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We present a novel method for retrieving high-resolution, three-dimensional (3-D) nonprecipitating cloud fields in both overcast and broken-cloud situations. The method uses scanning cloud radar and multiwavelength zenith radiances to obtain gridded 3-D liquid water content (LWC) and effective radius (re) and 2-D column mean droplet number concentration (Nd). By using an adaption of the ensemble Kalman filter, radiances are used to constrain the optical properties of the clouds using a forward model that employs full 3-D radiative transfer while also providing full error statistics given the uncertainty in the observations. To evaluate the new method, we first perform retrievals using synthetic measurements from a challenging cumulus cloud field produced by a large-eddy simulation snapshot. Uncertainty due to measurement error in overhead clouds is estimated at 20% in LWC and 6% in re, but the true error can be greater due to uncertainties in the assumed droplet size distribution and radiative transfer. Over the entire domain, LWC and re are retrieved with average error 0.05–0.08 g m-3 and ~2 μm, respectively, depending on the number of radiance channels used. The method is then evaluated using real data from the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement program Mobile Facility at the Azores. Two case studies are considered, one stratocumulus and one cumulus. Where available, the liquid water path retrieved directly above the observation site was found to be in good agreement with independent values obtained from microwave radiometer measurements, with an error of 20 g m-2.


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We study the scaling properties and Kraichnan–Leith–Batchelor (KLB) theory of forced inverse cascades in generalized two-dimensional (2D) fluids (α-turbulence models) simulated at resolution 8192x8192. We consider α=1 (surface quasigeostrophic flow), α=2 (2D Euler flow) and α=3. The forcing scale is well resolved, a direct cascade is present and there is no large-scale dissipation. Coherent vortices spanning a range of sizes, most larger than the forcing scale, are present for both α=1 and α=2. The active scalar field for α=3 contains comparatively few and small vortices. The energy spectral slopes in the inverse cascade are steeper than the KLB prediction −(7−α)/3 in all three systems. Since we stop the simulations well before the cascades have reached the domain scale, vortex formation and spectral steepening are not due to condensation effects; nor are they caused by large-scale dissipation, which is absent. One- and two-point p.d.f.s, hyperflatness factors and structure functions indicate that the inverse cascades are intermittent and non-Gaussian over much of the inertial range for α=1 and α=2, while the α=3 inverse cascade is much closer to Gaussian and non-intermittent. For α=3 the steep spectrum is close to that associated with enstrophy equipartition. Continuous wavelet analysis shows approximate KLB scaling ℰ(k)∝k−2 (α=1) and ℰ(k)∝k−5/3 (α=2) in the interstitial regions between the coherent vortices. Our results demonstrate that coherent vortex formation (α=1 and α=2) and non-realizability (α=3) cause 2D inverse cascades to deviate from the KLB predictions, but that the flow between the vortices exhibits KLB scaling and non-intermittent statistics for α=1 and α=2.


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Among existing remote sensing applications, land-based X-band radar is an effective technique to monitor the wave fields, and spatial wave information could be obtained from the radar images. Two-dimensional Fourier Transform (2-D FT) is the common algorithm to derive the spectra of radar images. However, the wave field in the nearshore area is highly non-homogeneous due to wave refraction, shoaling, and other coastal mechanisms. When applied in nearshore radar images, 2-D FT would lead to ambiguity of wave characteristics in wave number domain. In this article, we introduce two-dimensional Wavelet Transform (2-D WT) to capture the non-homogeneity of wave fields from nearshore radar images. The results show that wave number spectra by 2-D WT at six parallel space locations in the given image clearly present the shoaling of nearshore waves. Wave number of the peak wave energy is increasing along the inshore direction, and dominant direction of the spectra changes from South South West (SSW) to West South West (WSW). To verify the results of 2-D WT, wave shoaling in radar images is calculated based on dispersion relation. The theoretical calculation results agree with the results of 2-D WT on the whole. The encouraging performance of 2-D WT indicates its strong capability of revealing the non-homogeneity of wave fields in nearshore X-band radar images.


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The new thiogallate Na5(Ga4S)(GaS4)3·6H2O has been prepared solvothermally, using 3,5-dimethyl pyridine as a solvent, and characterised by powder and single crystal X-ray diffraction. This material, which exhibits a three-dimensional crystal structure, crystallises in the cubic space group View the MathML sourceF4¯3c (a = 17.557(4) Å). The crystal structure contains octahedral building blocks [Ga4S (GaS4)6]20−, linked into a three-dimensional network with a perovskite-type topology, and sodium hydrate clusters, [Na5(H2O)6]5+, filling the cavities in the [Ga4S(GaS4)6/2]5− framework. UV–Vis diffuse reflectance measurements indicate that this material is a wide band gap semiconductor, with a band gap of ca. 4.4 eV.


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A new iron(II) coordination polymer, [FeCl2(NC7H9)2(N2C12H12)], has been synthesized under solvothermal conditions and structurally characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. This material crystallizes in the monoclinic space group C2/c, with a = 11.2850(6), b = 13.8925(7), c = 17.0988(9) Å and β = 94.300(3)º (Z = 4). The crystal structure consists of neutral zig-zag chains, in which the iron(II) ions are octahedrally coordinated. The infinite polymer chains are packed into a three-dimensional structure through C–H···Cl interactions. Magnetic susceptibility measurements reveal the existence of weak antiferromagnetic interactions between the iron(II) ions. The effective magnetic moment, μ eff = 5.33 μ B , is consistent with a high-spin iron(II) configuration.


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The synthesis and characterization of the first anions containing two gallium-sulfide supertetrahedra linked via an organic moiety are described.


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The synthesis and crystal structure of four gallium sulphide open frameworks, built from supertetrahedral clusters, are described. The structures of [C4NH12]6[Ga10S18][C4NH12]6[Ga10S18](1) and [C4NH12]12[Ga20S35.5(S3)0.5O](2) contain supertetrahedral T3 clusters, while in the isostructural compounds [C4NH12]16[Ga10S18M4Ga16S33][C4NH12]16[Ga10S18M4Ga16S33] (M=CoM=Co(3), Zn (4)), T3 and T4 clusters alternate. These materials exhibit three-dimensional frameworks, with topologies consisting of two interpenetrating diamond lattices, and contain over 50% of solvent accessible void space. UV–Vis diffuse reflectance measurements indicate that these compounds are semiconducting, with band gaps over the range 3.4–4.1 eV.


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Nonlinear data assimilation is high on the agenda in all fields of the geosciences as with ever increasing model resolution and inclusion of more physical (biological etc.) processes, and more complex observation operators the data-assimilation problem becomes more and more nonlinear. The suitability of particle filters to solve the nonlinear data assimilation problem in high-dimensional geophysical problems will be discussed. Several existing and new schemes will be presented and it is shown that at least one of them, the Equivalent-Weights Particle Filter, does indeed beat the curse of dimensionality and provides a way forward to solve the problem of nonlinear data assimilation in high-dimensional systems.


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Observers generally fail to recover three-dimensional shape accurately from binocular disparity. Typically, depth is overestimated at near distances and underestimated at far distances [Johnston, E. B. (1991). Systematic distortions of shape from stereopsis. Vision Research, 31, 1351–1360]. A simple prediction from this is that disparity-defined objects should appear to expand in depth when moving towards the observer, and compress in depth when moving away. However, additional information is provided when an object moves from which 3D Euclidean shape can be recovered, be this through the addition of structure from motion information [Richards, W. (1985). Structure from stereo and motion. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 2, 343–349], or the use of non-generic strategies [Todd, J. T., & Norman, J. F. (2003). The visual perception of 3-D shape from multiple cues: Are observers capable of perceiving metric structure? Perception and Psychophysics, 65, 31–47]. Here, we investigated shape constancy for objects moving in depth. We found that to be perceived as constant in shape, objects needed to contract in depth when moving toward the observer, and expand in depth when moving away, countering the effects of incorrect distance scaling (Johnston, 1991). This is a striking example of the failure of shape con- stancy, but one that is predicted if observers neither accurately estimate object distance in order to recover Euclidean shape, nor are able to base their responses on a simpler processing strategy.