112 resultados para Rich Skeletal-muscles
Effects of dietary fat modification on skeletal muscle fatty acid handling in the metabolic syndrome
Objective: In the metabolic syndrome (MetS), increased fat storage in ‘nonadipose’ tissues such as skeletal muscle may be related to insulin resistance (‘lipid overflow’ hypothesis). The objective of this study was to examine the effects of dietary fat modification on the capacity of skeletal muscle to handle dietary and endogenous fatty acids (FAs). Subjects and Methods: In total, 29 men with the MetS were randomly assigned to one of four diets for 12 weeks: a high-fat saturated fat diet (HSFA, n=6), a high-fat monounsaturated fat diet (HMUFA, n=7) and two low-fat high-complex carbohydrate diets supplemented with (LFHCCn−3, n=8) or without (LFHCC, n=8) 1.24 g per day docosahexaenoic and eicosapentaenoic acid. Fasting and postprandial skeletal muscle FA handling was examined by measuring arteriovenous concentration differences across the forearm muscle. [2H2]-palmitate was infused intravenously to label endogenous triacylglycerol (TAG) and free fatty acids in the circulation and subjects received a high-fat mixed meal (2.6 MJ, 61 energy% fat) containing [U-13C]-palmitate to label chylomicron-TAG. Results: Postprandial circulating TAG concentrations were significantly lower after dietary intervention in the LFHCCn−3 group compared to the HSFA group (ΔiAUC −139±67 vs 167±70 μmol l−1 min−1, P=0.009), together with decreased concentrations of [U-13C]-labeled TAG, representing dietary FA. Fasting TAG clearance across forearm muscle was decreased on the HSFA diet, whereas no differences were observed in postprandial forearm muscle FA handling between diets. Conclusion: Chronic manipulation of dietary fat quantity and quality did not affect forearm muscle FA handling in men with the MetS. Postprandial TAG concentrations decreased on the LFHCCn−3 diet, which could be (partly) explained by lower concentration of dietary FA in the circulation.
The diagnosis of thalassaemia in archaeological populations has long been hindered by a lack of pathogonomic features, and the non-specific nature of cribra orbitalia and porotic hyperostosis. In fact, clinical research has highlighted more specific diagnostic criteria for thalassaemia major and intermedia based on changes to the thorax (‘rib-within-a-rib’ and costal osteomas). A recent re-examination of 364 child skeletons from Romano-British Poundbury Camp, Dorset revealed children with general ‘wasting’ of the bones and three children who demonstrated a variety of severe lesions (e.g. zygomatic bone and rib hypertrophy, porotic hyperostosis, rib lesions, osteopenia and pitted diaphyseal shafts) that are inconsistent with dietary deficiency alone, and more consistent with a diagnosis of genetic anaemia. Two of these children displayed rib lesions typical of those seen in modern cases of thalassaemia. The children of Poundbury Camp represent the first cases of genetic anaemia identified in a British archaeological population. As thalassaemia is a condition strongly linked to Mediterranean communities, the presence of this condition in a child from England, found within a mausoleum, suggests that they were born to wealthy immigrant parents living in this small Roman settlement in Dorset. This paper explores the diagnostic criteria for genetic anaemia in the archaeological literature and what its presence in ancient populations can contribute to our knowledge of past human migration.
Epidemiological studies suggest that low-birth weight infants show poor neonatal growth and increased susceptibility to metabolic syndrome, in particular, obesity and diabetes. Adipose tissue development is regulated by many genes, including members of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) and the fatty acid-binding protein (FABP) families. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of birth weight on key adipose and skeletal muscle tissue regulating genes. Piglets from 11 litters were ranked according to birth weight and 3 from each litter assigned to small, normal, or large-birth weight groups. Tissue samples were collected on day 7 or 14. Plasma metabolite concentrations and the expression of PPARG2, PPARA, FABP3, and FABP4 genes were determined in subcutaneous adipose tissue and skeletal muscle. Adipocyte number and area were determined histologically. Expression of FABP3 and 4 was significantly reduced in small and large, compared with normal, piglets in adipose tissue on day 7 and in skeletal muscle on day 14. On day 7, PPARA and PPARG2 were significantly reduced in adipose tissue from small and large piglets. Adipose tissue from small piglets contained more adipocytes than normal or large piglets. Birth weight had no effect on adipose tissue and skeletal muscle lipid content. Low-birth weight is associated with tissue-specific and time-dependent effects on lipid-regulating genes as well as morphological changes in adipose tissue. It remains to be seen whether these developmental changes alter an individual's susceptibility to metabolic syndrome.
The aim of this paper is to show the feasibility of the use of functional electrical stimulation (FES) applied to the lower back muscles for pressure sores prevention in paraplegia. The hypothesis under study is that FES induces a change in the pressure distribution on the contact area during sitting. Tests were conducted on a paraplegic subject (T5), sitting on a standard wheelchair and cushion. Trunk extensors (mainly the erector spinae) were stimulated using surface electrodes placed on the skin. A pressure mapping system was used to measure the pressure on the sitting surface in four situations: (a) no stimulation; (b) stimulation on one side of the spine only; (c) stimulation on both sides, at different levels; and (d) stimulation at the same level on both sides, during pressure-relief manoeuvres. A session of prolonged stimulation was also conducted. The experimental results show that the stimulation of the erector spinae on one side of the spine can induce a trunk rotation on the sagittal plane, which causes a change in the pressure distribution. A decrease of pressure on the side opposite to the stimulation was recorded. The phenomenon is intensified when different levels of stimulation are applied to the two sides, and such change can be sustained for a considerable time (around 5 minutes). The stimulation did not induce changes during pressure-relief manoeuvres. Finally, from this research we can conclude that the stimulation of the trunk extensors can be a useful tool for pressure sores prevention, and can potentially be used in a routine for pressure sores prevention based on periodical weight shifts.
This study focuses on the restoration of chalk grasslands over a 6-year period and tests the efficacy of two management practices, hay spreading and soil disturbance, in promoting this process for phytophagous beetles. Restoration success for the beetles, measured as similarity to target species-rich chalk grassland, was not found to be influenced by either management practice. In contrast, restoration success for the plants did increase in response to hay spreading management. Although the presence of suitable host plants was considered to dictate the earliest point at which phytophagous beetles could successfully colonized, few beetle species colonized as soon as their host plants became established. Morphological characteristics and feeding habits of 27 phytophagous beetle species were therefore tested to identify factors that limited their colonization and persistence. The lag time between host plant establishment and colonization was greatest for flightless beetles. Beetles with foliage-feeding larvae both colonized at slower rates than seed-, stem-, or root-feeding species and persisted within the swards for shorter periods. Although the use of hay spreading may benefit plant communities during chalk grassland restoration, it did not directly benefit phytophagous beetles. Without techniques for overcoming colonization limitation for invertebrate taxa, short-term success of restoration may be limited to the plants only.
Adult skeletal muscle possesses a resident stem cell population called satellite cells which are responsible for tissue repair following damage. Satellite cell migration is crucial in promoting rapid tissue regeneration but is a poorly understood process. Furthermore, the mechanisms facilitating satellite cell movement have yet to be elucidated. Here the process of satellite cell migration has been investigated revealing that they undergo two distinct phases of movement; firstly under the basal lamina and then rapidly increasing their velocity when on the myofibre surface. Most significantly we show that satellite cells move using a highly dynamic blebbing based mechanism and not via lamellopodia mediated propulsion. We show that nitric oxide and non-canonical Wnt signalling pathways are necessary for regulating the formation of blebs and the migration of satellite cells. In summary, we propose that the formation of blebs and their necessity for satellite cell migration has significant implications in the future development of therapeutic regimes aimed at promoting skeletal muscle regeneration.
The present study was designed to examine whether the type of fat ingested in an initial test meal influences the response and density distribution of dietary-derived lipoproteins in the Svedberg flotation rate (Sf)>400, Sf 60 - 400 and Sf 20 - 60 lipoprotein fractions. A single-blind randomized within-subject crossover design was used to study the effects of palm oil, safflower oil, a mixture of fish and safflower oil, and olive oil on postprandial apolipoprotein (apo) B-48, retinyl ester and triacylglycerol responses in each lipoprotein fraction following an initial test meal containing one of the oils and a second standardized test meal. For all dietary oils, late postprandial (300min) concentrations of triacylglycerol and apo B-48 were significantly higher in the Sf 60 - 400 fraction than in the Sf>400 fraction (P<0.02). Significantly greater apo B-48 incremental areas under the curve (IAUCs) were also observed in the Sf 60 - 400 fraction than in the Sf>400 fraction following palm oil, safflower oil and olive oil (P<0.04), with a similar non-significant trend for fish/safflower oil. Olive oil resulted in a significantly greater apo B-48 IAUC in the Sf>400 fraction (P<0.02) than did any of the other dietary oils, as well as a tendency for a higher IAUC in the Sf 60 - 400 fraction compared with the palm, safflower and fish/safflower oils. In conclusion, we have found that the majority of intestinally derived lipoproteins present in the circulation following meals enriched with saturated, polyunsaturated or monounsaturated fatty acids are of the density and size of small chylomicrons and chylomicron remnants. Olive oil resulted in a greater apo B-48 response compared with the other dietary oils following sequential test meals, suggesting the formation of a greater number of small (Sf 60 - 400) and large (Sf>400) apo B-48-containing lipoproteins in response to this dietary oil.
Background: n-3 Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) have proven benefits for both the development of atherosclerosis and inflammatory conditions. The effects on atherosclerosis may be partly mediated by the observed reduction in fasting and postprandial triacylglycerol concentrations after both acute and chronic n-3 PUFA ingestion. Objective: The aim of this study was to assess gastric emptying and gastrointestinal hormone release after the consumption of mixed meals rich in n-3 PUFAs or other classes of fatty acids. Design: Ten healthy women (aged 50–62 y) completed 4 separate study visits in a single-blind, randomized design. On each occasion, subjects consumed 40 g oil rich in either saturated fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids, n-6 PUFAs, or n-3 PUFAs as part of a mixed meal. [1-13C]Octanoic acid (100 mg) was added to each oil. Gastric emptying was assessed by a labeled octanoic acid breath test, and concentrations of gastrointestinal hormones and plasma lipids were measured. Results: Recovery of 13C in breath was enhanced after n-3 PUFA ingestion (P < 0.005). The cholecystokinin response after the n-3 PUFA meal was significantly delayed (P < 0.001), and the glucagon-like peptide 1 response was significantly reduced (P < 0.05). Conclusion: The inclusion of n-3 PUFAs in a meal alters the gastric emptying rate, potentially as the result of changes in the pattern of cholecystokinin and glucagon-like peptide 1 release.
Background: Compared with the postprandial events after a single meal, different events occur when a second meal is ingested 4–6 h after a first meal. There is a rapid appearance of chylomicrons in the circulation carrying fat ingested with the first meal, with a peak 1 h after the second meal. Objective: Our goal was to examine whether different dietary oils have effects on the storage of triacylglycerol as a result of differences in their digestion, absorption, and incorporation into chylomicrons. Design: A single-blind, randomized, within-subject crossover design was used to study the effects of palm oil, safflower oil, a mixture of fish and safflower oil, and olive oil on postprandial apolipoprotein (apo) B-48, retinyl ester, and triacylglycerol in the Sf > 400 fraction with the use of a sequential meal protocol. Results: For triacylglycerol, retinyl ester, and apo B-48, the time to reach peak concentration was significantly earlier after the second meal than after the first meal (P < 0.005). This was apparent with each of the dietary oils. The pattern of the apo B-48 response differed significantly among the dietary oils, with olive oil resulting in higher concentrations after both meals (P = 0.003). The ratio of triacylglycerol to apo B-48 was significantly lower after olive oil feeding than after feeding with the other oils (P = 0.02). Conclusions: The rapid entry of chylomicrons after the ingestion of a second meal 5 h after a first meal was seen with all of the oils investigated. The short-term ingestion of olive oil produced more chylomicrons than did the other dietary oils, which may have been due to differences in the metabolic handling of olive oil within the gut.
This paper describes the use of an antiserum, specific for apolipoprotein (apo) B-48, in a competitive, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for apo B-48 in triacylglycerol-rich lipoprotein (TRL) fractions prepared from fasting and post-prandial plasma samples. Previously we showed the antiserum to act as an effective immunoblotting agent following sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Its use in this ELISA indicates that the antiserum recognises the C-terminal region of the protein on the surface of lipoprotein particles. The ELISA had a sensitivity of less than 37 ng/ml and intra- and inter-assay coefficients of variation of 3.8% and 8.6%, respectively. There was no cross-reaction in the ELISA against serum albumin, ovalbumin, thyroglobulin, or apo B-100 (purified by immunoaffinity chromatography), and high lipid concentrations (as Intralipid) did not interfere. A low density lipoprotein fraction reacted in the ELISA but SDS-PAGE-Western blot analysis confirmed the presence, in the fraction, of a small amount of apo B-48, indicating the existence of low density dietary-derived lipoprotein particles. ELISA and SDS-PAGE-Western blot analysis were used to measure apo B-48 in 12 series of postprandial samples collected from 4 diabetic and 8 normal subjects, following test meals of varying fat content. The mean correlation between the two methods was r = 0.74. The mean fasting concentration of apo B-48 in the TRL fractions from 15 healthy men was 0.46 μg/ml of plasma.
The recent celebrations of the centenary of the publication of the Futurist manifesto led to a renewed discussion of the ideas and artworks of the Italian artists’ group. Jacques Rancière related the Futurist ethos with the modernist project of liberating art from representation. Franco ‘Bifo’ Berardi, in his post-Futurist manifesto, also identified a historical irony at play in the emptying out of Futurism’s promise: a liberated mechanical humanity did indeed materialize, in a global economic system premised on financial servitude to the future via debt. However, these models continue to assess Futurism against an unchallenged humanism, finding it either supporting ideals of freedom and human rights despite itself, or else lacking in these areas. But Futurism is potentially more relevant than ever not in spite of its anti-humanist agenda, precisely because of it. Tom McCarthy annexes not Futurist art but Futurist writing to an emerging object oriented ontology that seeks to challenge the primacy of the human. If Futurism is to be repurposed as a critical concept, it can only do so by countering the humanist myth the liberal subject that underlies the current cultural and political hegemony of neo-liberalism.
The forelimbs of higher vertebrates are composed of two portions: the appendicular region (stylopod, zeugopod and autopod) and the less prominent proximal girdle elements (scapula and clavicle) that brace the limb to the main trunk axis. We show that the formation of the muscles of the proximal limb occurs through two distinct mechanisms. The more superficial girdle muscles (pectoral and latissimus dorsi) develop by the “In–Out” mechanism whereby migration of myogenic cells from the somites into the limb bud is followed by their extension from the proximal limb bud out onto the thorax. In contrast, the deeper girdle muscles (e.g. rhomboideus profundus and serratus anterior) are induced by the forelimb field which promotes myotomal extension directly from the somites. Tbx5 inactivation demonstrated its requirement for the development of all forelimb elements which include the skeletal elements, proximal and distal muscles as well as the sternum in mammals and the cleithrum of fish. Intriguingly, the formation of the diaphragm musculature is also dependent on the Tbx5 programme. These observations challenge our classical views of the boundary between limb and trunk tissues. We suggest that significant structures located in the body should be considered as components of the forelimb.