120 resultados para Chromatic adaptation transform


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We show that an analysis of the mean and variance of discrete wavelet coefficients of coaveraged time-domain interferograms can be used as a specification for determining when to stop coaveraging. We also show that, if a prediction model built in the wavelet domain is used to determine the composition of unknown samples, a stopping criterion for the coaveraging process can be developed with respect to the uncertainty tolerated in the prediction.


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Searching for the optimum tap-length that best balances the complexity and steady-state performance of an adaptive filter has attracted attention recently. Among existing algorithms that can be found in the literature, two of which, namely the segmented filter (SF) and gradient descent (GD) algorithms, are of particular interest as they can search for the optimum tap-length quickly. In this paper, at first, we carefully compare the SF and GD algorithms and show that the two algorithms are equivalent in performance under some constraints, but each has advantages/disadvantages relative to the other. Then, we propose an improved variable tap-length algorithm using the concept of the pseudo fractional tap-length (FT). Updating the tap-length with instantaneous errors in a style similar to that used in the stochastic gradient [or least mean squares (LMS)] algorithm, the proposed FT algorithm not only retains the advantages from both the SF and the GD algorithms but also has significantly less complexity than existing algorithms. Both performance analysis and numerical simulations are given to verify the new proposed algorithm.


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The tap-length, or the number of the taps, is an important structural parameter of the linear MMSE adaptive filter. Although the optimum tap-length that balances performance and complexity varies with scenarios, most current adaptive filters fix the tap-length at some compromise value, making them inefficient to implement especially in time-varying scenarios. A novel gradient search based variable tap-length algorithm is proposed, using the concept of the pseudo-fractional tap-length, and it is shown that the new algorithm can converge to the optimum tap-length in the mean. Results of computer simulations are also provided to verify the analysis.


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The Gram-Schmidt (GS) orthogonalisation procedure has been used to improve the convergence speed of least mean square (LMS) adaptive code-division multiple-access (CDMA) detectors. However, this algorithm updates two sets of parameters, namely the GS transform coefficients and the tap weights, simultaneously. Because of the additional adaptation noise introduced by the former, it is impossible to achieve the same performance as the ideal orthogonalised LMS filter, unlike the result implied in an earlier paper. The authors provide a lower bound on the minimum achievable mean squared error (MSE) as a function of the forgetting factor λ used in finding the GS transform coefficients, and propose a variable-λ algorithm to balance the conflicting requirements of good tracking and low misadjustment.


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This paper investigates how to choose the optimum tap-length and decision delay for the decision feedback equalizer (DFE). Although the feedback filter length can be set as the channel memory, there is no closed-form expression for the feedforward filter length and decision delay. In this paper, first we analytically show that the two dimensional search for the optimum feedforward filter length and decision delay can be simplified to a one dimensional search, and then describe a new adaptive DFE where the optimum structural parameters can be self-adapted.


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Scenarios are used to explore the consequences of different adaptation and mitigation strategies under uncertainty. In this paper, two scenarios are used to explore developments with (1) no mitigation leading to an increase of global mean temperature of 4 °C by 2100 and (2) an ambitious mitigation strategy leading to 2 °C increase by 2100. For the second scenario, uncertainties in the climate system imply that a global mean temperature increase of 3 °C or more cannot be ruled out. Our analysis shows that, in many cases, adaptation and mitigation are not trade-offs but supplements. For example, the number of people exposed to increased water resource stress due to climate change can be substantially reduced in the mitigation scenario, but adaptation will still be required for the remaining large numbers of people exposed to increased stress. Another example is sea level rise, for which, from a global and purely monetary perspective, adaptation (up to 2100) seems more effective than mitigation. From the perspective of poorer and small island countries, however, stringent mitigation is necessary to keep risks at manageable levels. For agriculture, only a scenario based on a combination of adaptation and mitigation is able to avoid serious climate change impacts.


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We report on the consistency of water vapour line intensities in selected spectral regions between 800–12,000 cm−1 under atmospheric conditions using sun-pointing Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Measurements were made across a number of days at both a low and high altitude field site, sampling a relatively moist and relatively dry atmosphere. Our data suggests that across most of the 800–12,000 cm−1 spectral region water vapour line intensities in recent spectral line databases are generally consistent with what was observed. However, we find that HITRAN-2008 water vapour line intensities are systematically lower by up to 20% in the 8000–9200 cm−1 spectral interval relative to other spectral regions. This discrepancy is essentially removed when two new linelists (UCL08, a compilation of linelists and ab-initio calculations, and one based on recent laboratory measurements by Oudot et al. (2010) [10] in the 8000–9200 cm−1 spectral region) are used. This strongly suggests that the H2O line strengths in the HITRAN-2008 database are indeed underestimated in this spectral region and in need of revision. The calculated global-mean clear-sky absorption of solar radiation is increased by about 0.3 W m−2 when using either the UCL08 or Oudot line parameters in the 8000–9200 cm−1 region, instead of HITRAN-2008. We also found that the effect of isotopic fractionation of HDO is evident in the 2500–2900 cm−1 region in the observations.


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Information on the genetic variation of plant response to elevated CO2 (e[CO2]) is needed to understand plant adaptation and to pinpoint likely evolutionary response to future high atmospheric CO2 concentrations.• Here, quantitative trait loci (QTL) for above- and below-ground tree growth were determined in a pedigree – an F2 hybrid of poplar (Populus trichocarpa and Populus deltoides), following season-long exposure to either current day ambient CO2 (a[CO2]) or e[CO2] at 600 µl l−1, and genotype by environment interactions investigated.• In the F2 generation, both above- and below-ground growth showed a significant increase in e[CO2]. Three areas of the genome on linkage groups I, IX and XII were identified as important in determining above-ground growth response to e[CO2], while an additional three areas of the genome on linkage groups IV, XVI and XIX appeared important in determining root growth response to e[CO2].• These results quantify and identify genetic variation in response to e[CO2] and provide an insight into genomic response to the changing environment