91 resultados para discrete traits
This paper discusses the use of multi-layer perceptron networks for linear or linearizable, adaptive feedback.control schemes in a discrete-time environment. A close look is taken at the model structure selected and the extent of the resulting parametrization. A comparison is made with standard, non-perceptron algorithms, e.g. self-tuning control, and it is shown how gross over-parametrization can occur in the neural network case. Because of the resultant heavy computational burden and poor controller convergence, a strong case is made against the use of neural networks for discrete-time linear control.
An algorithm for solving nonlinear discrete time optimal control problems with model-reality differences is presented. The technique uses Dynamic Integrated System Optimization and Parameter Estimation (DISOPE), which achieves the correct optimal solution in spite of deficiencies in the mathematical model employed in the optimization procedure. A version of the algorithm with a linear-quadratic model-based problem, implemented in the C+ + programming language, is developed and applied to illustrative simulation examples. An analysis of the optimality and convergence properties of the algorithm is also presented.
The integration of processes at different scales is a key problem in the modelling of cell populations. Owing to increased computational resources and the accumulation of data at the cellular and subcellular scales, the use of discrete, cell-level models, which are typically solved using numerical simulations, has become prominent. One of the merits of this approach is that important biological factors, such as cell heterogeneity and noise, can be easily incorporated. However, it can be difficult to efficiently draw generalizations from the simulation results, as, often, many simulation runs are required to investigate model behaviour in typically large parameter spaces. In some cases, discrete cell-level models can be coarse-grained, yielding continuum models whose analysis can lead to the development of insight into the underlying simulations. In this paper we apply such an approach to the case of a discrete model of cell dynamics in the intestinal crypt. An analysis of the resulting continuum model demonstrates that there is a limited region of parameter space within which steady-state (and hence biologically realistic) solutions exist. Continuum model predictions show good agreement with corresponding results from the underlying simulations and experimental data taken from murine intestinal crypts.
The Routh-stability method is employed to reduce the order of discrete-time system transfer functions. It is shown that the Routh approximant is well suited to reduce both the denominator and the numerator polynomials, although alternative methods, such as PadÃ�Â(c)-Markov approximation, are also used to fit the model numerator coefficients.
The presence of mismatch between controller and system is considered. A novel discrete-time approach is used to investigate the migration of closed-loop poles when this mismatch occurs. Two forms of state estimator are employed giving rise to several interesting features regarding stability and performance.
This paper derives exact discrete time representations for data generated by a continuous time autoregressive moving average (ARMA) system with mixed stock and flow data. The representations for systems comprised entirely of stocks or of flows are also given. In each case the discrete time representations are shown to be of ARMA form, the orders depending on those of the continuous time system. Three examples and applications are also provided, two of which concern the stationary ARMA(2, 1) model with stock variables (with applications to sunspot data and a short-term interest rate) and one concerning the nonstationary ARMA(2, 1) model with a flow variable (with an application to U.S. nondurable consumers’ expenditure). In all three examples the presence of an MA(1) component in the continuous time system has a dramatic impact on eradicating unaccounted-for serial correlation that is present in the discrete time version of the ARMA(2, 0) specification, even though the form of the discrete time model is ARMA(2, 1) for both models.
This study presents the findings of applying a Discrete Demand Side Control (DDSC) approach to the space heating of two case study buildings. High and low tolerance scenarios are implemented on the space heating controller to assess the impact of DDSC upon buildings with different thermal capacitances, light-weight and heavy-weight construction. Space heating is provided by an electric heat pump powered from a wind turbine, with a back-up electrical network connection in the event of insufficient wind being available when a demand occurs. Findings highlight that thermal comfort is maintained within an acceptable range while the DDSC controller maintains the demand/supply balance. Whilst it is noted that energy demand increases slightly, as this is mostly supplied from the wind turbine, this is of little significance and hence a reduction in operating costs and carbon emissions is still attained.
The photosynthetic characteristics of eight contrasting cocoa genotypes were studied with the aim of examining genotypic variation in maximum (light-saturated) photosynthetic rates, light-response curve parameters and water use efficiency. Photosynthetic traits were derived from single leaf gas exchange measurements using a portable infra-red gas analyser. All measurements were conducted in a common greenhouse environment. Significant variation was observed in light-saturated photosynthesis ranging from 3.4 to 5.7 µmol CO2 m-2 s-1 for the clones IMC 47 and SCA 6, respectively. Furthermore, analyses of photosynthetic light response curves indicated genotypic differences in light saturation point and quantum efficiency (i.e. the efficiency of light use). Stomatal conductance was a significant factor underlying genotypic differences in assimilation. Genotypic variation was also observed in a number of leaf traits, including specific leaf area (the ratio of leaf area to leaf weight), chlorophyll concentration and nitrogen content. There was a positive correlation between leaf nitrogen per unit area and light-saturated photosynthesis. Water use efficiency, defined as the ratio of photosynthetic rate to transpiration rate, also varied significantly between clones (ranging from 3.1 mmol mol-1 H2O for the clone IMC 47 to 4.2 mmol mol-1 H2O for the clone ICS 1). Water use efficiency was a negative function of specific leaf area, suggesting that low specific leaf area might be a useful criterion for selection for increased water use efficiency. It is concluded that both variation in water use efficiency and the photosynthetic response to light have the potential to be exploited in breeding programmes.
The human mirror neuron system (hMNS) is believed to provide a basic mechanism for social cognition. Event-related desynchronization (ERD) in alpha (8–12 Hz) and low beta band (12–20 Hz) over sensori-motor cortex has been suggested to index mirror neurons' activity. We tested whether autistic traits revealed by high and low scores on the Autistic Quotient (AQ) in the normal population are linked to variations in the electroencephalogram (EEG) over motor, pre-motor cortex and supplementary motor area (SMA) during action observation. Results revealed that in the low AQ group, the pre-motor cortex and SMA were more active during hand action than static hand observation whereas in the high AQ group the same areas were active both during static and hand action observation. In fact participants with high traits of autism showed greater low beta ERD while observing the static hand than those with low traits and this low beta ERD was not significantly different when they watched hand actions. Over primary motor cortex, the classical alpha and low beta ERD during hand actions relative to static hand observation was found across all participants. These findings suggest that the observation–execution matching system works differently according to the degree of autism traits in the normal population and that this is differentiated in terms of the EEG according to scalp site and bandwidth.
Recent research in social neuroscience proposes a link between mirror neuron system (MNS) and social cognition. The MNS has been proposed to be the neural mechanism underlying action recognition and intention understanding and more broadly social cognition. Pre-motor MNS has been suggested to modulate the motor cortex during action observation. This modulation results in an enhanced cortico-motor excitability reflected in increased motor evoked potentials (MEPs) at the muscle of interest during action observation. Anomalous MNS activity has been reported in the autistic population whose social skills are notably impaired. It is still an open question whether traits of autism in the normal population are linked to the MNS functioning. We measured TMS-induced MEPs in normal individuals with high and low traits of autism as measured by the autistic quotient (AQ), while observing videos of hand or mouth actions, static images of a hand or mouth or a blank screen. No differences were observed between the two while they observed a blank screen. However participants with low traits of autism showed significantly greater MEP amplitudes during observation of hand/mouth actions relative to static hand/mouth stimuli. In contrast, participants with high traits of autism did not show such a MEP amplitude difference between observation of actions and static stimuli. These results are discussed with reference to MNS functioning.
Life-history traits vary substantially across species, and have been demonstrated to affect substitution rates. We compute genomewide, branch-specific estimates of male mutation bias (the ratio of male-to-female mutation rates) across 32 mammalian genomes and study how these vary with life-history traits (generation time, metabolic rate, and sperm competition). We also investigate the influence of life-history traits on substitution rates at unconstrained sites across a wide phylogenetic range. We observe that increased generation time is the strongest predictor of variation in both substitution rates (for which it is a negative predictor) and male mutation bias (for which it is a positive predictor). Although less significant, we also observe that estimates of metabolic rate, reflecting replication-independent DNA damage and repair mechanisms, correlate negatively with autosomal substitution rates, and positively with male mutation bias. Finally, in contrast to expectations, we find no significant correlation between sperm competition and either autosomal substitution rates or male mutation bias. Our results support the important but frequently opposite effects of some, but not all, life history traits on substitution rates. KEY WORDS: Generation time, genome evolution, metabolic rate, sperm competition.
The controls on aboveground community composition and diversity have been extensively studied, but our understanding of the drivers of belowground microbial communities is relatively lacking, despite their importance for ecosystem functioning. In this study, we fitted statistical models to explain landscape-scale variation in soil microbial community composition using data from 180 sites covering a broad range of grassland types, soil and climatic conditions in England. We found that variation in soil microbial communities was explained by abiotic factors like climate, pH and soil properties. Biotic factors, namely community- weighted means (CWM) of plant functional traits, also explained variation in soil microbial communities. In particular, more bacterial-dominated microbial communities were associated with exploitative plant traits versus fungal-dominated communities with resource-conservative traits, showing that plant functional traits and soil microbial communities are closely related at the landscape scale.