35 resultados para measure
There is an on-going debate on the environmental effects of genetically modified crops to which this paper aims to contribute. First, data on environmental impacts of genetically modified (GM) and conventional crops are collected from peer-reviewed journals, and secondly an analysis is conducted in order to examine which crop type is less harmful for the environment. Published data on environmental impacts are measured using an array of indicators, and their analysis requires their normalisation and aggregation. Taking advantage of composite indicators literature, this paper builds composite indicators to measure the impact of GM and conventional crops in three dimensions: (1) non-target key species richness, (2) pesticide use, and (3) aggregated environmental impact. The comparison between the three composite indicators for both crop types allows us to establish not only a ranking to elucidate which crop is more convenient for the environment but the probability that one crop type outperforms the other from an environmental perspective. Results show that GM crops tend to cause lower environmental impacts than conventional crops for the analysed indicators.
Abstract: A new methodology was created to measure the energy consumption and related green house gas (GHG) emissions of a computer operating system (OS) across different device platforms. The methodology involved the direct power measurement of devices under different activity states. In order to include all aspects of an OS, the methodology included measurements in various OS modes, whilst uniquely, also incorporating measurements when running an array of defined software activities, so as to include OS application management features. The methodology was demonstrated on a laptop and phone that could each run multiple OSs, results confirmed that OS can significantly impact the energy consumption of devices. In particular, the new versions of the Microsoft Windows OS were tested and highlighted significant differences between the OS versions on the same hardware. The developed methodology could enable a greater awareness of energy consumption, during both the software development and software marketing processes.
Let λ1,…,λn be real numbers in (0,1) and p1,…,pn be points in Rd. Consider the collection of maps fj:Rd→Rd given by fj(x)=λjx+(1−λj)pj. It is a well known result that there exists a unique nonempty compact set Λ⊂Rd satisfying Λ=∪nj=1fj(Λ). Each x∈Λ has at least one coding, that is a sequence (ϵi)∞i=1 ∈{1,…,n}N that satisfies limN→∞fϵ1…fϵN(0)=x. We study the size and complexity of the set of codings of a generic x∈Λ when Λ has positive Lebesgue measure. In particular, we show that under certain natural conditions almost every x∈Λ has a continuum of codings. We also show that almost every x∈Λ has a universal coding. Our work makes no assumptions on the existence of holes in Λ and improves upon existing results when it is assumed Λ contains no holes.
Conference proceedings paper in Alexander, O. (Ed.) 2007, Proceedings of the 2005 joint BALEAP/SATEFL conference: New Approaches to Materials Development for Language Learning. Bern: Peter Lang.