54 resultados para SOMATOSTATIN RECEPTOR 5


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Adult or somatic stem cells are tissue-resident cells with the ability to proliferate, exhibit self-maintenance as well as to generate new cells with the principal phenotypes of the tissue in response to injury or disease. Due to their easy accessibility and their potential use in regenerative medicine, adult stem cells raise the hope for future personalisable therapies. After infection or during injury, they are exposed to broad range of pathogen or damage-associated molecules leading to changes in their proliferation, migration and differentiation. The sensing of such damage and infection signals is mostly achieved by Toll-Like Receptors (TLRs) with Toll-like receptor 4 being responsible for recognition of bacterial lipopolysaccharides (LPS) and endogenous danger-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs). In this review, we examine the current state of knowledge on the TLR4-mediated signalling in different adult stem cell populations. Specifically, we elaborate on the role of TLR4 and its ligands on proliferation, differentiation and migration of mesenchymal stem cells, hematopoietic stem cells as well as neural stem cells. Finally, we discuss conceptual and technical pitfalls in investigation of TLR4 signalling in stem cells.


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In animal models, prenatal and postnatal stress is associated with elevated hypothalamic–pituitary axis (HPA) reactivity mediated via altered glucocorticoid receptor (GR) gene expression. Postnatal tactile stimulation is associated with reduced HPA reactivity mediated via increased GR gene expression. In this first study in humans to examine the joint effects of prenatal and postnatal environmental exposures, we report that GR gene (NR3C1) 1-F promoter methylation in infants is elevated in the presence of increased maternal postnatal depression following low prenatal depression, and that this effect is reversed by self-reported stroking of the infants by their mothers over the first weeks of life.


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Platelet-specific deletion of CLEC-2, which signals through Src and Syk kinases, or global deletion of its ligand podoplanin results in blood-filled lymphatics during mouse development. Platelet-specific Syk deficiency phenocopies this defect, indicating that platelet activation is required for lymphatic development. In the present study, we investigated whether CLEC-2-podoplanin interactions could support platelet arrest from blood flow and whether platelet signalling is required for stable platelet adhesion to lymphatic endothelial cells (LECs) and recombinant podoplanin under flow. Perfusion of human or mouse blood over human LEC monolayers led to platelet adhesion and aggregation. Following αIIbβ3 blockade, individual platelets still adhered. Platelet binding occurred at venous but not arterial shear rates. There was no adhesion using CLEC-2-deficient blood or to vascular endothelial cells (which lack podoplanin). Perfusion of human blood over human Fc-podoplanin (hFcPDPN) in the presence of monoclonal antibody IV.3 to block FcγRIIA receptors led to platelet arrest at similar shear rates to those used on LECs. Src and Syk inhibitors significantly reduced global adhesion of human or mouse platelets to LECs and hFcPDPN. A similar result was seen using Syk-deficient mouse platelets. Reduced platelet adhesion was due to a decrease in the stability of binding. In conclusion, our data reveal that CLEC-2 is an adhesive receptor that supports platelet arrest to podoplanin under venous shear. Src/Syk-dependent signalling stabilises platelet adhesion to podoplanin, providing a possible molecular mechanism contributing to the lymphatic defects of Syk-deficient mice.


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Filamin A (FlnA) cross-links actin filaments and connects the Von Willebrand factor receptor GPIb-IX-V to the underlying cytoskeleton in platelets. Because FlnA deficiency is embryonic lethal, mice lacking FlnA in platelets were generated by breeding FlnA(loxP/loxP) females with GATA1-Cre males. FlnA(loxP/y) GATA1-Cre males have a macrothrombocytopenia and increased tail bleeding times. FlnA-null platelets have decreased expression and altered surface distribution of GPIbalpha because they lack the normal cytoskeletal linkage of GPIbalpha to underlying actin filaments. This results in approximately 70% less platelet coverage on collagen-coated surfaces at shear rates of 1,500/s, compared with wild-type platelets. Unexpectedly, however, immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM)- and ITAM-like-mediated signals are severely compromised in FlnA-null platelets. FlnA-null platelets fail to spread and have decreased alpha-granule secretion, integrin alphaIIbbeta3 activation, and protein tyrosine phosphorylation, particularly that of the protein tyrosine kinase Syk and phospholipase C-gamma2, in response to stimulation through the collagen receptor GPVI and the C-type lectin-like receptor 2. This signaling defect was traced to the loss of a novel FlnA-Syk interaction, as Syk binds to FlnA at immunoglobulin-like repeat 5. Our findings reveal that the interaction between FlnA and Syk regulates ITAM- and ITAM-like-containing receptor signaling and platelet function.


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We have recently shown that the C-type lectin-like receptor, CLEC-2, is expressed on platelets and that it mediates powerful platelet aggregation by the snake venom toxin rhodocytin. In addition, we have provided indirect evidence for an endogenous ligand for CLEC-2 in renal cells expressing HIV-1. This putative ligand facilitates transmission of HIV through its incorporation into the viral envelope and binding to CLEC-2 on platelets. The aim of the present study was to identify the ligand on these cells which binds to CLEC-2 on platelets. Recombinant CLEC-2 exhibits specific binding to HEK-293T (human embryonic kidney) cells in which the HIV can be grown. Furthermore, HEK-293T cells activate both platelets and CLEC-2-transfected DT-40 B-cells. The transmembrane protein podoplanin was identified on HEK-293T cells and was demonstrated to mediate both binding of HEK-293T cells to CLEC-2 and HEK-293T cell activation of CLEC-2-transfected DT-40 B-cells. Podoplanin is expressed on renal cells (podocytes). Furthermore, a direct interaction between CLEC-2 and podoplanin was confirmed using surface plasmon resonance and was shown to be independent of glycosylation of CLEC-2. The interaction has an affinity of 24.5+/-3.7 microM. The present study identifies podoplanin as a ligand for CLEC-2 on renal cells.


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We investigated the ability of phenylephrine (PE), an alpha-adrenergic agonist and promoter of hypertrophic growth in the ventricular myocyte, to activate the three best-characterized mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) subfamilies, namely p38-MAPKs, SAPKs/JNKs (i.e. stress-activated protein kinases/c-Jun N-terminal kinases) and ERKs (extracellularly responsive kinases), in perfused contracting rat hearts. Perfusion of hearts with 100 microM PE caused a rapid (maximal at 10 min) 12-fold activation of two p38-MAPK isoforms, as measured by subsequent phosphorylation of a p38-MAPK substrate, recombinant MAPK-activated protein kinase 2 (MAPKAPK2). This activation coincided with phosphorylation of p38-MAPK. Endogenous MAPKAPK2 was activated 4-5-fold in these perfusions and this was inhibited completely by the p38-MAPK inhibitor, SB203580 (10 microM). Activation of p38-MAPK and MAPKAPK2 was also detected in non-contracting hearts perfused with PE, indicating that the effects were not dependent on the positive inotropic/chronotropic properties of the agonist. Although SAPKs/JNKs were also rapidly activated, the activation (2-3-fold) was less than that of p38-MAPK. The ERKs were activated by perfusion with PE and the activation was at least 50% of that seen with 1 microM PMA, the most powerful activator of the ERKs yet identified in cardiac myocytes. These results indicate that, in addition to the ERKs, two MAPK subfamilies, whose activation is more usually associated with cellular stresses, are activated by the Gq/11-protein-coupled receptor (Gq/11PCR) agonist, PE, in whole hearts. These data indicate that Gq/11PCR agonists activate multiple MAPK signalling pathways in the heart, all of which may contribute to the overall response (e.g. the development of the hypertrophic phenotype).


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Both the estrogen receptor (ER) and thyroid hormone receptor (TR) are members of the nuclear receptor superfamily. Two isoforms of the ER, alpha and beta, exist. The TRalpha and beta isoforms are products of two distinct genes that are further differentially spliced to give TRalpha1 and alpha2, TRbeta1 and beta2. The TRs have been shown to interfere with ER-mediated transcription from both the consensus estrogen response element (ERE) and the rat preproenkephalin (PPE) promoter, possibly by competing with ER binding to the ERE or by squelching coactivators essential for ER-mediated transcription. The rat oxytocin receptor (OTR) gene is thought to be involved in several facets of reproductive and affiliative behaviors. 17beta-Estradiol-bound ERs upregulate the OTR gene in the ventromedial hypothalamus, a region critical for the induction of lordosis behavior in several species. We investigated the effects of the ligand-binding TR isoforms on the ER-mediated transcription from a physiological promoter of a behaviorally relevant gene such as the OTR. Only ERalpha could induce the OTR gene in two cell lines tested, the CV-1 and the SK-N-BE2C neuroblastoma cell lines. ERbeta was incapable of inducing the gene in either cell line. ERalpha is therefore not equivalent to ERbeta on this physiological promoter. Indeed, in the neural cell line, ERbeta can inhibit ERalpha-mediated induction from the OTR promoter. While the TRalpha1 isoform inhibited ERalpha-mediated induction in the neural cell line, the TRbeta1 isoform stimulated induction, thus demonstrating isoform specificity in the interaction. The use of a DNA-binding mutant, the TR P box mutant, showed that inhibition of ERalpha-mediated induction of the rat OTR gene promoter by the TRalpha1 isoform does not require DNA-binding ability. SRC-1 overexpression relieved TRalpha1-mediated inhibition in both cell lines, suggesting that squelching for coactivators is an important molecular mechanism in TRalpha-mediated inhibition. Such interactions between TR and ER isoforms on the rat OTR promoter provide a mechanism to achieve neuroendocrine integration.


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Oestrogens are critical for the display of lordosis behaviour and, in recent years, have also been shown to be involved in synaptic plasticity. In the brain, the regulation of ionotropic glutamate receptors has consequences for excitatory neurotransmission. Oestrogen regulation of the N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor subunit 2D (NR2D) has generated considerable interest as a possible molecular mechanism by which synaptic plasticity can be modulated. Since more than one isoform of the oestrogen receptor (ER) exists in mammals, it is possible that oestrogen regulation via the ERalpha and ERbeta isoforms on the NR2D oestrogen response element (ERE) is not equivalent. In the kidney fibroblast (CV1) cell line, we show that in response to 17beta-oestradiol, only ERalpha, not ERbeta, could upregulate transcription from the ERE which is in the 3' untranslated region of the NR2D gene. When this ERE is in the 5' position, neither ERalpha nor ERbeta showed transactivation capacity. Thyroid hormone receptor (TR) modulation of ER mediated induction has been shown for other ER target genes, such as the preproenkephalin and oxytocin receptor genes. Since the various TR isoforms exhibit distinct roles, we hypothesized that TR modulation of ER induction may also be isoform specific. This is indeed the case. The TRalpha1 isoform stimulated ERalpha mediated induction from the 3'-ERE whereas the TRbeta1 isoform inhibited this induction. This study shows that isoforms of both the ER and TR have different transactivation properties. Such flexible regulation and crosstalk by nuclear receptor isoforms leads to different transcriptional outcomes and the combinatorial logic may aid neuroendocrine integration.


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Thyroid hormones influence both neuronal development and anxiety via the thyroid hormone receptors (TRs). The TRs are encoded by two different genes, TRalpha and TRbeta. The loss of TRalpha1 is implicated in increased anxiety in males, possibly via a hippocampal increase in GABAergic activity. We compared both social behaviors and two underlying and related non-social behaviors, state anxiety and responses to acoustic and tactile startle in the gonadally intact TRalpha1 knockout (alpha1KO) and TRbeta (betaKO) male mice to their wild-type counterparts. For the first time, we show an opposing effect of the two TR isoforms, TRalpha1 and TRbeta, in the regulation of state anxiety, with alpha1 knockout animals (alpha1KO) showing higher levels of anxiety and betaKO males showing less anxiety compared to respective wild-type mice. At odds with the increased anxiety in non-social environments, alpha1KO males also show lower levels of responsiveness to acoustic and tactile startle stimuli. Consistent with the data that T4 is inhibitory to lordosis in female mice, we show subtly increased sex behavior in alpha1KO male mice. These behaviors support the idea that TRalpha1 could be inhibitory to ERalpha driven transcription that ultimately impacts ERalpha driven behaviors such as lordosis. The behavioral phenotypes point to novel roles for the TRs, particularly in non-social behaviors such as state anxiety and startle.