107 resultados para Saranac Lake Region (N.Y.)--Remote-sensing maps.


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As part of its Data User Element programme, the European Space Agency funded the GlobMODEL project which aimed at investigating the scientific, technical, and organizational issues associated with the use and exploitation of remotely-sensed observations, particularly from new sounders. A pilot study was performed as a "demonstrator" of the GlobMODEL idea, based on the use of new data, with a strong European heritage, not yet assimilated operationally. Two parallel assimilation experiments were performed, using either total column ozone or ozone profiles retrieved at the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI). In both cases, the impact of assimilating OMI data in addition to the total ozone columns from the SCanning Imaging Absorption spectroMeter for Atmospheric CartograpHY (SCIAMACHY) on the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) ozone analyses was assessed by means of independent measurements. We found that the impact of OMI total columns is mainly limited to the region between 20 and 80 hPa, and is particularly important at high latitudes in the Southern hemisphere where the stratospheric ozone transport and chemical depletion are generally difficult to model with accuracy. Furthermore, the assimilation experiments carried out in this work suggest that OMI DOAS (Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy) total ozone columns are on average larger than SCIAMACHY total columns by up to 3 DU, while OMI total columns derived from OMI ozone profiles are on average about 8 DU larger than SCIAMACHY total columns. At the same time, the demonstrator brought to light a number of issues related to the assimilation of atmospheric composition profiles, such as the shortcomings arising when the vertical resolution of the instrument is not properly accounted for in the assimilation. The GlobMODEL demonstrator accelerated scientific and operational utilization of new observations and its results - prompted ECMWF to start the operational assimilation of OMI total column ozone data.


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ATSR-2 active fire data from 1996 to 2000, TRMM VIRS fire counts from 1998 to 2000 and burn scars derived from SPOT VEGETATION ( the Global Burnt Area 2000 product) were mapped for Peru and Bolivia to analyse the spatial distribution of burning and its intra- and inter-annual variability. The fire season in the region mainly occurs between May and October; though some variation was found between the six broad habitat types analysed: desert, grassland, savanna, dry forest, moist forest and yungas (the forested valleys on the eastern slope of the Andes). Increased levels of burning were generally recorded in ATSR-2 and TRMM VIRS fire data in response to the 1997/1998 El Nino, but in some areas the El Nino effect was masked by the more marked influences of socio-economic change on land use and land cover. There were differences between the three global datasets: ATSR-2 under-recorded fires in ecosystems with low net primary productivities. This was because fires are set during the day in this region and, when fuel loads are low, burn out before the ATSR-2 overpass in the region which is between 02.45 h and 03.30 h. TRMM VIRS was able to detect these fires because its overpasses cover the entire diurnal range on a monthly basis. The GBA2000 product has significant errors of commission (particularly areas of shadow in the well-dissected eastern Andes) and omission (in the agricultural zone around Santa Cruz, Bolivia and in north-west Peru). Particular attention was paid to biomass burning in high-altitude grasslands, where fire is an important pastoral management technique. Fires and burn scars from Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM) data for a range of years between 1987 and 2000 were mapped for areas around Parque Nacional Rio Abiseo (Peru) and Parque Nacional Carrasco (Bolivia). Burn scars mapped in the grasslands of these two areas indicate far more burning had taken place than either the fires or the burn scars derived from global datasets. Mean scar sizes are smaller and have a smaller range in size between years the in the study area in Peru (6.6-7.1 ha) than Bolivia (16.9-162.5 ha). Trends in biomass burning in the two highland areas can be explained in terms of the changing socio-economic environments and impacts of conservation. The mismatch between the spatial scale of biomass burning in the high-altitude grasslands and the sensors used to derive global fire products means that an entire component of the fire regime in the region studied is omitted, despite its importance in the farming systems on the Andes.


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In a recent investigation, Landsat TM and ETM+ data were used to simulate different resolutions of remotely-sensed images (from 30 to 1100 m) and to analyze the effect of resolution on a range of landscape metrics associated with spatial patterns of forest fragmentation in Chapare, Bolivia since the mid-1980s. Whereas most metrics were found to be highly dependent on pixel size, several fractal metrics (DLFD, MPFD, and AWMPFD) were apparently independent of image resolution, in contradiction with a sizeable body of literature indicating that fractal dimensions of natural objects depend strongly on image characteristics. The present re-analysis of the Chapare images, using two alternative algorithms routinely used for the evaluation of fractal dimensions, shows that the values of the box-counting and information fractal dimensions are systematically larger, sometimes by as much as 85%, than the "fractal" indices DLFD, MPFD, and AWMFD for the same images. In addition, the geometrical fractal features of the forest and non-forest patches in the Chapare region strongly depend on the resolution of images used in the analysis. The largest dependency on resolution occurs for the box-counting fractal dimension in the case of the non-forest patches in 1993, where the difference between the 30 and I 100 m-resolution images corresponds to 24% of the full theoretical range (1.0 to 2.0) of the mass fractal dimension. The observation that the indices DLFD, MPFD, and AWMPFD, unlike the classical fractal dimensions, appear relatively unaffected by resolution in the case of the Chapare images seems due essentially to the fact that these indices are based on a heuristic, "non-geometric" approach to fractals. Because of their lack of a foundation in fractal geometry, nothing guarantees that these indices will be resolution-independent in general. (C) 2006 International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Inc. (ISPRS). Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Changes in the extent of glaciers and rates of glacier termini retreat in the eastern Terskey-Alatoo Range, the Tien Shan Mountains, Central Asia have been evaluated using the remote sensing techniques. Changes in the extent of 335 glaciers between the end of the Little Ice Age (LIA; mid-19th century), 1990 and 2003 have been estimated through the delineation of glacier outlines and the LIA moraine positions on the Landsat TM and ASTER imagery for 1990 and 2003 respectively. By 2003, the glacier surface area had decreased by 19% of the LIA value, which constitutes a 76 km(2) reduction in glacier surface area. Mapping of 109 glaciers using the 1965 1:25,000 maps revealed that glacier surface area decreased by 12.6% of the 1965 value between 1965 and 2003. Detailed mapping of 10 glaciers using historical maps and aerial photographs from the 1943-1977 period, has enabled glacier extent variations over the 20th century to be identified with a higher temporal resolution. Glacial retreat was slow in the early 20th century but increased considerably between 1943 and 1956 and then again after 1977. The post-1990 period has been marked by the most rapid glacier retreat since the end of the LIA. The observed changes in the extent of glaciers are in line with the observed climatic warming. The regional weather stations have revealed a strong climatic warming during the ablation season since the 1950s at a rate of 0.02-0.03 degrees Ca-1. At the higher elevations in the study area represented by the Tien Shan meteorological station, the summer warming was accompanied by negative anomalies in annual precipitation in the 1990s enhancing glacier retreat. However, trends in precipitation in the post-1997 period cannot be evaluated due to the change in observational practices at this station. Neither station in the study area exhibits significant long-term trends in precipitation. Crown Copyright (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper we pledge that physically based equations should be combined with remote sensing techniques to enable a more theoretically rigorous estimation of area-average soil heat flux, G. A standard physical equation (i.e. the analytical or exact method) for the estimation of G, in combination with a simple, but theoretically derived, equation for soil thermal inertia (F), provides the basis for a more transparent and readily interpretable method for the estimation of G; without the requirement for in situ instrumentation. Moreover, such an approach ensures a more universally applicable method than those derived from purely empirical studies (employing vegetation indices and albedo, for example). Hence, a new equation for the estimation of Gamma(for homogeneous soils) is discussed in this paper which only requires knowledge of soil type, which is readily obtainable from extant soil databases and surveys, in combination with a coarse estimate of moisture status. This approach can be used to obtain area-averaged estimates of Gamma(and thus G, as explained in paper II) which is important for large-scale energy balance studies that employ aircraft or satellite data. Furthermore, this method also relaxes the instrumental demand for studies at the plot and field scale (no requirement for in situ soil temperature sensors, soil heat flux plates and/or thermal conductivity sensors). In addition, this equation can be incorporated in soil-vegetation-atmosphere-transfer models that use the force restore method to update surface temperatures (such as the well-known ISBA model), to replace the thermal inertia coefficient.


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For vegetated surfaces, calculation of soil heat flux, G, with the Exact or Analytical method requires a harmonic analysis of below-canopy soil surface temperature, to obtain the shape of the diurnal course of G. When determining G with remote sensing methods, only composite (vegetation plus soil) radiometric brightness temperature is available. This paper presents a simple equation that relates the sum of the harmonic terms derived for the composite radiometric surface temperature to that of belowcanopy soil surface temperature. The thermal inertia, Gamma(,) for which a simple equation has been presented in a companion paper, paper I, is used to set the magnitude of G. To assess the success of the method proposed in this paper for the estimation of the diurnal shape of G, a comparison was made between 'remote' and in situ calculated values from described field sites. This indicated that the proposed method was suitable for the estimation of the shape of G for a variety of vegetation types and densities. The approach outlined in paper I, to obtain Gamma, was then combined with the estimated harmonic terms to predict estimates of G, which were compared to values predicted by empirical remote methods found in the literature. This indicated that the method proposed in the combination of papers I and II gave reliable estimates of G, which, in comparison to the other methods, resulted in more realistic predictions for vegetated surfaces. This set of equations can also be used for bare and sparsely vegetated soils, making it a universally applicable method. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A method is presented which allows thermal inertia (the soil heat capacity times the square root of the soil thermal diffusivity, C(h)rootD(h)), to be estimated remotely from micrometeorological observations. The method uses the drop in surface temperature, T-s, between sunset and sunrise, and the average night-time net radiation during that period, for clear, still nights. A Fourier series analysis was applied to analyse the time series of T-s . The Fourier series constants, together with the remote estimate of thermal inertia, were used in an analytical expression to calculate diurnal estimates of the soil heat flux, G. These remote estimates of C(h)rootD(h) and G compared well with values derived from in situ sensors. The remote and in situ estimates of C(h)rootD(h) both correlated well with topsoil moisture content. This method potentially allows area-average estimates of thermal inertia and soil heat flux to be derived from remote sensing, e.g. METEOSAT Second Generation, where the area is determined by the sensor's height and viewing angle. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Climate variability in the African Soudano-Sahel savanna zone has attracted much attention because of the persistence of anomalously low rainfall. Past efforts to monitor the climate of this region have focused on rainfall and vegetation conditions, while land surface temperature (LST) has received less attention. Remote sensing of LST is feasible and possible at global scale. Most remotely sensed estimates of LST are based on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) that are limited in their ability to capture the full diurnal cycle. Although more frequent observations are available from past geostationary satellites, their spatial resolution is coarser than that of polar orbiting satellites. In this study, the improved capabilities of the Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI) on the METEOSAT Second Generation (MSG) instrument are used to remotely sense the LST in the African Soudano-Sahel savanna zone at a resolution of 3 km and 15 minutes. In support of the Radiative Atmospheric Divergence using the ARM Mobile Facility (AMF), GERB and AMMA Stations (RADAGAST) project, African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analyses (AMMA) project and the Department of Energy's Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) program, the ARM Mobile Facility was deployed during 2006 in this climatically sensitive region, thereby providing a unique opportunity to evaluate remotely sensed algorithms for deriving LST.


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Tidal channel networks play an important role in the intertidal zone, exerting substantial control over the hydrodynamics and sediment transport of the region and hence over the evolution of the salt marshes and tidal flats. The study of the morphodynamics of tidal channels is currently an active area of research, and a number of theories have been proposed which require for their validation measurement of channels over extensive areas. Remotely sensed data provide a suitable means for such channel mapping. The paper describes a technique that may be adapted to extract tidal channels from either aerial photographs or LiDAR data separately, or from both types of data used together in a fusion approach. Application of the technique to channel extraction from LiDAR data has been described previously. However, aerial photographs of intertidal zones are much more commonly available than LiDAR data, and most LiDAR flights now involve acquisition of multispectral images to complement the LiDAR data. In view of this, the paper investigates the use of multispectral data for semiautomatic identification of tidal channels, firstly from only aerial photographs or linescanner data, and secondly from fused linescanner and LiDAR data sets. A multi-level, knowledge-based approach is employed. The algorithm based on aerial photography can achieve a useful channel extraction, though may fail to detect some of the smaller channels, partly because the spectral response of parts of the non-channel areas may be similar to that of the channels. The algorithm for channel extraction from fused LiDAR and spectral data gives an increased accuracy, though only slightly higher than that obtained using LiDAR data alone. The results illustrate the difficulty of developing a fully automated method, and justify the semi-automatic approach adopted.


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Measures blocking hybridization would prevent or reduce biotic or environmental change caused by gene flow from genetically modified (GM) crops to wild relatives. The efficacy of any such measure depends on hybrid numbers within the legislative region over the life-span of the GM cultivar. We present a national assessment of hybridization between rapeseed (Brassica napus) and B. rapa from a combination of sources, including population surveys, remote sensing, pollen dispersal profiles, herbarium data, local Floras, and other floristic databases. Across the United Kingdom, we estimate that 32,000 hybrids form annually in waterside B. rapa populations, whereas the less abundant weedy populations contain 17,000 hybrids. These findings set targets for strategies to eliminate hybridization and represent the first step toward quantitative risk assessment on a national scale.


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Two ongoing projects at ESSC that involve the development of new techniques for extracting information from airborne LiDAR data and combining this information with environmental models will be discussed. The first project in conjunction with Bristol University is aiming to improve 2-D river flood flow models by using remote sensing to provide distributed data for model calibration and validation. Airborne LiDAR can provide such models with a dense and accurate floodplain topography together with vegetation heights for parameterisation of model friction. The vegetation height data can be used to specify a friction factor at each node of a model’s finite element mesh. A LiDAR range image segmenter has been developed which converts a LiDAR image into separate raster maps of surface topography and vegetation height for use in the model. Satellite and airborne SAR data have been used to measure flood extent remotely in order to validate the modelled flood extent. Methods have also been developed for improving the models by decomposing the model’s finite element mesh to reflect floodplain features such as hedges and trees having different frictional properties to their surroundings. Originally developed for rural floodplains, the segmenter is currently being extended to provide DEMs and friction parameter maps for urban floods, by fusing the LiDAR data with digital map data. The second project is concerned with the extraction of tidal channel networks from LiDAR. These networks are important features of the inter-tidal zone, and play a key role in tidal propagation and in the evolution of salt-marshes and tidal flats. The study of their morphology is currently an active area of research, and a number of theories related to networks have been developed which require validation using dense and extensive observations of network forms and cross-sections. The conventional method of measuring networks is cumbersome and subjective, involving manual digitisation of aerial photographs in conjunction with field measurement of channel depths and widths for selected parts of the network. A semi-automatic technique has been developed to extract networks from LiDAR data of the inter-tidal zone. A multi-level knowledge-based approach has been implemented, whereby low level algorithms first extract channel fragments based mainly on image properties then a high level processing stage improves the network using domain knowledge. The approach adopted at low level uses multi-scale edge detection to detect channel edges, then associates adjacent anti-parallel edges together to form channels. The higher level processing includes a channel repair mechanism.


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Northern hemisphere snow water equivalent (SWE) distribution from remote sensing (SSM/I), the ERA40 reanalysis product and the HadCM3 general circulation model are compared. Large differences are seen in the February climatologies, particularly over Siberia. The SSM/I retrieval algorithm may be overestimating SWE in this region, while comparison with independent runoff estimates suggest that HadCM3 is underestimating SWE. Treatment of snow grain size and vegetation parameterizations are concerns with the remotely sensed data. For this reason, ERA40 is used as `truth' for the following experiments. Despite the climatology differences, HadCM3 is able to reproduce the distribution of ERA40 SWE anomalies when assimilating ERA40 anomaly fields of temperature, sea level pressure, atmospheric winds and ocean temperature and salinity. However when forecasts are released from these assimilated initial states, the SWE anomaly distribution diverges rapidly from that of ERA40. No predictability is seen from one season to another. Strong links between European SWE distribution and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) are seen, but forecasts of this index by the assimilation scheme are poor. Longer term relationships between SWE and the NAO, and SWE and the El Ni\~no-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) are also investigated in a multi-century run of HadCM3. SWE is impacted by ENSO in the Himalayas and North America, while the NAO affects SWE in North America and Europe. While significant connections with the NAO index were only present in DJF (and to an extent SON), the link between ENSO and February SWE distribution was seen to exist from the previous JJA ENSO index onwards. This represents a long lead time for SWE prediction for hydrological applications such as flood and wildfire forecasting. Further work is required to develop reliable large scale observation-based SWE datasets with which to test these model-derived connections.


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In this paper, a fuzzy Markov random field (FMRF) model is used to segment land-objects into free, grass, building, and road regions by fusing remotely, sensed LIDAR data and co-registered color bands, i.e. scanned aerial color (RGB) photo and near infra-red (NIR) photo. An FMRF model is defined as a Markov random field (MRF) model in a fuzzy domain. Three optimization algorithms in the FMRF model, i.e. Lagrange multiplier (LM), iterated conditional mode (ICM), and simulated annealing (SA), are compared with respect to the computational cost and segmentation accuracy. The results have shown that the FMRF model-based ICM algorithm balances the computational cost and segmentation accuracy in land-cover segmentation from LIDAR data and co-registered bands.


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Airborne LIght Detection And Ranging (LIDAR) provides accurate height information for objects on the earth, which makes LIDAR become more and more popular in terrain and land surveying. In particular, LIDAR data offer vital and significant features for land-cover classification which is an important task in many application domains. In this paper, an unsupervised approach based on an improved fuzzy Markov random field (FMRF) model is developed, by which the LIDAR data, its co-registered images acquired by optical sensors, i.e. aerial color image and near infrared image, and other derived features are fused effectively to improve the ability of the LIDAR system for the accurate land-cover classification. In the proposed FMRF model-based approach, the spatial contextual information is applied by modeling the image as a Markov random field (MRF), with which the fuzzy logic is introduced simultaneously to reduce the errors caused by the hard classification. Moreover, a Lagrange-Multiplier (LM) algorithm is employed to calculate a maximum A posteriori (MAP) estimate for the classification. The experimental results have proved that fusing the height data and optical images is particularly suited for the land-cover classification. The proposed approach works very well for the classification from airborne LIDAR data fused with its coregistered optical images and the average accuracy is improved to 88.9%.