65 resultados para clay matrix


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This paper extends the singular value decomposition to a path of matricesE(t). An analytic singular value decomposition of a path of matricesE(t) is an analytic path of factorizationsE(t)=X(t)S(t)Y(t) T whereX(t) andY(t) are orthogonal andS(t) is diagonal. To maintain differentiability the diagonal entries ofS(t) are allowed to be either positive or negative and to appear in any order. This paper investigates existence and uniqueness of analytic SVD's and develops an algorithm for computing them. We show that a real analytic pathE(t) always admits a real analytic SVD, a full-rank, smooth pathE(t) with distinct singular values admits a smooth SVD. We derive a differential equation for the left factor, develop Euler-like and extrapolated Euler-like numerical methods for approximating an analytic SVD and prove that the Euler-like method converges.


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Feedback design for a second-order control system leads to an eigenstructure assignment problem for a quadratic matrix polynomial. It is desirable that the feedback controller not only assigns specified eigenvalues to the second-order closed loop system but also that the system is robust, or insensitive to perturbations. We derive here new sensitivity measures, or condition numbers, for the eigenvalues of the quadratic matrix polynomial and define a measure of the robustness of the corresponding system. We then show that the robustness of the quadratic inverse eigenvalue problem can be achieved by solving a generalized linear eigenvalue assignment problem subject to structured perturbations. Numerically reliable methods for solving the structured generalized linear problem are developed that take advantage of the special properties of the system in order to minimize the computational work required. In this part of the work we treat the case where the leading coefficient matrix in the quadratic polynomial is nonsingular, which ensures that the polynomial is regular. In a second part, we will examine the case where the open loop matrix polynomial is not necessarily regular.


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We propose a new algorithm for summarizing properties of large-scale time-evolving networks. This type of data, recording connections that come and go over time, is being generated in many modern applications, including telecommunications and on-line human social behavior. The algorithm computes a dynamic measure of how well pairs of nodes can communicate by taking account of routes through the network that respect the arrow of time. We take the conventional approach of downweighting for length (messages become corrupted as they are passed along) and add the novel feature of downweighting for age (messages go out of date). This allows us to generalize widely used Katz-style centrality measures that have proved popular in network science to the case of dynamic networks sampled at non-uniform points in time. We illustrate the new approach on synthetic and real data.


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The addition of small quantities of nanoparticles to conventional and sustainable thermoplastics leads to property enhancements with considerable potential in many areas of applications including food packaging 1, lightweight composites and high performance materials 2. In the case of sustainable polymers 3, the addition of nanoparticles may well sufficiently enhance properties such that the portfolio of possible applications is greatly increased. Most engineered nanoparticles are highly stable and these exist as nanoparticles prior to compounding with the polymer resin. They remain as nanoparticles during the active use of the packaging material as well as in the subsequent waste and recycling streams. It is also possible to construct the nanoparticles within the polymer films during processing from organic compounds selected to present minimal or no potential health hazards 4. In both cases the characterisation of the resultant nanostructured polymers presents a number of challenges. Foremost amongst these are the coupled challenges of the nanoscale of the particles and the low fraction present in the polymer matrix. Very low fractions of nanoparticles are only effective if the dispersion of the particles is good. This continues to be an issue in the process engineering but of course bad dispersion is much easier to see than good dispersion. In this presentation we show the merits of a combined scattering (neutron and x-ray) and microscopy (SEM, TEM, AFM) approach. We explore this methodology using rod like, plate like and spheroidal particles including metallic particles, plate-like and rod-like clay dispersions and nanoscale particles based on carbon such as nanotubes and graphene flakes. We will draw on a range of material systems, many explored in partnership with other members of Napolynet. The value of adding nanoscale particles is that the scale matches the scale of the structure in the polymer matrix. Although this can lead to difficulties in separating the effects in scattering experiments, the result in morphological studies means that both the nanoparticles and the polymer morphology are revealed.


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We characterize the essential spectra of Toeplitz operators Ta on weighted Bergman spaces with matrix-valued symbols; in particular we deal with two classes of symbols, the Douglas algebra C+H∞ and the Zhu class Q := L∞ ∩VMO∂ . In addition, for symbols in C+H∞ , we derive a formula for the index of Ta in terms of its symbol a in the scalar-valued case, while in the matrix-valued case we indicate that the standard reduction to the scalar-valued case fails to work analogously to the Hardy space case. Mathematics subject classification (2010): 47B35,


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The extra-tropical response to El Niño in configurations of a coupled model with increased horizontal resolution in the oceanic component is shown to be more realistic than in configurations with a low resolution oceanic component. This general conclusion is independent of the atmospheric resolution. Resolving small-scale processes in the ocean produces a more realistic oceanic mean state, with a reduced cold tongue bias, which in turn allows the atmospheric model component to be forced more realistically. A realistic atmospheric basic state is critical in order to represent Rossby wave propagation in response to El Niño, and hence the extra-tropical response to El Niño. Through the use of high and low resolution configurations of the forced atmospheric-only model component we show that, in isolation, atmospheric resolution does not significantly affect the simulation of the extra-tropical response to El Niño. It is demonstrated, through perturbations to the SST forcing of the atmospheric model component, that biases in the climatological SST field typical of coupled model configurations with low oceanic resolution can account for the erroneous atmospheric basic state seen in these coupled model configurations. These results highlight the importance of resolving small-scale oceanic processes in producing a realistic large-scale mean climate in coupled models, and suggest that it might may be possible to “squeeze out” valuable extra performance from coupled models through increases to oceanic resolution alone.


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Enveloped virus release is driven by poorly understood proteins that are functional analogs of the coat protein assemblies that mediate intracellular vesicle trafficking. We used differential electron density mapping to detect membrane integration by membrane-bending proteins from five virus families. This demonstrates that virus matrix proteins replace an unexpectedly large portion of the lipid content of the inner membrane face, a generalized feature likely to play a role in reshaping cellular membranes.


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PURPOSE: Soy isoflavones may inhibit tumor cell invasion and metastasis via their effects on matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and their tissue inhibitors (TIMPs). The current study investigates the effects of daidzein, R- and S-equol on the invasion of MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cells and the effects of these compounds on MMP/TIMP expression at the mRNA level. METHODS: The anti-invasive effects of daidzein, R- and S-equol (0, 2.5, 10, 50 μM) on MDA-MB-231 cells were determined using the Matrigel invasion assay following 48-h exposure. Effects on MMP-2, MMP-9, TIMP-1 and TIMP-2 expression were assessed using real-time PCR. Chiral HPLC analysis was used to determine intracellular concentrations of R- and S-equol. RESULTS: The invasive capacity of MDA-MB-231 cells was significantly reduced (by approximately 50-60 %) following treatment with 50 μM daidzein, R- or S-equol. Anti-invasive effects were also observed with R-equol at 2.5 and 10 μM though overall equipotent effects were induced by all compounds. Inhibition of invasion induced by all three compounds at 50 μM was associated with the down-regulation of MMP-2, while none of the compounds tested significantly affected the expression levels of MMP-9, TIMP-1 or TIMP-2 at this concentration. Following exposure to media containing 50 μM R- or S-equol for 48-h intracellular concentrations of R- and S-equol were 4.38 ± 1.17 and 3.22 ± 0.47 nM, respectively. CONCLUSION: Daidzein, R- and S-equol inhibit the invasion of MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cells in part via the down-regulation of MMP-2 expression, with equipotent effects observed for the parent isoflavone daidzein and the equol enantiomers.


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This article reflects on the introduction of ‘matrix management’ arrangements for an Educational Psychology Service (EPS) within a Children’s Service Directorate of a Local Authority (LA). It seeks to demonstrate critical self-awareness, consider relevant literature with a view to bringing insights to processes and outcomes, and offers recommendations regarding the use of matrix management. The report arises from an East Midland’s LA initiative: ALICSE − Advanced Leadership in an Integrated Children’s Service Environment. Through a literature review and personal reflection, the authors consider the following: possible tensions within the development of matrix management arrangements; whether matrix management is a prerequisite within complex organizational systems; and whether competing professional cultures may contribute barriers to creating complementary and collegiate working. The authors briefly consider some research paradigms, notably ethnographic approaches, soft systems methodology, activity theory and appreciative inquiry. These provide an analytic framework for the project and inform this iterative process of collaborative inquiry. Whilst these models help illuminate otherwise hidden processes, none have been implemented following full research methodologies, reflecting the messy reality of local authority working within dynamic organizational structures and shrinking budgets. Nevertheless, this article offers an honest reflection of organizational change within a children’s services environment.


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Paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic changes during the Valanginian carbon isotopic excursion (CIE) have been investigated in the western Tethys. For this purpose, bulk-rock and clay mineralogies, as well as phosphorus (P) contents were evaluated in a selection of five sections located in the Vocontian Basin (Angles, SE France; Alvier, E Switzerland; Malleval, E France), and the Lombardian Basin (Capriolo, N Italy; Breggia, S Switzerland). Within the CIE interval, bulk-rock and clay mineralogies are inferred to reflect mostly climate change. The onset of the CIE (Busnardoites campylotoxus ammonite Zone) is characterized by higher detrital index (DI: sum of the detrital minerals divided by calcite contents) values and the presence of kaolinite in their clay-mineral assemblages. In the late Valanginian (from the Saynoceras verrucosum Zone up to the end of the Valanginian), the samples show relatively variable DI and lower values or the absence of kaolinite. The variation in the mineralogical composition is interpreted as reflecting a change from a climate characterized by optimal weathering conditions associated with an increase in terrigenous input on the southern European margin during the CIE towards an overall unstable climate associated with drier conditions in the late Valanginian. This is contrasted by a dissymmetry (proximal vs distal) along the studied transect, the northern Tethyan margin being more sensitive to changes in continental input compared to the distal environments. P accumulation rates (PAR) present similar features. In the Vocontian basin, P content variations are associated with changes in terrigenous influx, whereas in the Lombardian basin (i.e. Capriolo and Breggia), PAR values are less well correlated. This is mainly because the deeper part of the Tethys was less sensitive to changes in continental inputs. The onset of the CIE (top of the B. campylotoxus Zone) records a general increase in PAR suggesting an increase in marine nutrient levels. This is linked to higher continental weathering rates and the enhanced influx of nutrients into the ocean. In the period corresponding to the shift itself, P contents show a dissymmetry between the Vocontian and Lombardian basins (proximal vs distal). For the sections of Malleval, Alvier and Angles, a decrease in P concentrations associated to a decrease in detrital input is observed. In Capriolo and Breggia, PAR show maximum values during the plateau, indicating a more complex interaction between different P sources. The time interval including the top of S. verrucosum Zone up to the end of the Valanginian is characterized by variable PAR values, suggesting variable nutrient influxes. These changes are in agreement with an evolution towards seasonally contrasted conditions in the late Valanginian.


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We describe a bioactive lipopeptide that combines the capacity to promote the adhesion and subsequent self-detachment of live cells, using template-cell-environment feedback interactions. This self-assembling peptide amphiphile comprises a diene-containing hexadecyl lipid chain (C16e) linked to a matrix metalloprotease-cleavable sequence, Thr-Pro-Gly-Pro-Gln-Gly-Ile-Ala-Gly-Gln, and contiguous with a cell-attachment and signalling motif, Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser. Biophysical characterisation revealed that the PA self-assembles into 3 nm diameter spherical micelles above a critical aggregation concentration (cac). In addition, when used in solution at 5–150 nM (well below the cac), the PA is capable of forming film coatings that provide a stable surface for human corneal fibroblasts to attach and grow. Furthermore, these coatings were demonstrated to be sensitive to metalloproteases expressed endogenously by the attached cells, and consequently to elicit the controlled detachment of cells without compromising their viability. As such, this material constitutes a novel class of multi-functional coating for both fundamental and clinical applications in tissue engineering.


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Cell wall polysaccharides of wheat and rice endosperm are an important source of dietary fibre. Monoclonal antibodies specific to cell wall polysaccharides were used to determine polysaccharide dynamics during the development of both wheat and rice grain. Wheat and rice grain present near synchronous developmental processes and significantly different endosperm cell wall compositions, allowing the localisation of these polysaccharides to be related to developmental changes. Arabinoxylan (AX) and mixed-linkage glucan (MLG) have analogous cellular locations in both species, with deposition of AX and MLG coinciding with the start of grain filling. A glucuronoxylan (GUX) epitope was detected in rice, but not wheat endosperm cell walls. Callose has been reported to be associated with the formation of cell wall outgrowths during endosperm cellularisation and xyloglucan is here shown to be a component of these anticlinal extensions, occurring transiently in both species. Pectic homogalacturonan (HG) was abundant in cell walls of maternal tissues of wheat and rice grain, but only detected in endosperm cell walls of rice in an unesterified HG form. A rhamnogalacturonan-I (RG-I) backbone epitope was observed to be temporally regulated in both species, detected in endosperm cell walls from 12 DAA in rice and 20 DAA in wheat grain. Detection of the LM5 galactan epitope showed a clear distinction between wheat and rice, being detected at the earliest stages of development in rice endosperm cell walls, but not detected in wheat endosperm cell walls, only in maternal tissues. In contrast, the LM6 arabinan epitope was detected in both species around 8 DAA and was transient in wheat grain, but persisted in rice until maturity.


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The composition of the extracellular matrix (ECM) of skeletal muscle fibres is a unique environment that supports the regenerative capacity of satellite cells; the resident stem cell population. The impact of environment has great bearing on key properties permitting satellite cells to carry out tissue repair. In this study, we have investigated the influence of the ECM and glycolytic metabolism on satellite cell emergence and migration- two early processes required for muscle repair. Our results show that both influence the rate at which satellite cells emerge from the sub-basal lamina position and their rate of migration. These studies highlight the necessity of performing analysis of satellite behaviour on their native substrate and will inform on the production of artificial scaffolds intended for medical uses.