79 resultados para Aspiration level
A RAPD-PCR assay was developed and used to test For competitive variability in growth of the nematode biological control fungus Pochonia chlamydosporia. Saprophytic competence in soil with or without tomato plants was examined in three isolates of the fungus: RES 280 (J), originally isolated from potato cyst nematode (PCN) cysts; RES 200 (1) and RES 279 (S), both originally isolated from root knot nematode (RKN) eggs. Viable counts taken at 70 d indicated that I was the best saprophyte followed by S, with J the poorest. RAPD-PCR analysis of colonies from mixed treatments revealed that there was a cumulative effect of adding isolates to the system. This Suggested that the isolates did not interact and that they may occupy separate niches in soil and the rhizosphere. To investigate parasitic ability, soils were seeded with two isolates of the fungus: J and S, singly or in combination. Tomato or potato plants were grown in these soils; free of nematodes, or inoculated with PCN or RKN, and incubated for 77 d. The abundance of the PCN isolate J in PCN cysts was significantly greater than that of the RKN isolate S but in RKN egg masses, S was significantly more abundant than J. RAPD-PCR analysis of colonies from mixed treatments confirmed that J was more abundant than S ill PCN cysts whereas the converse was observed on RKN egg masses. This substantiates the phenomenon of nematode host preference at the infraspecific level of P. chlamydosporia and highlights its relevance for biological control of plant parasitic nematodes.
In this paper, we list some new orthogonal main effects plans for three-level designs for 4, 5 and 6 factors in IS runs and compare them with designs obtained from the existing L-18 orthogonal array. We show that these new designs have better projection properties and can provide better parameter estimates for a range of possible models. Additionally, we study designs in other smaller run-sizes when there are insufficient resources to perform an 18-run experiment. Plans for three-level designs for 4, 5 and 6 factors in 13 to 17 runs axe given. We show that the best designs here are efficient and deserve strong consideration in many practical situations.
More than half the world's rainforest has been lost to agriculture since the Industrial Revolution. Among the most widespread tropical crops is oil palm (Elaeis guineensis): global production now exceeds 35 million tonnes per year. In Malaysia, for example, 13% of land area is now oil palm plantation, compared with 1% in 1974. There are enormous pressures to increase palm oil production for food, domestic products, and, especially, biofuels. Greater use of palm oil for biofuel production is predicated on the assumption that palm oil is an "environmentally friendly'' fuel feedstock. Here we show, using measurements and models, that oil palm plantations in Malaysia directly emit more oxides of nitrogen and volatile organic compounds than rainforest. These compounds lead to the production of ground-level ozone (O-3), an air pollutant that damages human health, plants, and materials, reduces crop productivity, and has effects on the Earth's climate. Our measurements show that, at present, O-3 concentrations do not differ significantly over rainforest and adjacent oil palm plantation landscapes. However, our model calculations predict that if concentrations of oxides of nitrogen in Borneo are allowed to reach those currently seen over rural North America and Europe, ground-level O-3 concentrations will reach 100 parts per billion (10(9)) volume (ppbv) and exceed levels known to be harmful to human health. Our study provides an early warning of the urgent need to develop policies that manage nitrogen emissions if the detrimental effects of palm oil production on air quality and climate are to be avoided.
The construction industry with its nature of project delivery is very fragmented in terms of the various processes that encompass design, construction, facilities and assets management. Facilities managers are in the forefront of delivering sustainable assets management and hence further the venture for mitigation and adaptation to climate change. A questionnaire survey was conducted to establish perceptions, level of commitment and knowledge chasm in practising sustainable facilities management (FM). This has significant implications for sustainable design management, especially in a fragmented industry. The majority of questionnaire respondents indicated the importance of sustainability for their organization. Many of them stated that they reported on sustainability as part of their organization annual reporting with energy efficiency, recycling and waste reduction as the main concern for them. The overwhelming barrier for implementing sound, sustainable FM is the lack of consensual understanding and focus of individuals and organizations about sustainability. There is a knowledge chasm regarding practical information on delivering sustainable FM. Sustainability information asymmetry in design, construction and FM processes render any sustainable design as a sentiment and mere design aspiration. Skills and training provision, traditionally offered separately to designers and facilities managers, needs to be re-evaluated. Sustainability education and training should be developed to provide effective structures and processes to apply sustainability throughout the construction and FM industries coherently and as common practice.
Background: Inadvertent drilling on the ossicular chain is one of the causes of sensorineural hearing loss (HL) that may follow tympanomastoid surgery. A high-frequency HL is most frequently observed. It is speculated that the HL is a result of vibration of the ossicular chain resembling acoustic noise trauma. It is generally considered that using a large cutting burr is more likely to cause damage than a small diamond burr. Aim: The aim was to investigate the equivalent noise level and its frequency characteristics generated by drilling onto the short process of the incus in fresh human temporal bones. Methods and Materials: Five fresh cadaveric temporal bones were used. Stapes displacement was measured using laser Doppler vibrometry during short drilling episodes. Diamond. and cutting burrs of different diameters were used. The effect of the drilling on stapes footplate displacement was compared with that generated by an acoustic signal. The equivalent noise level (dB sound pressure level equivalent [SPL eq]) was thus calculated. Results: The equivalent noise levels generated ranged from 93 to 125 dB SPL eq. For a 1-mm cutting burr, the highest equivalent noise level was 108 dB SPL eq, whereas a 2.3-mm cutting burr produced a maximal level of 125 dB SPL eq. Diamond burrs generated less noise than their cutting counterparts, with a 2.3-mm diamond burr producing a highest equivalent noise level of 102, dB SPL eq. The energy of the noise increased at the higher end of the frequency spectrum, with a 2.3-mm cutting burr producing a noise level of 105 dB SPL eq at 1 kHz and 125 dB SPL eq at 8 kHz. In contrast, the same sized diamond burr produced 96 dB SPL eq at 1 kHz and 99 dB at 8 kHz. Conclusion:This study suggests that drilling on the ossicular chain can produce vibratory force that is analogous with noise levels known to produce acoustic trauma. For the same type of burr, the larger the diameter, the greater the vibratory force, and for the same size of burr, the cutting burr creates more vibratory force than the diamond burr. The cutting burr produces greater high-frequency than lower-frequency vibratory energy.
The method of distributing the outdoor air in classrooms has a major impact on indoor air quality and thermal comfort of pupils. In a previous study, ([11] Karimipanah T, Sandberg M, Awbi HB. A comparative study of different air distribution systems in a classroom. In: Proceedings of Roomvent 2000, vol. II, Reading, UK, 2000. p. 1013-18; [13] Karimipanah T, Sandberg M, Awbi HB, Blomqvist C. Effectiveness of confluent jets ventilation system for classrooms. In: Idoor Air 2005, Beijing, China, 2005 (to be presented).) presented results for four and two types of air distribution systems tested in a purpose built classroom with simulated occupancy as well as computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling. In this paper, the same experimental setup has been used to investigate the indoor environment in the classroom using confluent jet ventilation, see also ([12]Cho YJ, Awbi HB, Karimipanah T. The characteristics of wall confluent jets for ventilated enclosures. In: Proceedings of Roomvent 2004, Coimbra, Portugal, 2004.) Measurements of air speed, air temperature and tracer gas concentrations have been carried out for different thermal conditions. In addition, 56 cases of CFD simulations have been carried to provide additional information on the indoor air quality and comfort conditions throughout the classroom, such as ventilation effectiveness, air exchange effectiveness, effect of flow rate, effect of radiation, effect of supply temperature, etc., and these are compared with measured data.
Recent research along the coastal cliffs and embayments of Jersey has revealed new aspects of the geomorphology of the rocky shore platform and its relationship with the steep slopes that link it to the island plateau above. Specifically, a rockhead platform meets a 10-30 m high, near vertical cliff at approximately 8-10 m above Jersey Datum (J.D.= ±0 m Ordnance Datum; likewise Guernsey Datum: G.D.), slopes down-towards mid-tide levels becoming ever more deeply dissected. Generalised contours of this platform show it to be distinct from a lower tidal rockhead platform which is comparatively smooth over large areas as it undergoes continuing contemporary abrasion. This lower platform is generally separated from the higher one by low cliffs, less than a metre high at mid-tidal levels, but two to three metres at the base of the backing cliffs. Both of these platforms are shown to antedate the Last Cold Stage (Devensian) head at a number of localities and this relationship is taken to represent the general situation, not only in Jersey, but throughout the other Channel Islands and adjacent coasts of Armorica. Whether either, or both, of these two platforms are older than Marine Oxygen Isotope Substage (MOIS) 5e (Ipswichian) as well is not known. However the considerable age of the numerous and wide intertidal shore platforms of the Channel Islands and adjacent coasts of Amorica makes a greater age quite possible.
Objectives: To assess any change in the oral flora in the mouths of stroke patients during the acute and rehabilitation phases and to determine whether this is related to episodes of aspiration pneumonia and clinical outcome. Materials and Methods: This observational study was carried out in hospital wards in a University teaching hospital. The subjects were patients immediately post-stroke and during the rehabilitation period, acute admissions and a group of healthy volunteers. An assessment of dentition and swallow in the presence or absence of oral aerobic gram-negative bacilli (AGNB) was correlated. Results: Of the acute stroke patients 52% had an unsafe swallow. AGNB carriage was documented in 34% of the acute stroke group. Of the 11 patients who died 55% had AGNB, 73% had an unsafe swallow and 36% had a combination of both. Conclusion: AGNB is a common finding in acute stroke patients. It is not a consequence of age or acute hospitalisation and is associated with an unsafe swallow and a higher mortality. Copyright (C) 2003 S. Karger AG, Basel.
The role of anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) in attention is a matter of debate. One hypothesis suggests that its role is to monitor response-level conflict, but explicit evidence is somewhat lacking. In this study, the activation of ACC was compared in (a) color and number standard Stroop tasks in which response preparation and interference shared modality (response-level conflict) and (b) color and number matching Stroop tasks in which response preparation and interference did not share modality (non-response-level conflict). In the congruent conditions, there was no effect of task type. In the interference conditions, anterior cingulate activity in the matching tasks was less than that in the standard tasks. These results support the hypothesis that ACC specifically mediates generalized modality-independent selection processes invoked by response competition.