95 resultados para rotational isomerism


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Data on the vibrational energy levels and rotational constants of carbon suboxide for the low-wavenumber bending mode ν7 are reviewed, in the ground-state manifold, and in the ν2-, ν3-, ν4-, and ν2 + ν4-state manifolds. Following the procedure developed by Duckett, Mills, and Robiette [J. Mol. Spectrosc. 63, 249 (1976)] the data have been inverted to give the effective bending potential in ν7 for each of these five states. Values are obtained for various other parameters in the effective vibration-rotation Hamiltonian. The potential and rotational constants in ν2 + ν4 are given to a close approximation by linear extrapolation from the ground state through the ν2 and ν4 states.


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The microwave spectrum of 1-pyrazoline has been observed from 18 to 40 GHz in the six lowest states of the ring-puckering vibration. It is an a-type spectrum of a near oblate asymmetric top. Each vibrational state has been fitted to a separate effective Hamiltonian, and the vibrational dependence of both the rotational constants and the quartic centrifugal distortion constants has been observed and analyzed. The v = 0 and 1 states have also been analyzed using a coupled Hamiltonian; this gives consistent results, with an improved fit to the high J data. The preferred choice of Durig et al. [J. Chem. Phys. 52, 6096 (1970)] for the ring-puckering potential is confirmed as essentially correct, but the A and B inertial axes are shown to be interchanged from those assumed by Durig et al. in their analysis of the mid-infrared spectrum.


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The microwave spectrum of SiD3NCO has been observed and analyzed for 18 different vibrational states in the ν10 manifold. Some accidental resonances have been observed and analyzed. The vibrational dependence of the rotational and l-doubling constant and centrifugal distortion constant DJK has been successfully interpreted in terms of the two-dimensional anharmonic oscillator model.


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The a/b hybrid-type ν1 fundamental and 2ν2 overtone bands of HOF were investigated by FTIR spectroscopy with a resolution close to 0.008 cm−1. Improved ground state parameters of HOF were determined from a merge of more than 3000 ground state combination differences formed from ν1 and previously measured ν2 transitions with the reported pure rotational lines. Excited state parameters of the v2 = 2 state, ν0 = 2686.924 6(1) and χ22 = −9.942 4(1) cm−1, were determined employing Watson's A-reduced Hamiltonian up to sixth order in I′ representation. The 2ν2 state was found to be unperturbed, the excited state parameters being closely related to those of ν2.


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Force constant and normal co-ordinate calculations are reported for the E species vibrations of the allene molecule. Data on the fundamental vibration frequencies of allene-h4, allene-d4 and allene-1.1-d2 and on the five experimentally determined Coriolis zeta constants of C3H4 and C3D4, were used in a force constant refinement procedure. Allowing for product and sum rules this gives 21 independent data which were used to refine to the most general harmonic force field (10 parameters) with one constraint (in the absence of any constraints the refinement was not satisfactory). The results have been used to calculate the complete ζz Coriolis interaction matrix for the allene-1.1-d2 molecule, and hence to calculate the expected rotational structure of the perpendicular bending vibrations of this molecule; the good agreement obtained with the observed spectra is a check on our results.


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Rotation lines in the fundamental vibration bands of 13C16O and 12C180 have been measured, using very high resolving power and more accurate wavelength calibrations than previously. The molecular rotational and vibrational constants have been deduced and compared in relation to the mass differences between these molecules and the main species 12C160.


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The equilibrium rotational constants Be of HCCF and DCCF have been determined from the ground state rotational constants B0, by determining the αr constants for all five fundamentals from the high-resolution vibrational—rotation spectrum making appropriate corrections for the effects of Fermi resonance. By combination with results from the 13C isotopomers and the recent ab initio calculations by Botschwina (Chem. Phys. Lett., 209 (1993) 117), the equilibrium structure is deduced to be: re(CH) = 1.0555(15) Å, re(CC) = 1.1955(8) Å and re(CF) = 1.2781(8) Å.


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We report the results of variational calculations of the rovibrational energy levels of HCN for J = 0, 1 and 2, where we reproduce all the ca. 100 observed vibrational states for all observed isotopic species, with energies up to 18000 cm$^{-1}$, to about $\pm $1 cm$^{-1}$, and the corresponding rotational constants to about $\pm $0.001 cm$^{-1}$. We use a hamiltonian expressed in internal coordinates r$_{1}$, r$_{2}$ and $\theta $, using the exact expression for the kinetic energy operator T obtained by direct transformation from the cartesian representation. The potential energy V is expressed as a polynomial expansion in the Morse coordinates y$_{i}$ for the bond stretches and the interbond angle $\theta $. The basis functions are built as products of appropriately scaled Morse functions in the bond-stretches and Legendre or associated Legendre polynomials of cos $\theta $ in the angle bend, and we evaluate matrix elements by Gauss quadrature. The hamiltonian matripx is factorized using the full rovibrational symmetry, and the basis is contracted to an optimized form; the dimensions of the final hamiltonian matrix vary from 240 $\times $ 240 to 1000 $\times $ 1000.We believe that our calculation is converged to better than 1 cm$^{-1}$ at 18 000 cm$^{-1}$. Our potential surface is expressed in terms of 31 parameters, about half of which have been refined by least squares to optimize the fit to the experimental data. The advantages and disadvantages and the future potential of calculations of this type are discussed.


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Techniques for obtaining quantitative values of the temperatures and concentrations of remote hot gaseous effluents from their measured passive emission spectra have been examined in laboratory experiments. The high sensitivity of the spectrometer in the vicinity of the 2397 cm-1 band head region of CO2 has allowed the gas temperature to be calculated from the relative intensity of the observed rotational lines. The spatial distribution of the CO2 in a methane flame has been reconstructed tomographically using a matrix inversion technique. The spectrometer has been calibrated against a black body source at different temperatures and a self absorption correction has been applied to the data avoiding the need to measure the transmission directly. Reconstruction artifacts have been reduced by applying a smoothing routine to the inversion matrix.


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Near isogenic lines (NILs) varying for genes for reduced height (Rht) and photoperiod insensitivity (Ppd-D1a) in a cv. Mercia background (rht (tall), Rht-B1b, Rht-D1b, Rht-B1c, Rht8c + Ppd-D1a, Rht-D1c, Rht12) were compared at one field site but within contrasting ('organic' vs. 'conventional') rotational and agronomic contexts, in each of 3 years. In the final year, further NILs (rht (tall), Rht-B1b, Rht-D1b, Rht-B1c, Rht-B1b + Rht-D1b, Rht-D1b + Rht-B1c) in both Maris Huntsman and Maris Widgeon backgrounds were added together with 64 lines of a doubled haploid (DH) population [Savannah (Rht-D1b) x Renesansa (Rht-8c + Ppd-D1a)]. Assessments included laboratory tests of germination and coleoptile length, and various field measurements of crop growth between emergence and pre jointing [plant population, tillering, leaf length, ground cover (GC), interception of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), crop dry matter (DM) and nitrogen accumulation (N), far red: red reflectance ratio (FR:R), crop height, and weed dry matter]. All of the dwarfing alleles except Rht12 in the Mercia background and Rht8c in the DHs were associated with reduced coleoptile length. Most of the dwarfing alleles (depending on background) reduced seed viability. Severe dwarfing alleles (Rht-B1c, Rht-D1c and Rht12) were routinely associated with fewer plant numbers and reduced early crop growth (GC, PAR, DM, N, FR:R), and in 1 year, increased weed DM. In the Mercia background and the DHs the semi-dwarfing allele Rht-D1b was also sometimes associated with reductions in early crop growth; no such negative effects were associated with the marker for Rht8c. When significant interactions between cropping system and genotype did occur it was because differences between lines were more exaggerated in the organic system than in the conventional system. Ppd-D1a was associated positively with plant numbers surviving the winter and early crop growth (GC, FR:R, DM, N, PAR, height), and was the most significant locus in a QTL analysis. We conclude that, within these environmental and system contexts, genes moderating development are likely to be more important in influencing early resource capture than using Rht8c as an alternative semi-dwarfing gene to Rht-D1b.


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Grain legumes are known to increase the soil mineral nitrogen (N) content, reduce the infection pressure of soil borne pathogens, and hence enhance subsequent cereals yields. Replicated field experiments were performed throughout W. Europe (Denmark, United Kingdom, France, Germany and Italy) to asses the effect of intercropping pea and barley on the N supply to subsequent wheat in organic cropping systems. Pea and barley were grown either as sole crops at the recommended plant density (P100 and B100, respectively) or in replacement (P50B50) or additive (P100B50) intercropping designs. In the replacement design the total relative plant density is kept constant, while the additive design uses the optimal sole crop density for pea supplementing with 'extra' barley plants. The pea and barley crops were followed by winter wheat with and without N application. Additional experiments in Denmark and the United Kingdom included subsequent spring wheat with grass-clover as catch crops. The experiment was repeated over the three cropping seasons of 2003, 2004 and 2005. Irrespective of sites and intercrop design pea-barley intercropping improved the plant resource utilization (water, light, nutrients) to grain N yield with 25-30% using the Land Equivalent ratio. In terms of absolute quantities, sole cropped pea accumulated more N in the grains as compared to the additive design followed by the replacement design and then sole cropped barley. The post harvest soil mineral N content was unaffected by the preceding crops. Under the following winter wheat, the lowest mineral N content was generally found in early spring. Variation in soil mineral N content under the winter wheat between sites and seasons indicated a greater influence of regional climatic conditions and long-term cropping history than annual preceding crop and residue quality. Just as with the soil mineral N, the subsequent crop response to preceding crop was negligible. Soil N balances showed general negative values in the 2-year period, indicating depletion of N independent of preceding crop and cropping strategy. It is recommended to develop more rotational approaches to determine subsequent crop effects in organic cropping systems, since preceding crop effects, especially when including legumes, can occur over several years of cropping.


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With uncertainty concerning the future of set-aside, over-wintering stubble is an attractive management option within the agri-environment scheme. Over-wintering stubbles could be included as part of rotational set-aside, benefiting farmland biodiversity. However, there is little research on managing stubbles to maximise weed seed loss, so farmers may be reluctant to adopt this option for fear of increased weed infestation. The purpose of this investigation is to develop effective management of over-wintering stubbles to minimise pernicious grass weeds in sequential crops, whilst maintaining beneficial species diversity. Research has focused on four annual grass-weeds (Alopecurus myosuroides, Anisantha sterilis, Bromus commutatus and Lolium multiflorum) of increased occurrence and/or resistance to herbicides. Hitherto, work has concentrated on the effects of stubble manipulation on weed seed germination and mortality, in particular by straw spreading or removal after harvest. The dynamics of artificially inoculated weed populations were monitored from harvest until early spring. Results obtained indicate that where straw is retained on the soil surface, it provides a favourable microclimate for seed depletion of Anisantha sterilis and Bromus commutatus through germination. Conversely, greater depletion of Alopecurus myosuroides and Lolium multiflorum seed occurred from stubbles in which a straw layer was absent. Seed recovery work provided evidence that most seeds remaining ungerminated throughout the trial period were still viable, but a large proportion of the seeds sown were unaccounted for. As these species are not generally favoured as a food source, the as yet unknown fate of these seeds has implications for subsequent grass-weed infestations.


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Time-resolved kinetic studies of the reaction of silylene, SiH2, with H2O and with D2O have been carried out in the gas phase at 296 and at 339 K, using laser flash photolysis to generate and monitor SiH2. The reaction was studied over the pressure range 10-200 Torr with SF6 as bath gas. The second-order rate constants obtained were pressure dependent, indicating that the reaction is a third-body assisted association process. Rate constants at 339 K were about half those at 296 K. Isotope effects, k(H)/k(D), were small averaging 1.076 0.080, suggesting no involvement of H- (or D-) atom transfer in the rate determining step. RRKM modeling was undertaken based on a transition state appropriate to formation of the expected zwitterionic donoracceptor complex, H2Si...OH2. Because the reaction is close to the low pressure (third order) region, it is difficult to be definitive about the activated complex structure. Various structures were tried, both with and without the incorporation of rotational modes, leading to values for the high-pressure limiting (i.e., true secondorder) rate constant in the range 9.5 x 10(-11) to 5 x 10(-10) cm(3) molecule' s(-1). The RRKM modeling and mechanistic interpretation is supported by ab initio quantum calculations carried out at the G2 and G3 levels. The results are compared and contrasted with the previous studies.


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Recently. Carter and Handy [J. Chem. Phys. 113 (2000) 987] have introduced the theory of the reaction path Hamiltonian (RPH) [J. Chem. Phys. 72 (1980) 99] into the variational scheme MULTIMODE, for the calculation of the J = 0 vibrational levels of polyatomic molecules, which have a single large-amplitude motion. In this theory the reaction path coordinate s becomes the fourth dimension of the moment-of-inertia tensor, and must be treated separately from the remaining 3N - 7 normal coordinates in the MULTIMODE program. In the modified program, complete integration is performed over s, and the M-mode MULTIMODE coupling approximation for the evaluation of the matrix elements applies only to the 3N - 7 normal coordinates. In this paper the new algorithm is extended to the calculation of rotational-vibration energy levels (i.e. J > 0) with the RPH, following from our analogous implementation for rigid molecules [Theoret. Chem. Acc. 100 (1998) 191]. The full theory is given, and all extra terms have been included to give the exact kinetic energy operator. In order to validate the new code, we report studies on hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), where the reaction path is equivalent to torsional motion. H2O2 has previously been studied variationally using a valence coordinate Hamiltonian; complete agreement for calculated rovibrational levels is obtained between the previous results and those from the new code, using the identical potential surface. MULTIMODE is now able to calculate rovibrational levels for polyatomic molecules which have one large-amplitude motion. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The triatomic spin-rovibronic variational code RVIB3 has been extended to include the effect of two uncoupled electrons, for both (3)Sigma(-) and (3)Pi (Renner-Teller) electronic states. The spin-orbital-rotational kinetic energy is included in the usual way, via terms (J+L+S). The phenomenological terms AL.S and lambda 2/3(3S(z)(2)) are introduced to reproduce the 3 spin-orbit and spin-spin splittings, respectively. Calculations are performed to evaluate the spin-rovibronic energy levels of CCO (X) over tilde (3) Sigma(-) and CCO (A) over tilde (3) Pi for which the Born-Oppenheimer potentials are derived from high-accuracy ab initio calculations.