86 resultados para OXIDIZED LIPOPROTEINS


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AIMS: Lipoprotein lipase (LPL), a pivotal enzyme in lipoprotein metabolism, catalyzes the hydrolysis of triglycerides of very low-density lipoproteins and chylomicrons. Assuming that the variants in the promoter of the LPL gene may be associated with changes in lipid metabolism leading to obesity and type 2 diabetes, we examined the role of promoter variants (-T93G and -G53C) in the LPL gene in an urban South Indian population. METHODS: The study subjects (619 type 2 diabetic and 731 normal glucose-tolerant (NGT) subjects) were chosen from the Chennai Urban Rural Epidemiology Study, an ongoing population-based study in southern India. The polymorphisms were genotyped using polymerase chain reaction-restriction-fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP). Linkage disequilibrium (LD) was estimated from the estimates of haplotypic frequencies. RESULTS: The two polymorphisms studied were not in LD. The -T93G was not associated with type 2 diabetes but was associated with obesity. 11.5% of the obese subjects (62/541) had the XG(TG+GG) genotype compared with 6.4% of the nonobese subjects (52/809; P=0.001). The odds ratio for obesity for the XG genotype was 1.766 (95% CI: 1.19-2.63, P=0.005). Subjects with XG genotype also had higher body mass index and waist circumference compared with those with TT genotype. With respect to G53C, subjects with the XC(GC+CC) genotype had 0.527 and 0.531 times lower risk for developing type 2 diabetes and obesity, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Among Asian Indians, the -T93G SNP of the LPL gene is associated with obesity but not type 2 diabetes, whereas the -G53C SNP appears to be protective against both obesity and type 2 diabetes.


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The dissymmetrical naphthalene-bridged complexes [Cp′Fe(μ-C10H8)FeCp*] (3; Cp* = η5-C5Me5, Cp′ = η5-C5H2-1,2,4-tBu3) and [Cp′Fe(μ-C10H8)RuCp*] (4) were synthesized via a one-pot procedure from FeCl2(thf)1.5, Cp′K, KC10H8, and [Cp* FeCl(tmeda)] (tmeda = N,N,N′,N′- tetramethylethylenediamine) or [Cp*RuCl]4, respectively. The symmetrically substituted iron ruthenium complex [Cp*Fe(μ-C10H8)RuCp*] (5) bearing two Cp* ligands was prepared as a reference compound. Compounds 3−5 are diamagnetic and display similar molecular structures, where the metal atoms are coordinated to opposite sides of the bridging naphthalene molecule. Cyclic voltammetry and UV/vis spectroelectrochemistry studies revealed that neutral 3−5 can be oxidized to monocations 3+−5+ and dications 32+−52+. The chemical oxidation of 3 and 4 with [Cp2Fe]PF6 afforded the paramagnetic hexafluorophosphate salts [Cp′Fe(μ-C10H8)FeCp*]PF6 ([3]PF6) and [Cp′Fe(μ-C10H8)RuCp*]PF6 ([4]PF6), which were characterized by various spectroscopic techniques, including EPR and 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy. The molecular structure of [4]PF6 was determined by X-ray crystallography. DFT calculations support the structural and spectroscopic data and determine the compositions of frontier molecular orbitals in the investigated complexes. The effects of substituting Cp* with Cp′ and Fe with Ru on the electronic structures and the structural and spectroscopic properties are analyzed.


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Epigenetic regulations play important roles in plant development and adaptation to environmental stress. Recent studies from mammalian systems have demonstrated the involvement of ten-eleven translocation (Tet) family of dioxygenases in the generation of a series of oxidized derivatives of 5-methylcytosine (5-mC) in mammalian DNA. In addition, these oxidized 5-mC nucleobases have important roles in epigenetic remodeling and aberrant levels of 5-hydroxymethyl-29-deoxycytidine (5-HmdC) were found to be associated with different types of human cancers. However, there is a lack of evidence supporting the presence of these modified bases in plant DNA. Here we reported the use of a reversed-phase HPLC coupled with tandem mass spectrometry method and stable isotope-labeled standards for assessing the levels of the oxidized 5-mC nucleosides along with two other oxidatively induced DNA modifications in genomic DNA of Arabidopsis. These included 5- HmdC, 5-formyl-29-deoxycytidine (5-FodC), 5-carboxyl-29-deoxycytidine (5-CadC), 5-hydroxymethyl-29-deoxyuridine (5- HmdU), and the (59S) diastereomer of 8,59-cyclo-29-deoxyguanosine (S-cdG). We found that, in Arabidopsis DNA, the levels of 5-HmdC, 5-FodC, and 5-CadC are approximately 0.8 modifications per 106 nucleosides, with the frequency of 5-HmdC (per 5-mdC) being comparable to that of 5-HmdU (per thymidine). The relatively low levels of the 5-mdC oxidation products suggest that they arise likely from reactive oxygen species present in cells, which is in line with the lack of homologous Tetfamily dioxygenase enzymes in Arabidopsis.


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We present the results of a density functional theory (DFT) investigation of the surfaces of rutile-like vanadium dioxide, VO2(R). We calculate the surface energies of low Miller index planes, and find that the most stable surface orientation is the (110). The equilibrium morphology of a VO2(R) particle has an acicular shape, laterally confined by (110) planes and topped by (011) planes. The redox properties of the (110) surface are investigated by calculating the relative surface free energies of the non-stoichiometric compositions as a function of oxygen chemical potential. It is found that the VO2(110) surface is oxidized with respect to the stoichiometric composition, not only at ambient conditions but also at the more reducing conditions under which bulk VO2 is stable in comparison with bulk V2O5. The adsorbed oxygen forms surface vanadyl species much more favorably than surface peroxo species.


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There is evidence that various phenolic compounds (such as oleuropein, tyrosol and hydroxytyrosol) found in virgin olive oil may be responsible for the beneficial effects on cardiovascular disease. In the EU there is an authorized health claim that‘olive oil polyphenols contribute to the protection of blood lipids from oxidative stress’ on the basis of human studies showing significantly reduced levels of oxidized LDL in plasma after virgin olive oil consumption. The claim may be used only for olive oil that contains at least 5 mg of hydroxytyrosol and its derivatives per 20 g of olive oil. Other claims proposed (including maintenance of normal blood pressure and HDL cholesterol concentration, and anti-inflammatory properties) were rejected.


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The electronic properties of four divinylanthracene-bridged diruthenium carbonyl complexes [{RuCl(CO)(PMe3)3}2(μ[BOND]CH[DOUBLE BOND]CHArCH[DOUBLE BOND]CH)] (Ar=9,10-anthracene (1), 1,5-anthracene (2), 2,6-anthracene (3), 1,8-anthracene (4)) obtained by molecular spectroscopic methods (IR, UV/Vis/near-IR, and EPR spectroscopy) and DFT calculations are reported. IR spectroelectrochemical studies have revealed that these complexes are first oxidized at the noninnocent bridging ligand, which is in line with the very small ν(C[TRIPLE BOND]O) wavenumber shift that accompanies this process and also supported by DFT calculations. Because of poor conjugation in complex 1, except oxidized 1+, the electronic absorption spectra of complexes 2+, 3+, and 4+ all display the characteristic near-IR band envelopes that have been deconvoluted into three Gaussian sub-bands. Two of the sub-bands belong mainly to metal-to-ligand charge-transfer (MLCT) transitions according to results from time-dependent DFT calculations. EPR spectroscopy of chemically generated 1+–4+ proves largely ligand-centered spin density, again in accordance with IR spectra and DFT calculations results.


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Radical cations of a heptathienoacene a,b-substituted with four n-decyl side groups (D4T7C+) form exceptionally stable p-dimer dications already at ambient temperature (Chem. Comm. 2011, 47, 12622). This extraordinary p-dimerization process is investigated here with a focus on the ultimate[D4T7C+]2 p-dimer dication and yet-unreported transitoryspecies formed during and after the oxidation. To this end, we use a joint experimental and theoretical approach that combines cyclic voltammetry, in situ spectrochemistry and spectroelectrochemistry, EPR spectroscopy, and DFT calculations. The impact of temperature, thienoacene concentration, and the nature and concentration of counteranions on the p-dimerization process is also investigated in detail. Two different transitory species were detected in the course of the one-electron oxidation: 1) a different transient conformation of the ultimate [D4T7C+]2 p-dimer dications, the stability of which is strongly affected by the applied experimental conditions, and 2) intermediate [D4T7]2C+ p-dimer radical cations formed prior to the fully oxidized [D4T7]2C+ p-dimer dications. Thus, this comprehensive work demonstrates the formation of peculiar supramolecular species of heptathienoacene radical cations, the stability, nature, and structure of which have been successfully analyzed. We therefore believe that this study leads to a deeper fundamental understanding of the mechanism of dimer formation between conjugated aromatic systems.


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The renewed interest in magnetite (Fe3O4) as a major phase in different types of catalysts has led us to study the oxidation–reduction behaviour of its most prominent surfaces. We have employed computer modelling techniques based on the density functional theory to calculate the geometries and surface free energies of a number of surfaces at different compositions, including the stoichiometric plane, and those with a deficiency or excess of oxygen atoms. The most stable surfaces are the (001) and (111), leading to a cubic Fe3O4 crystal morphology with truncated corners under equilibrium conditions. The scanning tunnelling microscopy images of the different terminations of the (001) and (111) stoichiometric surfaces were calculated and compared with previous reports. Under reducing conditions, the creation of oxygen vacancies in the surface leads to the formation of reduced Fe species in the surface in the vicinity of the vacant oxygen. The (001) surface is slightly more prone to reduction than the (111), due to the higher stabilisation upon relaxation of the atoms around the oxygen vacancy, but molecular oxygen adsorbs preferentially at the (111) surface. In both oxidized surfaces, the oxygen atoms are located on bridge positions between two surface iron atoms, from which they attract electron density. The oxidised state is thermodynamically favourable with respect to the stoichiometric surfaces under ambient conditions, although not under the conditions when bulk Fe3O4 is thermodynamically stable with respect to Fe2O3. This finding is important in the interpretation of the catalytic properties of Fe3O4 due to the presence of oxidised species under experimental conditions.


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BACKGROUND: Apolipoprotein (apo)B is the structural apoprotein of intestinally- and liver- derived lipoproteins and plays an important role in the transport of triacylglycerol (TAG) and cholesterol. Previous studies have examined the association between the APOB insertion/deletion (ins/del) polymorphism (rs17240441) and postprandial lipaemia in response to a single meal; however the findings have been inconsistent with studies often underpowered to detect genotype-lipaemia associations, focused mainly on men, or with limited postprandial characterisation of participants. In the present study, using a novel sequential test meal protocol which more closely mimics habitual eating patterns, we investigated the impact of APOB ins/del polymorphism on postprandial TAG, non-esterified fatty acids, glucose and insulin levels in healthy adults. FINDINGS: Healthy participants (n = 147) consumed a standard test breakfast (0 min; 49 g fat) and lunch (330 min; 29 g fat), with blood samples collected before (fasting) and on 11 subsequent occasions until 480 min after the test breakfast. The ins/ins homozygotes had higher fasting total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, TAG, insulin and HOMA-IR and lower HDL-cholesterol than del/del homozygotes (P < 0.017). A higher area under the time response curve (AUC) was evident for the postprandial TAG (P < 0.001) and insulin (P = 0.032) responses in the ins/ins homozygotes relative to the del/del homozygotes, where the genotype explained 35% and 7% of the variation in the TAG and insulin AUCs, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: In summary, our findings indicate that the APOB ins/del polymorphism is likely to be an important genetic determinant of the large inter-individual variability in the postprandial TAG and insulin responses to dietary fat intake.


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Background Recent experimental evidence suggests that nitric oxide (NO) and hydrogen sulfide signaling pathways are intimately intertwined particularly in the vasculature, with mutual attenuation or potentiation of biological responses under control of the soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC) / phopshodiesterase (PDE) pathway. There is now compelling evidence that part of the NO/sulfide cross talk has a chemical foundation via the formation of S/N-hybrid molecules including thionitrous acid (HSNO) and nitrosopersulfde (SSNO-). The aim of this study was to characterize the bioactive products of the interaction between sulfide and NO metabolites targeting sGC that may potentially regulate vasodilation. Results We found that the chemical interaction of sulfide with NO or nitrosothiols leads to formation of S/N-hybrid metabolites including SSNO- via intermediate formation of HSNO. Contrary to a recent report in the literature but consistent with the transient nature of HSNO, its formation was not detectable by high-resolution mass spectrometry under physiologically relevant conditions. SSNO- is also formed in non-aqueous media by the reaction of nitrite with oxidized sulfur species including colloidal sulfur and polysulfides. SSNO- is stable in the presence of high concentrations of thiols, release NO, and activates sGC in RFL-6 cells in an NO-dependent fashion. Moreover, SSNO- is a potent vasodilator in aortic rings in vitro and lowers blood pressure in rats in vivo. The presence of high concentrations of SOD or thiols does not affect SSNO- mediated sGC activation, while it potentiates and inhibits the effects of the nitroxyl (HNO) donor Angeli's salt, suggesting that HNO release from SSNO- is not involved in sGC activation. Conclusion The reaction between NO and sulfide leads to fomation of S/N-hybrid molecules including SSNO-, releasing NO, activating sGC and inducing vasodilation. SSNO- is considerably more stable than HSNO at pH 7.4 and thus a more likely biological mediator that can account for the chemical cross-talk between NO and sulfide.


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This work describes syntheses and electrochemical, spectroscopic, and bonding properties in a new series of dinuclear ruthenium(II) complexes bridged by polyaromatic (biphenyl, fluorene, phenanthrene, and pyrene) alkynyl ligands. Longitudinal expansion of the π-conjugated polyaromatic core of the bridging ligands caused a reduced potential difference between the anodic steps and reinforced their bridge-localized nature, as evidenced by UV/vis/near-IR and IR spectroelectrochemical data combined with DFT and TDDFT calculations. Importantly, the intricate multiple IR ν(CC) absorption bands for the singly oxidized states imply a thermal population of a range of conformers (rotamers) with distinct electronic character. This behavior was demonstrated with more accurate DFT calculations of selected nontruncated 1e− oxidized complexes in three different conformations. The combined experimental and theoretical data reveal that thermally populated rotamers featuring various mutual orientations of the ligated metal termini and the bridging diethynyl polyaromatic moieties have a significant impact on the electronic absorption and ν(CC) wavenumbers of the singly oxidized systems.