156 resultados para METABOLITES


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The growth of nine species of Bifidobacterium on media containing glucose, xylose, xylooligosaccharides (XOS), xylan or fructooligosaccharides (FOS) as the sole carbon source were compared in pure culture. The bifidobacteria differed in fermentation profiles when tested on different carbohydrates. All species grew to their highest final optical density (OD) on a glucose containing medium, with the exception of B. catenulatum which demonstrated a preference for xylose over glucose, and XOS over FOS. B. bifidum grew to the highest OD on XOS compared to xylose suggesting a specific transport system for the oligosaccharide over the monomer. This is consistent with a lack of β-xylosidase activity present in the culture medium. Lactate, formate and acetate levels were determined and the ratios of these metabolites altered between and within species growing on different carbohydrates. In general, high lactate production correlated with low formate production and low lactate concentrations were obtained at higher levels of formate. Bifidobacteria may alter their metabolic pathways based upon the carbohydrates that are available for their use.


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The cellular actions of genistein are believed to mediate the decreased risk of breast cancer associated with high soy consumption. We have investigated the intracellular metabolism of genistein in T47D tumorigenic and MCF-10A nontumorigenic cells and assessed the cellular actions of resultant metabolites. Genistein selectively induced growth arrest and G2-M phase cell cycle block in T47D but not MCF10A breast epithelial cells. These antiproliferative effects were paralleled by significant differences in the association of genistein to cells and in particular its intracellular metabolism. Genistein was selectively taken up into T47D cells and was subject to metabolism by CYP450 enzymes leading to the formation of both 5,7,3',4'-tetrahydroxyisoflavone (THIF) and two glutathionyl conjugates of THIF THIF inhibited cdc2 activation via the phosphorylation of p38 MAP kinase, suggesting that this species may mediate genistein's cellular actions. THIF exposure activated p38 and caused subsequent inhibition of cyclin B1 (Ser 147) and cdc2 (Thr 161) phosphorylation, two events critical for the correct functioning of the cdc2-cyclin B1 complex. We suggest that the formation of THIF may mediate the cellular actions of genistein in tumorigenic breast epithelial cells via the activation of signaling through p38. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The health benefits of green tea (Camellia sinensis) catechins are becoming increasingly recognised. Amongst the proposed benefits are the maintenance of endothelial function and vascular homeostasis and an associated reduction in atherogenesis and CVD risk. The mounting evidence for the influential effect of green tea catechins on vascular function from epidemiological, human intervention and animal studies is subject to review together with exploration of the potential mechanistic pathways involved. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate, one of the most abundant and widely studied catechin found in green tea, will be prominent in the present review. Since there is a substantial inconsistency in the published data with regards to the impact of green tea catechins on vascular function, evaluation and interpretation of the inter- and intra-study variability is included. In conclusion, a positive effect of green tea catechins on vascular function is becoming apparent. Further studies in animal and cell models using physiological concentrations of catechins and their metabolites are warranted in order to gain some insight into the physiology and molecular basis of the observed beneficial effects.


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Ulcerative colitis (UC) is characterized by impairment of the epithelial barrier and the formation of ulcer-type lesions, which result in local leaks and generalized alterations of mucosal tight junctions. Ultimately, this results in increased basal permeability. Although disruption of the epithelial barrier in the gut is a hallmark of inflammatory bowel disease and intestinal infections, it remains unclear whether barrier breakdown is an initiating event of UC or rather a consequence of an underlying inflammation, evidenced by increased production of proinflammatory cytokines. UC is less common in smokers, suggesting that the nicotine in cigarettes may ameliorate disease severity. The mechanism behind this therapeutic effect is still not fully understood, and indeed it remains unclear if nicotine is the true protective agent in cigarettes. Nicotine is metabolized in the body into a variety of metabolites and can also be degraded to form various breakdown products. It is possible these metabolites or degradation products may be the true protective or curative agents. A greater understanding of the pharmacodynamics and kinetics of nicotine in relation to the immune system and enhanced knowledge of out permeability defects in UC are required to establish the exact protective nature of nicotine and its metabolites in UC. This review suggests possible hypotheses for the protective mechanism of nicotine in UC, highlighting the relationship between gut permeability and inflammation, and indicates where in the pathogenesis of the disease nicotine may mediate its effect.


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Ulcerative colitis is characterised by impairment of the epithelial barrier and tight junction alterations resulting in increased intestinal permeability. UC is less common in smokers with smoking reported to decrease paracellular permeability. The aim of this study was thus to determine the effect of nicotine, the major constituent in cigarettes and its metabolites on the integrity of tight junctions in Caco-2 cell monolayers. The integrity of Caco-2 tight junctions was analysed by measuring the transepithelial electrical resistance (TER) and by tracing the flux of the fluorescent marker fluorescein, after treatment with various concentrations of nicotine or nicotine metabolites over 48 h. TER was significantly higher compared to the control for all concentrations of nicotine 0.01-10 M at 48 h (p < 0.001), and for 0.01 mu M (p < 0.001) and 0.1 mu M and 10 M nicotine (p < 0.01) at 12 and 24 h. The fluorescein flux results supported those of the TER assay. TER readings for all nicotine metabolites tested were also higher at 24 and 48 h only (p <= 0.01). Western blot analysis demonstrated that nicotine up-regulated the expression of the tight junction proteins occludin and claudin-l (p < 0.01). Overall, it appears that nicotine and its metabolites, at concentrations corresponding to those reported in the blood of smokers, can significantly improve tight junction integrity, and thus, decrease epithelial gut permeability. We have shown that in vitro, nicotine appears more potent than its metabolites in decreasing epithelial gut permeability. We speculate that this enhanced gut barrier may be the result of increased expression of claudin-l and occludin proteins, which are associated with the formation of tight junctions. These findings may help explain the mechanism of action of nicotine treatment and indeed smoking in reducing epithelial gut permeability. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Studies have suggested that diets rich in polyphenols Such as flavonoids may lead to a reduced risk of gastrointestinal cancers. We demonstrate the ability of monomeric and dimeric flavanols to scavenge reactive nitrogen species derived from nitrous acid. Both epicatechin and dimer B2 (epicatechin dimer) inhibited nitrous acid-induced formation of 3-nitrotyrosine and the formation of the carcinogenic N-nitrosamine, N-nitrosodimethylamine. The reaction of monomeric and dimeric epicatechin with nitrous acid led to the formation of mono- and di-nitroso flavanols, whereas the reaction with hesperetin resulted primarily in the formation of nitrated products. Although, epicatechin was transferred across the jejunum of the small intestine yielding metabolites, its nitroso form was not absorbed. Dimer B2 but not epicatechin monomer inhibited the proliferation of, and triggered apoptosis in, Caco-2 cells. The latter was accompanied by caspase-3 activation and reductions in Akt phosphorylation, suggesting activation of apoptosis via inhibition of prosurvival signaling. Furthermore, the dinitroso derivative of dimer B2, and to a lesser extent the dinitroso-epicatechin, also induced significant toxic effects in Caco-2 cells. The inhibitory effects on cellular proliferation were paralleled by early inhibition of ERK 1/2 phosphorylation and later reductions in cyclin D I levels, indicating modulation of cell cycle regulation in Caco-2 cells. These effects highlight multiple routes in which dietary derived flavanols may exert beneficial effects in the gastrointestinal tract. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Changes in glycolytic metabolites, nucleotide degradation products, free amino acids and other amino compounds were monitored in beef muscle (M. longissimus lumborum), stored for 21 days at 4 degrees C, in order to evaluate how post-mortem conditioning may affect flavour formation in beef. The major effects observed in sugar-related substances were the dephosphorylation of the phosphates of glucose, fructose and mannose, to yield their free sugars, as well as the breakdown of inosine 5'-monophosphate, to give a sixfold increase in ribose. Total reducing sugars increased by only 15% during conditioning, while glycogen levels remained unchanged from 2 days post-slaughter. Free amino acids increased during conditioning, particularly between days 7 and 14. Phenylalanine, methionine, lysine, leucine and isoleucine were the amino acids showing the greatest increase with conditioning time, with methionine, in particular, showing a sevenfold increase during the conditioning period. The effects of these precursor changes on cooked beef flavour are discussed. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The human gut microbiota plays a significant role in human health through its ability to digest food ingredients and manufacture metabolites. This can be positive or negative for host welfare. Moreover, the microflora plays an active role in host defense whereby colonization resistance affords protection against pathogens. Prebiotics are nondigestible food ingredients that target beneficial components of the gut microflora (mainly colonic), particularly the bifidobacteria. In vitro and in vivo evidence has accumulated to confirm the prebiotic effects of inulin-derived fructans.


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Cigarette smoking is associated with increased oxidative stress and increased risk of degenerative disease. As the major lipophilic antioxidant, requirements for vitamin E may be higher in smokers due to increased utilisation. In this observational study we have compared vitamin E status in smokers and non-smokers using a holistic approach by measuring plasma, erythrocyte, lymphocyte and platelet alpha- and gamma-tocopherol, as well as the specific urinary vitamin E metabolites alpha- and gamma-carboxyethylhydroxychroman (CEHC). Fifteen smokers (average age 27 years, smoking time 7.5 years) and non-smokers of comparable age, gender and body mass index (BMI) were recruited. Subjects completed a 7-day food diary and on the final day they provided a 24 h urine collection and a 20 ml blood sample for measurement of urinary vitamin E metabolites and total vitamin E in blood components, respectively. No significant differences were found between plasma and erythrocyte alpha- and gamma-tocopherol in smokers and non-smokers. However, smokers had significantly lower ce-tocopherol (mean +/-SD, 1.34+/-0.31 mumol/g protein compared with 1.94+/-0.54, P = 0.001) and gamma-tocopherol (0.19 +/- 0.04 mumol/g protein compared with 0.26 +/- 0.08, P = 0.026) levels in their lymphocytes, as well as significantly lower (alpha-tocopherol levels in platelets (1.09 +/- 0.49 mumol/g protein compared with 1.60 +/- 0.55, P = 0.014; gamma-tocopherol levels were similar). Interestingly smokers also had significantly higher excretion of the urinary gamma-tocopherol metabolite, gamma-CEHC (0.49 +/- 0.25 mg/g creatinine compared with 0.32 +/- 0.16, P = 0.036) compared to non-smokers, while their (alpha-CEHC (metabolite of a-tocopherol) levels were similar. There was no significant difference between plasma ascorbate, urate and F-2-isoprostane levels. Therefore in this population of cigarette smokers (mean age 27 years, mean smoking duration 7.5 years), alterations to vitamin E status can be observed even without the more characteristic changes to ascorbate and F-2-isoprostanes. We suggest that the measurement of lymphocyte and platelet vitamin E may represent a valuable biomarker of vitamin E status in relation to oxidative stress conditions.


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Epidemiological studies suggest that a moderate consumption of anthocyanins may be associated with protection against coronary heart disease. The main dietary sources of anthocyanins include red-coloured fruits and red wine. Although dietary anthocyanins comprise a diverse mixture of molecules, little is known how structural diversity relates to their bioavailability and biological function. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the absorption and metabolism of the 3-monoglucosides of delphinidin, cyanidin, petunidin, peonidin and malvidin in humans and to examine both the effect of consuming a red wine extract on plasma antioxidant status and on monocyte chemoattractant protein I production in healthy human subjects. After a 12-h overnight fast, seven healthy volunteers received 12 g of an anthocyanin extract and provided 13 blood samples in the 24 h following the test meal. Furthermore, urine was collected during this 24-h period. Anthocyanins were detected in their intact form in both plasma and urine samples. Other anthocyanin metabolites could also be detected in plasma and urine and were identified as glucuronides of peonidin and malvidin. Anthocyanins and their metabolites appeared in plasma about 30 min after ingestion of the test meal and reached their maximum value around 1.6 h later for glucosides and 2.5 h for glucuronides. Total urinary excretion of red wine anthocyanins was 0.05+/-0.01% of the administered dose within 24 h. About 94% of the excreted anthocyanins was found in urine within 6 h. In spite of the low concentration of anthocyanins found in plasma, an increase in the antioxidant capacity and a decrease in MCP-1 circulating levels in plasma were observed. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Resveratrol has been widely investigated for its potential health properties, although little is known about its metabolism in vivo. Here we investigated the distribution of metabolic products of [H-3]trans-resveratrol, following gastric administration. At 2 h, plasma concentrations reached 1 center dot 7 % of the administered dose, whilst liver and kidney concentrations achieved 1 center dot 0 and 0 center dot 6 %, respectively. Concentrations detected at 18 h were lower, being only 0 center dot 5 % in plasma and a total of 0 center dot 35 % in tissues. Furthermore, whilst kidney and liver concentrations fell to 10 and 25 %, respectively, of concentrations at 2 h, the brain retained 43 % of that measured at 2 h. Resveratrol-glucuronide was identified as the major metabolite, reaching 7 mu m in plasma at 2 h. However, at 18 h the main form identified in liver, heart, lung and brain was native resveratrol aglycone, indicating that it is the main form retained in the tissues. No phenolic degradation products were detected in urine or tissues, indicating that, unlike flavonoids, resveratrol does not appear to serve as a substrate for colonic microflora. The present study provides additional information about the nature of resveratrol metabolites and which forms might be responsible for its in vivo biological effects.


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We have conducted a detailed investigation into the absorption, metabolism and microflora-dependent transformation of hydroxytyrosol ( HT), tyrosol (TYR) and their conjugated forms, such as oleuropein (OL). Conjugated forms underwent rapid hydrolysis under gastric conditions, resulting in significant increases in the amount of free HT and TYR entering the small intestine. Both HT and TYR transferred across human Caco-2 cell monolayers and rat segments of jejunum and ileum and were subject to classic phase I/II biotransformation. The major metabolites identified were an O-methylated derivative of HT, glucuronides of HT and TYR and a novel glutathionylated conjugate of HT. In contrast, there was no absorption of OL in either model. However, OL was rapidly degraded by the colonic microflora resulting in the formation of HT. Our study provides additional information regarding the breakdown of complex olive oil polyphenols in the GI tract, in particular the stomach and the large intestine.


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Olive oil, a typical ingredient of the Mediterranean diet, possesses many beneficial health effects. The biological activities ascribed to olive oil consumption are associated in part to its phenolics constituents, and mainly linked to the direct or indirect antioxidant activity of olive oil phenolics and their metabolites, which are exerted more efficiently in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, where dietary phenolics are more concentrated when compared to other organs. In this regard, we present a brief overview of the metabolism, biological activities, and anticancer properties of olive oil phenolics in the GI tract. Toxicology and Industrial Health 2009; 25: 285-293.


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The effect of increased dietary intakes of alpha-linolenic acid (ALNA) or eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) for 2 months upon plasma lipid composition and capacity for conversion of ALNA to longer-chain metabolites was investigated in healthy men (52 (SD 12) years). After a 4-week baseline period when the subjects substituted a control spread, a test meal containing [U-C-13]ALNA (700 mg) was consumed to measure conversion to EPA, docosapentaenoic acid (DPA) and DHA over 48 h. Subjects were then randomised to one of three groups for 8 weeks before repeating the tracer study: (1) continued on same intake (control, n 5); (2) increased ALNA intake (10 g/d, n 4); (3) increased EPA+DHA intake (1.5 g/d, n 5). At baseline, apparent fractional conversion of labelled ALNA was: EPA 2.80, DPA 1.20 and DRA 0.04%. After 8 weeks on the control diet, plasma lipid composition and [C-13]ALNA conversion remained unchanged compared with baseline. The high-ALNA diet resulted in raised plasma triacylglycerol-EPA and -DPA concentrations and phosphatidylcholine-EPA concentration, whilst [C-13]ALNA conversion was similar to baseline. The high-(EPA+DHA) diet raised plasma phosphatidylcholine-EPA and -DHA concentrations, decreased [C-13]ALNA conversion to EPA (2-fold) and DPA (4-fold), whilst [C-13]ALNA conversion to DHA was unchanged. The dietary interventions did not alter partitioning of ALNA towards beta-oxidation. The present results indicate ALNA conversion was down-regulated by increased product (EPA+DHA) availability, but was not up-regulated by increased substrate (ALNA) consumption. This suggests regulation of ALNA conversion may limit the influence of variations in dietary n-3 fatty acid intake on plasma lipid compositions.


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Citrus flavonoids have been investigated for their biological activity, with both anti-inflammatory and -carcinogenic effects being reported. However, little information is known on the bioavailability of these compounds in vivo. The objectives of this study were to determine the tissue distribution of naringenin after gastric gavage of [H-3]-naringenin to rats. Unlabelled naringenin was also used to quantify the levels of naringenin and its major metabolites in tissues and eliminated in the urine and faeces. Significant radioactivity was detected in the plasma as well as all tissues examined 2 h post-gavage. After 18 h, higher levels of radioactivity were retained in plasma and tissues (55% of the administered radioactivity). Investigation of the nature of metabolites, using unlabelled naringenin, revealed that the glucuronides were the major components in plasma, tissues and urine, in addition to the colonic metabolite 3-(4- hydroxyphenyl) propionic acid, detected in the urine. The aglycone was the form extensively retained in tissues after 18 h post-gavage. Total identified metabolites detected after 18 h in most tissues were only 1-5% of the levels detected after 2 h. However, the brain, lungs and heart retained 27, 20 and 11%, respectively, relative to the total metabolites detected at 2 h. While radioactive detection suggests increased levels of breakdown products of naringenin after 18 h versus 2 h, the products identified using unlabelled naringenin are not consistent with this, suggesting that a predominant proportion of the naringenin breakdown products at 18 h are retained as smaller decomposition molecules which cannot yet be identified.