57 resultados para arbitrary sharing configurations


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In this paper, the concept of available potential energy (APE) density is extended to a multicomponent Boussinesq fluid with a nonlinear equation of state. As shown by previous studies, the APE density is naturally interpreted as the work against buoyancy forces that a parcel needs to perform to move from a notional reference position at which its buoyancy vanishes to its actual position; because buoyancy can be defined relative to an arbitrary reference state, so can APE density. The concept of APE density is therefore best viewed as defining a class of locally defined energy quantities, each tied to a different reference state, rather than as a single energy variable. An important result, for which a new proof is given, is that the volume integrated APE density always exceeds Lorenz’s globally defined APE, except when the reference state coincides with Lorenz’s adiabatically re-arranged reference state of minimum potential energy. A parcel reference position is systematically defined as a level of neutral buoyancy (LNB): depending on the nature of the fluid and on how the reference state is defined, a parcel may have one, none, or multiple LNB within the fluid. Multiple LNB are only possible for a multicomponent fluid whose density depends on pressure. When no LNB exists within the fluid, a parcel reference position is assigned at the minimum or maximum geopotential height. The class of APE densities thus defined admits local and global balance equations, which all exhibit a conversion with kinetic energy, a production term by boundary buoyancy fluxes, and a dissipation term by internal diffusive effects. Different reference states alter the partition between APE production and dissipation, but neither affect the net conversion between kinetic energy and APE, nor the difference between APE production and dissipation. We argue that the possibility of constructing APE-like budgets based on reference states other than Lorenz’s reference state is more important than has been previously assumed, and we illustrate the feasibility of doing so in the context of an idealised and realistic oceanic example, using as reference states one with constant density and another one defined as the horizontal mean density field; in the latter case, the resulting APE density is found to be a reasonable approximation of the APE density constructed from Lorenz’s reference state, while being computationally cheaper.


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Quasi-uniform grids of the sphere have become popular recently since they avoid parallel scaling bottle- necks associated with the poles of latitude–longitude grids. However quasi-uniform grids of the sphere are often non- orthogonal. A version of the C-grid for arbitrary non- orthogonal grids is presented which gives some of the mimetic properties of the orthogonal C-grid. Exact energy conservation is sacrificed for improved accuracy and the re- sulting scheme numerically conserves energy and potential enstrophy well. The non-orthogonal nature means that the scheme can be used on a cubed sphere. The advantage of the cubed sphere is that it does not admit the computa- tional modes of the hexagonal or triangular C-grids. On var- ious shallow-water test cases, the non-orthogonal scheme on a cubed sphere has accuracy less than or equal to the orthog- onal scheme on an orthogonal hexagonal icosahedron. A new diamond grid is presented consisting of quasi- uniform quadrilaterals which is more nearly orthogonal than the equal-angle cubed sphere but with otherwise similar properties. It performs better than the cubed sphere in ev- ery way and should be used instead in codes which allow a flexible grid structure.


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The low rates of child literacy in South Africa are cause for considerable concern. Research from the developed world shows that parental sharing of picture books with infants and young children is beneficial for child language and cognitive development, as well as literacy skills. We conducted a pilot study to examine whether such benefits might extend to an impoverished community in South Africa, by evaluating the impact of training mothers in book sharing with their 14–18 month old infants. Seventeen mothers received book sharing training; and 13 mothers did not, but instead received a comparison training in toy play. We assessed the mothers’ behavior during both book sharing and toy play before and after training, and we also assessed infant attention and language. Mothers receiving book sharing training engaged well with it, and they also benefited from it; thus, compared to the comparison group mothers, they became more sensitive, more facilitating, and more elaborative with their infants during book sharing, and they also became more sensitive to their infants during toy play. In addition, infants whose mothers received the book sharing training showed greater benefits than the comparison group infants in both their attention and language. Training in book sharing for families living in conditions of marked socio-economic adversity in South Africa has the potential to be of considerable benefit to child developmental progress. A large scale controlled trial is required to confirm this.


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We describe Global Atmosphere 4.0 (GA4.0) and Global Land 4.0 (GL4.0): configurations of the Met Office Unified Model and JULES (Joint UK Land Environment Simulator) community land surface model developed for use in global and regional climate research and weather prediction activities. GA4.0 and GL4.0 are based on the previous GA3.0 and GL3.0 configurations, with the inclusion of developments made by the Met Office and its collaborators during its annual development cycle. This paper provides a comprehensive technical and scientific description of GA4.0 and GL4.0 as well as details of how these differ from their predecessors. We also present the results of some initial evaluations of their performance. Overall, performance is comparable with that of GA3.0/GL3.0; the updated configurations include improvements to the science of several parametrisation schemes, however, and will form a baseline for further ongoing development.


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The purpose of this study was to develop an understanding of the current state of scientific data sharing that stakeholders could use to develop and implement effective data sharing strategies and policies. The study developed a conceptual model to describe the process of data sharing, and the drivers, barriers, and enablers that determine stakeholder engagement. The conceptual model was used as a framework to structure discussions and interviews with key members of all stakeholder groups. Analysis of data obtained from interviewees identified a number of themes that highlight key requirements for the development of a mature data sharing culture.


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Cet article porte sur l’analyse de trois configurations institutionnelles de la protection de l’enfance : celle en place au Burkina Faso, en Belgique et au Québec. Pour chaque configuration, le texte explore les transformations qui ont marqué le passage de la prise en charge exclusive de l’enfant par la famille vers la présence accrue de l’État et la manière dont la Convention internationale des droits de l’enfant de 1989 a influencé ce passage. Il montre, au travers d’une lecture historique, que l’implication de l’État dans la protection des enfants a connu des formes et des modalités variables selon le temps et l’espace. L’approche actuelle en matière de protection de l’enfance au Nord et au Sud, approche largement inspirée de la perspective des droits, représente un défi tant pour les intervenants que pour les familles, car son application dépend à fois des ressources disponibles pour aider les enfants et les familles en difficulté, de la capacité d’action des institutions publiques et de l’efficacité des interventions. This article deals with the analysis of three institutional configurations of child protection: those in Burkina Faso, in Belgium, and in Québec. With respect to each configuration, the text explores the changes from situations in which the family had sole control of the child to those where the State played a greater role, and the manner in which the 1989 International Convention on the Rights of the Child has affected such changes. It shows, through a reading of history, that the involvement of the State in child protection has gone through different forms and stages over time and space. The current strategies as regards child protection in the North and in the South—an approach that is largely subject to a legal perspective—represent a challenge both for intervenors and for families, since their application depends on the resources available for helping children and families in difficulty, on the ability of the public institutions to intervene, and on the efficiency of such interventions.


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This report assesses the implications and revenue-generating potential of options for reform of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture in the context of the structure of the global seed industry and the emerging landscape of plant variety innovation for different crops. The implementation of these options would require modifications of Treaty and provisions of the Standard Material Transfer Agreements to alter the nature of payment obligations related to different categories of products, the payment rates under different options and the coverage of crops in Annex-I to the Treaty.


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The energy of the vh9/2 orbital in nuclei above N = 82 drops rapidly in energy relative to the vf7/2 orbital as the occupancy of the πh11/2 orbital increases. These two neutron orbitals become nearly degenerate as the proton drip line is approached. In this work, we have discovered the new nuclides 161Os and 157W, and studied the decays of the proton emitter 160Re in detail. The 161Os and 160Re nuclei were produced in reactions of 290, 300 and 310 MeV 58Ni ions with an isotopically enriched 106Cd target, separated in‐flight using the RITU separator and implanted into the GREAT spectrometer. The 161Os α a decays populated the new nuclide 157W, which decayed by β‐particle emission. The β decay fed the known α‐decaying 1/2+ and 11/2− states in 157Ta, which is consistent with a vf7/2 ground state in 157W. The measured α‐decay energy and half‐life for 161Os correspond to a reduced α‐decay width that is compatible with s‐wave α‐particle emission, implying that its ground state is also a vf7/2 state. Over 7000 160Re nuclei were produced and the γ decays of a new isomeric state feeding the πd3/2 level in 160Re were discovered, but no evidence for the proton or a decay of the expected πh11/2 state could be found. The isomer decays offer a natural explanation for this non‐observation and provides a striking example of the influence of the near degeneracy of the vh9/2 and vf7/2 orbitals on the properties of nuclei in this region.


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We describe Global Atmosphere 3.0 (GA3.0): a configuration of the Met Office Unified Model (MetUM) developed for use across climate research and weather prediction activities. GA3.0 has been formulated by converging the development paths of the Met Office's weather and climate global atmospheric model components such that wherever possible, atmospheric processes are modelled or parametrized seamlessly across spatial resolutions and timescales. This unified development process will provide the Met Office and its collaborators with regular releases of a configuration that has been evaluated, and can hence be applied, over a variety of modelling régimes. We also describe Global Land 3.0 (GL3.0): a configuration of the JULES community land surface model developed for use with GA3.0.


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Purpose: To investigate the relationship between research data management (RDM) and data sharing in the formulation of RDM policies and development of practices in higher education institutions (HEIs). Design/methodology/approach: Two strands of work were undertaken sequentially: firstly, content analysis of 37 RDM policies from UK HEIs; secondly, two detailed case studies of institutions with different approaches to RDM based on semi-structured interviews with staff involved in the development of RDM policy and services. The data are interpreted using insights from Actor Network Theory. Findings: RDM policy formation and service development has created a complex set of networks within and beyond institutions involving different professional groups with widely varying priorities shaping activities. Data sharing is considered an important activity in the policies and services of HEIs studied, but its prominence can in most cases be attributed to the positions adopted by large research funders. Research limitations/implications: The case studies, as research based on qualitative data, cannot be assumed to be universally applicable but do illustrate a variety of issues and challenges experienced more generally, particularly in the UK. Practical implications: The research may help to inform development of policy and practice in RDM in HEIs and funder organisations. Originality/value: This paper makes an early contribution to the RDM literature on the specific topic of the relationship between RDM policy and services, and openness – a topic which to date has received limited attention.


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For users of climate services, the ability to quickly determine the datasets that best fit one's needs would be invaluable. The volume, variety and complexity of climate data makes this judgment difficult. The ambition of CHARMe ("Characterization of metadata to enable high-quality climate services") is to give a wider interdisciplinary community access to a range of supporting information, such as journal articles, technical reports or feedback on previous applications of the data. The capture and discovery of this "commentary" information, often created by data users rather than data providers, and currently not linked to the data themselves, has not been significantly addressed previously. CHARMe applies the principles of Linked Data and open web standards to associate, record, search and publish user-derived annotations in a way that can be read both by users and automated systems. Tools have been developed within the CHARMe project that enable annotation capability for data delivery systems already in wide use for discovering climate data. In addition, the project has developed advanced tools for exploring data and commentary in innovative ways, including an interactive data explorer and comparator ("CHARMe Maps") and a tool for correlating climate time series with external "significant events" (e.g. instrument failures or large volcanic eruptions) that affect the data quality. Although the project focuses on climate science, the concepts are general and could be applied to other fields. All CHARMe system software is open-source, released under a liberal licence, permitting future projects to re-use the source code as they wish.


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Designing surgical instruments for robotic-assisted minimally-invasive surgery (RAMIS) is challenging due to constraints on the number and type of sensors imposed by considerations such as space or the need for sterilization. A new method for evaluating the usability of virtual teleoperated surgical instruments based on virtual sensors is presented. This method uses virtual prototyping of the surgical instrument with a dual physical interaction, which allows testing of different sensor configurations in a real environment. Moreover, the proposed approach has been applied to the evaluation of prototypes of a two-finger grasper for lump detection by remote pinching. In this example, the usability of a set of five different sensor configurations, with a different number of force sensors, is evaluated in terms of quantitative and qualitative measures in clinical experiments with 23 volunteers. As a result, the smallest number of force sensors needed in the surgical instrument that ensures the usability of the device can be determined. The details of the experimental setup are also included.