58 resultados para joint angles


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The analysis step of the (ensemble) Kalman filter is optimal when (1) the distribution of the background is Gaussian, (2) state variables and observations are related via a linear operator, and (3) the observational error is of additive nature and has Gaussian distribution. When these conditions are largely violated, a pre-processing step known as Gaussian anamorphosis (GA) can be applied. The objective of this procedure is to obtain state variables and observations that better fulfil the Gaussianity conditions in some sense. In this work we analyse GA from a joint perspective, paying attention to the effects of transformations in the joint state variable/observation space. First, we study transformations for state variables and observations that are independent from each other. Then, we introduce a targeted joint transformation with the objective to obtain joint Gaussianity in the transformed space. We focus primarily in the univariate case, and briefly comment on the multivariate one. A key point of this paper is that, when (1)-(3) are violated, using the analysis step of the EnKF will not recover the exact posterior density in spite of any transformations one may perform. These transformations, however, provide approximations of different quality to the Bayesian solution of the problem. Using an example in which the Bayesian posterior can be analytically computed, we assess the quality of the analysis distributions generated after applying the EnKF analysis step in conjunction with different GA options. The value of the targeted joint transformation is particularly clear for the case when the prior is Gaussian, the marginal density for the observations is close to Gaussian, and the likelihood is a Gaussian mixture.


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Data are presented from the EISCAT CP-3-E experiment which show the presence of non-thermal plasma over a range of latitudes. The O+ ion-velocity distribution function is almost toroidal when the electric field reaches values of 125 mV m−1. The ion temperature derived from such data assuming a Maxwellian distribution function will overestimate the true ion temperature when the observing angle is large with respect to the magnetic field, and underestimate the temperature when the aspect angle is small. When the expressions for the distribution function are extended to include mixed ion composition, an improvement is sometimes found in fitting the observed data, and estimates of the composition can be made. Such an analysis suggests that N2+ can occasionally form a significant part of the total ion density in a narrow height region centred at 275 km.


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Data are presented from the EISCAT (European Incoherent Scatter (Facility)) CP-3-E experiment which show large increases in the auroral zone convection velocities (>2 km s−1) over a wide range of latitudes. These are larger than the estimated neutral thermal speed and allow a study of the plasma in a nonthermal state over a range of observing angles. Spectra are presented which show a well-defined central peak, consistent with an ion velocity distribution function which significantly departs from a Maxwellian form. As the aspect angle decreases, the central peak becomes less obvious. Simulated spectra, derived using theoretical expressions for the O+ ion velocity distribution function based on the generalized relaxation collision model, are compared with the observations and show good first-order, qualitative agreement. It is shown that ion temperatures derived from the observations, with the assumption of a Maxwellian distribution function, are an overestimate of the true ion temperature at large aspect angles and an underestimate at low aspect angles. The theoretical distribution functions have been included in the “standard” incoherent scatter radar analysis procedure, and attempts have been made to derive realistic ionospheric parameters from nonthermal plasma observations. If the expressions for the distribution function are extended to include mixed ion composition, a significant improvement is found in fitting some of the observed spectra, and estimates of the ion composition can be made. The non-Maxwellian analysis of the data revealed that the spectral shape distortion parameter, D*, was significantly higher in this case for molecular ions than for atomic ions in a thin height slab roughly 40 km thick. This would seem unlikely if the main molecular ions present were NO+. We therefore suggest that N2+ formed a significant proportion of the molecular ions present during these observations.


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Traditional dictionary learning algorithms are used for finding a sparse representation on high dimensional data by transforming samples into a one-dimensional (1D) vector. This 1D model loses the inherent spatial structure property of data. An alternative solution is to employ Tensor Decomposition for dictionary learning on their original structural form —a tensor— by learning multiple dictionaries along each mode and the corresponding sparse representation in respect to the Kronecker product of these dictionaries. To learn tensor dictionaries along each mode, all the existing methods update each dictionary iteratively in an alternating manner. Because atoms from each mode dictionary jointly make contributions to the sparsity of tensor, existing works ignore atoms correlations between different mode dictionaries by treating each mode dictionary independently. In this paper, we propose a joint multiple dictionary learning method for tensor sparse coding, which explores atom correlations for sparse representation and updates multiple atoms from each mode dictionary simultaneously. In this algorithm, the Frequent-Pattern Tree (FP-tree) mining algorithm is employed to exploit frequent atom patterns in the sparse representation. Inspired by the idea of K-SVD, we develop a new dictionary update method that jointly updates elements in each pattern. Experimental results demonstrate our method outperforms other tensor based dictionary learning algorithms.


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Studies of climate change impacts on the terrestrial biosphere have been completed without recognition of the integrated nature of the biosphere. Improved assessment of the impacts of climate change on food and water security requires the development and use of models not only representing each component but also their interactions. To meet this requirement the Joint UK Land Environment Simulator (JULES) land surface model has been modified to include a generic parametrisation of annual crops. The new model, JULES-crop, is described and evaluation at global and site levels for the four globally important crops; wheat, soybean, maize and rice. JULES-crop demonstrates skill in simulating the inter-annual variations of yield for maize and soybean at the global and country levels, and for wheat for major spring wheat producing countries. The impact of the new parametrisation, compared to the standard configuration, on the simulation of surface heat fluxes is largely an alteration of the partitioning between latent and sensible heat fluxes during the later part of the growing season. Further evaluation at the site level shows the model captures the seasonality of leaf area index, gross primary production and canopy height better than in the standard JULES. However, this does not lead to an improvement in the simulation of sensible and latent heat fluxes. The performance of JULES-crop from both an Earth system and crop yield model perspective is encouraging. However, more effort is needed to develop the parametrisation of the model for specific applications. Key future model developments identified include the introduction of processes such as irrigation and nitrogen limitation which will enable better representation of the spatial variability in yield.


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Purpose – Despite recent threats of economic contraction, China still offers attractive opportunities for foreign companies seeking to expand their business activities through joint venturing (JV) partnering entry strategies. Recent research has indicated a growing recognition of the importance of relational factors in JV partnering. The purpose of this paper is to build on recent research findings that identify critical relation success factors in JVs and explores these in the context of a Hong Kong-based civil aviation services company seeking to expand business activities in Greater China. Design/methodology/approach – While the extant management literature focuses primarily on factors relevant to the inter-partner relationship between partners in the formation stage of a joint venture, this research takes a dynamic stakeholder perspective in respect of the relevant relational factors over the evolution of a partnership. The research described in this paper is based on a case-based study that identifies and examines the relevance and importance of uniquely Chinese factors such as guanxi, renqing and mianzi in the specific context of a strategic partnering relationship. Findings – This phenomenological study provides empirical evidence of critical linkages of these to intrinsically Chinese notions of guanxi, mianzi and renqing – it links these to key strategic partnering success factors identified to be trust, conflict resolution, commitment and cooperation. This study thereby reinforces the importance of the uniquely Chinese relational context in cross-border JVs. Moreover, the research findings suggest that these factors underpin the dynamic bi-directional stakeholder relationship in a Sino-foreign strategic partnership. Originality/value – This study conceptually links the uniquely Chinese relational factors (guanxi, mianzi and renqing) to key success factors supporting the establishment of a strategic partnership in a Sino-foreign context; moreover, it contributes empirical evidence substantiating the proposed conceptual linkage.


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Active remote sensing of marine boundary-layer clouds is challenging as drizzle drops often dominate the observed radar reflectivity. We present a new method to simultaneously retrieve cloud and drizzle vertical profiles in drizzling boundary-layer clouds using surface-based observations of radar reflectivity, lidar attenuated backscatter, and zenith radiances under conditions when precipitation does not reach the surface. Specifically, the vertical structure of droplet size and water content of both cloud and drizzle is characterised throughout the cloud. An ensemble optimal estimation approach provides full error statistics given the uncertainty in the observations. To evaluate the new method, we first perform retrievals using synthetic measurements from large-eddy simulation snapshots of cumulus under stratocumulus, where cloud water path is retrieved with an error of 31 g m−2 . The method also performs well in non-drizzling clouds where no assumption of the cloud profile is required. We then apply the method to observations of marine stratocumulus obtained during the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement MAGIC deployment in the Northeast Pacific. Here, retrieved cloud water path agrees well with independent three-channel microwave radiometer retrievals, with a root mean square difference of 10–20 g m−2.


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We utilized an ecosystem process model (SIPNET, simplified photosynthesis and evapotranspiration model) to estimate carbon fluxes of gross primary productivity and total ecosystem respiration of a high-elevation coniferous forest. The data assimilation routine incorporated aggregated twice-daily measurements of the net ecosystem exchange of CO2 (NEE) and satellite-based reflectance measurements of the fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (fAPAR) on an eight-day timescale. From these data we conducted a data assimilation experiment with fifteen different combinations of available data using twice-daily NEE, aggregated annual NEE, eight-day f AP AR, and average annual fAPAR. Model parameters were conditioned on three years of NEE and fAPAR data and results were evaluated to determine the information content from the different combinations of data streams. Across the data assimilation experiments conducted, model selection metrics such as the Bayesian Information Criterion and Deviance Information Criterion obtained minimum values when assimilating average annual fAPAR and twice-daily NEE data. Application of wavelet coherence analyses showed higher correlations between measured and modeled fAPAR on longer timescales ranging from 9 to 12 months. There were strong correlations between measured and modeled NEE (R2, coefficient of determination, 0.86), but correlations between measured and modeled eight-day fAPAR were quite poor (R2 = −0.94). We conclude that this inability to determine fAPAR on eight-day timescale would improve with the considerations of the radiative transfer through the plant canopy. Modeled fluxes when assimilating average annual fAPAR and annual NEE were comparable to corresponding results when assimilating twice-daily NEE, albeit at a greater uncertainty. Our results support the conclusion that for this coniferous forest twice-daily NEE data are a critical measurement stream for the data assimilation. The results from this modeling exercise indicate that for this coniferous forest, average annuals for satellite-based fAPAR measurements paired with annual NEE estimates may provide spatial detail to components of ecosystem carbon fluxes in proximity of eddy covariance towers. Inclusion of other independent data streams in the assimilation will also reduce uncertainty on modeled values.


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This paper argues that the problems commonly associated with the joint enterprise doctrine might be alleviated by supplementing the cognitive mens rea standard of foresight with a volitional element that looks to how the defendant related to the foreseen risk. A re-examination of the case law suggests that a mens rea conception of foresight plus endorsement might be within interpretative reach. The paper considers possible objections to such a development but ultimately rejects them. It concludes that it is not necessary to wait for Parliament to put in place reforms: joint enterprise is a creature of the common law, and the common law is able to tame it unaided.


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Joint attention (JA) and spontaneous facial mimicry (SFM) are fundamental processes in social interactions, and they are closely related to empathic abilities. When tested independently, both of these processes have been usually observed to be atypical in individuals with autism spectrum conditions (ASC). However, it is not known how these processes interact with each other in relation to autistic traits. This study addresses this question by testing the impact of JA on SFM of happy faces using a truly interactive paradigm. Sixty-two neurotypical participants engaged in gaze-based social interaction with an anthropomorphic, gaze-contingent virtual agent. The agent either established JA by initiating eye contact or looked away, before looking at an object and expressing happiness or disgust. Eye tracking was used to make the agent's gaze behavior and facial actions contingent to the participants' gaze. SFM of happy expressions was measured by Electromyography (EMG) recording over the Zygomaticus Major muscle. Results showed that JA augments SFM in individuals with low compared with high autistic traits. These findings are in line with reports of reduced impact of JA on action imitation in individuals with ASC. Moreover, they suggest that investigating atypical interactions between empathic processes, instead of testing these processes individually, might be crucial to understanding the nature of social deficits in autism


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We present a novel algorithm for concurrent model state and parameter estimation in nonlinear dynamical systems. The new scheme uses ideas from three dimensional variational data assimilation (3D-Var) and the extended Kalman filter (EKF) together with the technique of state augmentation to estimate uncertain model parameters alongside the model state variables in a sequential filtering system. The method is relatively simple to implement and computationally inexpensive to run for large systems with relatively few parameters. We demonstrate the efficacy of the method via a series of identical twin experiments with three simple dynamical system models. The scheme is able to recover the parameter values to a good level of accuracy, even when observational data are noisy. We expect this new technique to be easily transferable to much larger models.


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A recent field campaign in southwest England used numerical modeling integrated with aircraft and radar observations to investigate the dynamic and microphysical interactions that can result in heavy convective precipitation. The COnvective Precipitation Experiment (COPE) was a joint UK-US field campaign held during the summer of 2013 in the southwest peninsula of England, designed to study convective clouds that produce heavy rain leading to flash floods. The clouds form along convergence lines that develop regularly due to the topography. Major flash floods have occurred in the past, most famously at Boscastle in 2004. It has been suggested that much of the rain was produced by warm rain processes, similar to some flash floods that have occurred in the US. The overarching goal of COPE is to improve quantitative convective precipitation forecasting by understanding the interactions of the cloud microphysics and dynamics and thereby to improve NWP model skill for forecasts of flash floods. Two research aircraft, the University of Wyoming King Air and the UK BAe 146, obtained detailed in situ and remote sensing measurements in, around, and below storms on several days. A new fast-scanning X-band dual-polarization Doppler radar made 360-deg volume scans over 10 elevation angles approximately every 5 minutes, and was augmented by two UK Met Office C-band radars and the Chilbolton S-band radar. Detailed aerosol measurements were made on the aircraft and on the ground. This paper: (i) provides an overview of the COPE field campaign and the resulting dataset; (ii) presents examples of heavy convective rainfall in clouds containing ice and also in relatively shallow clouds through the warm rain process alone; and (iii) explains how COPE data will be used to improve high-resolution NWP models for operational use.


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The joint and alternative uses of attribute non-attendance and importance ranking data within discrete choice experiments are investigated using data from Lebanon examining consumers’ preferences for safety certification in food. We find that both types of information; attribute non-attendance and importance rankings, improve estimates of respondent utility. We introduce a method of integrating both types of information simultaneously and find that this outperforms models where either importance ranking or non-attendance data are used alone. As in previous studies, stated non-attendance of attributes was not found to be consistent with respondents having zero marginal utility for those attributes