169 resultados para Tropical cyclones


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Results are presented from a matrix of coupled model integrations, using atmosphere resolutions of 135 and 90 km, and ocean resolutions of 1° and 1/3°, to study the impact of resolution on simulated climate. The mean state of the tropical Pacific is found to be improved in the models with a higher ocean resolution. Such an improved mean state arises from the development of tropical instability waves, which are poorly resolved at low resolution; these waves reduce the equatorial cold tongue bias. The improved ocean state also allows for a better simulation of the atmospheric Walker circulation. Several sensitivity studies have been performed to further understand the processes involved in the different component models. Significantly decreasing the horizontal momentum dissipation in the coupled model with the lower-resolution ocean has benefits for the mean tropical Pacific climate, but decreases model stability. Increasing the momentum dissipation in the coupled model with the higher-resolution ocean degrades the simulation toward that of the lower-resolution ocean. These results suggest that enhanced ocean model resolution can have important benefits for the climatology of both the atmosphere and ocean components of the coupled model, and that some of these benefits may be achievable at lower ocean resolution, if the model formulation allows.


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Cascade is a multi-institution project studying the temporal and spatial organization of tropical convective systems. While cloud resolving numerical models can reproduce the observed diurnal cycle of such systems they are sensitive to the chosen resolution. As part of this effort, we are comparing results from the Met. Office Unified Model to data from the Global Earth Radiation Budget satellite instrument over the African Monsoon Interdisciplinary Analyses region of North Africa. We use a variety of mathematical techniques to study the outgoing radiation and the evolution of properties such as the cloud size distribution. The effectiveness of various model resolutions is tested with a view to determining the optimum balance between resolution and the need to reproduce the observations.


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A dual isotopic technique was used to assess the effects of soil type, and residues of Gliricidia sepium, without and with added fertiliser-P on the utilisation of P. Upland rice (Oryza sativa) was grown for 70 days in two tropical acid soils of different P sorbing capacity and P status. Uniformly P-32-labelled soils were treated with inorganic fertiliser-P tagged with P-33, Gliricidia sepium residue applied at planting and 3 weeks earlier, and in a combination of fertiliser-P and Gliricidia applied at and 3 weeks before planting. There were significant responses of shoot and root weights, and total P uptake to Gliricidia- and/or fertiliser-P addition in the Ultisol (low P status) but not the Oxisol (high P status), suggesting that P in the latter soil was not yield limiting, despite the high standard P requirement. Similarly, incorporation of Gliricidia three weeks before planting further increased shoot weight only in the Ultisol. There were generally higher proportions, quantities and percent utilisations of the Gliricidia- P and fertiliser-P in the Ultisol than in the Oxisol. Gliricidia significantly increased the utilisation of fertiliser-P only in the Ultisol. However, early application of Gliricidia increased Gliricidia- P but not fertiliser-P utilisation in the Ultisol. Added fertiliser-P did not influence Gliricidia- P utilisation.


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Leaf-cutting ants consume up to 10% of canopy leaves in the foraging area of their colony and therefore represent a key perturbation in the nutrient cycle of tropical forests. We used a chronosequence of nest sites on Barro, Colorado Island, Panama, to assess the influence of leaf-cutting ants (Atta colombica) on nutrient availability in a neotropical rainforest. Twelve nest sites were sampled, including active nests, recently abandoned nests (<1 year) and long-abandoned nests (>1 year). Waste material discarded by the ants down-slope from the nests contained large concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus in both total and soluble forms, but decomposed within one year after the nests were abandoned. Despite this, soil under the waste material contained high concentrations of nitrate and ammonium that persisted after the disappearance of the waste, although soluble phosphate returned to background concentrations within one year of nest abandonment. Fine roots were more abundant in soil under waste than control soils up to one year after nest abandonment, but were not significantly different for older sites. In contrast to the waste dumps, soil above the underground nest chambers consistently contained lower nutrient concentrations than control soils, although this was not statistically significant. We conclude that the 'islands of fertility' created by leaf-cutting ants provide a nutritional benefit to nearby plants for less than one year after nest abandonment in the moist tropical environment of Barro Colorado Island. Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Stream-water flows and in-stream nitrate and ammonium concentrations in a small (36.7 ha) Atlantic Forest catchment were simulated using the Integrated Nitrogen in CAtchments (INCA) model version 1.9.4. The catchment, at Cunha, is in the Serra do Mar State Park, SE Brazil and is nearly pristine because the nearest major conurbations, Sao Paulo and Rio, are some 450 km distant. However, intensive farming may increase nitrogen (N) deposition and there are growing pressures for urbanisation. The mean-monthly discharges and NO3-N concentration dynamics were simulated adequately for the calibration and validation periods with (simulated) loss rates of 6.55 kg.ha(-1) yr(-1) for NO3-N and 3.85 kg.ha(-1) yr(-1) for NH4-N. To investigate the effects of elevated levels of N deposition in the future, various scenarios for atmospheric deposition were simulated; the highest value corresponded to that in a highly polluted area of Atlantic Forest in Sao Paulo City. It was found that doubling the atmospheric deposition generated a 25% increase in the N leaching rate, while at levels approaching the highly polluted Sao Paulo deposition rate, five times higher than the current rate, leaching increased by 240%, which would create highly eutrophic conditions, detrimental to downstream water quality. The results indicate that the INCA model can be useful for estimating N concentration and fluxes for different atmospheric deposition rates and hydrological conditions.


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The tropospheric response to a forced shutdown of the North Atlantic Ocean’s meridional overturning circulation (MOC) is investigated in a coupled ocean–atmosphere GCM [the third climate configuration of the Met Office Unified Model (HadCM3)]. The strength of the boreal winter North Atlantic storm track is significantly increased and penetrates much farther into western Europe. The changes in the storm track are shown to be consistent with the changes in near-surface baroclinicity, which can be linked to changes in surface temperature gradients near regions of sea ice formation and in the open ocean. Changes in the SST of the tropical Atlantic are linked to a strengthening of the subtropical jet to the north, which, combined with the enhanced storm track, leads to a pronounced split in the jet structure over Europe. EOF analysis and stationary box indices methods are used to analyze changes to the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). There is no consistent signal of a change in the variability of the NAO, and while the changes in the mean flow project onto the positive NAO phase, they are significantly different from it. However, there is a clear eastward shift of the NAO pattern in the shutdown run, and this potentially has implications for ocean circulation and for the interpretation of proxy paleoclimate records.


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Field studies were carried out on the water and sediment dynamics in the tropical, macro-tidal, Daly Estuary. The estuary is shallow, very-turbid, about 100 km long, and the entrance is funnel-shape. In the wet, high flow season, normal tidal ranges can be suppressed in the estuary, depending on inflow rates, and freshwater becomes dominant up to the mouth. At that time a fraction of the fine sediment load is exported offshore as a bottom-tagging nepheloid layer after the sediment falls out of suspension of the thin, near-surface, river plume. The remaining fraction and the riverine coarse sediment form a large sediment bar 10 km long, up to 6 m in height and extending across the whole width of the channel near the mouth. This bar, as well as shoals in the estuary, partially pond the mid- to upper-estuary. This bar builds up from the deposition of riverine sediment during a wet season with high runoff and can raise mean water level by up to 2 m in the upper estuary in the low flow season. This ponding effect takes about three successive dry years to disappear by the sediment forming the bar being redistributed all over the estuary by tidal pumping of fine and coarse sediment in the dry season, which is the low flow season. The swift reversal of the tidal currents from ebb to flood results in macro-turbulence that lasts about 20 min. Bed load transport is preferentially landward and occurs only for water currents greater than 0.6 m s(-1). This high value of the threshold velocity suggests that the sand may be cemented by the mud. The Daly Estuary thus is a leaky sediment trap with an efficiency varying both seasonally and inter-annually. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A life cycle of the Madden–Julian oscillation (MJO) was constructed, based on 21 years of outgoing long-wave radiation data. Regression maps of NCEP–NCAR reanalysis data for the northern winter show statistically significant upper-tropospheric equatorial wave patterns linked to the tropical convection anomalies, and extratropical wave patterns over the North Pacific, North America, the Atlantic, the Southern Ocean and South America. To assess the cause of the circulation anomalies, a global primitive-equation model was initialized with the observed three-dimensional (3D) winter climatological mean flow and forced with a time-dependent heat source derived from the observed MJO anomalies. A model MJO cycle was constructed from the global response to the heating, and both the tropical and extratropical circulation anomalies generally matched the observations well. The equatorial wave patterns are established in a few days, while it takes approximately two weeks for the extratropical patterns to appear. The model response is robust and insensitive to realistic changes in damping and basic state. The model tropical anomalies are consistent with a forced equatorial Rossby–Kelvin wave response to the tropical MJO heating, although it is shifted westward by approximately 20° longitude relative to observations. This may be due to a lack of damping processes (cumulus friction) in the regions of convective heating. Once this shift is accounted for, the extratropical response is consistent with theories of Rossby wave forcing and dispersion on the climatological flow, and the pattern correlation between the observed and modelled extratropical flow is up to 0.85. The observed tropical and extratropical wave patterns account for a significant fraction of the intraseasonal circulation variance, and this reproducibility as a response to tropical MJO convection has implications for global medium-range weather prediction. Copyright © 2004 Royal Meteorological Society


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The ECMWF full-physics and dry singular vector (SV) packages, using a dry energy norm and a 1-day optimization time, are applied to four high impact European cyclones of recent years that were almost universally badly forecast in the short range. It is shown that these full-physics SVs are much more relevant to severe cyclonic development than those based on dry dynamics plus boundary layer alone. The crucial extra ingredient is the representation of large-scale latent heat release. The severe winter storms all have a long, nearly straight region of high baroclinicity stretching across the Atlantic towards Europe, with a tongue of very high moisture content on its equatorward flank. In each case some of the final-time top SV structures pick out the region of the actual storm. The initial structures were generally located in the mid- to low troposphere. Forecasts based on initial conditions perturbed by moist SVs with opposite signs and various amplitudes show the range of possible 1-day outcomes for reasonable magnitudes of forecast error. In each case one of the perturbation structures gave a forecast very much closer to the actual storm than the control forecast. Deductions are made about the predictability of high-impact extratropical cyclone events. Implications are drawn for the short-range forecast problem and suggestions made for one practicable way to approach short-range ensemble forecasting. Copyright © 2005 Royal Meteorological Society.