63 resultados para Regular array
Background A whole-genome genotyping array has previously been developed for Malus using SNP data from 28 Malus genotypes. This array offers the prospect of high throughput genotyping and linkage map development for any given Malus progeny. To test the applicability of the array for mapping in diverse Malus genotypes, we applied the array to the construction of a SNPbased linkage map of an apple rootstock progeny. Results Of the 7,867 Malus SNP markers on the array, 1,823 (23.2 %) were heterozygous in one of the two parents of the progeny, 1,007 (12.8 %) were heterozygous in both parental genotypes, whilst just 2.8 % of the 921 Pyrus SNPs were heterozygous. A linkage map spanning 1,282.2 cM was produced comprising 2,272 SNP markers, 306 SSR markers and the S-locus. The length of the M432 linkage map was increased by 52.7 cM with the addition of the SNP markers, whilst marker density increased from 3.8 cM/marker to 0.5 cM/marker. Just three regions in excess of 10 cM remain where no markers were mapped. We compared the positions of the mapped SNP markers on the M432 map with their predicted positions on the ‘Golden Delicious’ genome sequence. A total of 311 markers (13.7 % of all mapped markers) mapped to positions that conflicted with their predicted positions on the ‘Golden Delicious’ pseudo-chromosomes, indicating the presence of paralogous genomic regions or misassignments of genome sequence contigs during the assembly and anchoring of the genome sequence. Conclusions We incorporated data for the 2,272 SNP markers onto the map of the M432 progeny and have presented the most complete and saturated map of the full 17 linkage groups of M. pumila to date. The data were generated rapidly in a high-throughput semi-automated pipeline, permitting significant savings in time and cost over linkage map construction using microsatellites. The application of the array will permit linkage maps to be developed for QTL analyses in a cost-effective manner, and the identification of SNPs that have been assigned erroneous positions on the ‘Golden Delicious’ reference sequence will assist in the continued improvement of the genome sequence assembly for that variety.
Experiments assimilating the RAPID dataset of deep temperature and salinity profiles at 26.5°N on the western and eastern Atlantic boundaries into a 1° global NEMO ocean model have been performed. The meridional overturning circulation (MOC) is then assessed against the transports calculated directly from observations. The best initialization found for this short period was obtained by assimilating the EN3 upper-ocean hydrography database prior to 2004, after which different methods of assimilating 5-day average RAPID profiles at the western boundary were tested. The model MOC is strengthened by ∼ 2 Sv giving closer agreement with the RAPID array transports, when the western boundary profiles are assimilated only below 900 m (the approximate depth of the Florida Straits, which are not well resolved) and when the T,S observations are spread meridionally from 10 to 35°N along the deep western boundary. The use of boundary-focused covariances has the largest impact on the assimilation results, otherwise using more conventional Gaussian covariances has a very local impact on the MOC at 26°N with strong adverse impacts on the MOC stream function at higher and lower latitudes. Even using boundary-focused covariances only enables the MOC to be strengthened for ∼ 2 years, after which the increased transport of warm waters leads to a negative feedback on water formation in the subpolar gyre which then reduces the MOC. This negative feedback can be mitigated if EN3 hydrography data continue to be assimilated along with the RAPID array boundary data. Copyright © 2012 Royal Meteorological Society and Crown in the right of Canada.
The Atlantic meridional overturning circulation in two versions of the NEMO ¼° global ocean model has been compared with the RAPID transport array at 26oN. Both model versions reproduce the mean MOC strength well although the Florida Straits flows differ because the pathway of the Gulf Stream is not strongly constrained at this resolution. Both models however have a mean meridional heat transport of 1.07PW, much lower than the 1.35PW from RAPID observations in Apr04-Oct07. Much of the heat transport discrepancy is due to lower transports in summer across the MidOcean (Bahamas-Africa) section, due to stronger southward geostrophic flows in the top 100m where the water is warmest. Seasonal thermocline changes increase temperature differences across the basin driving stronger geostrophic shear, but this effect is much weaker in the top 100m of the RAPID velocity data. The effect accounts for a reduction of 1.1Sv in MOC and 0.1PW in heat transports. The rest of the discrepancy comes from lower Ekman transports from using ERAInterim winds instead of QuikSCAT, a smaller zonally-varying “Eddy” heat transport component, estimated from repeat XBT sections in the observations, and the southward throughflow in the model. Other differences in depth structure of the model MOC and RAPID observations are described but have much less impact on heat transports.
This paper presents an image motion model for airborne three-line-array (TLA) push-broom cameras. Both aircraft velocity and attitude instability are taken into account in modeling image motion. Effects of aircraft pitch, roll, and yaw on image motion are analyzed based on geometric relations in designated coordinate systems. The image motion is mathematically modeled by image motion velocity multiplied by exposure time. Quantitative analysis to image motion velocity is then conducted in simulation experiments. The results have shown that image motion caused by aircraft velocity is space invariant while image motion caused by aircraft attitude instability is more complicated. Pitch,roll and yaw all contribute to image motion to different extents. Pitch dominates the along-track image motion and both roll and yaw greatly contribute to the cross-track image motion. These results provide a valuable base for image motion compensation to ensure high accuracy imagery in aerial photogrammetry.
The bewildering complexity of cortical microcircuits at the single cell level gives rise to surprisingly robust emergent activity patterns at the level of laminar and columnar local field potentials (LFPs) in response to targeted local stimuli. Here we report the results of our multivariate data-analytic approach based on simultaneous multi-site recordings using micro-electrode-array chips for investigation of the microcircuitary of rat somatosensory (barrel) cortex. We find high repeatability of stimulus-induced responses, and typical spatial distributions of LFP responses to stimuli in supragranular, granular, and infragranular layers, where the last form a particularly distinct class. Population spikes appear to travel with about 33 cm/s from granular to infragranular layers. Responses within barrel related columns have different profiles than those in neighbouring columns to the left or interchangeably to the right. Variations between slices occur, but can be minimized by strictly obeying controlled experimental protocols. Cluster analysis on normalized recordings indicates specific spatial distributions of time series reflecting the location of sources and sinks independent of the stimulus layer. Although the precise correspondences between single cell activity and LFPs are still far from clear, a sophisticated neuroinformatics approach in combination with multi-site LFP recordings in the standardized slice preparation is suitable for comparing normal conditions to genetically or pharmacologically altered situations based on real cortical microcircuitry.
The increasing amount of available expressed gene sequence data makes whole-transcriptome analysis of certain crop species possible. Potato currently has the second largest number of publicly available expressed sequence tag (EST) sequences among the Solanaceae. Most of these ESTs, plus other proprietary sequences, were combined and used to generate a unigene assembly. The set of 246,182 sequences produced 46,345 unigenes, which were used to design a 44K 60-mer oligo array (Potato Oligo Chip Initiative: POCI). In this study, we attempt to identify genes controlling and driving the process of tuber initiation and growth by implementing large-scale transcriptional changes using the newly developed POCI array. Major gene expression profiles could be identified exhibiting differential expression at key developmental stages. These profiles were associated with functional roles in cell division and growth. A subset of genes involved in the regulation of the cell cycle, based on their Gene Ontology classification, exhibit a clear transient upregulation at tuber onset indicating increased cell division during these stages. The POCI array allows the study of potato gene expression on a much broader level than previously possible and will greatly enhance analysis of transcriptional control mechanisms in a wide range of potato research areas. POCI sequence and annotation data are publicly available through the POCI database (http://pgrc.ipk-gatersleben.de/poci).
Affymetrix GeneChip (R) arrays are used widely to study transcriptional changes in response to developmental and environmental stimuli. GeneChip (R) arrays comprise multiple 25-mer oligonucleotide probes per gene and retain certain advantages over direct sequencing. For plants, there are several public GeneChip (R) arrays whose probes are localised primarily in 39 exons. Plant whole-transcript (WT) GeneChip (R) arrays are not yet publicly available, although WT resolution is needed to study complex crop genomes such as Brassica, which are typified by segmental duplications containing paralogous genes and/or allopolyploidy. Available sequence data were sampled from the Brassica A and C genomes, and 142,997 gene models identified. The assembled gene models were then used to establish a comprehensive public WT exon array for transcriptomics studies. The Affymetrix GeneChip (R) Brassica Exon 1.0 ST Array is a 5 mu M feature size array, containing 2.4 million 25-base oligonucleotide probes representing 135,201 gene models, with 15 probes per gene distributed among exons. Discrimination of the gene models was based on an E-value cut-off of 1E(-5), with <= 98 sequence identity. The 135 k Brassica Exon Array was validated by quantifying transcriptome differences between leaf and root tissue from a reference Brassica rapa line (R-o-18), and categorisation by Gene Ontologies (GO) based on gene orthology with Arabidopsis thaliana. Technical validation involved comparison of the exon array with a 60-mer array platform using the same starting RNA samples. The 135 k Brassica Exon Array is a robust platform. All data relating to the array design and probe identities are available in the public domain and are curated within the BrassEnsembl genome viewer at http://www.brassica.info/BrassEnsembl/index.html.
In this paper we present a compliant neural interface designed to record bladder afferent activity. We developed the implant's microfabrication process using multiple layers of silicone rubber and thin metal so that a gold microelectrode array is embedded within four parallel polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) microchannels (5 mm long, 100 μm wide, 100 μm deep). Electrode impedance at 1 kHz was optimized using a reactive ion etching (RIE) step, which increased the porosity of the electrode surface. The electrodes did not deteriorate after a 3 month immersion in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) at 37 °C. Due to the unique microscopic topography of the metal film on PDMS, the electrodes are extremely compliant and can withstand handling during implantation (twisting and bending) without electrical failure. The device was transplanted acutely to anaesthetized rats, and strands of the dorsal branch of roots L6 and S1 were surgically teased and inserted in three microchannels under saline immersion to allow for simultaneous in vivo recordings in an acute setting. We utilized a tripole electrode configuration to maintain background noise low and improve the signal to noise ratio. The device could distinguish two types of afferent nerve activity related to increasing bladder filling and contraction. To our knowledge, this is the first report of multichannel recordings of bladder afferent activity.
We are reporting on the fabrication and electrical characterization of a novel elastomer based micro-cuff neural interface. Electrodes are gold (Au) tracks of sub-100nm thickness and are thermally evaporated on a 0.5 mm thick polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) substrate. We investigate how electrode area and immersion in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) at 37°C influence electrode impedance. A microfluidic channel is bonded to the electrode array to form the cuff. In an acute, in-vivo, proof-of-principle recording, the device is capable of detecting light stroking and pinch of a hind leg of an anaesthetized rat.
We have fabricated a compliant neural interface to record afferent nerve activity. Stretchable gold electrodes were evaporated on a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) substrate and were encapsulated using photo-patternable PDMS. The built-in microstructure of the gold film on PDMS allows the electrodes to twist and flex repeatedly, without loss of electrical conductivity. PDMS microchannels (5mm long, 100μm wide, 100μm deep) were then plasma bonded irreversibly on top of the electrode array to define five parallel-conduit implants. The soft gold microelectrodes have a low impedance of ~200kΩ at the 1kHz frequency range. Teased nerves from the L6 dorsal root of an anaesthetized Sprague Dawley rat were threaded through the microchannels. Acute tripolar recordings of cutaneous activity are demonstrated, from multiple nerve rootlets simultaneously. Confinement of the axons within narrow microchannels allows for reliable recordings of low amplitude afferents. This electrode technology promises exciting applications in neuroprosthetic devices including bladder fullness monitors and peripheral nervous system implants.
In our seminal work, we reported how the biomaterial Parylene-C has the unique ability to coerce neurons and glial cells to migrate to and then grow in straight lines along serum coated rectangular parylene-C structures mounted on an oxidised silicon substrate. In this brief communication, we report how astrocyte cell bodies, from the dissociated postnatal rat hippocampus, can now to be successfully localised on an ultra-thin 13nm layer of parylene-C mounted on oxidised silicon (Figure 1). What is extremely interesting about this finding is that the astrocyte processes extended mainly in horizontal and vertical directions from the cell body thus creating a regular lattice network of individual cells. In addition, they comfortably extended a 50μm gap (equivalent to ~ 10 cell body diameters) to connect to adjacent astrocytes on neighbouring Parylene-C structures. This was found to occur repeatedly on circular geometries of 20μm diameter. In comparison to our previous work [1], we have decreased the thickness of the parylene-C structures by a factor of 10, to allow such technology to be able to be utilised for passive electrode design that requires extremely thin structures such as these. Thus, being able to culture astrocytes in regular lattice networks will pave the way for precise monitoring and stimulation of such ensembles via multi-electrode arrays, allowing a closer insight into their dynamic behaviour and their network properties.
The electronic structure and oxidation state of atomic Au adsorbed on a perfect CeO2(111) surface have been investigated in detail by means of periodic density functional theory-based calculations, using the LDA+U and GGA+U potentials for a broad range of U values, complemented with calculations employing the HSE06 hybrid functional. In addition, the effects of the lattice parameter a0 and of the starting point for the geometry optimization have also been analyzed. From the present results we suggest that the oxidation state of single Au atoms on CeO2(111) predicted by LDA+U, GGA+U, and HSE06 density functional calculations is not conclusive and that the final picture strongly depends on the method chosen and on the construction of the surface model. In some cases we have been able to locate two well-defined states which are close in energy but with very different electronic structure and local geometries, one with Au fully oxidized and one with neutral Au. The energy difference between the two states is typically within the limits of the accuracy of the present exchange-correlation potentials, and therefore, a clear lowest-energy state cannot be identified. These results suggest the possibility of a dynamic distribution of Au0 and Au+ atomic species at the regular sites of the CeO2(111) surface.
We investigated selective impairments in the production of regular and irregular past tense by examining language performance and lesion sites in a sample of twelve stroke patients. A disadvantage in regular past tense production was observed in six patients when phonological complexity was greater for regular than irregular verbs, and in three patients when phonological complexity was closely matched across regularity. These deficits were not consistently related to grammatical difficulties or phonological errors but were consistently related to lesion site. All six patients with a regular past tense disadvantage had damage to the left ventral pars opercularis (in the inferior frontal cortex), an area associated with articulatory sequencing in prior functional imaging studies. In addition, those that maintained a disadvantage for regular verbs when phonological complexity was controlled had damage to the left ventral supramarginal gyrus (in the inferior parietal lobe), an area associated with phonological short-term memory. When these frontal and parietal regions were spared in patients who had damage to subcortical (n = 2) or posterior temporo-parietal regions (n = 3), past tense production was relatively unimpaired for both regular and irregular forms. The remaining (12th) patient was impaired in producing regular past tense but was significantly less accurate when producing irregular past tense. This patient had frontal, parietal, subcortical and posterior temporo-parietal damage, but was distinguished from the other patients by damage to the left anterior temporal cortex, an area associated with semantic processing. We consider how our lesion site and behavioral observations have implications for theoretical accounts of past tense production.
The use of antibiotics in birds and animals intended for human consumption within the European Union (EU) and elsewhere has been subject to regulation prohibiting the use of antimicrobials as growth promoters and the use of last resort antibiotics in an attempt to reduce the spread of multi-resistant Gram negative bacteria. Given the inexorable spread of antibiotic resistance there is an increasing need for improved monitoring of our food. Using selective media, Gram negative bacteria were isolated from retail chicken of UK-Intensively reared (n = 27), Irish-Intensively reared (n = 19) and UK-Free range (n = 30) origin and subjected to an oligonucleotide based array system for the detection of 47 clinically relevant antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) and two integrase genes. High incidences of β-lactamase genes were noted in all sample types, acc (67%), cmy (80%), fox (55%) and tem (40%) while chloramphenicol resistant determinants were detected in bacteria from the UK poultry portions and were absent in bacteria from the Irish samples. Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE) was used to qualitatively analyse the Gram negative population in the samples and showed the expected diversity based on band stabbing and DNA sequencing. The array system proved to be a quick method for the detection of antibiotic resistance gene (ARG) burden within a mixed Gram negative bacterial population.