101 resultados para the development of intellectual capital
Emergency vehicles use high-amplitude sirens to warn pedestrians and other road users of their presence. Unfortunately, the siren noise enters the vehicle and corrupts the intelligibility of two-way radio voice com-munications from the emergency vehicle to a control room. Often the siren has to be turned off to enable the control room to hear what is being said which subsequently endangers people's lives. A digital signal processing (DSP) based system for the cancellation of siren noise embedded within speech is presented. The system has been tested with the least mean square (LMS), normalised least mean square (NLMS) and affine projection algorithm (APA) using recordings from three common types of sirens (two-tone, wail and yelp) from actual test vehicles. It was found that the APA with a projection order of 2 gives comparably improved cancellation over the LMS and NLMS with only a moderate increase in algorithm complexity and code size. Therefore, this siren noise cancellation system using the APA offers an improvement in cancellation achieved by previous systems. The removal of the siren noise improves the response time for the emergency vehicle and thus the system can contribute to saving lives. The system also allows voice communication to take place even when the siren is on and as such the vehicle offers less risk of danger when moving at high speeds in heavy traffic.
This work investigated the role of rpoS in the development of increased cell envelope resilience and enhanced pressure resistance in stationary phase cells of Escherichia coli. Loss of both colony-forming ability and membrane integrity, measured as uptake of propidium iodide (PI), occurred at lower pressures in E. coli BW3709 (rpoS) than in the parental strain (BW2952). The rpoS mutant also released much higher concentrations of protein under pressure than the parent. We propose that RpoS-regulated functions are responsible for the increase in membrane resilience as cells enter stationary phase and that this plays a major role in the development of pressure resistance. Strains from the Keio collection with mutations in two RpoS-regulated genes, cfa (cyclopropane fatty acyl phospholipid synthase) and osmB (outer membrane lipoprotein), were significantly more pressure-sensitive and took up more PI than the parent strains with cfa having the greatest effect. Mutations in the bolA morphogene and other RpoS-regulated lipoprotein genes (osmC, osmE, osmY and ybaY) had no effect on pressure resistance. The cytoplasmic membranes of the rpoS mutant failed to reseal after pressure treatment and strains with mutations in osmB and nlpI (new lipoprotein) were also somewhat impaired in the ability to reseal their membranes. The cfa mutant, though pressure-sensitive, was unaffected in membrane resealing implying that the initial transient permeabilization event is critical for loss of viability rather than the failure to reseal. The enhanced pressure sensitivity of polA, recA and xthA mutants suggested that DNA may be a target of oxidative stress in pressure-treated cells.
The forelimbs of higher vertebrates are composed of two portions: the appendicular region (stylopod, zeugopod and autopod) and the less prominent proximal girdle elements (scapula and clavicle) that brace the limb to the main trunk axis. We show that the formation of the muscles of the proximal limb occurs through two distinct mechanisms. The more superficial girdle muscles (pectoral and latissimus dorsi) develop by the “In–Out” mechanism whereby migration of myogenic cells from the somites into the limb bud is followed by their extension from the proximal limb bud out onto the thorax. In contrast, the deeper girdle muscles (e.g. rhomboideus profundus and serratus anterior) are induced by the forelimb field which promotes myotomal extension directly from the somites. Tbx5 inactivation demonstrated its requirement for the development of all forelimb elements which include the skeletal elements, proximal and distal muscles as well as the sternum in mammals and the cleithrum of fish. Intriguingly, the formation of the diaphragm musculature is also dependent on the Tbx5 programme. These observations challenge our classical views of the boundary between limb and trunk tissues. We suggest that significant structures located in the body should be considered as components of the forelimb.
This paper provides a new set of theoretical perspectives on the topic of value management in building procurement. On the evidence of the current literature it is possible to identify two distinct methodologies which are based on different epistemological positions. An argument is developed which sees these two methodologies to be complementary. A tentative meta-methodology is then outlined for matching methodologies to different problem situations. It is contended however that such a meta-methodology could never provide a prescriptive guide. Its usefulness lies in the way in which it provides the basis for reflective practice. Of central importance is the need to understand the problem context within which value management is to be applied. The distinctions between unitary, pluralistic and coercive situations are seen to be especially significant.