167 resultados para vibrational spectrum
Several quartic force fields and a full sextic anharmonic force field for H,O have been determined from high-quality ab initio calculations, the highest at the aug-cc-pVQZ CCSD(T) level of theory. These force fields have been used to determine vibrational excited state band origins up to 15 000 cm - ’ above the zero-point level, using both a perturbation-resonancea pproach and a variational approach. An optimisedq uartic force field hasb eeno btained by least squares refinement of our best ab initio results to fit the observed overtone levels of 5 symmetrically substituted isotopomers of water (Hi60, Hi70, HisO, D,O, and T,O) with an rms error of less than 10 cm-‘, using the perturbation-resonancem odel for the vibrational calculation. Predicatel east squaresr efinement was usedt o provide a loose constraint of the refined force field to the ab initio results. The results obtained prove the viability of the perturbation-resonancem odel for usei n larger molecular systemsa nd also highlight someo f its weaknesse
Selection rules and matrix elements are derived for Coriolis interactions between vibrational levels due to rotation about (x, y) axes in symmetric top molecules. The theory is developed in detail for the case of interaction between an A1 and an E species vibrational level in a C3v molecule; perturbations to both the positions and the intensities of the rovibration transitions in the spectrum are considered. A computer program has been written which calculates exactly the perturbed spectrum of two interacting rovibration bands according to this model, the results being presented directly by a graph plotter connected to the computer. This has been used to interpret perturbations observed in two pairs of interacting fundamentals in the spectrum of CH3F (ν2 - ν5 and ν3 - ν6) and one pair in CD3Cl (ν2 - ν5). The resulting analysis of the observed spectrum leads to new values for some vibration-rotation interaction constants and also leads to a unique determination of the sign relationship between the dipole moment derivatives in each pair of interacting normal vibrations. These sign relations are summarized in Figs. 8, 12, and 15.
Absolute intensity measurements have been made on the fundamental vibrations of ethylene and four of its deuteroisotopes. The bands were pressure broadened with nitrogen at 50 atmos, and the intensities were determined by the method of Wilson and Wells except that the observed optical density was integrated against logv rather than v. Normal coordinates have been calculated, and the intensities have been interpreted in terms of quantities (∂p/∂Si) giving the change in dipole moment with respect to each internal symmetry coordinate. Data from the different isotopic species have been used to eliminate ambiguities in the interpretation. Effective bond moments are calculated for each symmetry coordinate.
Mizushima and Venkateswarlu showed in 1953 that certain molecules have the property that excited vibrational states may possess rotational spectra even when the rotational spectrum of the ground vibrational state is forbidden by symmetry. We call such a spectrum a vibrationally induced rotational spectrum, and have made a systematic examination of the point groups which permit such behaviour. We also give formulae for the approximate line frequencies and intensities in these spectra, and discuss some of the problems involved in observing them. The spectra can only arise from degenerate vibrational states, and are of three possible types: i) symmetric top perpendicular spectra, shown by molecules belonging to the point groups Dnh, Dn and Cnh, where n is odd; (ii) symmetric top parallel spectra, shown by molecules belonging to Dnd and S2n, where n is even; and (iii) spherical top spectra, shown by molecules belonging to T or Td. Excited vibrational states of polar molecules of point groups Cnv or Cn, where n is odd, may also possess vibrationally induced perpendicular components of type (i), in addition to their ordinary parallel spectra. In addition to the above limitations on the point groups there are, in general, limitations on the symmetry species of the degenerate vibrational states.
Absolute intensity measurements have been made on the fundamental vibrations of C2H6 and C2D6, using the extrapolation method of Wilson and Wells and using nitrogen at pressures up to 50 atmospheres to broaden the bands. The absorption coefficient was integrated against the logarithm of the frequency. Normal coordinates were calculated from the potential function of Hansen and Dennison, and were used to interpret the results in terms of quantities (∂p/∂Si) giving the change of dipole moment with respect to the symmetry coordinates Si. Consistency of data between the isotopes was used both to eliminate ambiguities in the interpretation, and as a criterion in separating overlapping pairs of absorption bands. The results have been interpreted in terms of bond effective moments.
Infrared spectra of the trans and the cis isomers of nitrous acid, both HONO and DONO, have been observed in the gas phase using a Fourier transform interferometer with a resolution of about 0.05 cm−1 from 4000 to 500 cm−1. Rotational analyses are reported on eleven of the fundamentals and some overtones.
Absolute intensity measurements have been made on the fundamental vibrations of methyl chloride, bromide, and iodide, and their fully deuterated derivatives, by integrating the optical density over the absorption bands. The bands were fully pressure broadened by using up to 80 atmos of foreign gas. Band separations were made graphically. The results are analyzed in terms of the dipole moment derivatives with respect to symmetry coordinates in the molecule, (∂p/∂Si). The data on the different isotopic species are shown to yield consistent results, and this requirement of consistency has also been used as an aid in the analysis. In the E‐class vibrations the signs of the dipole moment derivatives have been determined unambiguously by assuming the permanent dipole to be directed CH3+☒X—.
The ir absorption of gaseous 15NH3 between 510 and 3040 cm−1 was recorded with a resolution of 0.06 cm−1. The ν2, 2ν2, 3ν2, ν4, and ν2 + ν4 bands were measured and analyzed on the basis of the vibration-rotation Hamiltonian developed by V. Špirko, J. M. R. Stone, and D. Papoušek (J. Mol. Spectrosc. 60, 159–178 (1976)). A set of effective molecular parameters for the ν2 = 1, 2, 3 states was derived, which reproduced the transition frequencies within the accuracy of the experimental measurements. For ν4 and ν2 + ν4 bands the standard deviation of the calculated spectrum is about four times larger than the measurements accuracy: a similar result was found for ν4 in 14NH3 by Š. Urban et al. (J. Mol. Spectrosc. 79, 455–495 (1980)). This result suggests that the present treatment takes into account only the most significant part of the rovibration interaction in the doubly degenerate vibrational states of ammonia.
Vibration-rotation spectra of HOCl have been measured at a resolution of 0.05 cm−1 to determine vibration rotation constants, and 35–37 Cl isotope shifts in the vibration frequencies. The spectrum of DOCl has also been recorded, and a preliminary analysis for the band origins has been made. The vibrational frequency data and centrifugal distortion constants have been used to determine the harmonic force field in a least-squares refinement; the force field obtained also gives a good fit to data on the vibrational contributions to the inertial defect. The equilibrium rotational constants of HOCl have been obtained, and an equilibrium structure has been estimated.