57 resultados para volume of fluid method
The requirement to rapidly and efficiently evaluate ruminant feedstuffs places increased emphasis on in vitro systems. However, despite the developmental work undertaken and widespread application of such techniques, little attention has been paid to the incubation medium. Considerable research using in vitro systems is conducted in resource-poor developing countries that often have difficulties associated with technical expertise, sourcing chemicals and/or funding to cover analytical and equipment costs. Such limitations have, to date, restricted vital feed evaluation programmes in these regions. This paper examines the function and relevance of the buffer, nutrient, and reducing solution components within current in vitro media, with the aim of identifying where simplification can be achieved. The review, supported by experimental work, identified no requirement to change the carbonate or phosphate salts, which comprise the main buffer components. The inclusion of microminerals provided few additional nutrients over that already supplied by the rumen fluid and substrate, and so may be omitted. Nitrogen associated with the inoculum was insufficient to support degradation and a level of 25 mg N/g substrate is recommended. A sulphur inclusion level of 4-5 mg S/g substrate is proposed, with S levels lowered through omission of sodium sulphide and replacement of magnesium sulphate with magnesium chloride. It was confirmed that a highly reduced medium was not required, provided that anaerobic conditions were rapidly established. This allows sodium sulphide, part of the reducing solution, to be omitted. Further, as gassing with CO2 directly influences the quantity of gas released, it is recommended that minimum CO, levels be used and that gas flow and duration, together with the volume of medium treated, are detailed in experimental procedures. It is considered that these simplifications will improve safety and reduce costs and problems associated with sourcing components, while maintaining analytical precision. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A study was conducted to estimate variation among laboratories and between manual and automated techniques of measuring pressure on the resulting gas production profiles (GPP). Eight feeds (molassed sugarbeet feed, grass silage, maize silage, soyabean hulls, maize gluten feed, whole crop wheat silage, wheat, glucose) were milled to pass a I mm screen and sent to three laboratories (ADAS Nutritional Sciences Research Unit, UK; Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research (IGER), UK; Wageningen University, The Netherlands). Each laboratory measured GPP over 144 h using standardised procedures with manual pressure transducers (MPT) and automated pressure systems (APS). The APS at ADAS used a pressure transducer and bottles in a shaking water bath, while the APS at Wageningen and IGER used a pressure sensor and bottles held in a stationary rack. Apparent dry matter degradability (ADDM) was estimated at the end of the incubation. GPP were fitted to a modified Michaelis-Menten model assuming a single phase of gas production, and GPP were described in terms of the asymptotic volume of gas produced (A), the time to half A (B), the time of maximum gas production rate (t(RM) (gas)) and maximum gas production rate (R-M (gas)). There were effects (P<0.001) of substrate on all parameters. However, MPT produced more (P<0.001) gas, but with longer (P<0.001) B and t(RM gas) (P<0.05) and lower (P<0.001) R-M gas compared to APS. There was no difference between apparatus in ADDM estimates. Interactions occurred between substrate and apparatus, substrate and laboratory, and laboratory and apparatus. However, when mean values for MPT were regressed from the individual laboratories, relationships were good (i.e., adjusted R-2 = 0.827 or higher). Good relationships were also observed with APS, although they were weaker than for MPT (i.e., adjusted R-2 = 0.723 or higher). The relationships between mean MPT and mean APS data were also good (i.e., adjusted R 2 = 0. 844 or higher). Data suggest that, although laboratory and method of measuring pressure are sources of variation in GPP estimation, it should be possible using appropriate mathematical models to standardise data among laboratories so that data from one laboratory could be extrapolated to others. This would allow development of a database of GPP data from many diverse feeds. (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier B.V.
A perennial issue for land use policy is the evaluation of landscape biodiversity and the associated cost effectiveness of any biodiversity conservation policy actions. Based on the CUA methodology as applied to species conservation, this paper develops a methodology for evaluating the impact on habitats of alternative landscape management scenarios. The method incorporates three dimensions of habitats, quantity change, quality change and relative scarcity, and is illustrated in relation to the alternative landscape management scenarios for the Scottish Highlands (Cairngorms) study area of the BioScene project. The results demonstrate the value of the method for evaluating biodiversity conservation policies through their impact on habitats.
Here we describe a novel, inexpensive and simple method for preserving RNA that reduces handling stress in aquatic invertebrates following ecotoxicogenomic experimentation. The application of the method is based on transcriptomic experiments conducted on Daphnia magna, but may easily be applied on a range of other aquatic organisms of a particular size with e.g. amphipod Gammarus pulex representing an upper size limit. We explain in detail how to apply this new method, named the "Cylindrical Sieve (CS) system", and highlight its advantages and disadvantages.
The tagged microarray marker (TAM) method allows high-throughput differentiation between predicted alternative PCR products. Typically, the method is used as a molecular marker approach to determining the allelic states of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) or insertion-deletion (indel) alleles at genomic loci in multiple individuals. Biotin-labeled PCR products are spotted, unpurified, onto a streptavidin-coated glass slide and the alternative products are differentiated by hybridization to fluorescent detector oligonucleotides that recognize corresponding allele-specific tags on the PCR primers. The main attractions of this method are its high throughput (thousands of PCRs are analyzed per slide), flexibility of scoring (any combination, from a single marker in thousands of samples to thousands of markers in a single sample, can be analyzed) and flexibility of scale (any experimental scale, from a small lab setting up to a large project). This protocol describes an experiment involving 3,072 PCRs scored on a slide. The whole process from the start of PCR setup to receiving the data spreadsheet takes 2 d.
Annatto dyes are widely used in food and are finding increasing interest also for their application in the pharmaceutical and cosmetics industry. Bixin is the main pigment extracted from annatto seeds and accounts for 80% of the carotenoids in the outer coat of the seeds; norbixin being the water-soluble form of the bixin. Typically annatto dyes are extracted from the seeds by mechanical means or solutions of alkali, edible oil or organic solvents, or a combination of the two depending on the desired final product. In this work CGAs are investigated as an alternative separation method for the recovery of norbixin from a raw extraction solution of annatto pigments in KOH. A volume of CGAs generated from a cationic surfactant (CTAB) solution is mixed with a volume of annatto solution and when the mixture is allowed to settle it separates into the top aphron phase and the bottom liquid phase. Potassium norbixinate presented in the annatto solution will interact with the surfactant in the aphron phase, which results in the effective separation of norbixin. Recovery= 94% was achieved at a CTAB to norbixin molar ratio of 3.3. In addition a mechanism of separation is proposed here based on the separation results with the cationic surfactant and an anionic surfactant (bis-2-ethyl hexyl sulfosuccinate, AOT) and measurements of surfactant to norbixin ratio in the aphron phase; electrostatic interactions between the surfactant and norbixin molecules result in the fort-nation of a coloured complex and effective separation of norbixin. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A distributed Lagrangian moving-mesh finite element method is applied to problems involving changes of phase. The algorithm uses a distributed conservation principle to determine nodal mesh velocities, which are then used to move the nodes. The nodal values are obtained from an ALE (Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian) equation, which represents a generalization of the original algorithm presented in Applied Numerical Mathematics, 54:450--469 (2005). Having described the details of the generalized algorithm it is validated on two test cases from the original paper and is then applied to one-phase and, for the first time, two-phase Stefan problems in one and two space dimensions, paying particular attention to the implementation of the interface boundary conditions. Results are presented to demonstrate the accuracy and the effectiveness of the method, including comparisons against analytical solutions where available.
Various methods of assessment have been applied to the One Dimensional Time to Explosion (ODTX) apparatus and experiments with the aim of allowing an estimate of the comparative violence of the explosion event to be made. Non-mechanical methods used were a simple visual inspection, measuring the increase in the void volume of the anvils following an explosion and measuring the velocity of the sound produced by the explosion over 1 metre. Mechanical methods used included monitoring piezo-electric devices inserted in the frame of the machine and measuring the rotational velocity of a rotating bar placed on the top of the anvils after it had been displaced by the shock wave. This last method, which resembles original Hopkinson Bar experiments, seemed the easiest to apply and analyse, giving relative rankings of violence and the possibility of the calculation of a “detonation” pressure.
Unless the benefits to society of measures to protect and improve the welfare of animals are made transparent by means of their valuation they are likely to go unrecognised and cannot easily be weighed against the costs of such measures as required, for example, by policy-makers. A simple single measure scoring system, based on the Welfare Quality® index, is used, together with a choice experiment economic valuation method, to estimate the value that people place on improvements to the welfare of different farm animal species measured on a continuous (0-100) scale. Results from using the method on a survey sample of some 300 people show that it is able to elicit apparently credible values. The survey found that 96% of respondents thought that we have a moral obligation to safeguard the welfare of animals and that over 72% were concerned about the way farm animals are treated. Estimated mean annual willingness to pay for meat from animals with improved welfare of just one point on the scale was £5.24 for beef cattle, £4.57 for pigs and £5.10 for meat chickens. Further development of the method is required to capture the total economic value of animal welfare benefits. Despite this, the method is considered a practical means for obtaining economic values that can be used in the cost-benefit appraisal of policy measures intended to improve the welfare of animals.
This paper describes a new method for the assessment of palaeohydrology through the Holocene. A palaeoclimate model was linked with a hydrological model, using a weather generator to correct bias in the rainfall estimates, to simulate the changes in the flood frequency and the groundwater response through the late Pleistocene and Holocene for the Wadi Faynan in southern Jordan, a site considered internationally important due to its rich archaeological heritage spanning the Pleistocene and Holocene. This is the first study to describe the hydrological functioning of the Wadi Faynan, a meso-scale (241 km2) semi-arid catchment, setting this description within the framework of contemporary archaeological investigations. Historic meteorological records were collated and supplemented with new hydrological and water quality data. The modelled outcomes indicate that environmental changes, such as deforestation, had a major impact on the local water cycle and this amplified the effect of the prevailing climate on the flow regime. The results also show that increased rainfall alone does not necessarily imply better conditions for farming and highlight the importance of groundwater. The discussion focuses on the utility of the method and the importance of the local hydrology to the sustained settlement of the Wadi Faynan through pre-history and history.
The interactions between shear-free turbulence in two regions (denoted as + and − on either side of a nearly flat horizontal interface are shown here to be controlled by several mechanisms, which depend on the magnitudes of the ratios of the densities, ρ+/ρ−, and kinematic viscosities of the fluids, μ+/μ−, and the root mean square (r.m.s.) velocities of the turbulence, u0+/u0−, above and below the interface. This study focuses on gas–liquid interfaces so that ρ+/ρ− ≪ 1 and also on where turbulence is generated either above or below the interface so that u0+/u0− is either very large or very small. It is assumed that vertical buoyancy forces across the interface are much larger than internal forces so that the interface is nearly flat, and coupling between turbulence on either side of the interface is determined by viscous stresses. A formal linearized rapid-distortion analysis with viscous effects is developed by extending the previous study by Hunt & Graham (J. Fluid Mech., vol. 84, 1978, pp. 209–235) of shear-free turbulence near rigid plane boundaries. The physical processes accounted for in our model include both the blocking effect of the interface on normal components of the turbulence and the viscous coupling of the horizontal field across thin interfacial viscous boundary layers. The horizontal divergence in the perturbation velocity field in the viscous layer drives weak inviscid irrotational velocity fluctuations outside the viscous boundary layers in a mechanism analogous to Ekman pumping. The analysis shows the following. (i) The blocking effects are similar to those near rigid boundaries on each side of the interface, but through the action of the thin viscous layers above and below the interface, the horizontal and vertical velocity components differ from those near a rigid surface and are correlated or anti-correlated respectively. (ii) Because of the growth of the viscous layers on either side of the interface, the ratio uI/u0, where uI is the r.m.s. of the interfacial velocity fluctuations and u0 the r.m.s. of the homogeneous turbulence far from the interface, does not vary with time. If the turbulence is driven in the lower layer with ρ+/ρ− ≪ 1 and u0+/u0− ≪ 1, then uI/u0− ~ 1 when Re (=u0−L−/ν−) ≫ 1 and R = (ρ−/ρ+)(v−/v+)1/2 ≫ 1. If the turbulence is driven in the upper layer with ρ+/ρ− ≪ 1 and u0+/u0− ≫ 1, then uI/u0+ ~ 1/(1 + R). (iii) Nonlinear effects become significant over periods greater than Lagrangian time scales. When turbulence is generated in the lower layer, and the Reynolds number is high enough, motions in the upper viscous layer are turbulent. The horizontal vorticity tends to decrease, and the vertical vorticity of the eddies dominates their asymptotic structure. When turbulence is generated in the upper layer, and the Reynolds number is less than about 106–107, the fluctuations in the viscous layer do not become turbulent. Nonlinear processes at the interface increase the ratio uI/u0+ for sheared or shear-free turbulence in the gas above its linear value of uI/u0+ ~ 1/(1 + R) to (ρ+/ρ−)1/2 ~ 1/30 for air–water interfaces. This estimate agrees with the direct numerical simulation results from Lombardi, De Angelis & Bannerjee (Phys. Fluids, vol. 8, no. 6, 1996, pp. 1643–1665). Because the linear viscous–inertial coupling mechanism is still significant, the eddy motions on either side of the interface have a similar horizontal structure, although their vertical structure differs.
Direct outdoor air cooling contributes a lot not only to the improvement of the indoor air quality but also to the energy saving. Its full use will reduce the water chiller’s running time especially in some stores where cooling load keeps much higher and longer than that in other buildings. A novel air-conditioning system named Combined Variable Air Volume system (CVAV), combining a normal AHU with a separate outdoor air supply system, was proposed firstly by the authors. The most attractive feature of the system is its full utilization of cooling capacity and freshness of outdoor air in the transition period of the year round. On the basis of the obtain of the dynamic cooling loads of the typical shopping malls in different four cities located in cold climates in China with the aid of DOE-2, the possibility of increasing the amount of outdoor air volume of CVAV system in the transition period instead of operating the water chillers was confirmed. Moreover, a new concept, Direct Outdoor Air Cooling Efficiency (DOACE), was defined as the ratio of cooling capacity of outdoor air to the water chiller, indicating the degree of outdoor air’s utilization. And the DOACE of the CVAV was calculated and compared with that of conventional all-air constant volume air-conditioning systems, the results showed that CVAV bear much more energy saving potential with the 10%~19% higher DOACE and it is a kind of energy efficient systems and can improve the indoor air quality as well.
We propose a Nystr¨om/product integration method for a class of second kind integral equations on the real line which arise in problems of two-dimensional scalar and elastic wave scattering by unbounded surfaces. Stability and convergence of the method is established with convergence rates dependent on the smoothness of components of the kernel. The method is applied to the problem of acoustic scattering by a sound soft one-dimensional surface which is the graph of a function f, and superalgebraic convergence is established in the case when f is infinitely smooth. Numerical results are presented illustrating this behavior for the case when f is periodic (the diffraction grating case). The Nystr¨om method for this problem is stable and convergent uniformly with respect to the period of the grating, in contrast to standard integral equation methods for diffraction gratings which fail at a countable set of grating periods.
Assessment of the Wind Gust Estimate Method in mesoscale modelling of storm events over West Germany
A physically based gust parameterisation is added to the atmospheric mesoscale model FOOT3DK to estimate wind gusts associated with storms over West Germany. The gust parameterisation follows the Wind Gust Estimate (WGE) method and its functionality is verified in this study. The method assumes that gusts occurring at the surface are induced by turbulent eddies in the planetary boundary layer, deflecting air parcels from higher levels down to the surface under suitable conditions. Model simulations are performed with horizontal resolutions of 20 km and 5 km. Ten historical storm events of different characteristics and intensities are chosen in order to include a wide range of typical storms affecting Central Europe. All simulated storms occurred between 1990 and 1998. The accuracy of the method is assessed objectively by validating the simulated wind gusts against data from 16 synoptic stations by means of “quality parameters”. Concerning these parameters, the temporal and spatial evolution of the simulated gusts is well reproduced. Simulated values for low altitude stations agree particularly well with the measured gusts. For orographically exposed locations, the gust speeds are partly underestimated. The absolute maximum gusts lie in most cases within the bounding interval given by the WGE method. Focussing on individual storms, the performance of the method is better for intense and large storms than for weaker ones. Particularly for weaker storms, the gusts are typically overestimated. The results for the sample of ten storms document that the method is generally applicable with the mesoscale model FOOT3DK for mid-latitude winter storms, even in areas with complex orography.
The energy-Casimir stability method, also known as the Arnold stability method, has been widely used in fluid dynamical applications to derive sufficient conditions for nonlinear stability. The most commonly studied system is two-dimensional Euler flow. It is shown that the set of two-dimensional Euler flows satisfying the energy-Casimir stability criteria is empty for two important cases: (i) domains having the topology of the sphere, and (ii) simply-connected bounded domains with zero net vorticity. The results apply to both the first and the second of Arnold’s stability theorems. In the spirit of Andrews’ theorem, this puts a further limitation on the applicability of the method. © 2000 American Institute of Physics.