51 resultados para Alpha adrenergic receptor blocking agent


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Both the estrogen receptor (ER) and thyroid hormone receptor (TR) are members of the nuclear receptor superfamily. Two isoforms of the ER, alpha and beta, exist. The TRalpha and beta isoforms are products of two distinct genes that are further differentially spliced to give TRalpha1 and alpha2, TRbeta1 and beta2. The TRs have been shown to interfere with ER-mediated transcription from both the consensus estrogen response element (ERE) and the rat preproenkephalin (PPE) promoter, possibly by competing with ER binding to the ERE or by squelching coactivators essential for ER-mediated transcription. The rat oxytocin receptor (OTR) gene is thought to be involved in several facets of reproductive and affiliative behaviors. 17beta-Estradiol-bound ERs upregulate the OTR gene in the ventromedial hypothalamus, a region critical for the induction of lordosis behavior in several species. We investigated the effects of the ligand-binding TR isoforms on the ER-mediated transcription from a physiological promoter of a behaviorally relevant gene such as the OTR. Only ERalpha could induce the OTR gene in two cell lines tested, the CV-1 and the SK-N-BE2C neuroblastoma cell lines. ERbeta was incapable of inducing the gene in either cell line. ERalpha is therefore not equivalent to ERbeta on this physiological promoter. Indeed, in the neural cell line, ERbeta can inhibit ERalpha-mediated induction from the OTR promoter. While the TRalpha1 isoform inhibited ERalpha-mediated induction in the neural cell line, the TRbeta1 isoform stimulated induction, thus demonstrating isoform specificity in the interaction. The use of a DNA-binding mutant, the TR P box mutant, showed that inhibition of ERalpha-mediated induction of the rat OTR gene promoter by the TRalpha1 isoform does not require DNA-binding ability. SRC-1 overexpression relieved TRalpha1-mediated inhibition in both cell lines, suggesting that squelching for coactivators is an important molecular mechanism in TRalpha-mediated inhibition. Such interactions between TR and ER isoforms on the rat OTR promoter provide a mechanism to achieve neuroendocrine integration.


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Nuclear receptors are ligand-activated transcription factors, which have the potential to integrate internal metabolic events in an organism, with consequences for control of behaviour. Previous studies from this laboratory have shown that thyroid hormone receptor (TR) isoforms can inhibit oestrogen receptor (ER)alpha-mediated induction of preproenkephalin (PPE) gene expression in the hypothalamus. Also, thyroid hormone administration inhibits lordosis, a behaviour facilitated by PPE expression. We have examined the effect of multiple ligand-binding TR isoforms on the ER-mediated induction of the PPE gene in transient transfection assays in CV-1 cells. On a natural PPE gene promoter fragment containing two putative oestrogen response elements (EREs), both ER alpha and beta isoforms mediate a four to five-fold induction by oestrogen. Cotransfection of TR alpha 1 along with ER alpha inhibited the ER alpha transactivation of PPE by approximately 50%. However, cotransfection with either TR beta 1 or TR beta 2 expression plasmids produced no effect on the ER alpha or ER beta mediated induction of PPE. Therefore, under these experimental conditions, interactions with a single ER isoform are specific to an individual TR isoform. Transfection with a TR alpha 1 DNA-binding mutant could also inhibit ER alpha transactivation, suggesting that competition for binding on the ERE may not be the exclusive mechanism for inhibition. Data with the coactivator, SRC-1, suggested that coactivator squelching may participate in the inhibition. In dramatic contrast, when ER beta is cotransfected, TR alpha 1 stimulated ER beta-mediated transactivation of PPE by approximately eight-fold over control levels. This is the first study revealing specific interactions among nuclear receptor isoforms on a neuroendocrine promoter. These data also suggest that the combinatorics of ER and TR isoforms allow multiple forms of flexible gene regulations in the service of neuroendocrine integration.


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BACKGROUND/AIMS: Estrogens are important effectors of reproduction and are critical for upregulating female reproductive behavior or lordosis in females. In addition to the importance of transcriptional regulation of genes by 17beta-estradiol-bound estrogen receptors (ER), extranuclear signal transduction cascades such as protein kinase A (PKA) are also important in regulating female sexual receptivity. GPR30 (G-protein coupled receptor 30), also known as GPER1, a putative membrane ER (mER), is a G protein-coupled receptor that binds 17beta-estradiol with an affinity that is similar to that possessed by the classical nuclear ER and activates both PKA and extracellular-regulated kinase signaling pathways. The high expression of GPR30 in the ventromedial hypothalamus, a region important for lordosis behavior as well as kinase cascades activated by this receptor, led us to hypothesize that GPR30 may regulate lordosis behavior in female rodents. METHOD: In this study, we investigated the ability of G-1, a selective agonist of GPR30, to regulate lordosis in the female mouse by administering this agent prior to progesterone in an estradiol-progesterone priming paradigm prior to testing with stud males. RESULTS: As expected, 17beta-estradiol benzoate (EB), but not sesame oil, increased lordosis behavior in female mice. G-1 also increased lordosis behavior in female mice and decreased the number of rejective responses towards male mice, similar to the effect of EB. The selective GPR30 antagonist G-15 blocked these effects. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates that activation of the mER GPR30 stimulates social behavior in a rodent model in a manner similar to EB.


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The GPR30, a former orphan GPCR, is a putative membrane estrogen receptor that can activate rapid signaling pathways such as extracellular regulated kinase (ERK) in a variety of cells and may contribute to estrogen's effects in the central nervous system. The distribution of GPR30 in the limbic system predicts a role for this receptor in the regulation of learning and memory and anxiety by estrogens. Though acute G-1 treatment is reported to be anxiogenic in ovariectomised female mice and in gonadally intact male mice, the effect of GPR30 activation is unknown in gonadectomised male mice. In this study, we show that an acute administration of G-1 to gonadectomised male mice, but not female mice, was anxiolytic on an elevated plus maze task, without affecting locomotor activity. In addition, though G-1 treatment did not regulate ERK, it was associated with increased estrogen receptor (ER)alpha phosphorylation in the ventral, but not dorsal, hippocampus of males. In the female, G-1 increased the ERK activation solely in the dorsal hippocampus, independent of state anxiety. This is the first study to report an anxiolytic effect of GPR30 activation in male mice, in a rapid time frame that is commensurate with non-genomic signaling by estrogen.


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In ovariectomized rats, administration of estradiol, or selective estrogen receptor agonists that activate either the alpha or beta isoforms, have been shown to enhance spatial cognition on a variety of learning and memory tasks, including those that capitalize on the preference of rats to seek out novelty. Although the effects of the putative estrogen G-protein-coupled receptor 30 (GPR30) on hippocampus-based tasks have been reported using food-motivated tasks, the effects of activation of GPR30 receptors on tasks that depend on the preference of rats to seek out spatial novelty remain to be determined. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to determine if short-term treatment of ovariectomized rats with G-1, an agonist for GPR30, would mimic the effects on spatial recognition memory observed following short-term estradiol treatment. In Experiment 1, ovariectomized rats treated with a low dose (1mug) of estradiol 48h and 24h prior to the information trial of a Y-maze task exhibited a preference for the arm associated with the novel environment on the retention trial conducted 48h later. In Experiment 2, treatment of ovariectomized rats with G-1 (25mug) 48h and 24h prior to the information trial of a Y-maze task resulted in a greater preference for the arm associated with the novel environment on the retention trial. Collectively, the results indicated that short-term treatment of ovariectomized rats with a GPR30 agonist was sufficient to enhance spatial recognition memory, an effect that also occurred following short-term treatment with a low dose of estradiol.


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Estrogen is an important steroid hormone that mediates most of its effects on regulation of gene expression by binding to intracellular receptors. The consensus estrogen response element (ERE) is a 13 bp palindromic inverted repeat with a three nucleotide spacer. However, several reports suggest that many estrogen target genes are regulated by diverse elements, such as imperfect EREs and ERE half sites (ERE 1/2), which are either the proximal or the distal half of the palindrome. To gain more insight into ERE half site-mediated gene regulation, we used a region from the estrogen-regulated chicken riboflavin carrier protein (RCP) gene promoter that contains ERE half sites. Using moxestrol, an analogue of estrogen and transient transfection of deletion and mutation containing RCP promoter/reporter constructs in chicken hepatoma (LMH2A) cells, we identified an estrogen response unit (ERU) composed of two consensus ERE 1/2 sites and one non-consensus ERE 1/2 site. Mutation of any of these sites within this ERU abolishes moxestrol response. Further, the ERU is able to confer moxestrol responsiveness to a heterologous promoter. Interestingly, RCP promoter is regulated by moxestrol in estrogen responsive human MCF-7 cells, but not in other cell lines such as NIH3T3 and HepG2 despite estrogen receptor-alpha (ER-�) co transfection. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSAs) with promoter regions encompassing the half sites and nuclear extracts from LMH2A cells show the presence of a moxestrol-induced complex that is abolished by a polyclonal anti-ER� antibody. Surprisingly, estrogen receptor cannot bind to these promoter elements in isolation. Thus, there appears to be a definite requirement for some other factor(s) in addition to estrogen receptor, for the generation of a suitable response of this promoter to estrogen. Our studies therefore suggest a novel mechanism of gene regulation by estrogen, involving ERE half sites without direct binding of ER to the cognate elements.