244 resultados para Tubo Neural


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In this paper we consider the possibility of using an artificial neural network to accurately identify the onset of Parkinson’s Disease tremors in human subjects. Data for the network is obtained by means of deep brain implantation in the human brain. Results presented have been obtained from a practical study (i.e. real not simulated data) but should be regarded as initial trials to be discussed further. It can be seen that a tuned artificial neural network can act as an extremely effective predictor in these circumstances.


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This work analyzes the use of linear discriminant models, multi-layer perceptron neural networks and wavelet networks for corporate financial distress prediction. Although simple and easy to interpret, linear models require statistical assumptions that may be unrealistic. Neural networks are able to discriminate patterns that are not linearly separable, but the large number of parameters involved in a neural model often causes generalization problems. Wavelet networks are classification models that implement nonlinear discriminant surfaces as the superposition of dilated and translated versions of a single "mother wavelet" function. In this paper, an algorithm is proposed to select dilation and translation parameters that yield a wavelet network classifier with good parsimony characteristics. The models are compared in a case study involving failed and continuing British firms in the period 1997-2000. Problems associated with over-parameterized neural networks are illustrated and the Optimal Brain Damage pruning technique is employed to obtain a parsimonious neural model. The results, supported by a re-sampling study, show that both neural and wavelet networks may be a valid alternative to classical linear discriminant models.


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Dynamic neural networks (DNNs), which are also known as recurrent neural networks, are often used for nonlinear system identification. The main contribution of this letter is the introduction of an efficient parameterization of a class of DNNs. Having to adjust less parameters simplifies the training problem and leads to more parsimonious models. The parameterization is based on approximation theory dealing with the ability of a class of DNNs to approximate finite trajectories of nonautonomous systems. The use of the proposed parameterization is illustrated through a numerical example, using data from a nonlinear model of a magnetic levitation system.


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This paper specifically examines the implantation of a microelectrode array into the median nerve of the left arm of a healthy male volunteer. The objective was to establish a bi-directional link between the human nervous system and a computer, via a unique interface module. This is the first time that such a device has been used with a healthy human. The aim of the study was to assess the efficacy, compatibility, and long term operability of the neural implant in allowing the subject to perceive feedback stimulation and for neural activity to be detected and processed such that the subject could interact with remote technologies. A case study demonstrating real-time control of an instrumented prosthetic hand by means of the bi-directional link is given. The implantation did not result in infection, and scanning electron microscope images of the implant post extraction have not indicated significant rejection of the implant by the body. No perceivable loss of hand sensation or motion control was experienced by the subject while the implant was in place, and further testing of the subject following the removal of the implant has not indicated any measurable long term defects. The implant was extracted after 96 days. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Boolean input systems are in common used in the electric industry. Power supplies include such systems and the power converter represents these. For instance, in power electronics, the control variable are the switching ON and OFF of components as thyristors or transistors. The purpose of this paper is to use neural network (NN) to control continuous systems with Boolean inputs. This method is based on classification of system variations associated with input configurations. The classical supervised backpropagation algorithm is used to train the networks. The training of the artificial neural network and the control of Boolean input systems are presented. The design procedure of control systems is implemented on a nonlinear system. We apply those results to control an electrical system composed of an induction machine and its power converter.


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In this letter, a Box-Cox transformation-based radial basis function (RBF) neural network is introduced using the RBF neural network to represent the transformed system output. Initially a fixed and moderate sized RBF model base is derived based on a rank revealing orthogonal matrix triangularization (QR decomposition). Then a new fast identification algorithm is introduced using Gauss-Newton algorithm to derive the required Box-Cox transformation, based on a maximum likelihood estimator. The main contribution of this letter is to explore the special structure of the proposed RBF neural network for computational efficiency by utilizing the inverse of matrix block decomposition lemma. Finally, the Box-Cox transformation-based RBF neural network, with good generalization and sparsity, is identified based on the derived optimal Box-Cox transformation and a D-optimality-based orthogonal forward regression algorithm. The proposed algorithm and its efficacy are demonstrated with an illustrative example in comparison with support vector machine regression.


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A modified radial basis function (RBF) neural network and its identification algorithm based on observational data with heterogeneous noise are introduced. The transformed system output of Box-Cox is represented by the RBF neural network. To identify the model from observational data, the singular value decomposition of the full regression matrix consisting of basis functions formed by system input data is initially carried out and a new fast identification method is then developed using Gauss-Newton algorithm to derive the required Box-Cox transformation, based on a maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) for a model base spanned by the largest eigenvectors. Finally, the Box-Cox transformation-based RBF neural network, with good generalisation and sparsity, is identified based on the derived optimal Box-Cox transformation and an orthogonal forward regression algorithm using a pseudo-PRESS statistic to select a sparse RBF model with good generalisation. The proposed algorithm and its efficacy are demonstrated with numerical examples.


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We present a novel topology of the radial basis function (RBF) neural network, referred to as the boundary value constraints (BVC)-RBF, which is able to automatically satisfy a set of BVC. Unlike most existing neural networks whereby the model is identified via learning from observational data only, the proposed BVC-RBF offers a generic framework by taking into account both the deterministic prior knowledge and the stochastic data in an intelligent manner. Like a conventional RBF, the proposed BVC-RBF has a linear-in-the-parameter structure, such that it is advantageous that many of the existing algorithms for linear-in-the-parameters models are directly applicable. The BVC satisfaction properties of the proposed BVC-RBF are discussed. Finally, numerical examples based on the combined D-optimality-based orthogonal least squares algorithm are utilized to illustrate the performance of the proposed BVC-RBF for completeness.


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Transient episodes of synchronisation of neuronal activity in particular frequency ranges are thought to underlie cognition. Empirical mode decomposition phase locking (EMDPL) analysis is a method for determining the frequency and timing of phase synchrony that is adaptive to intrinsic oscillations within data, alleviating the need for arbitrary bandpass filter cut-off selection. It is extended here to address the choice of reference electrode and removal of spurious synchrony resulting from volume conduction. Spline Laplacian transformation and independent component analysis (ICA) are performed as pre-processing steps, and preservation of phase synchrony between synthetic signals. combined using a simple forward model, is demonstrated. The method is contrasted with use of bandpass filtering following the same preprocessing steps, and filter cut-offs are shown to influence synchrony detection markedly. Furthermore, an approach to the assessment of multiple EEG trials using the method is introduced, and the assessment of statistical significance of phase locking episodes is extended to render it adaptive to local phase synchrony levels. EMDPL is validated in the analysis of real EEG data, during finger tapping. The time course of event-related (de)synchronisation (ERD/ERS) is shown to differ from that of longer range phase locking episodes, implying different roles for these different types of synchronisation. It is suggested that the increase in phase locking which occurs just prior to movement, coinciding with a reduction in power (or ERD) may result from selection of the neural assembly relevant to the particular movement. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.