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CO stimulates formation of NO and reactive oxygen species which, via peroxynitrite formation, inhibit Ca(2+) extrusion via PMCA, leading to disruption of Ca(2+) signaling. We propose this contributes to the neurological damage associated with CO toxicity.


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We analyze the large time behavior of a stochastic model for the lay down of fibers on a moving conveyor belt in the production process of nonwovens. It is shown that under weak conditions this degenerate diffusion process has a unique invariant distribution and is even geometrically ergodic. This generalizes results from previous works [M. Grothaus and A. Klar, SIAM J. Math. Anal., 40 (2008), pp. 968–983; J. Dolbeault et al., arXiv:1201.2156] concerning the case of a stationary conveyor belt, in which the situation of a moving conveyor belt has been left open.


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A two-stage linear-in-the-parameter model construction algorithm is proposed aimed at noisy two-class classification problems. The purpose of the first stage is to produce a prefiltered signal that is used as the desired output for the second stage which constructs a sparse linear-in-the-parameter classifier. The prefiltering stage is a two-level process aimed at maximizing a model's generalization capability, in which a new elastic-net model identification algorithm using singular value decomposition is employed at the lower level, and then, two regularization parameters are optimized using a particle-swarm-optimization algorithm at the upper level by minimizing the leave-one-out (LOO) misclassification rate. It is shown that the LOO misclassification rate based on the resultant prefiltered signal can be analytically computed without splitting the data set, and the associated computational cost is minimal due to orthogonality. The second stage of sparse classifier construction is based on orthogonal forward regression with the D-optimality algorithm. Extensive simulations of this approach for noisy data sets illustrate the competitiveness of this approach to classification of noisy data problems.


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Psoriasis is a common, chronic and relapsing inflammatory skin disease. It affects approximately 2% of the western population and has no cure. Combination therapy for psoriasis often proves more efficacious and better tolerated than monotherapy with a single drug. Combination therapy could be administered in the form of a co-drug, where two or more therapeutic compounds active against the same condition are linked by a cleavable covalent bond. Similar to the pro-drug approach, the liberation of parent moieties post-administration, by enzymatic and/or chemical mechanisms, is a pre-requisite for effective treatment. In this study, a series of co-drugs incorporating dithranol in combination with one of several non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, both useful for the treatment of psoriasis, were designed, synthesized and evaluated. An ester co-drug comprising dithranol and naproxen in a 1:1 stoichiometric ratio was determined to possess the optimal physicochemical properties for topical delivery. The co-drug was fully hydrolyzed in vitro by porcine liver esterase within four hours. When incubated with homogenized porcine skin, 9.5% of the parent compounds were liberated after 24 h, suggesting in situ esterase-mediated cleavage of the co-drug would occur within the skin. The kinetics of the reaction revealed first order kinetics, Vmax = 10.3 μM/min and Km = 65.1 μM. The co-drug contains a modified dithranol chromophore that was just 37% of the absorbance of dithranol at 375 nm and suggests reduced skin/clothes staining. Overall, these findings suggest that the dithranol-naproxen co-drug offers an attractive, novel approach for the treatment of psoriasis.


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Sainfoin is a temperate legume that contains condensed tannins (CT), i.e. polyphenols that are able to bind proteins and thus reduce protein degradation in the rumen. A reduction in protein degradation in the rumen can lead to a subsequent increase in amino acid flow to the small intestine. The effects of CT in the rumen and the intestine differ according to the amount and structure of CT and the nature of the protein molecular structure. The objective of the present study was to investigate the degradability in the rumen of three CT-containing sainfoin varieties and CT-free lucerne in relation to CT content and structure (mean degree of polymerization, proportion of prodelphinidins and cis-flavanol units) and protein structure (amide I and II bands, ratio of amide I-to-amide II, α-helix, β-sheet, ratio of α-helix-to-β-sheet). Protein molecular structures were identified using Fourier transform/infrared-attenuated total reflectance (FT/IR-ATR) spectroscopy. The in situ degradability of three sainfoin varieties (Ambra, Esparcette and Villahoz) was studied in 2008, during the first growth cycle at two harvest dates (P1 and P2, i.e. 5 May and 2 June, respectively) and at one date (P3) during the second growth cycle (2 June) and these were compared with a tannin-free legume, lucerne (Aubigny). Loss of dry matter (DMDeg) and nitrogen (NDeg) in polyester bags suspended in the rumen was measured using rumen-fistulated cows. The NDeg of lucerne compared with sainfoin was 0·80 v. 0·77 at P1, 0·78 v. 0·65 at P2 and 0·79 v. 0·70 at P3, respectively. NDeg was related to the rapidly disappearing fraction (‘a’) fraction (r=0·76), the rate of degradation (‘c’) (r=0·92), to the content (r=−0·81) and structure of CT. However, the relationship between NDeg and the slowly disappearing fraction (‘b’) was weak. There was a significant effect of date and species×date, for NDeg and ‘a’ fraction. The secondary protein structure varied with harvest date (species×date) and was correlated with the fraction ‘b’. Both tannin and protein structures influenced the NDeg degradation. CT content and structure were correlated to the ‘a’ fraction and to the ‘c’. Features of the protein molecular secondary structure were correlated to the ‘b’ fraction.


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Planning of autonomous vehicles in the absence of speed lanes is a less-researched problem. However, it is an important step toward extending the possibility of autonomous vehicles to countries where speed lanes are not followed. The advantages of having nonlane-oriented traffic include larger traffic bandwidth and more overtaking, which are features that are highlighted when vehicles vary in terms of speed and size. In the most general case, the road would be filled with a complex grid of static obstacles and vehicles of varying speeds. The optimal travel plan consists of a set of maneuvers that enables a vehicle to avoid obstacles and to overtake vehicles in an optimal manner and, in turn, enable other vehicles to overtake. The desired characteristics of this planning scenario include near completeness and near optimality in real time with an unstructured environment, with vehicles essentially displaying a high degree of cooperation and enabling every possible(safe) overtaking procedure to be completed as soon as possible. Challenges addressed in this paper include a (fast) method for initial path generation using an elastic strip, (re-)defining the notion of completeness specific to the problem, and inducing the notion of cooperation in the elastic strip. Using this approach, vehicular behaviors of overtaking, cooperation, vehicle following,obstacle avoidance, etc., are demonstrated.


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The difference between the rate of change of cerebral blood volume (CBV) and cerebral blood flow (CBF) following stimulation is thought to be due to circumferential stress relaxation in veins (Mandeville, J.B., Marota, J.J.A., Ayata, C., Zaharchuk, G., Moskowitz, M.A., Rosen, B.R., Weisskoff, R.M., 1999. Evidence of a cerebrovascular postarteriole windkessel with delayed compliance. J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab. 19, 679–689). In this paper we explore the visco-elastic properties of blood vessels, and present a dynamic model relating changes in CBF to changes in CBV. We refer to this model as the visco-elastic windkessel (VW) model. A novel feature of this model is that the parameter characterising the pressure–volume relationship of blood vessels is treated as a state variable dependent on the rate of change of CBV, producing hysteresis in the pressure–volume space during vessel dilation and contraction. The VW model is nonlinear time-invariant, and is able to predict the observed differences between the time series of CBV and that of CBF measurements following changes in neural activity. Like the windkessel model derived by Mandeville, J.B., Marota, J.J.A., Ayata, C., Zaharchuk, G., Moskowitz, M.A., Rosen, B.R., Weisskoff, R.M., 1999. Evidence of a cerebrovascular postarteriole windkessel with delayed compliance. J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab. 19, 679–689, the VW model is primarily a model of haemodynamic changes in the venous compartment. The VW model is demonstrated to have the following characteristics typical of visco-elastic materials: (1) hysteresis, (2) creep, and (3) stress relaxation, hence it provides a unified model of the visco-elastic properties of the vasculature. The model will not only contribute to the interpretation of the Blood Oxygen Level Dependent (BOLD) signals from functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) experiments, but also find applications in the study and modelling of the brain vasculature and the haemodynamics of circulatory and cardiovascular systems.


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Fire investigation is a challenging area for the forensic investigator. The aim of this work was to use spectral changes to paint samples to estimate the temperatures to which a paint has been heated. Five paint samples (one clay paint, two car paints, one metallic paint, and one matt emulsion) have been fully characterized by a combination of attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared (ATR-IR), Raman, X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy and powder X-ray diffraction. The thermal decomposition of these paints has been investigated by means of ATR-IR and thermal gravimetric analysis. Clear temperature markers are observed in the ATR-IR spectra namely: loss of m(C = O) band, >300°C; appearance of water bands on cooling, >500°C; alterations to m(Si–O) bands due to dehydration of silicate clays, >700°C; diminution of m(CO3) and d(CO3) modes of CaCO3, >950°C. We suggest the possible use of portable ATR-IR for nondestructive, in situ analysis of paints.


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A novel two-stage construction algorithm for linear-in-the-parameters classifier is proposed, aiming at noisy two-class classification problems. The purpose of the first stage is to produce a prefiltered signal that is used as the desired output for the second stage to construct a sparse linear-in-the-parameters classifier. For the first stage learning of generating the prefiltered signal, a two-level algorithm is introduced to maximise the model's generalisation capability, in which an elastic net model identification algorithm using singular value decomposition is employed at the lower level while the two regularisation parameters are selected by maximising the Bayesian evidence using a particle swarm optimization algorithm. Analysis is provided to demonstrate how “Occam's razor” is embodied in this approach. The second stage of sparse classifier construction is based on an orthogonal forward regression with the D-optimality algorithm. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that the proposed approach is effective and yields competitive results for noisy data sets.


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The ripening processes of 24 apple cultivars were examined in the United Kingdom National Fruit Collection in 2010. Basically the starch content, and additionally ground colour, water-soluble solids content and flesh firmness were studied during ripening. The degradation of the starch content was evaluated using a 0–10 scale. A starch degradation value of 50% was taken to be the optimum harvest date, with harvest beginning at a value of 40% and finishing at 60%. Depending on the cultivar, this represented a harvest window of 9 to 21 days. Later ripening cultivars matured more slowly, leading to a longer harvesting period, with the exception of cv. Feuillemorte. Pronounced differences were observed among the cultivars on the basis of the starch degradation pattern, allowing them to be divided into four groups. Separate charts were elaborated for each group that are recommended for use in practice.


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The stability of stationary flow of a two-dimensional ice sheet is studied when the ice obeys a power flow law (Glen's flow law). The mass accumulation rate at the top is assumed to depend on elevation and span and the bed supporting the ice sheet consists of an elastic layer lying on a rigid surface. The normal perturbation of the free surface of the ice sheet is a singular eigenvalue problem. The singularity of the perturbation at the front of the ice sheet is considered using matched asymptotic expansions, and the eigenvalue problem is seen to reduce to that with fixed ice front. Numerical solution of the perturbation eigenvalue problem shows that the dependence of accumulation rate on elevation permits the existence of unstable solutions when the equilibrium line is higher than the bed at the ice divide. Alternatively, when the equilibrium line is lower than the bed, there are only stable solutions. Softening of the bed, expressed through a decrease of its elastic modulus, has a stabilising effect on the ice sheet.


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An efficient two-level model identification method aiming at maximising a model׳s generalisation capability is proposed for a large class of linear-in-the-parameters models from the observational data. A new elastic net orthogonal forward regression (ENOFR) algorithm is employed at the lower level to carry out simultaneous model selection and elastic net parameter estimation. The two regularisation parameters in the elastic net are optimised using a particle swarm optimisation (PSO) algorithm at the upper level by minimising the leave one out (LOO) mean square error (LOOMSE). There are two elements of original contributions. Firstly an elastic net cost function is defined and applied based on orthogonal decomposition, which facilitates the automatic model structure selection process with no need of using a predetermined error tolerance to terminate the forward selection process. Secondly it is shown that the LOOMSE based on the resultant ENOFR models can be analytically computed without actually splitting the data set, and the associate computation cost is small due to the ENOFR procedure. Consequently a fully automated procedure is achieved without resort to any other validation data set for iterative model evaluation. Illustrative examples are included to demonstrate the effectiveness of the new approaches.