94 resultados para structured lipid
The present study was carried out to examine the effect of the daily intake of 10 g inulin on fasting blood lipid, glucose and insulin levels in healthy middle-aged men and women with moderately raised total plasma cholesterol (TC) and triacylglycerol (TAG) levels. This study was a doubleblind randomized placebo-controlled parallel study in which fifty-four middle-aged subjects received either inulin or placebo for a period of 8 weeks. Fasting blood samples were collected before the supplementation period (baseline samples 1 and 2, separated by 1 week) and at weeks 4 and 8, with a follow-up at week 12. Compared with baseline values, insulin concentrations were significantly lower at 4 weeks (P,0×01) in the inulin group. There was a trend for TAG values, compared with baseline, to be lower in the inulin group at 8 weeks (P,0×08) returning to baseline concentrations at week 12. On comparison of the inulin and placebo groups, the fasting TAG responses over the 8-week test period were shown to be significantly different (P,0×05, repeated measures ANOVA), which was largely due to lower plasma TAG levels in the inulin group at week 8. The percentage change in TAG levels in the inulin group during the 8-week study was shown to correlate with the initial TAG level of the subjects (rs -0×499, P = 0×004). We therefore conclude that the daily addition of 10 g inulin to the diet significantly reduced fasting insulin concentrations during the 8-week test period and resulted in lower plasma TAG levels, particularly in subjects in whom fasting TAG levels were greater than 1×5 mmol/l. These data support findings from animal studies that fructans influence the formation and/or degradation of TAG-rich lipoprotein particles, and the insulin data are also consistent with recent studies showing attenuation of insulin levels in fructan-treated rats.
Epidemiological evidence shows that a diet high in monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) but low in saturated fatty acids (SFA) is associated with reduced risk of CHD. The hypocholesterolaemic effect of MUFA is known but there has been little research on the effect of test meal MUFA and SFA composition on postprandial lipid metabolism. The present study investigated the effect of meals containing different proportions of MUFA and SFA on postprandial triacylglycerol and non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA) metabolism. Thirty healthy male volunteers consumed three meals containing equal amounts of fat (40 g), but different proportions of MUFA (12, 17 and 24% energy) in random order. Postprandial plasma triacylglycerol, apolipoprotein B-48, cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, glucose and insulin concentrations and lipoprotein lipase (EC activity were not significantly different following the three meals which varied in their levels of SFA and MUFA. There was a significant difference in the postprandial NEFA response between meals. The incremental area under the curve of postprandial plasma NEFA concentrations was significantly (P = 0.03) lower following the high-MUFA meal. Regression analysis showed that the non-significant difference in fasting NEFA concentrations was the most important factor determining difference between meals, and that the test meal MUFA content had only a minor effect. In conclusion, varying the levels of MUFA and SFA in test meals has little or no effect on postprandial lipid metabolism.
OBJECTIVE: Substrate and hormone responses to meals of differing fat content were evaluated in normal subjects in order to investigate mechanisms underlying the regulation of postprandial lipoprotein concentration. DESIGN: A randomised cross-over study with three different meals on three occasions. SETTING: Free-living subjects associated with Surrey University. SUBJECTS: Ten male volunteers (aged 18-23 years) were recruited. INTERVENTIONS: Three test meals containing 20, 40 or 80 g fat but identical carbohydrate and protein content were randomly allocated to volunteers. MAJOR OUTCOME MEASURES: Pre- and postprandial blood samples were taken for the analysis of plasma triacylglycerol, non-esterified fatty acids, glucose, immunoreactive insulin and glucose-dependent insulinotrophic polypeptide levels and postheparin lipoprotein lipase activity measurements. RESULTS: Peak triacylglycerol concentrations and lipoprotein lipase activity measurements were significantly higher following the 80 g than the 20 g fat meal (P = 0.009 and P = 0.049 respectively). Areas under the glucose-dependent insulinotrophic polypeptide time-response concentration curves were significantly higher following the 80 g compared with the 20 g fat meal (P = 0.04), but no differences in insulin response to the meals were seen. The 30-360 min decrease in the non-esterified fatty acid concentration was less following the 80 g than the 20 g meal (P = 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that glucose-dependent insulinotrophic polypeptide may mediate increased lipoprotein lipase activity in response to fat-containing meals and may play a role in circulating lipoprotein homeostasis. This mechanism may be overloaded with high fat meals with adverse consequences on circulating triacylglycerol and NEFA concentrations.
OBJECTIVE: The present study was carried out to determine effects of test meals of different fatty acid compositions on postprandial lipoprotein and apolipoprotein metabolism. DESIGN: The study was a randomized, single blind design. SETTING: The study was carried out in the Clinical Investigation Unit of the Royal Surrey County Hospital. SUBJECTS: Twelve male normal subjects with an average age of 22.4 +/- 1.4 years (mean +/- SD) were selected from the student population of the University of Surrey; one subject dropped out of the study because he found the test meal unpalatable. INTERVENTIONS: The subjects were given three evening test meals on three separate occasions, in which the oils used were either a mixed oil (rich in saturated fatty acids and approximated the fatty acid intake of the current UK diet), corn oil (rich in n-6 fatty acids), or fish oil (rich in n-3 fatty acids) 40 g of the oil under investigation were incorporated into a rice-based test meal. Triacylglycerol-rich lipoproteins-triacylglycerol (TRL-TAG), TRL-cholesterol (TRL-cholesterol), plasma-TAG, plasma cholesterol (T-C), and serum apolipoprotein A-I and B (apo A-I and B) responses were measured. Postprandial responses were followed for 11 h. RESULTS: Postprandial plasma-TAG responses, calculated as incremental areas under the response curves (IAUC) were significantly reduced following the fish oil meal [365.5 +/- 145.4 mmol/l x min (mean +/- SD)[ compared with the mixed oil meal (552.0 +/- 141.7 mmol/l x min) (P < 0.05) and there was a strong trend towards the same direction in the TRL-TAG responses. In all instances, plasma-and TRL-TAG showed a biphasic response with increased concentrations occurring at 1h and between 3 and 7h postprandially. TRL-cholesterol, T-C, and serum apo A-I and B responses to the three meals were similar. CONCLUSIONS: The findings support the view that fish oils decrease postprandial lipaemia and this may be an important aspect of their beneficial effects in reducing risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). Further work is required to determine the mechanisms responsible for this effect.
In a decision feedback equalizer (DFE), the structural parameters, including the decision delay, the feedforward filter (FFF), and feedback filter (FBF) lengths, must be carefully chosen, as they greatly influence the performance. Although the FBF length can be set as the channel memory, there is no closed-form expression for the FFF length and decision delay. In this letter, first we analytically show that the two-dimensional search for the optimum FFF length and decision delay can be simplified to a one-dimensional search and then describe a new adaptive DFE where the optimum structural parameters can be self-adapted.
Although convincing lipid-lowering effects of the fructo-oligosaccharide, inulin, have been demonstrated in animals, attempts to reproduce similar effects in man have produced conflicting findings. This may be because of the much lower doses which can be used due to the adverse gastrointestinal symptoms exhibited by most subjects consuming in excess of 15 g/d. There are nine studies reported in the literature which have investigated the response of blood lipids (usually total and LDL-cholesterol and triacylglycerol) to inulin or oligofructose supplementation in human volunteers. Three have observed no effects of inulin or oligofructose on blood levels of cholesterol or triacylglycerol, three have shown significant reductions in triacylglycerol, whilst four have shown modest reductions in total and LDL-cholesterol. Studies have been conducted in both normo- and moderately hyperlipidaemic subjects. Differences in study outcomes do not appear to be due to differences in the type or dose of oligosaccharides used nor the duration of the studies. Because animal studies have identified inhibition of hepatic fatty acid synthesis as the major site of action for the triacylglycerol lowering effects of inulin and oligofructose, and because this pathway is relatively inactive in man unless a high carbohydrate diet is fed, variability in response may be a reflection of differences in background diet or the experimental foods used.
Prebiotics are defined as nondigestible food ingredients that beneficially affect the host by selectively stimulating the growth or the activity of one or a limited number of bacteria (bifidobacteria, lactobacilli) in the colon. Dietary fructans are nutritionally interesting oligosaccharides that strictly conform to the definition of prebiotics and (in view of experimental studies in animals and of less numerous studies in humans) exhibit interesting serum or hepatic lipid lowering properties. Other nondigestible/fermentable nutrients, which also modulate intestinal flora activity, exhibit cholesterol or triglyceride lowering effects. Are changes in intestinal bacterial flora composition or fermentation activity responsible for those effects? What is the future of prebiotics in the nutritional control of lipidaemia and cardiovascular disease risk in humans? Those questions only receive partial response in the present review because studies of the systemic effects of prebiotics are still in their infancy, and require fundamental research devoted to elucidating the biochemical and physiological events that allow prebiotics to exert systemic effects on lipid metabolism.
Convincing lipid-lowering effects of the fructooligosaccharide inulin have been demonstrated in animals, yet attempts to reproduce similar effects in humans have generated conflicting results. This may be because of the much lower doses used in humans as a result of the adverse gastrointestinal symptoms exhibited by most subjects consuming daily doses in excess of 30 g. Two studies that fed either oligofructose (20 g/d) or inulin (14 g/d) observed no effect on fasting total, LDL or HDL cholesterol, or serum triglycerides. Two other studies that fed inulin either in a breakfast cereal (9 g/d) or as a powdered addition to beverages and meals (10 g/d) reported similar reductions in fasting triglycerides (227 and 219%, respectively). In one of these studies, total and LDL cholesterol concentrations were also modestly reduced (5 and 7%, respectively). Because animal studies have identified inhibition of hepatic fatty acid synthesis as the major site of action for the triglyceride-lowering effects of inulin, and because this pathway is relatively inactive in humans unless a high carbohydrate diet is fed, future attempts to demonstrate lipid-lowering effects of inulin should consider the nature of the background diet as a determinant of response.
The self-assembly in solution of puroindoline-a (Pin-a), an amphiphilic lipid binding protein from common wheat, was investigated by small angle neutron scattering, dynamic light scattering and size exclusion chromatography. Pin-a was found to form monodisperse prolate ellipsoidal micelles with a major axial radius of 112 +/- 4.5 A ˚ and minor axial radius of 40.4 +/- 0.18 A ˚ . These protein micelles were formed by the spontaneous self-assembly of 38 Pin-a molecules in solution and were stable over a wide pH range (3.5–11) and at elevated temperatures (20–65 degC). Pin-a micelles could be disrupted upon addition of the non-ionic surfactant dodecyl-b-maltoside, suggesting that the protein self-assembly is driven by hydrophobic forces, consisting of intermolecular interactions between Trp residues located within a well-defined Trp-rich domain of Pin-a.
The indolines and thionins are basic, amphiphilic and cysteine-rich proteins found in cereals; puroindoline-a (Pin-a) and β-purothionin (β-Pth) are members of these families in wheat (Triticum aestivum). Pin-a and β-Pth have been suggested to play a significant role in seed defence against microbial pathogens, making the interaction of these proteins with model bacterial membranes an area of potential interest. We have examined the binding of these proteins to lipid monolayers composed of 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho-(1'-rac-glycerol) (DPPG) using a combination of neutron reflectometry, Brewster angle microscopy, and infrared spectroscopy. Results showed that both Pin-a and β-Pth interact strongly with condensed phase DPPG monolayers, but the degree of penetration was different. β-Pth was shown to penetrate the lipid acyl chain region of the monolayer and remove lipids from the air/liquid interface during the adsorption process, suggesting this protein may be able to both form membrane spanning ion channels and remove membrane phospholipids in its lytic activity. Conversely, Pin-a was shown to interact mainly with the head-group region of the condensed phase DPPG monolayer and form a 33 Å thick layer below the lipid film. The differences between the interfacial structures formed by these two proteins may be related to the differing composition of the Pin-a and β-Pth hydrophobic regions.
This review provides a classification of public policies to promote healthier eating as well as a structured mapping of existing measures in Europe. Complete coverage of alternative policy types was ensured by complementing the review with a selection of major interventions from outside Europe. Under the auspices of the Seventh Framework Programme's Eatwell Project, funded by the European Commission, researchers from five countries reviewed a representative selection of policy actions based on scientific papers, policy documents, grey literature, government websites, other policy reviews, and interviews with policy-makers. This work resulted in a list of 129 policy interventions, 121 of which were in Europe. For each type of policy, a critical review of its effectiveness was conducted, based on the evidence currently available. The results of this review indicate a need exists for a more systematic and accurate evaluation of government-level interventions as well as for a stronger focus on actual behavioral change rather than changes in attitude or intentions alone. The currently available evidence is very heterogeneous across policy types and is often incomplete.
The problem of robust pole assignment by feedback in a linear, multivariable, time-invariant system which is subject to structured perturbations is investigated. A measure of robustness, or sensitivity, of the poles to a given class of perturbations is derived, and a reliable and efficient computational algorithm is presented for constructing a feedback which assigns the prescribed poles and optimizes the robustness measure.