78 resultados para 280402 Mathematical Logic and Formal Languages


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We describe a compositional framework, together with its supporting toolset, for hardware/software co-design. Our framework is an integration of a formal approach within a traditional design flow. The formal approach is based on Interval Temporal Logic and its executable subset, Tempura. Refinement is the key element in our framework because it will derive from a single formal specification of the system the software and hardware parts of the implementation, while preserving all properties of the system specification. During refinement simulation is used to choose the appropriate refinement rules, which are applied automatically in the HOL system. The framework is illustrated with two case studies. The work presented is part of a UK collaborative research project between the Software Technology Research Laboratory at the De Montfort University and the Oxford University Computing Laboratory.


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The winter climate of Europe and the Mediterranean is dominated by the weather systems of the mid-latitude storm tracks. The behaviour of the storm tracks is highly variable, particularly in the eastern North Atlantic, and has a profound impact on the hydroclimate of the Mediterranean region. A deeper understanding of the storm tracks and the factors that drive them is therefore crucial for interpreting past changes in Mediterranean climate and the civilizations it has supported over the last 12 000 years (broadly the Holocene period). This paper presents a discussion of how changes in climate forcing (e.g. orbital variations, greenhouse gases, ice sheet cover) may have impacted on the ‘basic ingredients’ controlling the mid-latitude storm tracks over the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean on intermillennial time scales. Idealized simulations using the HadAM3 atmospheric general circulation model (GCM) are used to explore the basic processes, while a series of timeslice simulations from a similar atmospheric GCM coupled to a thermodynamic slab ocean (HadSM3) are examined to identify the impact these drivers have on the storm track during the Holocene. The results suggest that the North Atlantic storm track has moved northward and strengthened with time since the Early to Mid-Holocene. In contrast, the Mediterranean storm track may have weakened over the same period. It is, however, emphasized that much remains still to be understood about the evolution of the North Atlantic and Mediterranean storm tracks during the Holocene period.


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The record of deposition of tephras in Europe and the North Atlantic during the period 18.5–8.0 14C ka BP (the Last Termination and Early Holocene) is reviewed. Altogether, 34 tephras originating from four main volcanic provinces (Iceland, the Eifel district, the Massif Central and Italy) have been identified so far in geological sequences spanning this time–interval. Most of the records have been based, until very recently, on observations of visible layers of tephras. Here, we report on the potential for extending the areas over which some of the tephras can be traced by the search for layers of micro–tephra, which are not visible to the naked eye, and on the use of geochemical methods to correlate them with known tephra horizons. This approach has greatly extended the area in Northern Europe over which the Vedde Ash can be traced. The same potential exists in southern Europe, which is demonstrated for the first time by the discovery of a distinct layer of micro–tephra of the Neapolitan Yellow Tuff in a site in the Northern Apennines in Italy, far to the north of the occurrences of visible records of this tephra. The paper closes by considering the potential for developing a robust European tephrostratigraphy to underpin the chronology of records of the Last Termination and Early Holocene, thereby promoting a better understanding of the nature, timing and environmental effects of the abrupt climatic changes that characterized this period.


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Cosmic rays modify current flow in the global atmospheric electrical circuit. Charging at horizontal layer cloud edges has been observed to be consistent with global circuit vertical current flow through the cloud, which can modify the properties of small and pure water droplets. Studies have been hampered by the absence of cloud edge observations, hence cloud base height information is investigated here. Cloud base height measured at the Lerwick Observatory, Shetland, UK, is analysed using threshold tests and spectral analysis. The cloud base height distributions for low cloud (cloud base less than 800 m) are found to vary with cosmic ray conditions. Further, 27 day and 1.68 year periodicities characteristic of cosmic ray variations are present, weakly, in the cloud base height data of stratiform clouds, when such periodicities are present in neutron monitor cosmic ray data. These features support the idea of propagation of heliospheric variability into layer clouds, through the global atmospheric electric circuit.


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Recall in many types of verbal memory task is reliably disrupted by the presence of auditory distracters, with verbal distracters frequently proving the most disruptive (Beaman, 2005). A multinomial processing tree model (Schweickert, 1993) is applied to the effects on free recall of background speech from a known or an unknown language. The model reproduces the free recall curve and the impact on memory of verbal distracters for which a lexical entry exists (i.e., verbal items from a known language). The effects of semantic relatedness of distracters within a language is found to depend upon a redintegrative factor thought to reflect the contribution of the speech-production system. The differential impacts of known and unknown languages cannot be accounted for in this way, but the same effects of distraction are observed amongst bilinguals, regardless of distracter-language.


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Housing in the UK accounts for 30.5% of all energy consumed and is responsible for 25% of all carbon emissions. The UK Government’s Code for Sustainable Homes requires all new homes to be zero carbon by 2016. The development and widespread diffusion of low and zero carbon (LZC) technologies is recognised as being a key solution for housing developers to deliver against this zero-carbon agenda. The innovation challenge to design and incorporate these technologies into housing developers’ standard design and production templates will usher in significant technical and commercial risks. In this paper we report early results from an ongoing Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council project looking at the innovation logic and trajectory of LZC technologies in new housing. The principal theoretical lens for the research is the socio-technical network approach which considers actors’ interests and interpretative flexibilities of technologies and how they negotiate and reproduce ‘acting spaces’ to shape, in this case, the selection and adoption of LZC technologies. The initial findings are revealing the form and operation of the technology networks around new housing developments as being very complex, involving a range of actors and viewpoints that vary for each housing development.


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This article examines the role of communities in carbon management as it relates to both climate change and energy policy at the local level and as a seedbed for grassroots activity. The article considers some of the implications of recent policy developments, particularly the ways in which the ‘lines of responsibility’ are now being drawn at the local level. Drawing upon in-depth interviews with local authorities in the UK and the USA, the article examines the political distinctions that are evident between the two situations and the ramifications of these for practical community engagement in carbon management at the local level. Community engagement is likely to be central to the delivery of CO2 reductions, but evidence so far points to a series of challenges that will require a greater emphasis on partnership working between community groups and formal decision-making bodies.


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The societal need for reliable climate predictions and a proper assessment of their uncertainties is pressing. Uncertainties arise not only from initial conditions and forcing scenarios, but also from model formulation. Here, we identify and document three broad classes of problems, each representing what we regard to be an outstanding challenge in the area of mathematics applied to the climate system. First, there is the problem of the development and evaluation of simple physically based models of the global climate. Second, there is the problem of the development and evaluation of the components of complex models such as general circulation models. Third, there is the problem of the development and evaluation of appropriate statistical frameworks. We discuss these problems in turn, emphasizing the recent progress made by the papers presented in this Theme Issue. Many pressing challenges in climate science require closer collaboration between climate scientists, mathematicians and statisticians. We hope the papers contained in this Theme Issue will act as inspiration for such collaborations and for setting future research directions.


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We consider in this paper the solvability of linear integral equations on the real line, in operator form (λ−K)φ=ψ, where and K is an integral operator. We impose conditions on the kernel, k, of K which ensure that K is bounded as an operator on . Let Xa denote the weighted space as |s|→∞}. Our first result is that if, additionally, |k(s,t)|⩽κ(s−t), with and κ(s)=O(|s|−b) as |s|→∞, for some b>1, then the spectrum of K is the same on Xa as on X, for 0and λφ=Kkφ has only the trivial solution in X, for all k∈W, then, for 0⩽a⩽b, (λ−K)φ=ψ has exactly one solution φ∈Xa for every k∈W and ψ∈Xa. These conditions ensure further that is bounded uniformly in k∈W, for 0⩽a⩽b. As a particular application we consider the case when the kernel takes the form k(s,t)=κ(s−t)z(t), with , , and κ(s)=O(|s|−b) as |s|→∞, for some b>1. As an example where kernels of this latter form occur we discuss a boundary integral equation formulation of an impedance boundary value problem for the Helmholtz equation in a half-plane.


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We investigate Fréchet differentiability of the scattered field with respect to variation in the boundary in the case of time–harmonic acoustic scattering by an unbounded, sound–soft, one–dimensional rough surface. We rigorously prove the differentiability of the scattered field and derive a characterization of the Fréchet derivative as the solution to a Dirichlet boundary value problem. As an application of these results we give rigorous error estimates for first–order perturbation theory, justifying small perturbation methods that have a long history in the engineering literature. As an application of our rigorous estimates we show that a plane acoustic wave incident on a sound–soft rough surface can produce an unbounded scattered field.


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The long time–evolution of disturbances to slowly–varying solutions of partial differential equations is subject to the adiabatic invariance of the wave action. Generally, this approximate conservation law is obtained under the assumption that the partial differential equations are derived from a variational principle or have a canonical Hamiltonian structure. Here, the wave action conservation is examined for equations that possess a non–canonical (Poisson) Hamiltonian structure. The linear evolution of disturbances in the form of slowly varying wavetrains is studied using a WKB expansion. The properties of the original Hamiltonian system strongly constrain the linear equations that are derived, and this is shown to lead to the adiabatic invariance of a wave action. The connection between this (approximate) invariance and the (exact) conservation laws of pseudo–energy and pseudomomentum that exist when the basic solution is exactly time and space independent is discussed. An evolution equation for the slowly varying phase of the wavetrain is also derived and related to Berry's phase.


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A reduced dynamical model is derived which describes the interaction of weak inertia–gravity waves with nonlinear vortical motion in the context of rotating shallow–water flow. The formal scaling assumptions are (i) that there is a separation in timescales between the vortical motion and the inertia–gravity waves, and (ii) that the divergence is weak compared to the vorticity. The model is Hamiltonian, and possesses conservation laws analogous to those in the shallow–water equations. Unlike the shallow–water equations, the energy invariant is quadratic. Nonlinear stability theorems are derived for this system, and its linear eigenvalue properties are investigated in the context of some simple basic flows.


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Theorem-proving is a one-player game. The history of computer programs being the players goes back to 1956 and the ‘LT’ LOGIC THEORY MACHINE of Newell, Shaw and Simon. In game-playing terms, the ‘initial position’ is the core set of axioms chosen for the particular logic and the ‘moves’ are the rules of inference. Now, the Univalent Foundations Program at IAS Princeton and the resulting ‘HoTT’ book on Homotopy Type Theory have demonstrated the success of a new kind of experimental mathematics using computer theorem proving.


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J.L. Austin is regarded as having an especially acute ear for fine distinctions of meaning overlooked by other philosophers. Austin employs an informal experimental approach to gathering evidence in support of these fine distinctions in meaning, an approach that has become a standard technique for investigating meaning in both philosophy and linguistics. In this paper, we subject Austin's methods to formal experimental investigation. His methods produce mixed results: We find support for his most famous distinction, drawn on the basis of his `donkey stories', that `mistake' and `accident' apply to different cases, but not for some of his other attempts to distinguish the meaning of philosophically significant terms (such as `intentionally' and `deliberately'). We critically examine the methodology of informal experiments employed in ordinary language philosophy and much of contemporary philosophy of language and linguistics, and discuss the role that experimenter bias can play in influencing judgments about informal and formal linguistic experiments.