62 resultados para closed-loop nash equilibrium


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Here we present an economical and versatile platform for developing motor control and sensory feedback of a prosthetic hand via in vitro mammalian peripheral nerve activity. In this study, closed-loop control of the grasp function of the prosthetic hand was achieved by stimulation of a peripheral nerve preparation in response to slip sensor data from a robotic hand, forming a rudimentary reflex action. The single degree of freedom grasp was triggered by single unit activity from motor and sensory fibers as a result of stimulation. The work presented here provides a novel, reproducible, economic, and robust platform for experimenting with neural control of prosthetic devices before attempting in vivo implementation.


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The general stability theory of nonlinear receding horizon controllers has attracted much attention over the last fifteen years, and many algorithms have been proposed to ensure closed-loop stability. On the other hand many reports exist regarding the use of artificial neural network models in nonlinear receding horizon control. However, little attention has been given to the stability issue of these specific controllers. This paper addresses this problem and proposes to cast the nonlinear receding horizon control based on neural network models within the framework of an existing stabilising algorithm.


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This report presents the canonical Hamiltonian formulation of relative satellite motion. The unperturbed Hamiltonian model is shown to be equivalent to the well known Hill-Clohessy-Wilshire (HCW) linear formulation. The in°uence of perturbations of the nonlinear Gravitational potential and the oblateness of the Earth; J2 perturbations are also modelled within the Hamiltonian formulation. The modelling incorporates eccentricity of the reference orbit. The corresponding Hamiltonian vector ¯elds are computed and implemented in Simulink. A numerical method is presented aimed at locating periodic or quasi-periodic relative satellite motion. The numerical method outlined in this paper is applied to the Hamiltonian system. Although the orbits considered here are weakly unstable at best, in the case of eccentricity only, the method ¯nds exact periodic orbits. When other perturbations such as nonlinear gravitational terms are added, drift is signicantly reduced and in the case of the J2 perturbation with and without the nonlinear gravitational potential term, bounded quasi-periodic solutions are found. Advantages of using Newton's method to search for periodic or quasi-periodic relative satellite motion include simplicity of implementation, repeatability of solutions due to its non-random nature, and fast convergence. Given that the use of bounded or drifting trajectories as control references carries practical di±culties over long-term missions, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is applied to the quasi-periodic or slowly drifting trajectories to help provide a closed reference trajectory for the implementation of closed loop control. In order to evaluate the e®ect of the quality of the model used to generate the periodic reference trajectory, a study involving closed loop control of a simulated master/follower formation was performed. 2 The results of the closed loop control study indicate that the quality of the model employed for generating the reference trajectory used for control purposes has an important in°uence on the resulting amount of fuel required to track the reference trajectory. The model used to generate LQR controller gains also has an e®ect on the e±ciency of the controller.


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Numerical methods are described for determining robust, or well-conditioned, solutions to the problem of pole assignment by state feedback. The solutions obtained are such that the sensitivity of the assigned poles to perturbations in the system and gain matrices is minimized. It is shown that for these solutions, upper bounds on the norm of the feedback matrix and on the transient response are also minimized and a lower bound on the stability margin is maximized. A measure is derived which indicates the optimal conditioning that may be expected for a particular system with a given set of closed-loop poles, and hence the suitability of the given poles for assignment.


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Conditions are given under which a descriptor, or generalized state-space system can be regularized by output feedback. It is shown that under these conditions, proportional and derivative output feedback controls can be constructed such that the closed-loop system is regular and has index at most one. This property ensures the solvability of the resulting system of dynamic-algebraic equations. A reduced form is given that allows the system properties as well as the feedback to be determined. The construction procedures used to establish the theory are based only on orthogonal matrix decompositions and can therefore be implemented in a numerically stable way.


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Some necessary and sufficient conditions for closed-loop eigenstructure assignment by output feedback in time-invariant linear multivariable control systems are presented. A simple condition on a square matrix necessary and sufficient for it to be the closed-loop plant matrix of a given system with some output feedback is the basis of the paper. Some known results on entire eigenstructure assignment are deduced from this. The concept of an inner inverse of a matrix is employed to obtain a condition concerning the assignment of an eigenstructure consisting of the eigenvalues and a mixture of left and right eigenvectors.


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For linear multivariable time-invariant continuous or discrete-time singular systems it is customary to use a proportional feedback control in order to achieve a desired closed loop behaviour. Derivative feedback is rarely considered. This paper examines how derivative feedback in descriptor systems can be used to alter the structure of the system pencil under various controllability conditions. It is shown that derivative and proportional feedback controls can be constructed such that the closed loop system has a given form and is also regular and has index at most 1. This property ensures the solvability of the resulting system of dynamic-algebraic equations. The construction procedures used to establish the theory are based only on orthogonal matrix decompositions and can therefore be implemented in a numerically stable way. The problem of pole placement with derivative feedback alone and in combination with proportional state feedback is also investigated. A computational algorithm for improving the “conditioning” of the regularized closed loop system is derived.


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Feedback design for a second-order control system leads to an eigenstructure assignment problem for a quadratic matrix polynomial. It is desirable that the feedback controller not only assigns specified eigenvalues to the second-order closed loop system but also that the system is robust, or insensitive to perturbations. We derive here new sensitivity measures, or condition numbers, for the eigenvalues of the quadratic matrix polynomial and define a measure of the robustness of the corresponding system. We then show that the robustness of the quadratic inverse eigenvalue problem can be achieved by solving a generalized linear eigenvalue assignment problem subject to structured perturbations. Numerically reliable methods for solving the structured generalized linear problem are developed that take advantage of the special properties of the system in order to minimize the computational work required. In this part of the work we treat the case where the leading coefficient matrix in the quadratic polynomial is nonsingular, which ensures that the polynomial is regular. In a second part, we will examine the case where the open loop matrix polynomial is not necessarily regular.


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A robust pole assignment by linear state feedback is achieved in state-space representation by selecting a feedback which minimises the conditioning of the assigned eigenvalues of the closed-loop system. It is shown here that when this conditioning is minimised, a lower bound on the stability margin in the frequency domain is maximised.


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Some points of the paper by N.K. Nichols (see ibid., vol.AC-31, p.643-5, 1986), concerning the robust pole assignment of linear multiinput systems, are clarified. It is stressed that the minimization of the condition number of the closed-loop eigenvector matrix does not necessarily lead to robustness of the pole assignment. It is shown why the computational method, which Nichols claims is robust, is in fact numerically unstable with respect to the determination of the gain matrix. In replying, Nichols presents arguments to support the choice of the conditioning of the closed-loop poles as a measure of robustness and to show that the methods of J Kautsky, N. K. Nichols and P. VanDooren (1985) are stable in the sense that they produce accurate solutions to well-conditioned problems.


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We study the regularization problem for linear, constant coefficient descriptor systems Ex' = Ax+Bu, y1 = Cx, y2 = Γx' by proportional and derivative mixed output feedback. Necessary and sufficient conditions are given, which guarantee that there exist output feedbacks such that the closed-loop system is regular, has index at most one and E+BGΓ has a desired rank, i.e., there is a desired number of differential and algebraic equations. To resolve the freedom in the choice of the feedback matrices we then discuss how to obtain the desired regularizing feedback of minimum norm and show that this approach leads to useful results in the sense of robustness only if the rank of E is decreased. Numerical procedures are derived to construct the desired feedback gains. These numerical procedures are based on orthogonal matrix transformations which can be implemented in a numerically stable way.


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The robustness of state feedback solutions to the problem of partial pole placement obtained by a new projection procedure is examined. The projection procedure gives a reduced-order pole assignment problem. It is shown that the sensitivities of the assigned poles in the complete closed-loop system are bounded in terms of the sensitivities of the assigned reduced-order poles, and the sensitivities of the unaltered poles are bounded in terms of the sensitivities of the corresponding open-loop poles. If the assigned poles are well-separated from the unaltered poles, these bounds are expected to be tight. The projection procedure is described in [3], and techniques for finding robust (or insensitive) solutions to the reduced-order problem are given in [1], [2].


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Coordinate free conditions are given for pole assignment by feedback in linear descriptor (singular) systems which guarantee closed-loop regularity. These conditions are shown to be both necessary and sufficient for assignment of the maximum possible number of finite poles. Transformation to special coordinates are not used and the results provide a robust algorithm for the computation of the required feedback.


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A number of computationally reliable direct methods for pole assignment by feedback have recently been developed. These direct procedures do not necessarily produce robust solutions to the problem, however, in the sense that the assigned poles are insensitive to perturbalions in the closed-loop system. This difficulty is illustrated here with results from a recent algorithm presented in this TRANSACTIONS and its causes are examined. A measure of robustness is described, and techniques for testing and improving robustness are indicated.


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Aircraft systems are highly nonlinear and time varying. High-performance aircraft at high angles of incidence experience undesired coupling of the lateral and longitudinal variables, resulting in departure from normal controlled � ight. The construction of a robust closed-loop control that extends the stable and decoupled � ight envelope as far as possible is pursued. For the study of these systems, nonlinear analysis methods are needed. Previously, bifurcation techniques have been used mainly to analyze open-loop nonlinear aircraft models and to investigate control effects on dynamic behavior. Linear feedback control designs constructed by eigenstructure assignment methods at a � xed � ight condition are investigated for a simple nonlinear aircraft model. Bifurcation analysis, in conjunction with linear control design methods, is shown to aid control law design for the nonlinear system.