120 resultados para INTESTINAL FLUID
The unsteady flow of a weakly compressible fluid in a thin porous layer II: three-dimensional theory
We consider the problem of determining the pressure and velocity fields for a weakly compressible fluid flowing in a three-dimensional layer, composed of an inhomogeneous, anisotropic porous medium, with vertical side walls and variable upper and lower boundaries, in the presence of vertical wells injecting and/or extracting fluid. Numerical solution of this three-dimensional evolution problem may be expensive, particularly in the case that the depth scale of the layer h is small compared to the horizontal length scale l, a situation which occurs frequently in the application to oil and gas reservoir recovery and which leads to significant stiffness in the numerical problem. Under the assumption that $\epsilon\propto h/l\ll 1$, we show that, to leading order in $\epsilon$, the pressure field varies only in the horizontal directions away from the wells (the outer region). We construct asymptotic expansions in $\epsilon$ in both the inner (near the wells) and outer regions and use the asymptotic matching principle to derive expressions for all significant process quantities. The only computations required are for the solution of non-stiff linear, elliptic, two-dimensional boundary-value, and eigenvalue problems. This approach, via the method of matched asymptotic expansions, takes advantage of the small aspect ratio of the layer, $\epsilon$, at precisely the stage where full numerical computations become stiff, and also reveals the detailed structure of the dynamics of the flow, both in the neighbourhood of wells and away from wells.
We describe a novel method for determining the pressure and velocity fields for a weakly compressible fluid flowing in a thin three-dimensional layer composed of an inhomogeneous, anisotropic porous medium, with vertical side walls and variable upper and lower boundaries, in the presence of vertical wells injecting and/or extracting fluid. Our approach uses the method of matched asymptotic expansions to derive expressions for all significant process quantities, the computation of which requires only the solution of linear, elliptic, two-dimensional boundary value and eigenvalue problems. In this article, we provide full implementation details and present numerical results demonstrating the efficiency and accuracy of our scheme.
Hamiltonian dynamics describes the evolution of conservative physical systems. Originally developed as a generalization of Newtonian mechanics, describing gravitationally driven motion from the simple pendulum to celestial mechanics, it also applies to such diverse areas of physics as quantum mechanics, quantum field theory, statistical mechanics, electromagnetism, and optics – in short, to any physical system for which dissipation is negligible. Dynamical meteorology consists of the fundamental laws of physics, including Newton’s second law. For many purposes, diabatic and viscous processes can be neglected and the equations are then conservative. (For example, in idealized modeling studies, dissipation is often only present for numerical reasons and is kept as small as possible.) In such cases dynamical meteorology obeys Hamiltonian dynamics. Even when nonconservative processes are not negligible, it often turns out that separate analysis of the conservative dynamics, which fully describes the nonlinear interactions, is essential for an understanding of the complete system, and the Hamiltonian description can play a useful role in this respect. Energy budgets and momentum transfer by waves are but two examples.
We investigate the behavior of a two-dimensional inviscid and incompressible flow when pushed out of dynamical equilibrium. We use the two-dimensional vorticity equation with spectral truncation on a rectangular domain. For a sufficiently large number of degrees of freedom, the equilibrium statistics of the flow can be described through a canonical ensemble with two conserved quantities, energy and enstrophy. To perturb the system out of equilibrium, we change the shape of the domain according to a protocol, which changes the kinetic energy but leaves the enstrophy constant. We interpret this as doing work to the system. Evolving along a forward and its corresponding backward process, we find numerical evidence that the distributions of the work performed satisfy the Crooks relation. We confirm our results by proving the Crooks relation for this system rigorously.
Rigorous upper bounds are derived that limit the finite-amplitude growth of arbitrary nonzonal disturbances to an unstable baroclinic zonal flow in a continuously stratified, quasi-geostrophic, semi-infinite fluid. Bounds are obtained bath on the depth-integrated eddy potential enstrophy and on the eddy available potential energy (APE) at the ground. The method used to derive the bounds is essentially analogous to that used in Part I of this study for the two-layer model: it relies on the existence of a nonlinear Liapunov (normed) stability theorem, which is a finite-amplitude generalization of the Charney-Stern theorem. As in Part I, the bounds are valid both for conservative (unforced, inviscid) flow, as well as for forced-dissipative flow when the dissipation is proportional to the potential vorticity in the interior, and to the potential temperature at the ground. The character of the results depends on the dimensionless external parameter γ = f02ξ/β0N2H, where ξ is the maximum vertical shear of the zonal wind, H is the density scale height, and the other symbols have their usual meaning. When γ ≫ 1, corresponding to “deep” unstable modes (vertical scale ≈H), the bound on the eddy potential enstrophy is just the total potential enstrophy in the system; but when γ≪1, corresponding to ‘shallow’ unstable modes (vertical scale ≈γH), the eddy potential enstrophy can be bounded well below the total amount available in the system. In neither case can the bound on the eddy APE prevent a complete neutralization of the surface temperature gradient which is in accord with numerical experience. For the special case of the Charney model of baroclinic instability, and in the limit of infinitesimal initial eddy disturbance amplitude, the bound states that the dimensionless eddy potential enstrophy cannot exceed (γ + 1)2/24&gamma2h when γ ≥ 1, or 1/6;&gammah when γ ≤ 1; here h = HN/f0L is the dimensionless scale height and L is the width of the channel. These bounds are very similar to (though of course generally larger than) ad hoc estimates based on baroclinic-adjustment arguments. The possibility of using these kinds of bounds for eddy-amplitude closure in a transient-eddy parameterization scheme is also discussed.
Maximising the ability of piglets to survive exposure to pathogens is essential to reduce early piglet mortality, an important factor in efficient commercial pig production. Mortality rates can be influenced by many factors, including early colonization by microbial commensals. Here we describe the development of an intestinal microbiota, the Bristol microbiota, for use in gnotobiotic pigs and its influence on synthesis of systemic immunoglobulins. Such a microbiota will be of value in studies of the consequences of early microbial colonization on development of the intestinal immune system and subsequent susceptibility to disease. Gnotobiotic pig studies lack a well-established intestinal microbiota. The use of the Altered Schaedler Flora (ASF), a murine intestinal microbiota, to colonize the intestines of Caesarean-derived, gnotobiotic pigs prior to gut closure, resulted in unreliable colonization with most (but not all) strains of the ASF. Subsequently, a novel, simpler porcine microbiota was developed. The novel microbiota reliably colonized the length of the intestinal tract when administered to gnotobiotic piglets. No health problems were observed, and the novel microbiota induced a systemic increase in serum immunoglobulins, in particular IgA and IgM. The Bristol microbiota will be of value for highly controlled, reproducible experiments of the consequences of early microbial colonization on susceptibility to disease in neonatal piglets, and as a biomedical model for the impact of microbial colonization on development of the intestinal mucosa and immune system in neonates.
Absence of lymph nodes in nonmammalian species, expression of MHCII by APCs in the periphery, and the recent findings that T cells can change their polarization status after presentation in the lymph nodes imply a role for MHCII-mediated presentation outside the organized lymphoid tissue. This study shows that MHCII+ ECs and DCs from the intestinal mucosa of the pig can present antigen to T cells in vitro. In vivo, APCs colocalize with T cells in pig and mouse intestinal mucosa. In the pig, endothelium is involved in these interactions in neonates but not in adults, indicating different roles for stromal and professional APCs in the neonate compared with the adult. The ratio of expression of DQ and DR MHCII locus products was lower on ECs than on other mucosal APCs, indicating that the two types of cells present different peptide sets. Adult nonendothelial APCs expressed a higher ratio of DQ/DR than in neonates. These results suggest that mucosal DCs can present antigen locally to primed T cells and that stromal APCs are recruited to these interactions in some cases. This raises the possibility that local presentation may influence T cell responses at the effector stage after initial presentation in the lymph node.
Although it plays a key role in the theory of stratified turbulence, the concept of available potential energy (APE) dissipation has remained until now a rather mysterious quantity, owing to the lack of rigorous result about its irreversible character or energy conversion type. Here, we show by using rigorous energetics considerations rooted in the analysis of the Navier-Stokes for a fully compressible fluid with a nonlinear equation of state that the APE dissipation is an irreversible energy conversion that dissipates kinetic energy into internal energy, exactly as viscous dissipation. These results are established by showing that APE dissipation contributes to the irreversible production of entropy, and by showing that it is a part of the work of expansion/contraction. Our results provide a new interpretation of the entropy budget, that leads to a new exact definition of turbulent effective diffusivity, which generalizes the Osborn-Cox model, as well as a rigorous decomposition of the work of expansion/contraction into reversible and irreversible components. In the context of turbulent mixing associated with parallel shear flow instability, our results suggests that there is no irreversible transfer of horizontal momentum into vertical momentum, as seems to be required when compressible effects are neglected, with potential consequences for the parameterisations of momentum dissipation in the coarse-grained Navier-Stokes equations.
In this paper, the concept of available potential energy (APE) density is extended to a multicomponent Boussinesq fluid with a nonlinear equation of state. As shown by previous studies, the APE density is naturally interpreted as the work against buoyancy forces that a parcel needs to perform to move from a notional reference position at which its buoyancy vanishes to its actual position; because buoyancy can be defined relative to an arbitrary reference state, so can APE density. The concept of APE density is therefore best viewed as defining a class of locally defined energy quantities, each tied to a different reference state, rather than as a single energy variable. An important result, for which a new proof is given, is that the volume integrated APE density always exceeds Lorenz’s globally defined APE, except when the reference state coincides with Lorenz’s adiabatically re-arranged reference state of minimum potential energy. A parcel reference position is systematically defined as a level of neutral buoyancy (LNB): depending on the nature of the fluid and on how the reference state is defined, a parcel may have one, none, or multiple LNB within the fluid. Multiple LNB are only possible for a multicomponent fluid whose density depends on pressure. When no LNB exists within the fluid, a parcel reference position is assigned at the minimum or maximum geopotential height. The class of APE densities thus defined admits local and global balance equations, which all exhibit a conversion with kinetic energy, a production term by boundary buoyancy fluxes, and a dissipation term by internal diffusive effects. Different reference states alter the partition between APE production and dissipation, but neither affect the net conversion between kinetic energy and APE, nor the difference between APE production and dissipation. We argue that the possibility of constructing APE-like budgets based on reference states other than Lorenz’s reference state is more important than has been previously assumed, and we illustrate the feasibility of doing so in the context of an idealised and realistic oceanic example, using as reference states one with constant density and another one defined as the horizontal mean density field; in the latter case, the resulting APE density is found to be a reasonable approximation of the APE density constructed from Lorenz’s reference state, while being computationally cheaper.