118 resultados para Fast foods


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Models used in neoclassical economics assume human behaviour to be purely rational. On the other hand, models adopted in social and behavioural psychology are founded on the ‘black box’ of human cognition. In view of these observations, this paper aims at bridging this gap by introducing psychological constructs in the well established microeconomic framework of choice behaviour based on random utility theory. In particular, it combines constructs developed employing Ajzen’s theory of planned behaviour with Lancaster’s theory of consumer demand for product characteristics to explain stated preferences over certified animal-friendly foods. To reach this objective a web survey was administered in the largest five EU-25 countries: France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK. Findings identify some salient cross-cultural differences between northern and southern Europe and suggest that psychological constructs developed using the Ajzen model are useful in explaining heterogeneity of preferences. Implications for policy makers and marketers involved with certified animal-friendly foods are discussed.


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The Self-Organizing Map (SOM) is a popular unsupervised neural network able to provide effective clustering and data visualization for multidimensional input datasets. In this paper, we present an application of the simulated annealing procedure to the SOM learning algorithm with the aim to obtain a fast learning and better performances in terms of quantization error. The proposed learning algorithm is called Fast Learning Self-Organized Map, and it does not affect the easiness of the basic learning algorithm of the standard SOM. The proposed learning algorithm also improves the quality of resulting maps by providing better clustering quality and topology preservation of input multi-dimensional data. Several experiments are used to compare the proposed approach with the original algorithm and some of its modification and speed-up techniques.


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Impaired sensorial perception is very common in older people and low sensorial quality of foods is associated with decreased appetite and dietary intake. Hospital undernutrition in older patients could be linked to sensorial quality of hospital food if the quality were low or inappropriate for older people. The aim of this study was to examine changes in the sensorial quality of different foods that occur as a result of the food journey (i.e. freezing, regeneration, etc.) in the most common hospital catering systems in the UK. A trained sensory panel assessed sensorial descriptors of certain foods with and without the hospital food journey as it occurs in the in-house and cook/freeze systems. The results showed effects of the food journey on a small number of sensorial descriptors related to flavour, appearance and mouthfeel. The majority of these effects were due to temperature changes, which caused accumulation of condensation. A daily variation in sensorial descriptors was also detected and in some cases it was greater than the effect of the food journey. This study has shown that changes occur in the sensory quality of meals due to hospital food journeys, however these changes were small and are not expected to substantially contribute to acceptability or have a major role in hospital malnutrition.


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A wealth of information has been gathered over the past 15 years on prebiotics through experimental, animal and human studies, with the aim to understand the mechanism of actions and elucidate their beneficial health effects to the human host. Significant amount of evidence exists for their ability to increase the bioavailability of minerals and stimulate the immune system, although there is less clear evidence so far for their prophylactic or therapeutic role in gastrointestinal infections. Moreover, the effect of the food delivery vehicle on the efficacy of prebiotics is an area that has been hardly investigated. Besides their beneficial effects, prebiotics influence the textural and organoleptic properties of the food products, such as dairy and baked products. To do this however, they need to be stable during food processing, in particular under conditions of high temperature and low pH.


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The chaperone/usher pathway assembles surface virulence organelles of Gram-negative bacteria, consisting of fibers of linearly polymerized protein subunits. Fiber subunits are connected through 'donor strand complementation': each subunit completes the immunoglobulin (Ig)-like fold of the neighboring subunit by donating the seventh β-strand in trans. Whereas the folding of Ig domains is a fast first-order process, folding of Ig modules into the fiber conformation is a slow second-order process. Periplasmic chaperones separate this process in two parts by forming transient complexes with subunits. Interactions between chaperones and subunits are also based on the principle of donor strand complementation. In this study, we have performed mutagenesis of the binding motifs of the Caf1M chaperone and Caf1 capsular subunit from Yersinia pestis and analyzed the effect of the mutations on the structure, stability, and kinetics of Caf1M-Caf1 and Caf1-Caf1 interactions. The results suggest that a large hydrophobic effect combined with extensive main-chain hydrogen bonding enables Caf1M to rapidly bind an early folding intermediate of Caf1 and direct its partial folding. The switch from the Caf1M-Caf1 contact to the less hydrophobic, but considerably tighter and less dynamic Caf1-Caf1 contact occurs via the zip-out-zip-in donor strand exchange pathway with pocket 5 acting as the initiation site. Based on these findings, Caf1M was engineered to bind Caf1 faster, tighter, or both faster and tighter. To our knowledge, this is the first successful attempt to rationally design an assembly chaperone with improved chaperone function.


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The ever increasing demand for high image quality requires fast and efficient methods for noise reduction. The best-known order-statistics filter is the median filter. A method is presented to calculate the median on a set of N W-bit integers in W/B time steps. Blocks containing B-bit slices are used to find B-bits of the median; using a novel quantum-like representation allowing the median to be computed in an accelerated manner compared to the best-known method (W time steps). The general method allows a variety of designs to be synthesised systematically. A further novel architecture to calculate the median for a moving set of N integers is also discussed.


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There is evidence that consumption of fish, especially oily fish, has substantial beneficial effects on health. In particular an inverse relationship of oily fish intake to coronary heart disease incidence has been established. These beneficial effects are ascribed to fish oil components including long chain ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. On the other hand it should be noted that oily fish also contains hazardous substances such as dioxins, PCBs and methylmercury. Soy consumption has been associated with potential beneficial and adverse effects. The claimed benefits include reduced risk of cardiovascular disease; osteoporosis, breast and prostate cancer whereas potential adverse effects include impaired thyroid function, disruption of sex hormone levels, changes in reproductive function and increased breast cancer risk The two cases of natural foods highlight the need to consider both risks and benefits in order to establish the net health impact associated to the consumption of specific food products. Within the Sixth Framework programme of the European Commission, the BRAFO project was funded to develop a framework that allows for the quantitative comparison of human health risks and benefits in relation to foods and food compounds. This paper describes the application of the developed framework to two natural foods, farmed salmon and soy protein. We conclude that the BRAFO methodology is highly applicable to natural foods. It will help the benefit-risk managers in selecting the appropriate dietary recommendations for the population.


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Objective: A phytoestrogen-rich diet has been suggested to protect against a variety of common diseases but UK intake data on phytoestrogens or their food sources is sparse. This study aims to estimate the average intake of isoflavones, lignans, enterolignans and coumestrol from 7-day food diaries (7dFD), and to provide data on total isoflavone, lignan and phytoestrogen consumption by food group. Design: Development of a food composition database for twelve phytoestrogens and analysis of soya food and phytoestrogen consumption in a population-based study. Setting: Men and women, aged 40-79 years from the general population participating in EPIC-Norfolk between 1993 and 1997, with nutrient and food data from 7dFD. Subjects: A subset of 20 437 participants. Results: The median daily phytoestrogen intake for men was 1.20mg (interquartile range (IQR) 0.93-1.54 mg; mean 1.50 mg, SD 1.50 mg) and 0.89 mg for women (IQR 0.71-1.14 mg; mean 1.20 mg, SD 1.70 mg). In soya-consumers (SC), median daily intakes were higher: 2.86 mg in men (IQR – 1.30-7.27mg; mean 5.05 mg, SD 5.03 mg) and 3.14 mg in women (IQR – 1.09-7.33mg; mean 5.40 mg, SD 6.09 mg). In both men and women, bread made the greatest contribution to phytoestrogen intake – 40.7% and 35.7% respectively. In SC men and women, vegetable dishes and soya/goat’s/sheep’s milks were the main contributors – 42.6% and 18.9% in men and 38.8% and 29.1% in women, respectively. Conclusions: The ability to estimate phytoestrogen intake in Western populations more accurately will aid investigations into their suggested effects on health.


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Myostatin is a member of the transformating growth factor-_ (TGF-_) superfamily of proteins and is produced almost exclusively in skeletal muscle tissue, where it is secreted and circulates as a serum protein. Myostatin acts as a negative regulator of muscle mass through the canonical SMAD2/3/4 signaling pathway. Naturally occurring myostatin mutants exhibit a ‘double muscling’ phenotype in which muscle mass is dramatically increased as a result of both hypertrophy and hyperplasia. Myostatin is naturally inhibited by its own propeptide; therefore, we assessed the impact of adeno associated virus-8 (AAV8) myostatin propeptide vectors when systemically introduced in MF-1 mice. We noted a significant systemic increase in muscle mass in both slow and fast muscle phenotypes, with no evidence of hyperplasia; however, the nuclei-to- cytoplasm ratio in all myofiber types was significantly reduced. An increase in muscle mass in slow (soleus) muscle led to an increase in force output; however, an increase in fast (extensor digitorum longus [EDL]) muscle mass did not increase force output. These results suggest that the use of gene therapeutic regimens of myostatin inhibition for age-related or disease-related muscle loss may have muscle-specific effects.


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Since 1990 multiresistant (MR) Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium definitive phage-type (DT) 104 (MR DT104) and closely related phage types have emerged as a worldwide health problem in humans and food animals. In this study the presence of the bla(CARB-2) (ampicillin), cmlA (chloramphenicol), aadA2 (streptomycin/spectinomycin), sul1 (sulphonamide), and tetG (tetracycline) resistance genes in isolates of one such phage type, U302, have been determined. In addition bla(TEM) I primers have been used for the detection of TEM-type beta-lactamases. Isolates have also been characterized by plasmid profile and pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Thirty-three of 39 isolates were positive for blaCARB-2, cmlA, aadA2, sul1 and tetG, four for bla(TEM), aadA2 and sul1, one for aadA2 and sul1, and one for blaTEM only. bla(TEM)-mediated ampicillin resistance was transferred to Escherichia coli K12 from three isolates along with other resistance markers, including resistance to chloramphenicol, streptomycin, spectinomycin, sulphonamides, and tetracyclines. Strains carried up to 6 plasmids and 34 plasmid profiles were identified. Although the majority of strains (33/39) produced a PFGE profile identical to that predominant in MR DT104, six different patterns were generated demonstrating the presence of various clones within MR U302. The results show that the majority of the MR U302 strains studied possessed the same antibiotic resistance genes as MR DT104. However, isolates with distinctive PFGE patterns can have different mechanisms of resistance to ampicillin, chloramphenicol, streptomycin, sulphonamides, and tetracyclines. Such resistance genes may be borne on transmissible plasmids.


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This paper describes a novel adaptive noise cancellation system with fast tunable radial basis function (RBF). The weight coefficients of the RBF network are adapted by the multi-innovation recursive least square (MRLS) algorithm. If the RBF network performs poorly despite of the weight adaptation, an insignificant node with little contribution to the overall performance is replaced with a new node without changing the model size. Otherwise, the RBF network structure remains unchanged and only the weight vector is adapted. The simulation results show that the proposed approach can well cancel the noise in both stationary and nonstationary ANC systems.


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Novel oxazoline-based comb-polymers possessing linoleyl or oleic side chains have been synthesized and used to produce low viscosity coatings. Inclusion of the polymers in model paint formulations results in coatings that exhibit faster drying times than commercially available alkyd resin formulations. The comb polymers were produced from diol substituted oxazoline monomers that were synthesized through a scalable, solvent free protocol and purified by simple recrystallisation. Co-polymerisation of the oxazolines with adipic acid at 160 °C in the bulk resulted in the targeted polyester comb type polymers. The polymers were soluble in a range of organic solvents and compatible with commercial alkyd resins. Model paint formulations containing up to 40 wt% of the linoleyl-based comb polymers exhibited a dramatic reduction in viscosity (from 35 to 13 Poise at 25 °C) with increasing quantities of polymer added. Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) studies revealed that the drying rate of the model paint formulations containing the comb polymers was enhanced when compared with that of commercial alkyd resins.


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Traditional chemometrics techniques are augmented with algorithms tailored specifically for the de-noising and analysis of femtosecond duration pulse datasets. The new algorithms provide additional insights on sample responses to broadband excitation and multi-moded propagation phenomena.


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Oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy (OPMD) is an adult-onset disorder characterized by ptosis, dysphagia and proximal limb weakness. Autosomal-dominant OPMD is caused by a short (GCG)8–13 expansions within the first exon of the poly(A)-binding protein nuclear 1 gene (PABPN1), leading to an expanded polyalanine tract in the mutated protein. Expanded PABPN1 forms insoluble aggregates in the nuclei of skeletal muscle fibres. In order to gain insight into the different physiological processes affected in OPMD muscles, we have used a transgenic mouse model of OPMD (A17.1) and performed transcriptomic studies combined with a detailed phenotypic characterization of this model at three time points. The transcriptomic analysis revealed a massive gene deregulation in the A17.1 mice, among which we identified a significant deregulation of pathways associated with muscle atrophy. Using a mathematical model for progression, we have identified that one-third of the progressive genes were also associated with muscle atrophy. Functional and histological analysis of the skeletal muscle of this mouse model confirmed a severe and progressive muscular atrophy associated with a reduction in muscle strength. Moreover, muscle atrophy in the A17.1 mice was restricted to fast glycolytic fibres, containing a large number of intranuclear inclusions (INIs). The soleus muscle and, in particular, oxidative fibres were spared, even though they contained INIs albeit to a lesser degree. These results demonstrate a fibre-type specificity of muscle atrophy in this OPMD model. This study improves our understanding of the biological pathways modified in OPMD to identify potential biomarkers and new therapeutic targets.