57 resultados para WADA BASIN BOUNDARIES


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Opportunistic land encroachment occurs in many low-income countries, gradually yet pervasively, until discrete areas of common land disappear. This paper, motivated by field observations in Karnataka, India, demonstrates that such an evolution of property rights from common to private may be efficient when the boundaries between common and private land are poorly defined, or ‘‘fuzzy.’’ Using a multi-period optimization model, and introducing the concept of stock and flow enforcement, I show how effectiveness of enforcement effort, whether encroachment is reversible, and punitive fines, influence whether an area of common land is fully defined and protected or gradually or rapidly encroached.


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We present an intercomparison and verification analysis of 20 GCMs (Global Circulation Models) included in the 4th IPCC assessment report regarding their representation of the hydrological cycle on the Danube river basin for 1961–2000 and for the 2161–2200 SRESA1B scenario runs. The basin-scale properties of the hydrological cycle are computed by spatially integrating the precipitation, evaporation, and runoff fields using the Voronoi-Thiessen tessellation formalism. The span of the model- simulated mean annual water balances is of the same order of magnitude of the observed Danube discharge of the Delta; the true value is within the range simulated by the models. Some land components seem to have deficiencies since there are cases of violation of water conservation when annual means are considered. The overall performance and the degree of agreement of the GCMs are comparable to those of the RCMs (Regional Climate Models) analyzed in a previous work, in spite of the much higher resolution and common nesting of the RCMs. The reanalyses are shown to feature several inconsistencies and cannot be used as a verification benchmark for the hydrological cycle in the Danubian region. In the scenario runs, for basically all models the water balance decreases, whereas its interannual variability increases. Changes in the strength of the hydrological cycle are not consistent among models: it is confirmed that capturing the impact of climate change on the hydrological cycle is not an easy task over land areas. Moreover, in several cases we find that qualitatively different behaviors emerge among the models: the ensemble mean does not represent any sort of average model, and often it falls between the models’ clusters.


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This article examines the ways that technological objects inside the home are viewed and productively used by a group of older people to extend their access to environments beyond the home. Beginning with a discussion of types of domestic object, we highlight appliances and gadgets, and focus our attentions on the latter. The changes in life brought on by ageing, in particular a reduction in mobility, provide the context for our study, in which access to the outside world becomes increasingly difficult. Recognising their changing circumstances led our participants to actively and selectively engage with these objects, mitigating the shrinking of their accessible environment by using them as a gateway to the many virtual worlds now available. We coin the term ‘portal objects’ to describe the potential that this type of technological object provides, and suggest that the investigation of interiors can be enriched by recognising and including the worlds outside that become integral to occupation inside.


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The rapid-distortion model of Hunt & Graham (1978) for the initial distortion of turbulence by a flat boundary is extended to account fully for viscous processes. Two types of boundary are considered: a solid wall and a free surface. The model is shown to be formally valid provided two conditions are satisfied. The first condition is that time is short compared with the decorrelation time of the energy-containing eddies, so that nonlinear processes can be neglected. The second condition is that the viscous layer near the boundary, where tangential motions adjust to the boundary condition, is thin compared with the scales of the smallest eddies. The viscous layer can then be treated using thin-boundary-layer methods. Given these conditions, the distorted turbulence near the boundary is related to the undistorted turbulence, and thence profiles of turbulence dissipation rate near the two types of boundary are calculated and shown to agree extremely well with profiles obtained by Perot & Moin (1993) by direct numerical simulation. The dissipation rates are higher near a solid wall than in the bulk of the flow because the no-slip boundary condition leads to large velocity gradients across the viscous layer. In contrast, the weaker constraint of no stress at a free surface leads to the dissipation rate close to a free surface actually being smaller than in the bulk of the flow. This explains why tangential velocity fluctuations parallel to a free surface are so large. In addition we show that it is the adjustment of the large energy-containing eddies across the viscous layer that controls the dissipation rate, which explains why rapid-distortion theory can give quantitatively accurate values for the dissipation rate. We also find that the dissipation rate obtained from the model evaluated at the time when the model is expected to fail actually yields useful estimates of the dissipation obtained from the direct numerical simulation at times when the nonlinear processes are significant. We conclude that the main role of nonlinear processes is to arrest growth by linear processes of the viscous layer after about one large-eddy turnover time.


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During Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a (OAE 1a, 120 Ma; Li et al., 2008), organic carbon-rich layers were deposited in marine environments under anoxic conditions on a global scale. In this study, palaeoenvironmental conditions leading to this event are characterised by studying the Upper Barremian to the Lower Aptian succession of the Gorgo a Cerbara section (central Italy). For this, an integrated multi-proxy approach (δ13Ccarb; δ13Corg; δ18O; phosphorus; Total Organic Carbon, TOC; bulk-rock mineralogy, as well as redox-sensitive trace elements — RSTEs) has been applied. During the LateBarremian, thin organic-rich layers occur episodically, and associated Corg:Ptot ratios indicate the presence of intermittent dysoxic to anoxic conditions. Coarse correlations are observed between TOC, P and biogenic silica contents, indicating links between P availability, productivity, and TOC preservation. However, the corresponding δ13Ccarb and δ18O records remain quite stable, indicating that these brief periods of enhanced TOC preservation did not have sufficient impact on the marine carbon reservoir to deviate δ13C records. Around the Barremian–Aptian boundary, TOC-enriched layers become more frequent. These layers correlate with negative excursions in the δ13Ccarb and δ13Corg records, possibly due to a warming period as indicated by the δ18O record. During the earliest Aptian, this warming trend is reverted into a cooling trend, which is then followed by an important warming step near the onset of Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a (OAE 1a). During this time period, organic-rich intervals occur, which are characterised by the progressive increase in RSTE. The warming step prior the onset of OAE 1a is associated with the well-known negative spike in δ13Ccarb and δ13Corg records, an important peak in P accumulation, RSTE enrichments and Corg:Ptot ratios indicating the prevalence of anoxic conditions. The Selli Level itself may document a cooling phase. RSTE enrichments and Corg:Ptot ratios confirm the importance of anoxic conditions during OAE 1a at this site. The Gorgo a Cerbara section is interpreted to reflect the progressive impact of palaeoenvironmental change related to the formation of the Ontong-Java plate-basalt plateau, which started already around the Barremian–Aptian boundary and culminated into OAE 1a.


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Investigation of the effects of Urban Growth Boundaries (UGB) on land prices are restricted by a lack of good land market data. However, undeveloped land transactions at the urban fringe of the Melbourne metropolitan area in Australia are recorded in a data set that enables exploration of the impact of its UGB. Estimation can take account of endogeneity issues, while controlling for policy anticipation effects and other potential influences on land prices. OLS and instrumental variable estimates indicate that land prices rose substantially inside the UGB after its enactment in 2003 but did not rise much outside of it.


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The article explores how fair trade and associated private agri-food standards are incorporated into public procurement in Europe. Procurement law is underpinned by principles of equity, non-discrimination and transparency; one consequence is that legal obstacles exist to fair trade being privileged within procurement practice. These obstacles have pragmatic dimensions, concerning whether and how procurement can be used to fulfil wider social policy objectives or to incorporate private standards; they also bring to the fore underlying issues of value. Taking an agency-based approach and incorporating the concept of governability, empirical evidence demonstrates the role played by different actors in negotiating fair trade’s passage into procurement through pre-empting and managing legal risk. This process exposes contestations that arise when contrasting values come together within sustainable procurement. This examination of fair trade in public procurement helps reveal how practices and knowledge on ethical consumption enter into a new governance arena within the global agri-food system.


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James Cooksey Culwick (1845-1907) was born in England. Trained as chorister and organist in Lichfield Cathedral, he moved to Ireland at twenty- one and remained until his death in 1907. Although his reputation as scholar, musician and teacher was acknowledged widely during his lifetime - he received an honorary doctorate from University of Dublin (1893) - little is known about the contribution he made to music education. This paper addresses this gap in the literature and argues that it was Culwick's singular achievement to pay attention to music pedagogy at secondary level, by recognizing that music could be seen as a serious career option for girls, and by providing resources for teachers which emphasised the development of an 'art-feeling' in pupils of all abilities. In addition, he considered Irish music as an art which had significance as music first, and Irish music second, and advocated a 'laudable tolerance' for opposing views on matters of cultural identity to Ireland at the end of the nineteenth century.


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Remote sensing data and digital elevation models were utilized to extract the catchment hydrological parameters and to delineate storage areas for the Ugandan Equatorial Lakes region. Available rainfall/discharge data are integrated with these morphometric data to construct a hydrological model that simulates the water balance of the different interconnected basins and enables the impact of potential management options to be examined. The total annual discharges of the basins are generally very low (less than 7% of the total annual rainfall). The basin of the shallow (5 m deep) Lake Kioga makes only a minor hydrological contribution compared with other Equatorial Lakes, because most of the overflow from Lake Victoria basin into Lake Kioga is lost by evaporation and evapotranspiration. The discharge from Lake Kioga could be significantly increased by draining the swamps through dredging and deepening certain channel reaches. Development of hydropower dams on the Equatorial Lakes will have an adverse impact on the annual water discharge downstream, including the occasional reduction of flow required for filling up to designed storage capacities and permanently increasing the surface areas of water that is exposed to evaporation. On the basis of modelling studies, alternative sites are proposed for hydropower development and water storage schemes


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Casson and Wadeson (International Journal of the Economics of Business, 1998, 5, pp. 5-27) have modelled the dialogue, or conversation, which customers have with their suppliers in order to convey their requirements, while taking production implications into account. They showed that this has important implications for the positioning of the boundaries of the firm. Unfortunately, their model has the restriction that communication is only costly in the direction of customer to supplier. This paper extends their model by introducing two-way communication costs. It shows that the level of communication cost in the direction of supplier to customer is a key additional factor in determining the nature of the dialogue that takes place. It also shows that this has important additional implications for the positioning of the boundaries of the firm. Custom computer software development is used as an example of an application of the theory.


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Much has been written about where the boundaries of the firm are drawn, but little about what occurs at the boundaries themselves. When a firm subcontracts, does it inform its suppliers fully of what it requires, or is it willing to accept what they have available? In practice firms often engage in a dialogue, or conversation, with their suppliers, in which at first they set out their general requirements, and only when the supplier reports back on how these can be met are their more specific requirements set out. This paper models such conversations as a rational response to communication costs. The model is used to examine the impact of new information technology, such as CAD/CAM, on the conduct of subcontracting. It can also be used to examine its impact on the marketing activities of firms. The technique of analysis, which is based on the economic theory of teams, has more general applications too. It can be used to model all the forms of dialogue involved in the processes of coordination both within and between firms.