transient populations in either guts or soil. Our data do not support the hypothesis that termite gut MA are derived from their food-soil but also do not support a purely vertical transmission of gut microflora.


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Mark resighting studies of the hornet robberfly, Asilus crabroniformis, were carried out during the flight seasons of 1999 and 2000 on agricultural land on the Chilterns in Oxfordshire, UK. Six patches of land were identified which contained characteristics thought to be attractive to hornet robberflies. One hundred and twenty eight adults were marked in 1999 and 257 in 2000. Marking was carried out on one of the patches, but resighting observations were collected from all six sites. The daily population sizes were estimated using the Jolly-Seber method. The daily population size peaked between 50 and 72 from 23 August until 13 September in 2000. This was very similar to the peak population size of between 50 and 74 estimated for 1999. Adults were found to be capable of living for nearly 5 weeks. The maximum linear distance from the point of marking that any individual moved across the study site was 625 m, but some individuals moved over 400 m in a single day. Unsuitable habitat (suburban gardens and a main road) did not present a barrier to dispersal. Males were more likely than females to loiter in sites peripheral to the breeding site, whilst females seemed to be more tied to the breeding site. Most adults were caught from dung piles, but insects avoided fresh dung and preferred instead dung that was well into the process of drying out. A variety of insect species were taken as prey, including many beetles and flies. The findings of the study are discussed in relation to the management of the landscape to enhance the long-term prospects of the hornet robberfly in the UK, and to achieve the UK Biodiversity Action Plan target for this species.


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This study was designed to test the feasibility of integrating in situ, single species exposures and biomarker analysis into microcosm studies. Experimental ponds were dosed with pirimiphos methyl (PM) and lindane. C. riparius fourth instar larvae were deployed for 48 h on nine separate occasions during the study period before and after treatment. Surviving larvae were analysed for acetylcholinesterase activity (AChE). Survival and biomarker data were compared to chironomid assemblage analysis by monitoring insects emerging from the microcosms. Survival of chironomids within the in situ systems commenced on day + 16 after treatment with 31.6% and 53.3% survival in the lindane and PM treated ponds, respectively. In contrast, the first emergence from the microcosms occurred on days + 27, in respect to lindane, and + 59 for the PM treated ponds. Thus the in situ bioassay was able to demonstrate gradual reduction in toxicity within the sediment before this was evident from macroinvertebrate monitoring. Significant ACNE inhibition was only detected on exposure to PM. Levels decreased from 75% on day + 16 to 26% by day +29. The biomarker analysis confirmed that, by the end of the study, the insecticide was no longer exerting an effect. We discuss how the use of in situ bioassays could also aid comparison of microcosm studies by adding a standardized dimension. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Reproductive parameters of Mallard Anas platyrhynchos were investigated in relation to vegetative development, physical characteristics and invertebrate food abundance of a complex of flooded gravel quarries in southern Britain. Breeding pair density over the study area was particularly high with 2.2 pairs km(-1) of shoreline. Across all lakes breeding success was limited to an average of 0.9 ducklings fledged pair(-1), yet an associated study showed that very little of the mortality could be attributed to predation. The results of stepwise multiple regressions indicated that the availability of emerging insects was important in determining the breeding density and breeding success of Mallards rather than habitat structure. We suggest that the overall great availability of suitable nest-sites combined with the variable but unmeasured stocking densities of fish may explain the lack of the latter correlations.


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Organic farming has increased in popularity in recent years, primarily as a response to the perceived health and conservation benefits. While it is likely that conventional farming will be able to respond rapidly to variations in pest numbers and distribution resulting from climatic change, it is not clear if the same is true for organic farming. Few studies have looked at the responses of biological control organisms to climate change. Here, I review the direct and indirect eects of changes in temperature, atmospheric carbon dioxide and other climatic factors on the predators, parasitoids and pathogens of pest insects in temperate agriculture. Finally, I consider what research is needed to manage the anticipated change in pest insect dynamics and distributions.


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This unique book is the first of its kind to explore the diversity of interactions between insects and birds. A group of international experts enthusiastically agreed to contribute to the four sections of the book following the success of an Entomological Club Conference on Insect and Bird Interactions. The first section covers population management issues, discussing effects on birds highly relevant to the planting of large areas of GM crops, new opportunities for increasing biodiversity in farming landscapes, and the novel aspect of managing insects by exploiting birds as biological control agents. This is followed by a section discussing the effects of insecticides on bird populations, and includes a contribution from the RSPB, as well as a re-appraisal of the effects of DDT on raptors. Next, the foraging behaviour of birds on insects is discussed, with chapters also on 'warning' coloration in insects and learning by birds. The first chapter in this section is unusual in having been written by an ophthalmologist and covers colour vision in birds, more specifically ultraviolet vision in relation to insect coloration. Finally, the authors look at insects that are parasites of birds or feed on the detritus in nests, and review the ecology and evolution of the co-adaptation of insect ectoparasites with birds. Insect and Bird Interactions is unparalleled in scope and coverage and will be of interest to entomologists, ornithologists, and ecologists alike.


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The importance of biological materials has long been recognized from the molecular level to higher levels of organization. Whereas, in traditional engineering, hardness and stiffness are considered desirable properties in a material, biology makes considerable and advantageous use of softer, more pliable resources. The development, structure and mechanics of these materials are well documented and will not be covered here. The purpose of this paper is, however, to demonstrate the importance of such materials and, in particular, the functional structures they form. Using only a few simple building blocks, nature is able to develop a plethora of diverse materials, each with a very different set of mechanical properties and from which a seemingly impossibly large number of assorted structures are formed. There is little doubt that this is made possible by the fact that the majority of biological ‘materials’ or ‘structures’ are based on fibres and that these fibres provide opportunities for functional hierarchies. We show how these structures have inspired a new generation of innovative technologies in the science and engineering community. Particular attention is given to the use of insects as models for biomimetically inspired innovations.


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The insecticidal potency of some essential oils suggests that they may find an application in the control of house dust mites, but current in vitro assays for mites do not appear to give consistent results. A simple, novel, mite chamber assay was therefore developed to carry out testing. Different species of insects are susceptible to different essential oil components, so we compared the relative acaricidal and pediculicidal activity of three essential oils: tea tree, lavender and lemon, because the activity of their constituents on lice ranges from highly active to virtually inactive. The most effective essential oil against both lice and mites was tea tree oil; lavender was the second most effective, and lemon oil the least, although it did show activity against mites, unlike lice. The assay proved simple and effective and gave reproducible results. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Costs of resistance are widely assumed to be important in the evolution of parasite and pathogen defence in animals, but they have been demonstrated experimentally on very few occasions. Endoparasitoids are insects whose larvae develop inside the bodies of other insects where they defend themselves from attack by their hosts' immune systems (especially cellular encapsulation). Working with Drosophila melanogaster and its endoparasitoid Leptopilina boulardi, we selected for increased resistance in four replicate populations of flies. The percentage of flies surviving attack increased from about 0.5% to between 40% and 50% in five generations, revealing substantial additive genetic variation in resistance in the field population from which our culture was established. In comparison with four control lines, flies from selected lines suffered from lower larval survival under conditions of moderate to severe intraspecific competition.


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Normally wind measurements from Doppler radars rely on the presence of rain. During fine weather, insects become a potential radar target for wind measurement. However, it is difficult to separate ground clutter and insect echoes when spectral or polarimetric methods are not available. Archived reflectivity and velocity data from repeated scans provide alternative methods. The probability of detection (POD) method, which maps areas with a persistent signal as ground clutter, is ineffective when most scans also contain persistent insect echoes. We developed a clutter detection method which maps the standard deviation of velocity (SDV) over a large number of scans, and can differentiate insects and ground clutter close to the radar. Beyond the range of persistent insect echoes, the POD method more thoroughly removes ground clutter. A new, pseudo-probability clutter map was created by combining the POD and SDV maps. The new map optimised ground clutter detection without removing insect echoes.


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The assimilation of Doppler radar radial winds for high resolution NWP may improve short term forecasts of convective weather. Using insects as the radar target, it is possible to provide wind observations during convective development. This study aims to explore the potential of these new observations, with three case studies. Radial winds from insects detected by 4 operational weather radars were assimilated using 3D-Var into a 1.5 km resolution version of the Met Office Unified Model, using a southern UK domain and no convective parameterization. The effect on the analysis wind was small, with changes in direction and speed up to 45° and 2 m s−1 respectively. The forecast precipitation was perturbed in space and time but not substantially modified. Radial wind observations from insects show the potential to provide small corrections to the location and timing of showers but not to completely relocate convergence lines. Overall, quantitative analysis indicated the observation impact in the three case studies was small and neutral. However, the small sample size and possible ground clutter contamination issues preclude unequivocal impact estimation. The study shows the potential positive impact of insect winds; future operational systems using dual polarization radars which are better able to discriminate between insects and clutter returns should provided a much greater impact on forecasts.


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As an obligatory parasite of humans, the body louse (Pediculus humanus humanus) is an important vector for human diseases, including epidemic typhus, relapsing fever, and trench fever. Here, we present genome sequences of the body louse and its primary bacterial endosymbiont Candidatus Riesia pediculicola. The body louse has the smallest known insect genome, spanning 108 Mb. Despite its status as an obligate parasite, it retains a remarkably complete basal insect repertoire of 10,773 protein-coding genes and 57 microRNAs. Representing hemimetabolous insects, the genome of the body louse thus provides a reference for studies of holometabolous insects. Compared with other insect genomes, the body louse genome contains significantly fewer genes associated with environmental sensing and response, including odorant and gustatory receptors and detoxifying enzymes. The unique architecture of the 18 minicircular mitochondrial chromosomes of the body louse may be linked to the loss of the gene encoding the mitochondrial single-stranded DNA binding protein. The genome of the obligatory louse endosymbiont Candidatus Riesia pediculicola encodes less than 600 genes on a short, linear chromosome and a circular plasmid. The plasmid harbors a unique arrangement of genes required for the synthesis of pantothenate, an essential vitamin deficient in the louse diet. The human body louse, its primary endosymbiont, and the bacterial pathogens that it vectors all possess genomes reduced in size compared with their free-living close relatives. Thus, the body louse genome project offers unique information and tools to use in advancing understanding of coevolution among vectors, symbionts, and pathogens.


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The archaeology of Britain during the early Middle Pleistocene (MIS 19–12) is represented by a number of key sites across eastern and southern England. These sites include Pakefield, Happisburgh 1, High Lodge, Warren Hill, Waverley Wood, Boxgrove, Kent's Cavern, and Westbury-sub-Mendip, alongside a ‘background scatter’ lithic record associated with the principal river systems (Bytham, pre-diversion Thames, and Solent) and raised beaches (Westbourne–Arundel). Hominin behaviour can be characterised in terms of: preferences for temperate or cool temperate climates and open/woodland mosaic habitats (indicated by mammalian fauna, mollusca, insects, and sediments); a biface-dominated material culture characterised by technological diversity, although with accompanying evidence for distinctive core and flake (Pakefield) and flake tool (High Lodge) assemblages; probable direct hunting-based subsistence strategies (with a focus upon large mammal fauna); and generally locally-focused spatial and landscape behaviours (principally indicated by raw material sources data), although with some evidence of dynamic, mobile and structured technological systems. The British data continues to support a ‘modified short chronology’ to the north of the Alps and the Pyrenees, with highly sporadic evidence for a hominin presence prior to 500–600 ka, although the ages of key assemblages are subject to ongoing debates regarding the chronology of the Bytham river terraces and the early Middle Pleistocene glaciations of East Anglia.