103 resultados para Baden-Powell


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Three experiments examine the role of articulatory motor planning in experiencing an involuntary musical recollection (an “earworm”). Experiment 1 shows that interfering with articulatory motor programming by chewing gum reduces both the number of voluntary and the number of involuntary—unwanted—musical thoughts. This is consistent with other findings that chewing gum interferes with voluntary processes such as recollections from verbal memory, the interpretation of ambiguous auditory images, and the scanning of familiar melodies, but is not predicted by theories of thought suppression, which assume that suppression is made more difficult by concurrent tasks or cognitive loads. Experiment 2 shows that chewing the gum affects the experience of “hearing” the music and cannot be ascribed to a general effect on thinking about a tune only in abstract terms. Experiment 3 confirms that the reduction of musical recollections by chewing gum is not the consequence of a general attentional or dual-task demand. The data support a link between articulatory motor programming and the appearance in consciousness of both voluntary and unwanted musical recollections.


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A combination of structural, physical and computational techniques including powder X-ray and neutron diffraction, SQUID magnetometry, electrical and thermal transport measurements, DFT calculations and 119Sn Mössbauer and X-ray photoelec-tron spectroscopies has been applied to Co3Sn2-xInxS2 (0 ≤ x ≤ 2) in an effort to understand the relationship between metal-atom ordering and physical properties as the Fermi level is systematically varied. Whilst solid solution behavior is found throughout the composition region, powder neutron diffraction reveals that indium preferentially occupies an inter-layer site over an alternative kagome-like intra-layer site. DFT calculations indicate that this ordering, which leads to a lowering of energy, is related to the dif-fering bonding properties of tin and indium. Spectroscopic data suggest that throughout the composition range 0 ≤ x ≤ 2, all ele-ments adopt oxidation states that are significantly reduced from expectations based on formal charges. Chemical substitution ena-bles the electrical transport properties to be controlled through tuning of the Fermi level within a region of the density of states, which comprises narrow bands of predominantly Co d-character. This leads to a compositionally-induced double metal-to-semiconductor-to-metal transition. The marked increase in the Seebeck coefficient as the semiconducting region is approached leads to a substantial improvement in the thermoelectric figure of merit, ZT, which exhibits a maximum of ZT = 0.32 at 673 K. At 425 K, the figure of merit for phases in the region 0.8 ≤ x ≤ 0.85 is amongst the highest reported for sulphide phases, suggesting these materials may have applications in low-grade waste heat recovery.


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The solvothermal synthesis and characterization of two indium selenides with stoichiometry [NH4][InSe2] is described. Yellow [NH4][InSe2] (1), which exhibits a layered structure, was initially prepared in an aqueous solution of trans-1,4-diaminocyclohexane, and subsequently using a concentrated ammonia solution. A red polymorph of one-dimensional character, [NH4][InSe2] (2), was obtained using 3,5-dimethylpyridine as solvent. [NH4][InSe2] (1) crystallizes in the non-centrosymmetric space group Cc (a=11.5147(6), b=11.3242(6), c=15.9969(9) Å and β=100.354(3)°). The structural motif of the layers is the In4Se10 adamantane unit, composed of four corner-linked InSe4 tetrahedra. These units are linked by their corners, forming [InSe2]− layers which are stacked back to back along the c-direction, and interspaced by [NH4]+cations. The one-dimensional polymorph, (2), crystallizes in the tetragonal space group, I4/mcm (a=8.2519(16), c=6.9059 (14) Å). This structure contains infinite chains of edge-sharing InSe4 tetrahedra separated by [NH4]+ cations.


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We report a straightforward methodology for the fabrication of high-temperature thermoelectric (TE) modules using commercially available solder alloys and metal barriers. This methodology employs standard and accessible facilities that are simple to implement in any laboratory. A TE module formed by nine n-type Yb x Co4Sb12 and p-type Ce x Fe3CoSb12 state-of-the-art skutterudite material couples was fabricated. The physical properties of the synthesized skutterudites were determined, and the module power output, internal resistance, and thermocycling stability were evaluated in air. At a temperature difference of 365 K, the module provides more than 1.5 W cm−3 volume power density. However, thermocycling showed an increase of the internal module resistance and degradation in performance with the number of cycles when the device is operated at a hot-side temperature higher than 573 K. This may be attributed to oxidation of the skutterudite thermoelements.


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The solvothermal synthesis and characterisation of [C6H16N2][GaS2]2 (1), [C6H16N2][Ga2Se3(Se2)] (2), and mixed-metal phases with composition [C6H16N2][Ga2–xInxSe3(Se2)] (0 < x < 2)(3–5), is described. These materials have been characterised by single-crystal and powder X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetric analysis and UV/Vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. The materials contain one-dimensional anionic chains. In 1, these chains consist of edge-linked GaS4 tetrahedra, whilst in 2–5, the chains contain perselenide (Se2)2– units and comprise alternating four-membered [M2Se2] and five-membered [M2Se3] rings (where M = Ga, In). Compounds 3–5 represent the first examples of ternary mixed-metal [M2Se3(Se2)]2– chains.


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A new layered indium selenide, [C7H10N][In3Se5], was prepared under solvothermal conditions using 3,5-dimethylpyridine as a structure-directing agent. The crystal structure contains anionic layers of stoichiometry [In3Se5]− in which indium atoms with octahedral and tetrahedral coordination coexist. This material represents the first occurrence of octahedrally coordinated indium in a solvothermally-prepared indium selenide.


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The skutterudites YbxFe2Ni2Sb12 (0≤x≤0.4) have been prepared by solid-state reaction and characterised by powder X-ray diffraction. The compounds crystallise in the cubic space group Im View the MathML source3¯ (a≈9.1 Å) with Yb atoms partially filling the voids in the skutterudite framework. A neutron time-of-flight diffraction experiment for Fe2Ni2Sb12 confirms the disorder of Fe and Ni atoms on the transition-metal site. Electrical resistivity, Seebeck coefficient and thermal conductivity measurements indicate that the thermoelectric performance of the skutterudites shows a marked dependence on the Yb content. Magnetic measurements over the temperature range 2≤T/K≤300 show paramagnetic behaviour for all compounds. Decomposition studies under an oxidising atmosphere at elevated temperatures have also been carried out by thermogravimetric analysis.


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The family of materials Yb x Fe2 Ni 2Sb12 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.4) has been prepared by solid-state synthesis from the pure elements and characterized by powder X-ray diffraction. These materials crystallize in the skutterudite structure, with the framework voids partially filled with Yb atoms. Electrical resistivity, Seebeck coefficient and thermal conductivity measurements have been performed on hot-pressed samples, and indicate that the thermoelectric performance is significantly improved by increasing the Yb content. The decomposition of the compounds under oxidizing atmosphere at elevated temperatures has also been studied by thermogravimetric analysis. The physical properties and thermal stability of the new compounds are further discussed in comparison with those of the reported isostructural and isoelectronic Yb x Co4Sb12 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.19).


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This highlight discusses recent trends in the search for new high-efficiency thermoelectric materials. Thermoelectric materials offer considerable attractions in the pursuit of a more efficient use of existing energy resources, as they may be used to construct power-generation devices that allow useful electrical power to be extracted from otherwise waste heat. Here, we focus on the significant enhancements in thermoelectric performance that have been achieved through nanostructuring. The principal factor behind the improved performance appears to be increased phonon scattering at interfaces. This results in a substantial reduction in the lattice contribution to thermal conductivity, a low value of which is a key requirement for improved thermoelectric performance.


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The feasibility to synthesize, in large quantity, pure and non-toxic tetrahedrite compounds using high-energy mechanical-alloying from only elemental precursors is reported in the present paper for the first time. Our processing technique allows a better control of the final product composition and leads to high thermoelectric performances (ZT of 0.75 at 700 K), comparable to that reported on sealed tube synthesis samples. Combined with spark plasma sintering, the production of highly pure and dense samples is achieved in a very short time, at least 8 times shorter than in conventional liquid-solid-vapor synthesis process. The process described in this paper is a promising way to produce high performance tetrahedrite materials for cost-effective and large-scale thermoelectric applications.


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A new organically templated indium selenide, [C6H16N2][In2Se3(Se2)], has been prepared hydrothermally from the reaction of indium, selenium and trans-1,4-diaminocyclohexane in water at 170 °C. This material was characterised by single-crystal and powder X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetric analysis, UV–vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, FT-IR and elemental analysis. The compound crystallises in the monoclinic space group C2/c (a=12.0221(16) Å, b=11.2498(15) Å, c=12.8470(17) Å, β=110.514(6)°). The crystal structure of [C6H16N2][In2Se3(Se2)] contains anionic chains of stoichiometry [In2Se3(Se2)]2−, which are aligned parallel to the [1 0 1] direction, and separated by diprotonated trans-1,4-diaminocyclohexane cations. The [In2Se3(Se2)]2− chains, which consist of alternating four-membered [In2Se2] and five-membered [In2Se3] rings, contain perselenide (Se2)2− units. UV–vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy indicates that [C6H16N2][In2Se3(Se2)] has a band gap of 2.23(1) eV


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Bornite, Cu5FeS4, is a naturally-occuring mineral with an ultralow thermal conductivity and potential for thermoelectric power generation. We describe here a new, easy and scalable route to synthesise bornite, together with the thermoelectric behaviour of manganese-substituted derivatives, Cu5Fe1-xMnxS4 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.10). The electrical and thermal transport properties of Cu5Fe1-xMnxS4 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.10), which are p-type semiconductors, were measured from room temperature to 573 K. The stability of bornite was investigated by thermogravimetric analysis under inert and oxidising atmospheres. Repeated measurements of the electrical transport properties confirm that bornite is stable up to 580 K under an inert atmosphere, while heating to 890 K results in rapid degradation. Ball milling leads to a substantial improvement in the thermoelectric figure of merit of unsusbtituted bornite (ZT = 0.55 at 543 K), when compared to bornite prepared by conventional high-temperature synthesis (ZT < 0.3 at 543 K). Manganese-substituted samples have a ZT comparable to that of unsubstituted bornite.