99 resultados para Muggleton, David: The post-subcultures reader
This paper assesses the impact of the monetary integration on different types of stock returns in Europe. In order to isolate European factors, the impact of global equity integration and small cap factors are investigated. European countries are sub-divided according to the process of monetary convergence. Analysis shows that national equity indices are strongly influenced by global market movements, with a European stock factor providing additional explanatory power. The global and European factors explain small cap and real estate stocks much less well –suggesting an increased importance of ‘local’ drivers. For real estate, there are notable differences between core and non-core countries. Core European countries exhibit convergence – a convergence to a European rather than a global factor. The non-core countries do not seem to exhibit common trends or movements. For the non-core countries, monetary integration has been associated with increased dispersion of returns, lower correlation and lower explanatory power of a European factor. It is concluded that this may be explained by divergence in underlying macro-economic drivers between core and non-core countries in the post-Euro period.
This paper examines the dynamics of the residential property market in the United States between 1960 and 2011. Given the cyclically and apparent overvaluation of the market over this period, we determine whether deviations of real estate prices from their fundamentals were caused by the existence of two genres of bubbles: intrinsic bubbles and rational speculative bubbles. We find evidence of an intrinsic bubble in the market pre-2000, implying that overreaction to changes in rents contributed to the overvaluation of real estate prices. However, using a regime-switching model, we find evidence of periodically collapsing rational bubbles in the post-2000 market
Since the first election victory of the Thatcher administration in 1979, Britain has witnessed a cultural transformation from the municipal socialism enshrined in the post-World War 2 development of the Welfare State to a form of post-industrial entrepreneurialism based largely on market rationality. This has had a profound effect on all aspects of civil life, not least the redefinition of the role of active leisure. Since the late 1950s the dominant policy for active leisure has been 'Sport For All', an assertion of a social right too important to be left to the market. The transformation has, therefore, signalled a shift from government support for active leisure as an element of citizen rights to the use of leisure to promote the government's interest in legitimating a new social order based not on rights but on means. Thus access to active living is no longer a societal goal for all, but a discretionary consumer good, the consumption of which signifies 'active' citizenship. It furthermore signifies differentiation from the growing mass of 'deviants' who are unwilling or unable to embrace this new construction of citizenship and are, therefore, increasingly denied access to active living and, hence, active citizenship.
Since the first election victory of the Thatcher administration in 1979, Britain has witnessed a cultural transformation from the municipal socialism of the post-World War 2 Welfare State to a form of post-industrial entrepreneurialism. This has had a profound effect on all aspects of civil society, not least the redefinition of the role of active leisure from the 1950s evocation of 'Sport For All' to the market rationality of the 1980s. The transformation has signalled a shift from government support for active leisure as an element of citizen rights to the use of leisure to promote the government's interest in legitimating a new social order based not on rights but on means. Thus access to active living is no longer a societal goal for all, but a discretionary consumer good, the consumption of which signifies 'active' citizenship. It furthermore signifies differentiation from the growing mass of 'deviants' who are unwilling or unable to embrace this new construction of citizenship and are, therefore, increasingly denied access to active living and, hence, active citizenship.
Pharmacological levels of zinc oxide (ZnO) incorporated into the post-weaning piglet diet reduce the incidence of diarrhoea caused by enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) K88. The mechanism for this is not understood. Here, Intestinal Porcine Epithelial Cells (IPEC) J2 were used as an in vitro model of the porcine intestine. ZnO reduced IPEC J2 viability at concentrations >= 200 mu M, and ETEC adhesion to the host cell was unaffected by ZnO. Characterisation of the metabolism of IPEC J2 cells and ETEC established the effects of ZnO treatment on the metabolic profile of both. Although 100 mu M ZnO did not inhibit growth of either host or pathogen in fully supplemented media, metabolic profiles were significantly altered. Glucose and mannose were essential energy sources for IPEC J2 cells in the presence of ZnO, as the ability to utilise other sources was compromised. The increase in specificity of requirements to support respiration in ETEC was more pronounced, in particular the need for cysteine as a nitrogen source. These findings indicate that ZnO impacts on both host cell and pathogen metabolism and may provide insight into the mechanism for diarrhoea reduction. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This article examines the ways in which political organisations of the far left and far right responded to punk-informed youth culture in Britain during the late 1970s. It examines how both tried to understand punk within their own ideological framework, particularly in relation to the perceived socio-economic and political crises of the late 1970s, before then endeavouring to appropriate—or use—punk for their own ends. Ultimately, however, the article suggests that while punk may indeed be seen as a cultural response to the breakdown of what some have described as the post-war ‘consensus’ in the 1970s, the far left and far right's focus on cultural expression cut across the basic foundations on which they had been built. Consequently, neither left nor right proved able to provide an effective political conduit through which the disaffections expressed by punk could be channelled.
The Commission has proposed that a revised version of the present regime of direct payments should be rolled forward into the post-2013 CAP. There would be a limited redistribution of funds between Member States. Thirty per cent of the budget would be allocated to a new greening component, which would be problematic in the WTO. Non-active farmers would not qualify for aid; and payments would be capped. Special schemes would be introduced for small farmers, for young new entrants, and for disadvantaged regions.
The time evolution of the circulation change at the end of the Baiu season is investigated using ERA40 data. An end-day is defined for each of the 23 years based on the 850 hPa θe value at 40˚Nin the 130-140˚E sector exceeding 330 K. Daily time series of variables are composited with respect to this day. These composite time-series exhibit a clearer and more rapid change in the precipitation and the large-scale circulation over the whole East Asia region than those performed using calendar days. The precipitation change includes the abrupt end of the Baiu rain, the northward shift of tropical convection perhaps starting a few days before this, and the start of the heavier rain at higher latitudes. The northward migration of lower tropospheric warm, moist tropical air, a general feature of the seasonal march in the region, is fast over the continent and slow over the ocean. By mid to late July the cooler air over the Sea of Japan is surrounded on 3 sides by the tropical air. It is suggestive that the large-scale stage has been set for a jump to the post-Baiu state, i.e., for the end of the Baiu season. Two likely triggers for the actual change emerge from the analysis. The first is the northward movement of tropical convection into the Philippine region. The second is an equivalent barotropic Rossby wave-train, that over a 10-day period develops downstream across Eurasia. It appears likely that in most years one or both mechanisms can be important in triggering the actual end of the Baiu season.
The E3 ligase c-Cbl ubiquitinates protease-activated receptor 2 (PAR(2)), which is required for post-endocytic sorting of PAR(2) to lysosomes, where degradation arrests signaling. The mechanisms of post-endocytic sorting of ubiquitinated receptors are incompletely understood. Here, we investigated the role of hepatocyte growth factor-regulated tyrosine kinase substrate (HRS), in post-endocytic sorting and signaling of PAR(2). In HEK-PAR(2) cells, PAR(2) activating peptide (PAR(2)-AP) induced PAR(2) trafficking from the cell surface to early endosomes containing endogenous HRS, and then to lysosomes. HRS overexpression or knockdown with small interfering RNA caused formation of enlarged HRS-positive endosomes, where activated PAR(2) and c-Cbl accumulated, and PAR(2) failed to traffic to lysosomes. Overexpression of HRS prevented PAR(2)-AP-induced degradation of PAR(2), as determined by Western blotting. Overexpression of HRS mutant lacking an ubiquitin-binding motif similarly caused retention of PAR(2) in enlarged endosomes. Moreover, HRS overexpression or knockdown caused retention of ubiquitin-resistant PAR(2)Delta14K/R in enlarged HRS-containing endosomes, preventing recycling and resensitization of PAR(2)Delta14K/R. HRS overexpression or knockdown similarly prevented lysosomal trafficking and recycling of calcitonin receptor-like receptor, a non-ubiquitinated receptor that traffics to lysosomes after sustained activation and recycles after transient activation. Thus, HRS plays a critically important role in the post-endocytic sorting of single receptors, PAR(2) and CLR, to both degradative and recycling pathways. This sorting role for HRS is independent of its ubiquitin-interacting motif, and it can regulate trafficking of both ubiquitinated and non-ubiquitinated PAR(2) and non-ubiquitinated CLR. The ultimate sorting decision to degradative or recycling pathways appears to occur downstream from HRS.
Some proponents of local knowledge, such as Sillitoe (2010), have expressed second thoughts about its capacity to effect development on the ‘revolutionary’ scale once predicted. Our argument in this article follows a similar route. Recent research into the management of livestock in South Africa makes clear that rural African livestock farmers experience uncertainty in relation to the control of stock diseases. State provision of veterinary services has been significantly reduced over the past decade. Both white and African livestock owners are to a greater extent left to their own devices. In some areas of animal disease management, African livestock owners have recourse to tried-and-tested local remedies, which are largely plant-based. But especially in the critical sphere of tick control, efficacious treatments are less evident, and livestock owners struggle to find adequate solutions to high tickloads. This is particularly important in South Africa in the early twenty-first century because land reform and the freedom to purchase land in the post-apartheid context affords African stockowners opportunities to expand livestock holdings. Our research suggests that the limits of local knowledge in dealing with ticks is one of the central problems faced by African livestock owners. We judge this not only in relation to efficacy but also the perceptions of livestock owners themselves. While confidence and practice varies, and there is increasing resort of chemical acaricides we were struck by the uncertainty of livestock owners over the best strategies.
This article considers the BBC External Service's East German wing, which broadcast from 1949 on, focusing on the continuities in broadcast techniques between wartime anti-Nazi programming and slots such as 'Two Comrades' and 'The Bewildered Newspaper Reader', both of which replicated pre-1945 formats. The role of the Foreign Office, both as cold warrior in the 1940s and force for detente in the 1970s is included. The article also investigates the response from German listeners to the BBC's external service broadcasting in the 1950s and 1960s. The BBC paid special attention to its German listeners, and has preserved a large number of original letters at the Written Archive at Caversham, as well as conducting regular listener surveys. These considered whether Britain's democratic agenda was getting across in the late 1940s and 50s, but the author also considers to what extent German listeners were pressing for a harder stance in the Cold War or were urging caution on the great powers deciding their fate.
In a Report for the Society of Bookmen in 1928, British publishers estimated that between a quarter to two thirds of all the books they published went to four circulating libraries: Boots, Smith’s, Mudie’s, and The Times bookclub. This essay examines the literary impact of one of the largest of these, Boots Book-lovers’ Library (1899-66), which by 1935 had around 400 libraries attached to their high-street pharmacies catering for the tastes of over one million subscribers a year. Compared to the wealth of studies examining the influence of the library market in the Victorian period, the significance of the subscription libraries as key distributors of fiction in the twentieth century is not well known. But private libraries expanded rapidly in the early twentieth century to cater for what Sidney Dark termed a ‘new reading public’, and records in publishers’ archives indicate that authors routinely adapted their unpublished manuscripts in order to meet the perceived demands of this library reader. This article examines the impact of the Boots Book-lovers’ Library market on authors’ practices of writing and revision, and on literary marketing and censorship. It focuses in particular on the author James Hanley (1897-1985), using unpublished correspondence in the Chatto & Windus archive at the University of Reading to demonstrate how the publisher’s sense of the tastes and expectations of the Boots library reader influenced the editorial process.