178 resultados para Dimensional Diameter


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We report quantum diffusion Monte Carlo (DMC) and variational calculations in full dimensionality for selected vibrational states of H5O2+ using a new ab initio potential energy surface [X. Huang, B. Braams, and J. M. Bowman, J. Chem. Phys. 122, 044308 (2005)]. The energy and properties of the zero-point state are focused on in the rigorous DMC calculations. OH-stretch fundamentals are also calculated using "fixed-node" DMC calculations and variationally using two versions of the code MULTIMODE. These results are compared with infrared multiphoton dissociation measurements of Yeh [L. I. Yeh, M. Okumura, J. D. Myers, J. M. Price, and Y. T. Lee, J. Chem. Phys. 91, 7319 (1989)]. Some preliminary results for the energies of several modes of the shared hydrogen are also reported.


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A new family of antimony sulfides, incorporating the macrocyclic tetramine 1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane ( cyclam), has been prepared by a hydrothermal method. [C10N4H26][Sb4S7] (1), [Ni(C10N4H24)][Sb4S7] (2), and [Co(C10N4H24)](x)[C10N4H26](1-x)[Sb4S7] (0.08 <= x <= 0.74) (3) have been characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction, elemental analysis, thermogravimetry, and analytical electron microscopy. All three materials possess the same novel three-dimensional Sb4S72- framework, constructed from layers of parallel arrays of Sb4S84- chains stacked at 90 to one another. In 1, doubly protonated macrocyclic cations reside in the channel structure of the antimonysulfide framework. In 2 and 3, the cyclam acts as a ligand, chelating the divalent transition- metal cation. Analytical and X-ray diffraction data indicate that the level of metal incorporation in 2 is effectively complete, whereas in 3, both metalated and nonmetalated forms of the macrocycle coexist within the structure.


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Solvothermal synthesis affords access to the first truly three-dimensional anti mony-sufide framework which contains one-dimensional circular channels.


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Quantum calculations of the ground vibrational state tunneling splitting of H-atom and D-atom transfer in malonaldehyde are performed on a full-dimensional ab initio potential energy surface (PES). The PES is a fit to 11 147 near basis-set-limit frozen-core CCSD(T) electronic energies. This surface properly describes the invariance of the potential with respect to all permutations of identical atoms. The saddle-point barrier for the H-atom transfer on the PES is 4.1 kcal/mol, in excellent agreement with the reported ab initio value. Model one-dimensional and "exact" full-dimensional calculations of the splitting for H- and D-atom transfer are done using this PES. The tunneling splittings in full dimensionality are calculated using the unbiased "fixed-node" diffusion Monte Carlo (DMC) method in Cartesian and saddle-point normal coordinates. The ground-state tunneling splitting is found to be 21.6 cm(-1) in Cartesian coordinates and 22.6 cm(-1) in normal coordinates, with an uncertainty of 2-3 cm(-1). This splitting is also calculated based on a model which makes use of the exact single-well zero-point energy (ZPE) obtained with the MULTIMODE code and DMC ZPE and this calculation gives a tunneling splitting of 21-22 cm(-1). The corresponding computed splittings for the D-atom transfer are 3.0, 3.1, and 2-3 cm(-1). These calculated tunneling splittings agree with each other to within less than the standard uncertainties obtained with the DMC method used, which are between 2 and 3 cm(-1), and agree well with the experimental values of 21.6 and 2.9 cm(-1) for the H and D transfer, respectively. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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Robotic and manual methods have been used to obtain identification of significantly changing proteins regulated when Schizosaccharomyces pombe is exposed to oxidative stress. Differently treated S. pombe cells were lysed, labelled with CyDye (TM) and analysed by two-dimensional difference gel. electrophoresis. Gel images analysed off-line, using the DeCyder (TM) image analysis software [GE Healthcare, Amersham, UK] allowed selection of significantly regulated proteins. Proteins displaying differential expression were excised robotically for manual digestion and identified by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation - mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS). Additionally the same set of proteins displaying differential expression were automatically cut and digested using a prototype robotic platform. Automated MALDI-MS, peak label assignment and database searching were utilised to identify as many proteins as possible. The results achieved by the robotic system were compared to manual methods. The identification of all significantly altered proteins provides an annotated peroxide stress-related proteome that can be used as a base resource against which other stress-induced proteomic changes can be compared.


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Time dependent gas hold-up generated in the 0.3 and 0.6 m diameter vessels using high viscosity castor oil and carboxy methyl cellulose (CMC) solution was compared on the basis of impeller speed (N) and gas velocity (V-G). Two types of hold-up were distinguished-the hold-up due to tiny bubbles (epsilon(ft)) and total hold-up (epsilon(f)), which included large and tiny bubbles. It was noted that vessel diameter (i.e. the scale of operation) significantly influences (i) the trends and the values of epsilon(f) and epsilon(ft), and (ii) the values of tau (a constant reflecting the time dependency of hold-up). The results showed that a scale independent correlation for gas hold-up of the form epsilon(f) or epsilon(ft) = A(N or P-G/V)(a) (V-G)(b), where "a" and "b" are positive constants is not appropriate for viscous liquids. This warrants further investigations into the effect of vessel diameter on gas hold-up in impeller agitated high viscosity liquids (mu or mu(a) > 0.4 Pa s). (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Cytenamide form I (R (3) over bar) undergoes a solid-state transformation upon heating to form II (P (1) over bar), with the structures exhibiting the same two-dimensional similarity that exists between the R (3) over bar and P (1) over bar forms of carbamazepine.


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This paper examines optimal solutions of control systems with drift defined on the orthonormal frame bundle of particular Riemannian manifolds of constant curvature. The manifolds considered here are the space forms Euclidean space E-3, the spheres S-3 and the hyperboloids H-3 with the corresponding frame bundles equal to the Euclidean group of motions SE(3), the rotation group SO(4) and the Lorentz group SO(1,3). The optimal controls of these systems are solved explicitly in terms of elliptic functions. In this paper, a geometric interpretation of the extremal solutions is given with particular emphasis to a singularity in the explicit solutions. Using a reduced form of the Casimir functions the geometry of these solutions are illustrated.


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As Terabyte datasets become the norm, the focus has shifted away from our ability to produce and store ever larger amounts of data, onto its utilization. It is becoming increasingly difficult to gain meaningful insights into the data produced. Also many forms of the data we are currently producing cannot easily fit into traditional visualization methods. This paper presents a new and novel visualization technique based on the concept of a Data Forest. Our Data Forest has been designed to be used with vir tual reality (VR) as its presentation method. VR is a natural medium for investigating large datasets. Our approach can easily be adapted to be used in a variety of different ways, from a stand alone single user environment to large multi-user collaborative environments. A test application is presented using multi-dimensional data to demonstrate the concepts involved.


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This paper introduces a new variant of the popular n-dimensional hypercube network Q(n), known as the n-dimensional locally twisted cube LTQ(n), which has the same number of nodes and the same number of connections per node as Q(n). Furthermore. LTQ(n) is similar to Q(n) in the sense that the nodes can be one-to-one labeled with 0-1 binary sequences of length n. so that the labels of any two adjacent nodes differ in at most two successive bits. One advantage of LTQ(n) is that the diameter is only about half of the diameter of Q(n) We develop a simple routing algorithm for LTQ(n), which creates a shortest path from the source to the destination in O(n) time. We find that LTQ(n) consists of two disjoint copies of Q(n) by adding a matching between their nodes. On this basis. we show that LTQ(n) has a connectivity of n.


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The determination of the diameter of an interconnection network is essential in evaluating the performance of the network. Parallelogramic honeycomb torus is an attractive alternative to classical torus network due to smaller vertex degree, and hence, lower implementation cost. In this paper, we present the expression for the diameter of a parallelogramic, honeycomb torus, which extends a known result about rhombic: honeycomb torus. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A finite-difference scheme based on flux difference splitting is presented for the solution of the two-dimensional shallow-water equations of ideal fluid flow. A linearised problem, analogous to that of Riemann for gasdynamics, is defined and a scheme, based on numerical characteristic decomposition, is presented for obtaining approximate solutions to the linearised problem. The method of upwind differencing is used for the resulting scalar problems, together with a flux limiter for obtaining a second-order scheme which avoids non-physical, spurious oscillations. An extension to the two-dimensional equations with source terms, is included. The scheme is applied to a dam-break problem with cylindrical symmetry.