78 resultados para Piezoelectric vibration
The microwave spectrum for thietan-2,2,4,4-d4 is analysed in six of its lowest puckering states and up to J = 25. The close lying pairs of states of vp = 0/1, 2/3 and 4/5 are treated with a vibration-rotation hamiltonian which includes an off-diagonal coupling term in vp. Additional corrections to this coupling term in higher powers of the angular momentum operator are derived and their importance for improving the fit of calculated to observed data is tested. The variation of the centrifugal distortion constants with vp follows the model of Creswell and Mills (1974, J. molec. Spectrosc., 52, 392). A value is determined for the derivative with respect to the puckering coordinate of the ac-component of the inverse moment of inertia tensor.
Computed infrared band contours are presented for the two degenerate fundamentals of the NF3 molecule, using the l-resonance band contour program described by Cartwright and Mills, with values of the vibration-rotation constants determined from the microwave spectrum by Morino and co-workers. Computed contours are presented for both possible signs of the l-doubling constant, and comparison with the observed band contours leads to the conclusion that q3 = −121.4 MHz and q4 = +51.4 MHz.
Data on the vibrational energy levels and rotational constants of carbon suboxide for the low-wavenumber bending mode ν7 are reviewed, in the ground-state manifold, and in the ν2-, ν3-, ν4-, and ν2 + ν4-state manifolds. Following the procedure developed by Duckett, Mills, and Robiette [J. Mol. Spectrosc. 63, 249 (1976)] the data have been inverted to give the effective bending potential in ν7 for each of these five states. Values are obtained for various other parameters in the effective vibration-rotation Hamiltonian. The potential and rotational constants in ν2 + ν4 are given to a close approximation by linear extrapolation from the ground state through the ν2 and ν4 states.
The microwave spectrum of 1-pyrazoline has been observed from 18 to 40 GHz in the six lowest states of the ring-puckering vibration. It is an a-type spectrum of a near oblate asymmetric top. Each vibrational state has been fitted to a separate effective Hamiltonian, and the vibrational dependence of both the rotational constants and the quartic centrifugal distortion constants has been observed and analyzed. The v = 0 and 1 states have also been analyzed using a coupled Hamiltonian; this gives consistent results, with an improved fit to the high J data. The preferred choice of Durig et al. [J. Chem. Phys. 52, 6096 (1970)] for the ring-puckering potential is confirmed as essentially correct, but the A and B inertial axes are shown to be interchanged from those assumed by Durig et al. in their analysis of the mid-infrared spectrum.
The theory of harmonic force constant refinement calculations is reviewed, and a general-purpose program for force constant and normal coordinate calculations is described. The program, called ASYM20. is available through Quantum Chemistry Program Exchange. It will work on molecules of any symmetry containing up to 20 atoms and will produce results on a series of isotopomers as desired. The vibrational secular equations are solved in either nonredundant valence internal coordinates or symmetry coordinates. As well as calculating the (harmonic) vibrational wavenumbers and normal coordinates, the program will calculate centrifugal distortion constants, Coriolis zeta constants, harmonic contributions to the α′s. root-mean-square amplitudes of vibration, and other quantities related to gas electron-diffraction studies and thermodynamic properties. The program will work in either a predict mode, in which it calculates results from an input force field, or in a refine mode, in which it refines an input force field by least squares to fit observed data on the quantities mentioned above. Predicate values of the force constants may be included in the data set for a least-squares refinement. The program is written in FORTRAN for use on a PC or a mainframe computer. Operation is mainly controlled by steering indices in the input data file, but some interactive control is also implemented.
Force constant and normal co-ordinate calculations are reported for the E species vibrations of the allene molecule. Data on the fundamental vibration frequencies of allene-h4, allene-d4 and allene-1.1-d2 and on the five experimentally determined Coriolis zeta constants of C3H4 and C3D4, were used in a force constant refinement procedure. Allowing for product and sum rules this gives 21 independent data which were used to refine to the most general harmonic force field (10 parameters) with one constraint (in the absence of any constraints the refinement was not satisfactory). The results have been used to calculate the complete ζz Coriolis interaction matrix for the allene-1.1-d2 molecule, and hence to calculate the expected rotational structure of the perpendicular bending vibrations of this molecule; the good agreement obtained with the observed spectra is a check on our results.
Analytical potential functions are reported for the ground state surfaces of HCO and HNO, the functions being derived from spectroscopic and ab initio data. Harmonized force fields have been deduced for the stable configurations of both molecules and vibration frequencies predicted for the metastable species COH and NOH.
Recently. Carter and Handy [J. Chem. Phys. 113 (2000) 987] have introduced the theory of the reaction path Hamiltonian (RPH) [J. Chem. Phys. 72 (1980) 99] into the variational scheme MULTIMODE, for the calculation of the J = 0 vibrational levels of polyatomic molecules, which have a single large-amplitude motion. In this theory the reaction path coordinate s becomes the fourth dimension of the moment-of-inertia tensor, and must be treated separately from the remaining 3N - 7 normal coordinates in the MULTIMODE program. In the modified program, complete integration is performed over s, and the M-mode MULTIMODE coupling approximation for the evaluation of the matrix elements applies only to the 3N - 7 normal coordinates. In this paper the new algorithm is extended to the calculation of rotational-vibration energy levels (i.e. J > 0) with the RPH, following from our analogous implementation for rigid molecules [Theoret. Chem. Acc. 100 (1998) 191]. The full theory is given, and all extra terms have been included to give the exact kinetic energy operator. In order to validate the new code, we report studies on hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), where the reaction path is equivalent to torsional motion. H2O2 has previously been studied variationally using a valence coordinate Hamiltonian; complete agreement for calculated rovibrational levels is obtained between the previous results and those from the new code, using the identical potential surface. MULTIMODE is now able to calculate rovibrational levels for polyatomic molecules which have one large-amplitude motion. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A new system for the generation of hydrodynamic modulated voltammetry (HMV) is presented. This system consists of an oscillating jet produced through the mechanical vibration of a large diaphragm. The structure of the cell is such that a relatively small vibration is transferred to a large fluid flow at the jet outlet. Positioning of an electrode (Pt, 0.5 mm or 25 mu m diameter) over the exit of this jet enables the detection of the modulated flow of liquid. While this flow creates modest mass transfer rates (time averaged similar to 0.015 cm s(-1)) it can also be used to create a HMV system where a 'lock-in' approach is adopted to investigate the redox chemistry in question. This is demonstrated for the Fe(CN)(6)(3-/4-) redox system. Here 'lock-in' to the modulated hydrodynamic signal is achieved through the deployment of bespoke software. The apparatus and procedure is shown to produce a simple and efficient way to obtain the desired signal. In addition the spatial variation of the HMV signal, phase correction and time averaged current with respect to the jet orifice is presented. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
An experimental technique based on a scheme of vibrationally mediated photodissociation has been developed and applied to the spectroscopic study of highly excited vibrational states in HCN, with energies between 29 000 and 30 000 cm(-1). The technique consists of four sequential steps: in the first one, a high power laser is used to vibrationally excite the sample to an intermediate state, typically (0,0,4), the nu(3) mode being approximately equivalent to the C-H stretching vibration. Then a second laser is used to search for transitions between this intermediate state and highly vibrationally excited states. When one of these transitions is found, HCN molecules are transferred to a highly excited vibrational state. Third, a ultraviolet laser photodissociates the highly excited molecules to produce H and CN radicals in its A (2)Pi electronic state. Finally, a fourth laser (probe) detects the presence of the CN(A) photofragments by means of an A-->B-->X laser induced fluorescence scheme. The spectra obtained with this technique, consisting of several rotationally resolved vibrational bands, have been analyzed. The positions and rotational parameters of the states observed are presented and compared with the results of a state-of-the-art variational calculation. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.
Inelastic neutron scattering spectroscopy has been used to observe and characterise hydrogen on the carbon component of a Pt/C catalyst. INS provides the complete vibration spectrum of coronene, regarded as a molecular model of a graphite layer. The vibrational modes are assigned with the aid of ab initio density functional theory calculations and the INS spectra by the a-CLIMAX program. A spectrum for which the H modes of coronene have been computationally suppressed, a carbon-only coronene spectrum, is a better representation of the spectrum of a graphite layer than is coronene itself. Dihydrogen dosing of a Pt/C catalyst caused amplification of the surface modes of carbon, an effect described as H riding on carbon. From the enhancement of the low energy carbon modes (100-600 cm(-1)) it is concluded that spillover hydrogen becomes attached to dangling bonds at the edges of graphitic regions of the carbon support. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
An inelastic neutron scattering (INS) study of the rotational - vibrational spectrum of dihydrogen sorbed by zeolite X having substituted sodium, calcium and zinc cations is reported. The rotational - vibrational spectrum of H-2 was observed at low energy transfer ( below ca. 25 meV, 202 cm(-1)); the vibration was that of the H-2 molecule against the binding site (H-2 - X, not H - H). The vibration frequency was proportional to the polarising power of the cation (Na+ < Ca2+ < Zn2+). Polarisation of the H-2 molecule dominated the interaction of H-2 with this binding site. The total scattering intensity was proportional to the dihydrogen dose. However the vibrational intensities became constant at ca. 0.3 wt% showing that the H-2 binding sites had saturated. Additional dihydrogen appeared as unbound or weakly bound dihydrogen exhibiting recoil.
We report an inelastic neutron scattering (INS) study of the rotational–vibrational spectrum of dihydrogen sorbed by zeolite CaX. In the low energy (<200 cm−1) INS spectrum of adsorbed H2 we observe the rotational–vibrational spectrum of H2, where the vibration is that of the H2 molecule against the binding site (i.e. H2–X, not H–H). We have observed for the first time the vibrational overtones of the hydrogen molecule against the adsorption surface up to sixth order. These vibrations are usually forbidden in INS spectroscopy because of the selection rules imposed by the spin flip event required. In our case we are able to observe such a vibration because the rotational transition J(1 ← 0) convolutes the vibrational spectrum. This paper reports the effect for the first time.
In this paper, we give an overview of our studies by static and time-resolved X-ray diffraction of inverse cubic phases and phase transitions in lipids. In 1, we briefly discuss the lyotropic phase behaviour of lipids, focusing attention on non-lamellar structures, and their geometric/topological relationship to fusion processes in lipid membranes. Possible pathways for transitions between different cubic phases are also outlined. In 2, we discuss the effects of hydrostatic pressure on lipid membranes and lipid phase transitions, and describe how the parameters required to predict the pressure dependence of lipid phase transition temperatures can be conveniently measured. We review some earlier results of inverse bicontinuous cubic phases from our laboratory, showing effects such as pressure-induced formation and swelling. In 3, we describe the technique of pressure-jump synchrotron X-ray diffraction. We present results that have been obtained from the lipid system 1:2 dilauroylphosphatidylcholine/lauric acid for cubic-inverse hexagonal, cubic-cubic and lamellar-cubic transitions. The rate of transition was found to increase with the amplitude of the pressure-jump and with increasing temperature. Evidence for intermediate structures occurring transiently during the transitions was also obtained. In 4, we describe an IDL-based 'AXCESS' software package being developed in our laboratory to permit batch processing and analysis of the large X-ray datasets produced by pressure-jump synchrotron experiments. In 5, we present some recent results on the fluid lamellar-Pn3m cubic phase transition of the single-chain lipid 1-monoelaidin, which we have studied both by pressure-jump and temperature-jump X-ray diffraction. Finally, in 6, we give a few indicators of future directions of this research. We anticipate that the most useful technical advance will be the development of pressure-jump apparatus on the microsecond time-scale, which will involve the use of a stack of piezoelectric pressure actuators. The pressure-jump technique is not restricted to lipid phase transitions, but can be used to study a wide range of soft matter transitions, ranging from protein unfolding and DNA unwinding and transitions, to phase transitions in thermotropic liquid crystals, surfactants and block copolymers.
A chemically coated piezoelectric sensor has been developed for the determination of PAHs in the liquid phase. An organic monolayer attached to the surface of a gold electrode of a quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) via a covalent thiol-gold link complete with an ionically bound recognition element has been produced. This study has employed the PAH derivative 9-anthracene carboxylic acid which, once bound to the alkane thiol, functions as the recognition element. Binding of anthracene via pi-pi interaction has been observed as a frequency shift in the QCM with a detectability of the target analyte of 2 ppb and a response range of 0-50 ppb. The relative response of the sensor altered for different PAHs despite pi-pi interaction being the sole communication between recognition element and analyte. It is envisaged that such a sensor could be employed in the identification of key marker compounds and, as such, give an indication of total PAH flux in the environment.