147 resultados para Foot sensitivity


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Foot and mouth disease (FMD) is a major threat, not only to countries whose economies rely on agricultural exports, but also to industrialised countries that maintain a healthy domestic livestock industry by eliminating major infectious diseases from their livestock populations. Traditional methods of controlling diseases such as FMD require the rapid detection and slaughter of infected animals, and any susceptible animals with which they may have been in contact, either directly or indirectly. During the 2001 epidemic of FMD in the United Kingdom (UK), this approach was supplemented by a culling policy driven by unvalidated predictive models. The epidemic and its control resulted in the death of approximately ten million animals, public disgust with the magnitude of the slaughter, and political resolve to adopt alternative options, notably including vaccination, to control any future epidemics. The UK experience provides a salutary warning of how models can be abused in the interests of scientific opportunism.


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Land use change with accompanying major modifications to the vegetation cover is widespread in the tropics, due to increasing demands for agricultural land, and may have significant impacts on the climate. This study investigates (1) the influence of vegetation on the local climate in the tropics; (2) how that influence varies from region to region; and (3) how the sensitivity of the local climate to vegetation, and hence land use change, depends on the hydraulic characteristics of the soil. A series of idealised experiments with the Hadley Centre atmospheric model, HadAM3, are described in which the influence of vegetation in the tropics is assessed by comparing the results of integrations with and without tropical vegetation. The sensitivity of the results to the soil characteristics is then explored by repeating the experiments with a differing, but equally valid, description of soil hydraulic parameters. The results have shown that vegetation has a significant moderating effect on the climate throughout the tropics by cooling the surface through enhanced latent heat fluxes. The influence of vegetation is, however, seasonally dependent, with much greater impacts during the dry season when the availability of surface moisture is limited. Furthermore, there are significant regional variations both in terms of the magnitude of the cooling and in the response of the precipitation. Not all regions show a feedback of vegetation on the local precipitation; this result has been related both to vegetation type and to the prevailing meteorological conditions. An important finding has been the sensitivity of the results to the specification of the soil hydraulic parameters. The introduction of more freely draining soils has changed the soil-moisture contents of the control, vegetated system and has reduced, significantly, the climate sensitivity to vegetation and by implication, land use change. Changes to the soil parameters have also had an impact on the soil hydrology and its interaction with vegetation, by altering the partitioning between fast and slow runoff processes. These results raise important questions about the representation of highly heterogeneous soil characteristics in climate models, as well as the potential influence of land use change on the soil characteristics themselves.


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An analysis was made that calculated the risk of disease for premises in the most heavily affected parts of the county of Cumbria during the foot-and-mouth disease epidemic in the UK in 2001. In over half the cases the occurrence of the disease was not directly attributable to a recently infected premises being located within 1.5 km. Premises more than 1.5 km from recently infected premises faced sufficiently high infection risks that culling within a 1.5 km radius of the infected premises alone could not have prevented the progress of the epidemic. A comparison of the final outcome in two areas of the county, south Penrith and north Cumbria, indicated that focusing on controlling the potential spread of the disease over short distances by culling premises contiguous to infected premises, while the disease continued to spread over longer distances, may have resulted in excessive numbers of premises being culled. Even though the contiguous cull in south Penrith appeared to have resulted in a smaller proportion of premises becoming infected, the overall proportion of premises culled was considerably greater than in north Cumbria, where, because of staff and resource limitations, a smaller proportion of premises contiguous to infected premises was culled


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The mechanisms that reduce the viability of plant somatic embryos following cryopreservation are not known. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the sensitivity of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) somatic embryos at different stages of an encapsulation-dehydration protocol using stress-related volatile hydrocarbons as markers of injury and recovery. The plant stress hormone ethylene and volatile hydrocarbons derived from hydroxyl radicals (methane) and lipid peroxidation (ethane) were determined using gas chromatography headspace analysis. Ethylene and methane were the only volatiles detected, with both being produced after each step of the cryogenic protocol. Ethylene production was significantly reduced following exposure to liquid nitrogen, but then increased in parallel with embryo recovery. In contrast, the production of methane was cyclic during recovery, with the first cycle occurring earlier for embryos recovered from liquid nitrogen and desiccation than those recovered from earlier steps in the protocol. These results suggest that loss of somatic embryo viability during cryopreservation may be related to the oxidative status of the tissue, and its capacity to produce ethylene. This study has demonstrated that headspace volatile analysis provides a robust non-destructive analytical approach for assessing the survival and recovery of plant somatic embryos following cryopreservation.


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From 1997 onward, the strobilurin fungicide azoxystrobin was widely used in the main banana-production zone in Costa Rica against Mycosphaerella fijiensis var. difformis causing black Sigatoka of banana. By 2000, isolates of M. fijiensis with resistance to the quinolene oxidase inhibitor fungicides were common on some farms in the area. The cause was a single point mutation from glycine to alanine in the fungal target protein, cytochrome b gene. An amplification refractory mutation system Scorpion quantitative polymerase chain reaction assay was developed and used to determine the frequency of G 143A allele in samples of M. fijiensis. Two hierarchical surveys of spatial variability, in 2001 and 2002,found no significant variation in frequency on spatial scales <10 in. This allowed the frequency of G143A alleles on a farm to be estimated efficiently by averaging single samples taken at two fixed locations. The frequency of G 143A allele in bulk samples from I I farms throughout Costa Rica was determined at 2-month intervals. There was no direct relationship between the number of spray applications and the frequency of G143A on individual farms. Instead, the frequency converged toward regional averages, presumably due to the large-scale mixing of ascospores dispersed by wind. Using trap plants in an area remote from the main producing area, immigration of resistant ascospores was detected as far as 6 km away both with and against the prevailing wind.


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The sensitivity of 73 isolates of Mycosphaerella graminicola collected over the period 1993–2002 from wheat fields in South England was tested in vitro against the triazole fluquinconazole, the strobilurin azoxystrobin and to the imidazole prochloraz. Over the sampling period, sensitivity of the population to fluquinconazole and prochloraz decreased by factors of approximately 10 and 2, respectively, but there was no evidence of changes in sensitivity to azoxystrobin. There was no correlation between sensitivity to fluquinconazole and prochloraz, but there was a weak negative cross-resistance between fluquinconazole and azoxystrobin.


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The 5' terminus of picornavirus genomic RNA is covalently linked to the virus-encoded peptide 313 (VTg). Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) is unique in encoding and using 3 distinct forms of this peptide. These peptides each act as primers for RNA synthesis by the virus-encoded RNA polymerase 3D(pol). To act as the primer for positive-strand RNA synthesis, the 3B peptides have to be uridylylated to form VPgpU(pU). For certain picornaviruses, it has been shown that this reaction is achieved by the 3D(pol) in the presence of the 3CD precursor plus an internal RNA sequence termed a cis-acting replication element (cre). The FMDV ere has been identified previously to be within the 5' untranslated region, whereas all other picornavirus cre structures are within the viral coding region. The requirements for the in vitro uridylylation of each of the FMDV 313 peptides has now been determined, and the role of the FMDV ere (also known as the 3B-uridylylation site, or bus) in this reaction has been analyzed. The poly(A) tail does not act as a significant template for FMDV 3B uridylylation.


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This paper examines the intellectual and professional contribution of comparative and international studies to the field of education. It explores the nature of the challenges that are currently being faced, and assesses its potential for the advancement of future teaching, research and professional development. Attention is paid to the place of comparative and international education (CIE)-past and present-in teacher education, in postgraduate studies, and in the realms of policy and practice, theory and research. Consideration is first given to the nature and history of CIE, to its initial contributions to the field of education in the UK, and to its chief mechanisms and sites of production. Influential methodological and theoretical developments are examined, followed by an exploration of emergent questions, controversies and dilemmas that could benefit from sustained comparative analysis in the future. Conclusions consider implications for the place of CIE in the future of educational studies as a whole; for relations between and beyond the 'disciplines of education'; and for the development of sustainable research capacity in this field.


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Our aim was to determine whether meal fatty acids influence insulin and glucose responses to mixed meals and whether these effects can be explained by variations in postprandial NEFA and Apo, which regulate the metabolism of triacylglycerol-rich lipoproteins (Apo C and E). A single-blind crossover study examined the effects of single meals enriched in saturated fatty acids SFA), n-6 PUFA and MUFA on plasma metabolite and insulin responses. The triacylglycerol response following the PUFA meal showed a lower net incremental area under the curve than following the SFA and MUFA meals (P < 0.007). Compared with the SFA meal, the PUFA meal showed a lower net incremental area under the curve for the NEFA response from initial suppression to the end of the postprandial period (180-480 min; P < 0.02), and both PUFA and MUFA showed a lower net incremental glucose response (P < 0.02), although insulin concentrations were similar between meals. The pattern of the Apo E response was also different following the SFA meal (P < 0.02). There was a significant association between the net incremental NEFA (180-480 min) and glucose response (r(s)=0.409, P=0.025), and in multiple regression analysis the NEFA response accounted for 24 % of the variation in glucose response. Meal SFA have adverse effects on the postprandial glucose response that may be due to greater elevations in NEFA arising from differences in the metabolism of SFA- v. PUFA- and MUFA-rich lipoproteins. Elevated Apo E responses to high-SFA meals may have important implications for the hepatic metabolism of triacylglycerol-rich lipoproteins.


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Background: Indian Asians in Western countries have a higher rate of coronary artery disease than do the indigenous white populations, and this higher rate may be influenced by a dietary imbalance of n-6 and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). Objective: The objective of the study was to test the hypothesis that a high background dietary intake of n-6 PUFA attenuates the effects of fish-oil supplementation on insulin sensitivity and associated blood lipids of the metabolic syndrome. Design: Twenty-nine Indian Asian men were recruited to participate in a 12-wk dietary intervention trial. Volunteers were randomly assigned to receive either a moderate or a high n-6 PUFA diet featuring modified oils and spreads over a 6-wk period. After this 6-wk period, both groups were supplemented with 4.0 g fish oil/d (2.5 g eicosapentaenoic acid + docosahexaenoic acid) for an additional 6 wk in combination with the dietary treatment. Volunteers participated in a postprandial study and an insulin sensitivity test after the 6-wk dietary intervention and again after the fish-oil supplementation period. Results: There was no significant time X treatment interaction for blood lipids or insulin action after dietary intervention with the moderate or high n-6 PUFA diets in combination with fish oil. After the 6-wk period of fish oil supplementation, fasting and postprandial plasma triacylglycerol concentrations decreased significantly. Conclusion: The background dietary n-6 PUFA concentration did not modulate the effect of fish-oil supplementation on blood lipids or measures of insulin sensitivity in this ethnic group.


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OBJECTIVE: To compare insulin sensitivity (Si) from a frequently sampled intravenous glucose tolerance test (FSIGT) and subsequent minimal model analyses with surrogate measures of insulin sensitivity and resistance and to compare features of the metabolic syndrome between Caucasians and Indian Asians living in the UK. SUBJECTS: In all, 27 healthy male volunteers (14 UK Caucasians and 13 UK Indian Asians), with a mean age of 51.2 +/- 1.5 y, BMI of 25.8 +/- 0.6 kg/m(2) and Si of 2.85 +/- 0.37. MEASUREMENTS: Si was determined from an FSIGT with subsequent minimal model analysis. The concentrations of insulin, glucose and nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA) were analysed in fasting plasma and used to calculate surrogate measure of insulin sensitivity (quantitative insulin sensitivity check index (QUICKI), revised QUICKI) and resistance (homeostasis for insulin resistance (HOMA IR), fasting insulin resistance index (FIRI), Bennetts index, fasting insulin, insulin-to-glucose ratio). Plasma concentrations of triacylglycerol (TAG), total cholesterol, high density cholesterol, (HDL-C) and low density cholesterol, (LDL-C) were also measured in the fasted state. Anthropometric measurements were conducted to determine body-fat distribution. RESULTS: Correlation analysis identified the strongest relationship between Si and the revised QUICKI (r = 0.67; P = 0.000). Significant associations were also observed between Si and QUICKI (r = 0.51; P = 0.007), HOMA IR (r = -0.50; P = 0.009), FIRI and fasting insulin. The Indian Asian group had lower HDL-C (P = 0.001), a higher waist-hip ratio (P = 0.01) and were significantly less insulin sensitive (Si) than the Caucasian group (P = 0.02). CONCLUSION: The revised QUICKI demonstrated a statistically strong relationship with the minimal model. However, it was unable to differentiate between insulin-sensitive and -resistant groups in this study. Future larger studies in population groups with varying degrees of insulin sensitivity are recommended to investigate the general applicability of the revised QUICKI surrogate technique.


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There is evidence to suggest that insulin sensitivity may vary in response to changes in sex hormone levels. However, the results Of human studies designed to investigate changes in insulin sensitivity through the menstrual cycle have proved inconclusive. The aims of this Study were to 1) evaluate the impact of menstrual cycle phase on insulin sensitivity measures and 2) determine the variability Of insulin sensitivity measures within the same menstrual cycle phase. A controlled observational study of 13 healthy premenopausal women, not taking any hormone preparation and having regular menstrual cycles, was conducted. Insulin sensitivity (Si) and glucose effectiveness (Sg) were measured using an intravenous glucose tolerance test (IVGTT) with minimal model analysis. Additional Surrogate measures Of insulin sensitivity were calculated (homoeostasis model for insulin resistance [HOMA IR], quantitative insulin-to-glucose check index [QUICKI] and revised QUICKI [rQUICKI]), as well as plasma lipids. Each woman was tested in the luteal and follicular phases of her Menstrual cycle, and duplicate measures were taken in one phase of the cycle. No significant differences in insulin sensitivity (measured by the IVGTT or Surrogate markers) or plasma lipids were reported between the two phases of the menstrual cycle or between duplicate measures within the same phase. It was Concluded that variability in measures of insulin sensitivity were similar within and between menstrual phases.


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The production and release of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from peat soils is thought to be sensitive to changes in climate, specifically changes in temperature and rainfall. However, little is known about the actual rates of net DOC production in response to temperature and water table draw-down, particularly in comparison to carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes. To explore these relationships, we carried out a laboratory experiment on intact peat soil cores under controlled temperature and water table conditions to determine the impact and interaction of each of these climatic factors on net DOC production. We found a significant interaction (P < 0.001) between temperature, water table draw-down and net DOC production across the whole soil core (0 to −55 cm depth). This corresponded to an increase in the Q10 (i.e. rise in the rate of net DOC production over a 10 °C range) from 1.84 under high water tables and anaerobic conditions to 3.53 under water table draw-down and aerobic conditions between −10 and − 40 cm depth. However, increases in net DOC production were only seen after water tables recovered to the surface as secondary changes in soil water chemistry driven by sulphur redox reactions decreased DOC solubility, and therefore DOC concentrations, during periods of water table draw-down. Furthermore, net microbial consumption of DOC was also apparent at − 1 cm depth and was an additional cause of declining DOC concentrations during dry periods. Therefore, although increased temperature and decreased rainfall could have a significant effect on net DOC release from peatlands, these climatic effects could be masked by other factors controlling the biological consumption of DOC in addition to soil water chemistry and DOC solubility. These findings highlight both the sensitivity of DOC release from ombrotrophic peat to episodic changes in water table draw-down, and the need to disentangle complex and interacting controls on DOC dynamics to fully understand the impact of environmental change on this system.