67 resultados para natural health products
Since 1995 the Directive 93/43/EEC prescribes the application of HACCP principles in food production. However, despite the major importance of food safety, there is a fundamental lack of information on the economic impact of this directive. This project aims to study costs and benefits of HACCP, including the impact of HACCP on public health. Due to the complexity of the issue, we propose to start with a pilot study, limited to dairy and meat products industry in NL, UK and I. Information will be obtained at two levels: production chain and public health. Integration of these results will result in recommendations at the levels of EU member states and industry for regulation and supporting measures, and in recommendations for an effective and efficient approach for a more comprehensive project on costs and benefits of HACCP, covering major parts of the food industry in EU member states.
Background: Animal studies have suggested that conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), a natural component of ruminant meat and dairy products, may confer beneficial effects on health. However, little information on the effects of CLA on immune function is available, especially in humans. Furthermore, the effects of individual isomers of CLA have not been adequately investigated. Objective: This study investigated the effects of supplementing the diet with 3 doses of highly enriched cis-9,trans-11 CLA (0.59, 1.19, and 2.38 g/d) or trans-10,cis-12 CLA (0.63, 1.26, and 2.52 g/d) on immune outcomes in healthy humans. Design: The study had a randomized, double-blind, crossover design. Healthy men consumed 1, 2, and 4 capsules sequentially that contained 80% of either cis-9,trans-11 CLA or trans-10,cis-12 CLA for consecutive 8-wk periods. This regimen was followed by a 6-wk washout and a crossover to the other isomer. Results: Both CLA isomers decreased mitogen-induced T lymphocyte activation in a dose-dependent manner. There was a significant negative correlation between mitogen-induced T lymphocyte activation and the proportions of both cis-9,trans-11 CLA and trans-10,cis-12 CLA in peripheral blood mononuclear cell lipids. However, CLA did not affect lymphocyte subpopulations or serum concentrations of C-reactive protein and did not have any consistent effects on ex vivo cytokine production. Conclusion: CLA supplementation results in a dose-dependent reduction in the mitogen-induced activation of T lymphocytes. The effects of cis-9,trans-l I CLA and trans-10,cis-12 CLA were similar, and there was a negative correlation between mitogen-induced T lymphocyte activation and the cis-9,trans-11 CLA and trans-10,cis-12 CLA contents of mononuclear cells.
Background: Interest in the development of dairy products naturally enriched in conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) exists. However, feeding regimens that enhance the CLA content of milk also increase concentrations of trans-18:1 fatty acids. The implications for human health are not yet known. Objective: This study investigated the effects of consuming dairy products naturally enriched in cis-9,trans-11 CLA (and trans-11 18:1) on the blood lipid profile, the atherogenicity of LDL, and markers of inflammation and insulin resistance in healthy middle-aged men. Design: Healthy middle-aged men (n = 32) consumed ultra-heat-treated milk, butter, and cheese that provided 0.151 g/d (control) or 1.421 g/d (modified) cis-9,trans-11 CLA for 6 wk. This was followed by a 7-wk washout and a crossover to the other treatment. Results: Consumption of dairy products enriched with cis-9,trans-11 CLA and trans-11 18:1 did not significantly affect body weight, inflammatory markers, insulin, glucose, triacylglycerols, or total, LDL, and HDL cholesterol but resulted in a small increase in the ratio of LDL to HDL cholesterol. The modified dairy products changed LDL fatty acid composition but had no significant effect on LDL particle size or the susceptibility of LDL to oxidation. Overall, increased consumption of full-fat dairy products and naturally derived trans fatty acids did not cause significant changes in cardiovascular disease risk variables, as may be expected on the basis of current health recommendations. Conclusion: Dairy products naturally enriched with cis-9,trans-11 CLA and trans-11 18: 1 do not appear to have a significant effect on the blood lipid profile.
Successful and responsible introduction of probiotic and prebiotic products into the worldwide marketplace requires labelling for health benefits that meets consumer needs, adheres to regulatory standards and does not overextend scientific evidence. Regulations differ among countries, but underlying all is an emphasis on scientific credibility of any statements of health benefits. This paper considers the value of different types of evidence offered in substantiation of efficacy and reviews different regulatory approaches to labelling for health claims. Limitations of in vitro, animal and different types of human studies used for efficacy substantiation for probiotics and prebiotics are discussed.
Colonic metabolism of dietary polyphenols: influence of structure on microbial fermentation products
The metabolism of chlorogenic acid., naringin, and rutin, representative members of three common families of dietary polyphenols, the hydroxycinnamates, the flavanones, and the flavonols, respectively, was studied in an in vitro mixed culture model of the human colonic microflora. Time- and concentration-dependent degradation of all three compounds was observed, which was associated with the following metabolic events after cleavage of the ester or glycosidic bond: reduction of the aliphatic double bond of the resulting hydroxycinnamate caffeic acid residue; dehydroxylation and ring fission of the heterocyclic C-ring of the resulting deglycosylated flavanone, naringenin, and of the deglycosylated flavonol, quercetin (which differed depending on the substitution). The metabolic events, their sequences, and major phenolic end products, as identified by GC-MS or LC-MS/MS, were elucidated from the structural characteristics of the investigated compounds. The major phenolic end products identified were 3-D-hydroxyphenyl)propionic acid for chlorogenic acid, 3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-propionic acid and 3-phenylpropionic acid for naringin, and 3-hydroxyphenylacetic acid and 3-(3-hydroxyphenyl)-propionic acid for rutin. The degree of degradation of the compounds studied was significantly influenced by the substrate concentration as well as individual variations in the composition of the fecal flora. The results support extensive metabolism of dietary polyphenols in the colon, depending on substrate concentration and residence time, with resultant formation of simple phenolics, which can be considered biomarkers of colonic metabolism if subsequently absorbed. It is also apparent that a relatively small number of phenolic degradation products are formed in the colon from the diverse group of natural polyphenols. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Recent studies have illustrated the effects of cis-9, trans-11 conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) on human health. Ruminant-derived meat, milk and dairy products are the predominant sources of cis-9, trans-11 CLA in the human diet. This study evaluated the processing properties, texture, storage characteristics, and organoleptic properties of UHT milk, Caerphilly cheese, and butter produced from a milk enriched to a level of cis-9, trans-11 CLA that has been shown to have biological effects in humans. Forty-nine early-lactation Holstein-British Friesian cows were fed total mixed rations containing 0 (control) or 45 g/kg ( on dry matter basis) of a mixture (1:2 wt/wt) of fish oil and sunflower oil during two consecutive 7-d periods to produce a control and CLA-enhanced milk, respectively. Milk produced from cows fed the control and fish and sunflower oil diets contained 0.54 and 4.68 g of total CLA/100 g of fatty acids, respectively. Enrichment of CLA in raw milk from the fish and sunflower oil diet was also accompanied by substantial increases in trans C18:1 levels, lowered C18: 0, cis-C18:1, and total saturated fatty acid concentrations, and small increases in n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid content. The CLA-enriched milk was used for the manufacture of UHT milk, butter, and cheese. Both the CLA-enhanced butter and cheese were less firm than control products. Although the sensory profiles of the CLA-enriched milk, butter, and cheese differed from those of the control products with respect to some attributes, the overall impression and flavor did not differ. In conclusion, it is feasible to produce CLA-enriched dairy products with acceptable storage and sensory characteristics.
Short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) are formed from the fermentation of sugars by intestinal bacteria. Acetate is the most abundant SCFA, with lower amounts of propionate and butyrate formed. Propionate and butyrate are also formed from the products of carbohydrate fermentation by other bacteria, for example from lactate and acetate. SCFA play a role in regulating transit of digesta through the intestine, and butyrate formation is thought to be beneficial to health because butyrate decreases the risk of colon cancer. Major butyrate-producing species are among the most abundant present in the colon, including Roseburia and Faecalibacterium spp. Metabolism of longer-chain fatty acids occurs mainly by hydration or hydrogenation of unsaturated fatty acids. Hydroxystearic acids are formed in the intestine, particularly under disease conditions. Metabolism of linoleic acid results in the formation of conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) by several species, including Roseburia hominis and Roseburia inulinovorans. Enhancement of intestinal CLA formation, possibly using probiotics, may be useful in preventing or treating inflammatory bowel disease.
Although practitioner-prescribed 'western' herbal medicine (phytotherapy) is a popular complementary therapy in the UK, no clinical studies have been reported on patient-orientated outcomes. The objective of this pilot study was to investigate the effects of phytotherapy on symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee. A previous study of Chinese herbal medicine for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association,(1) acted as a model in the development of the protocol of this investigation. Twenty adults, previously diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the knee, were recruited from two Inner London GP practices into this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, pilot study carried out in a primary-care setting. All subjects were seen in consultation three times by a herbal practitioner who was blinded to the randomization coding. Each subject was prescribed treatment and given lifestyle advice according to usual practice: continuation of conventional medication where applicable, healthy-eating advice and nutrient supplementation, Individualized herbal medicine was prescribed for each patient, but only dispensed for those randomized to active treatment - the remainder were supplied with a placebo. At baseline and outcome (after ten weeks of treatment), subjects completed a food frequency questionnaire and the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) knee health and Measure Yourself Outcome Profile (MYMOP) wellbeing questionnaires. Subjects completing the study per protocol (n = 14) reported an increased intake of wholegrain foods (p = 0.045) and oily fish (p = 0.039) compared to baseline, but no increase in fruit and vegetables and dairy products intakes. There was no difference in the primary outcome measure of knee health assessed as the difference in the mean response (baseline-week 10) in WOMAC score between the two treatment groups. However, there was, compared with baseline, improvement in the active group (n = 9) for the mean WOMAC stiffness sub-score at week 5 (p = 0.035) and week 10 (p = 0.060) but not in the placebo group (n = 5). Furthermore, for the active, but not the placebo group, the mean WOMAC total and sub-scores all showed clinically significant improvement (>= 20%) in knee symptoms at weeks 5 and 10 compared with baseline. Moreover, the mean MYMOP symptom 2 sub-score, mostly relating to osteoarthritis (OA), showed significant improvement at week 5 (p = 0.02) and week 10 (p = 0.008) compared with baseline for the active, but not for the placebo group. This pilot study showed that herbal medicine prescribed for the individual by a herbal practitioner resulted in improvement of symptoms of OA of the knee.
There remains limited scientific evidence on the efficacy and safety of 'natural' therapies such as herbal remedies and dietary supplements. Nevertheless, breast cancer patients are particularly prone to purchasing such products because of the perception that 'natural' products are less toxic than conventional prescribed medicines. However, the potential for interactions of supplements with current medications, the potential for adverse effects from consumption at high levels, and the lack of disclosure of such treatments by the patient to their doctor are serious public health issues. Robust clinical trials are required to prove the efficacy and lack of adverse effects of such preparations, and communication between patients and doctors must be improved and doctors made more aware that their patients may be seeking advice and treatment from sources outside conventional medicine.
Current intakes of very long chain omega-3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DNA) are low in most individuals living in Western countries. A good natural source of these fatty acids is seafood, especially oily fish. Fish oil capsules contain these fatty acids too. Very long chain w-3 fatty acids are readily incorporated from capsules into transport, functional, and storage pools. This incorporation is dose-dependent and follows a kinetic pattern that is characteristic for each pool. At sufficient levels of incorporation, EPA and DHA influence the physical nature of cell membranes and membrane protein-mediated responses, eicosanoid generation, cell signaling and gene expression in many different cell types. Through these mechanisms, EPA and DHA influence cell and tissue physiology, and the way cells and tissues respond to external signals. In most cases, the effects seen are compatible with improvements in disease biomarker profiles or in health-related outcomes. As a result, very long chain omega-3 fatty acids play a role in achieving optimal health and in protection against disease. Long chain omega-3 fatty acids protect against cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, and might be beneficial in rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel diseases, childhood learning, and behavior, and adult psychiatric and neurodegenerative illnesses. DHA has an important structural role in the eye and brain, and its supply early in life is known to be of vital importance. On the basis of the recognized health improvements brought about by long chain omega-3 fatty acids, recommendations have been made to increase their intake. (C) 2009 International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc. Volume 35, Number 3, May/June 2009, Pages 266-272. E-mail: pcc@soton.ac.uk
Objectives: To investigate people's views about the efficacy and specific risks of herbal, over-the-counter (OTC) conventional, and prescribed conventional medicines, and their likelihood of taking a second (herbal or OTC conventional) product in addition to a prescribed medicine. Methods: Experiment 1 (1 factor within-participant design); Experiment 2 (1 factor between-participant design). Convenience samples of general population were given a hypothetical scenario and required to make a number of judgements. Results: People believed herbal remedies to be less effective, but less risky than OTC and prescribed conventional medicines. Herbal medicines were not seen as being safer simply because of their easier availability. Participants indicated that they would be more likely to take a herbal medicine than a conventional OTC medicine in addition to a prescribed medicine, and less likely to consult their doctor in advance. Conclusion: People believe that herbal medicines are natural and relatively safe and can be used with less caution. People need to be given clear information about the risks and benefits of herbal medicines if they are to use such products safety and effectively. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Providing effective information about drug risks and benefits has become a major challenge for health professionals, as many people are ill equipped to understand, retain and use the information effectively. This paper reviews the growing evidence that people’s understanding (and health behaviour) is not only affected by the content of medicines information, but also by the particular way in which it is presented. Such presentational factors include whether information is presented verbally or numerically, framed positively or negatively, whether risk reductions are described in relative or absolute terms (and baseline information included), and whether information is personalized or tailored in any way. It also looks at how understanding is affected by the order in which information is presented, and the way in which it is processed. The paper concludes by making a number of recommendations for providers of medicines information, about both the content and presentation of such information, that should enhance safe and effective medicines usage.
Foods derived from animals are an important source of nutrients in the diet but there is considerable uncertainty about whether or not these foods contribute to increased risk of various chronic diseases. For milk in particular there appears to be an enormous mismatch between both the advice given on milk/dairy foods items by various authorities and public perceptions of harm from the consumption of milk and dairy products, and the evidence from long-term prospective cohort studies. Such studies provide convincing evidence that increased consumption of milk can lead to reductions in the risk of vascular disease and possibly some cancers and of an overall survival advantage from the consumption of milk, although the relative effect of milk products is unclear. Accordingly, simply reducing milk consumption in order to reduce saturated fatty acid (SFA) intake is not likely to produce benefits overall though the production of dairy products with reduced SFA contents is likely to be helpful. For red meat there is no evidence of increased risk of vascular diseases though processed meat appears to increase the risk substantially. There is still conflicting and inconsistent evidence on the relationship between consumption of red meat and the development of colorectal cancer, but this topic should not be ignored. Likewise, the role of poultry meat and its products as sources of dietary fat and fatty acids is not fully clear. There is concern about the likely increase in the prevalence of dementia but there are few data on the possible benefits or risks from milk and meat consumption. The future role of animal nutrition in creating foods closer to the optimum composition for long-term human health will be increasingly important. Overall, the case for increased milk consumption seems convincing, although the case for high-fat dairy products and red meat is not. Processed meat products do seem to have negative effects on long-term health and although more research is required, these effects do need to be put into the context of other risk factors to long-term health such as obesity, smoking and alcohol consumption.