173 resultados para Short chain fatty acid


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The aim of the present study was to compare the response of a range of atherogenic and thrombogenic risk markers to two dietary levels of saturated fatty acid (SFA) substitution with monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) in students living in a university hall of residence. Although the benefits of such diets have been reported for plasma lipoproteins in high-risk groups, more needs to be known about effects of more modest SFA-MUFA substitutions over the long term and in young healthy adults. In a parallel design over 16 weeks, fifty-one healthy young subjects were randomised to one of two diets: (1) a moderate-MUFA diet in which 16 g dietary SFA/100 g total fatty acids were substituted with MUFA (n 25); (2) a high-MUFA diet in which 33 g dietary SFA/100 g total fatty acids were substituted with MUFA (n 26). All subjects followed an 8-week run-in diet (reference diet), with a fatty acid composition close to the UK average values. There were no differences in plasma lipid responses between the two diets over 16 weeks of the study with similar reductions in total cholesterol (P<0.001) and LDL-cholesterol (P<0.01) in both groups; a small but significant reduction in HDL-cholesterol was also observed in both groups (P<0.01). Platelet responses to ADP (P<0.01) and arachidonic acid (P<0.05) differed with time on the two diets; at 16 weeks, platelet aggregatory response to ADP was significantly lower on the high-MUFA than the moderate-MUFA (P<0.01) diet; ADP responses were also significantly lower within this group at 8 (P< 0.05) and 16 (P< 0.01) weeks compared with baseline. There were no differences in fasting factor VII activity (factors VIII and VIIag), fibrinogen concentration or tissue-type plasminogen activator activity between the diets. There were no differences in postprandial factor VIII responses to a standard meal (area under the curve) between the diets after 16 weeks, but postprandial factor VIII response was lower than on the high-MUFA diet compared with baseline (P<0.01). In conclusion, a high-MUFA diet sustains potentially beneficial effects on platelet aggregation and postprandial activation of factor VII. Moderate or high substitution of MUFA for SFA achieves similar reductions in fasting blood lipids in young healthy subjects.


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Mechanisms underlying milk fat conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) responses to supplements of fish oil were investigated using five lactating cows each fitted with a rumen cannula in a simple experiment consisting of two consecutive 14-day experimental periods. During the first period cows were offered 18 kg dry matter (DM) per day of a basal (B) diet formulated from grass silage and a cereal based-concentrate (0.6 : 0.4; forage : concentrate ratio, on a DM basis) followed by the same diet supplemented with 250 g fish oil per day (FO) in the second period. The flow of non-esterified fatty acids leaving the rumen was measured using the omasal sampling technique in combination with a triple indigestible marker method based on Li-Co-EDTA, Yb-acetate and Cr-mordanted straw. Fish oil decreased DM intake and milk yield, but had no effect on milk constituent content. Milk fat trans-11C(18:1), total trans-C-18:1, cis-9 trans-11 CLA, total CLA, C-18 :2 (n- 6) and total C-18:2 content were increased in response to fish oil from 1.80, 4.51, 0.39, 0. 56, 0.90 and 1.41 to 9.39, 14.39, 1.66, 1.85, 1.25 and 4.00 g/100 g total fatty acids, respectively. Increases in the cis-9, trans-11 isomer accounted for proportionately 0.89 of the CLA response to fish oil. Furthermore, fish oil decreased the flow of C-18:0 (283 and 47 g/day for B and FO, respectively) and increased that of trans-C-18:1 fatty acids entering the omasal canal (38 and 182 g/day). Omasal flows of trans-C-18:1 acids with double bonds in positions from delta-4 to -15 inclusive were enhanced, but the effects were isomer dependent and primarily associated with an increase in trans-11C(18:1) leaving the rumen (17.1 and 121.1 g/day for B and FO, respectively). Fish oil had no effect on total (4.36 and 3.50 g/day) or cis-9, trans-11 CLA (2.86 and 2.08 g/day) entering the omasal canal. Flows of cis-9, trans-11 CLA were lower than the secretion of this isomer in milk. Comparison with the transfer of the trans-9, trans-11 isomer synthesized in the rumen suggested that proportionately 0.66 and 0.97 of cis-9, trans-11 CLA was derived from endogenous conversion of trans-11 C-18:1 in the mammary gland for B and FO, respectively. It is concluded that fish oil enhances milk fat cis-9, trans-11 CLA content in response to increased supply of trans-11 C-18:1 that arises from an inhibition of trans C-18:1 reduction in the rumen.


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Gentiooligosaccharides and alternansucrase gentiobiose acceptor products were fractionated by their degree of polymerization (DP) on a Bio-Gel P2 column. Fractions were characterized by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectroscopy, and incubated with human faecal bacteria under anaerobic conditions at 37 degrees C. The growth of predominant gut bacteria on the oligosaccharides was evaluated by fluorescence in situ hybridization and a prebiotic index (PI) was calculated. Lower DP gentiooligosaccharides (DP2-3) showed the highest selectivity (PI of 4.89 and 3.40, respectively), whereas DP4-5 alternansucrase gentiobiose acceptor products generated the greatest values (PI of 5.87). The production of short-chain fatty acids was also determined during the time course of the reactions. The mixture of DP6-10 alternansucrase gentiobiose acceptor products generated the highest levels of butyric acid but the lowest levels of lactic acid. Generally, for similar molecular weights, alternansucrase gentiobiose acceptor products gave higher PI values than gentiooligosaccharides.


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Exopolysaccharides (EPS) isolated from two Bifidobacterium strains, one of human intestinal origin (Bifidobacterium longum subsp. longum IPLA E44) and the other from dairy origin (Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis IPLA R1), were subjected to in vitro chemically simulated gastrointestinal digestion. which showed the absence of degradation of both polymers in these conditions. Polymers were then used as carbon sources in pH-controlled faecal batch cultures and compared with the non-prebiotic carbohydrate glucose and the prebiotic inulin to determine changes in the composition of faecal bacteria. A set of eight fluorescent in situ hybridisation oligonucleotide probes targeting 16S rRNA sequences was used to quantify specific groups of microorganisms. Growth of the opportunistic pathogen Clostridium histolyticum occurred with all carbohydrates tested similarly to that found in negative control cultures without added carbohydrate and was mainly attributed to the culture conditions used rather than enhancement of growth by these substrates. Polymers E44 and RI stimulated growth of Lactobacillus/Enterococcus, Bifidobacterium, and Bacteroides/Prevotella in a similar way to that seen with inulin. The EPS RI also promoted growth of the Atopobium cluster during the first 24 h of fermentation. An increase in acetic and lactic acids was found during early stages of fermentation (first 10-24 h) correlating with increases of Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, and Atopobium. Propionic acid concentrations increased in old cultures, which was coincident with the enrichment of Clostridium cluster IX in cultures with EPS RI and with the increases in Bacteroides in cultures with both microbial EPS (RI and E44) and inulin. The lowest acetic to propionic acid ratio was obtained for EPS E44. None of the carbohydrates tested supported the growth of microorganisms from Clostridium clusters XIVa+b and IV, results that correlate with the poor butyrate production in the presence of EPS. Thus, EPS synthesized by bifidobacteria from dairy and intestinal origins can modulate the intestinal microbiota in vitro, promoting changes in some numerically and metabolically relevant microbial populations and shifts in the production of short chain fatty acids. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The objective of this article is to review existing studies concerning the effects of probiotics and prebiotics on serum cholesterol concentrations, with particular attention on the possible mechanisms of their action. Although not without exception, results from animal and human studies suggest a moderate cholesterol-lowering action of dairy products fermented with appropriate strain(s) of lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria. Mechanistically, probiotic bacteria ferment food-derived indigestible carbohydrates to produce short-chain fatty acids in the gut, which can then cause a decrease in the systemic levels of blood lipids by inhibiting hepatic cholesterol synthesis and/or redistributing cholesterol from plasma to the liver. Furthermore, some bacteria may interfere with cholesterol absorption from the gut by deconjugating bile salts and therefore affecting the metabolism of cholesterol, or by directly assimilating cholesterol. For prebiotic substances, the majority of studies have been done with the fructooligosaccharides inulin and oligofructose, and although convincing lipid-lowering effects have been observed in animals, high dose levels had to be used. Reports in humans are few in number. In studies conducted in normal-lipidemic subjects, two reported no effect of inulin or oligofructose on serum lipids, whereas two others reported a significant reduction in serum triglycerides (19 and 27%, respectively) with more modest changes in serum total and LDL cholesterol. At present, data suggest that in hyperlipidemic subjects, any effects that do occur result primarily in reductions in cholesterol, whereas in normal lipidemic subjects, effects on serum triglycerides are the dominant feature.


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Objective: To describe the calculations and approaches used to design experimental diets of differing saturated fatty acid (SFA) and monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) compositions for use in a long-term dietary intervention study, and to evaluate the degree to which the dietary targets were met. Design, setting and subjects: Fifty-one students living in a university hall of residence consumed a reference (SFA) diet for 8 weeks followed by either a moderate MUFA (MM) diet or a high MUFA (HM) diet for 16 weeks. The three diets were designed to differ only in their proportions of SFA and MUFA, while keeping total fat, polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), trans-fatty acids, and the ratio of palmitic to stearic acid, and n-6 to n-3 PUFA, unchanged. Results: Using habitual diet records and a standardised database for food fatty acid compositions, a sequential process of theoretical fat substitutions enabled suitable fat sources for use in the three diets to be identified, and experimental margarines for baking, spreading and the manufacture of snack foods to be designed. The dietary intervention was largely successful in achieving the fatty acid targets of the three diets, although unintended differences between the original target and the analysed fatty acid composition of the experimental margarines resulted in a lower than anticipated MUFA intake on the HM diet, and a lower ratio of palmitic to stearic acid compared with the reference or MM diet. Conclusions: This study has revealed important theoretical considerations that should be taken into account when designing diets of specific fatty acid composition, as well as practical issues of implementation.


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Background and aims: Epidemiological evidence indicates that cereal dietary fibre (DF) may have several cardiovascular health benefits. The underlying mechanisms have not yet been elucidated. Here, the potential nutritional effects of physico-chemical. properties modifications of durum wheat dietary fibre (DWF) induced by enzyme treatment have been investigated. Methods and results: The conversion of the highly polymerised insoluble dietary fibre into soluble feruloyl oligosaccharides of DWF was achieved by a tailored enzymatic treatment. The in vitro fermentation and release of ferulic acid by intestinal microbiota from DWF before and after the enzymatic treatment were assessed using a gut model validated to mimic the human colonic microbial environment. Results demonstrated that, compared to DWF, the enzyme-treated DWF (ETD-WF) stimulated the growth of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Concurrently, the release of free ferulic acid by ET-DWF was almost three times higher respect to the control. No effect on the formation of short chain fatty acids was observed. Conclusions: The conversion of insoluble dietary fibre from cereals into soluble dietary fibre generated a gut microbial fermentation that supported bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. The concurrent increase in free ferulic acid from the enzyme-treated DWF might result in a higher plasma ferulic acid concentration which could be one of the reasons for the health benefits reported for dietary fibre in cardiovascular diseases. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A mixture of organic acids and lactulose for preventing or reducing colonization of the gut by Salmonella Typhimurium was evaluated in pigs. A total of 63 4-week-old commercial piglets were randomly distributed into three different experimental dietary groups: a plain diet without additives (PD) and the same diet supplemented with either 0.4% (w/v) formic acid and 0.4% lactic acid (w/v) (AC) or 1% (w/v) lactulose (LC). After 7 days of adaptation, two-thirds of the pigs (14 from each diet) were challenged with a 2-mL oral dose of 10(8) CFU/mL of Salmonella Typhimurium, leaving the remaining animals unchallenged (UC). After 4 and 10 days post-challenge, pigs were euthanized and the ileum and caecum content were aseptically sampled to (a) quantify lactic, formic, and short-chain fatty acids (SCFA), (b) quantify bacterial populations and Salmonella by fluorescence in situ hybridization and (c) qualitatively analyse bacterial populations through denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). Modification of fermentation products and counts of some of the bacterial groups analysed in the challenged pigs receiving the treatments AC and LC were minimal. Treatments only influenced the bacterial diversity after 10 days post-challenge, with AC generating a lower number of DGGE bands than UC(P < 0.05). Neither the inclusion of a mixture of 0.4% (w/v) formic and 0.4% (w/v) lactic acids nor of 1% (w/v) lactulose in the feed influenced numbers of Salmonella in the ileum and caecum of experimentally challenged pigs. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Campylobacter jejuni NCTC 11168 does not exhibit the general increase in cellular stress resistance on entry into stationary phase that is seen in most other bacteria. This is consistent with the lack of global stationary phase regulatory elements in this organism. deduced from an analysis of its genome sequence. We now show that C. jejuni NCTC 11168 does undergo certain changes in stationary phase, of a pattern not previously described. As cells entered stationary phase there was a change in membrane fatty acid composition, principally a decrease in the proportion of unsaturated fatty acids and an increase in the content of cyclopropane and short-chain fatty acids. These changes in membrane composition were accompanied by an increase in the resilience of the cell membrane towards loss of integrity caused by pressure and an increase in cellular pressure resistance. By contrast. there were no major changes in resistance to acid or heat treatment. A similar pattern of changes in stress resistance on entry, into stationary phase was seen in C. jejuni NCTC 11351, the type strain. These changes appear to represent a restricted Physiological response to the conditions existing in stationary phase cultures, in an organism having limited capacity for genetic regulation and adaptation to environment. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Insulin is a prebiotic food ingredient, which suppresses colon tumour growth and development in rats. In the gut lumen, it is fermented to lactic acid and short chain fatty acids (SCFA). Of these, butyrate has suppressing agent activities, but little is known concerning cellular responses to complex fermentation samples. To investigate the effects of fermentation products of insulin on cellular responses related to colon carcinogenesis. Fermentations were performed in anaerobic batch cultures or in a three-stage fermentation model that simulates conditions in colon-segments (proximal, transverse, distal). Substrate was insulin enriched with oligofructose (Raftilose® Synergy1), fermented with probiotics (Bifidobacterium lactis Bb12, Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG), and/or faecal inocula. HT29 or CaCo-2 cells were incubated with supernatants of the fermented samples (2.5%-25% v/v, 24-72 hours). Cellular parameters of survival, differentiation, tumour progression, and invasive growth were determined. Fermentation supernatants derived from probiotics and Synergy1 were more effective than with glucose. The additional fermentation with faecal slurries produced supernatants with lower toxicity, higher SCFA contents, and distinct cellular functions. The supernatant derived from the gut model vessel representing the distal colon, was most effective for all parameters, probably on account of higher butyrate-concentrations. Biological effects of insulin upon colon cells may be mediated not only by growth stimulation of the lactic acid-producing bacteria and/or production of butyrate, but also by other bacteria and products of the gut lumen. These newly reported properties of the supernatants to inhibit growth and metastases in colon tumour cells are important mechanisms of tumour suppression.


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Background: There is little information about the relation between the fatty acid composition of human immune cells and the function of those cells over the habitual range of fatty acid intakes. Objective: The objective of the study was to determine the relation between the fatty acid composition of human peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) phospholipids and the functions of human immune cells. Design: One hundred fifty healthy adult subjects provided a fasting blood sample. The phagocytic and oxidative burst activities of monocytes and neutrophils were measured in whole blood. PBMCs were isolated and used to measure lymphocyte proliferation in response to the T cell mitogen concanavalin A and the production of cytokines in response to concanavalin A or bacterial lipopolysaccharide. The fatty acid composition of plasma and PBMC phospholipids was determined. Results: Wide variations in fatty acid composition of PBMC phospholipids and immune cell functions were identified among the subjects. The proportions of total Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), of total n-6 and n-3 PUFAs, and of several individual PUFAs in PBMC phospholipids were positively correlated with phagocytosis by neutrophils and monocytes, neutrophil oxidative burst, lymphocyte proliferation, and interferon gamma production. The ratios of saturated fatty acids to PUFAs and of n-6 to n-3 PUFAs were negatively correlated with these same immune functions. The relation of PBMC fatty acid composition to monocyte oxidative burst was the reverse of its relation to monocyte phagocytosis and neutrophil oxidative burst. Conclusion: Variations in the fatty acid composition of PBMC phospholipids account for some of the variability in immune cell functions among healthy adults.


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Meal fatty acids have been shown to modulate the size and composition of triacylglycerol (TAG)-rich lipoproteins influencing the magnitude and duration of the postprandial plasma TAG response. As a result there is considerable interest in the origin of these meal fatty-acid induced differences in particle composition. Caco-2 cells were incubated over 4 days with fatty acid mixtures resembling the composition of saturated (SFA), monounsaturated (MUFA) and polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA)-rich meals fed in a previous postprandial study to determine their impact on lipoprotein synthesis and secretion. The MUFA- and PUFA-rich mixtures supported greater intracellular TAG, but not cholesterol accumulation compared with the SFA-rich mixture (P < 0.001). The MUFA-rich mixture promoted significantly greater TAG and cholesterol secretion than the other mixtures and significantly more apolipoprotein B-100 secretion than the PUFA-rich mixture (P < 0.05). Electron microscopy revealed the SFA-rich mixture had led to unfavourable effects on cellular morphology, compared with the unsaturated fatty acid-rich mixtures. Our findings suggest the MUFA-rich mixture, may support the formation of a greater number of TAG-rich lipoproteins, which is consistent with indirect observations from our human study. Our electron micrographs are suggestive that some endocytotic uptake of MUFA-rich taurocholate micelles may promote greater lipoprotein synthesis and secretion in Caco-2 cells.


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Fermentation of beta-glucan fractions from barley [average molecular mass (MM), of 243, 172, and 137 kDa] and oats (average MM of 230 and 150 kDa) by the human faecal microbiota was investigated. Fractions were supplemented to pH-controlled anaerobic batch culture fermenters inoculated with human faecal samples from three donors, in triplicate, for each substrate. Microbiota changes were monitored by fluorescent in situ hybridization; groups enumerated were: Bifidobacterium genus, Bacteroides and Prevotella group, Clostridium histolyticum subgroup, Ruminococcus-Eubacterium-Clostridium (REC) cluster, Lactobacillus-Enterococcus group, Atopobium cluster, and clostridial cluster IX. Short-chain fatty acids and lactic acid were measured by HPLC. The C. histolyticum subgroup increased significantly in all vessels and clostridial cluster IX maintained high populations with all fractions. The Bacteroides-Prevotella group increased with all but the 243-kDa barley and 230-kDa oat substrates. In general beta-glucans displayed no apparent prebiotic potential. The SCFA profile (51 : 32 : 17; acetate : propionate : butyrate) was considered propionate-rich. In a further study a beta-glucan oligosaccharide fraction was produced with a degree of polymerization of 3-4. This fraction was supplemented to small-scale faecal batch cultures and gave significant increases in the Lactobacillus-Enterococcus group; however, the prebiotic potential of this fraction was marginal compared with that of inulin.


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This paper compares the volatile compound and fatty acid compositions of grilled beef from Aberdeen Angus and Holstein-Friesian steers slaughtered at 14 months, each breed fed from 6 months on either cereal-based concentrates or grass silage. Linoleic acid levels were higher in the muscle of concentrates-fed animals, which in the cooked meat resulted in increased levels of several compounds formed from linoleic acid decomposition. Levels of alpha-linolenic acid, and hence some volatile compounds derived from this fatty acid, were higher in the meat from the silage-fed steers. 1-Octen-3-ol, hexanal, 2-pentylfuran, trimethylamine, cis- and trans-2-octene and 4,5-dimethyl-2-pentyl-3-oxazoline were over 3 times higher in the steaks from the concentrates-fed steers, while grass-derived 1-phytene was present at much higher levels in the beef from the silage-fed steers. Only slight effects of breed were observed. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The effect on lamb muscle of five dietary supplements high in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) was measured. The supplements were linseed oil, fish oil, protected lipid (high in linoleic acid (C18:2 n-6) and alpha-linolenic acid (C18:3 n-3)), fish oil/marine algae (1:1), and protected lipid/marine algae (1:1). Eicosapentaenoic acid (C20:5 n-3) and docosahexaenoic acid (C22:6 n-3) were found in the highest amounts in the meat from lambs fed diets containing algae. Meat from lambs fed protected lipid had the highest levels of C18:2 n-6 and C18:3 n-3, due to the effectiveness of the protection system. In grilled meat from these animals, volatile compounds derived from n-3 fatty acids were highest in the meat from the lambs fed the fish oil/algae diet, whereas compounds derived from n-6 fatty acids were highest in the meat from the lambs fed the protected lipid diet. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.