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In biological mass spectrometry (MS), two ionization techniques are predominantly employed for the analysis of larger biomolecules, such as polypeptides. These are nano-electrospray ionization [1, 2] (nanoESI) and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization [3, 4] (MALDI). Both techniques are considered to be “soft”, allowing the desorption and ionization of intact molecular analyte species and thus their successful mass-spectrometric analysis. One of the main differences between these two ionization techniques lies in their ability to produce multiply charged ions. MALDI typically generates singly charged peptide ions whereas nanoESI easily provides multiply charged ions, even for peptides as low as 1000 Da in mass. The production of highly charged ions is desirable as this allows the use of mass analyzers, such as ion traps (including orbitraps) and hybrid quadrupole instruments, which typically offer only a limited m/z range (< 2000–4000). It also enables more informative fragmentation spectra using techniques such as collisioninduced dissociation (CID) and electron capture/transfer dissociation (ECD/ETD) in combination with tandem MS (MS/MS). [5, 6] Thus, there is a clear advantage of using ESI in research areas where peptide sequencing, or in general, the structural elucidation of biomolecules by MS/MS is required. Nonetheless, MALDI with its higher tolerance to contaminants and additives, ease-of-operation, potential for highspeed and automated sample preparation and analysis as well as its MS imaging capabilities makes it an ionization technique that can cover bioanalytical areas for which ESI is less suitable. [7, 8] If these strengths could be combined with the analytical power of multiply charged ions, new instrumental configurations and large-scale proteomic analyses based on MALDI MS(/MS) would become feasible.
Long-range global climate forecasts have been made by use of a model for predicting a tropical Pacific sea surface temperature (SST) in tandem with an atmospheric general circulation model. The SST is predicted first at long lead times into the future. These ocean forecasts are then used to force the atmospheric model and so produce climate forecasts at lead times of the SST forecasts. Prediction of the wintertime 500 mb height, surface air temperature and precipitation for seven large climatic events of the 1970–1990s by this two-tiered technique agree well in general with observations over many regions of the globe. The levels of agreement are high enough in some regions to have practical utility.
Long-range global climate forecasts were made by use of a model for predicting a tropical Pacific sea-surface temperature (SST) in tandem with an atmospheric general circulation model. The SST is predicted first at long lead times into the future. These ocean forecasts are then used to force the atmospheric model and so produce climate forecasts at lead times of the SST forecasts. Prediction of seven large climatic events of the 1970s to 1990s by this technique are in good agreement with observations over many regions of the globe.
Epigenetic regulations play important roles in plant development and adaptation to environmental stress. Recent studies from mammalian systems have demonstrated the involvement of ten-eleven translocation (Tet) family of dioxygenases in the generation of a series of oxidized derivatives of 5-methylcytosine (5-mC) in mammalian DNA. In addition, these oxidized 5-mC nucleobases have important roles in epigenetic remodeling and aberrant levels of 5-hydroxymethyl-29-deoxycytidine (5-HmdC) were found to be associated with different types of human cancers. However, there is a lack of evidence supporting the presence of these modified bases in plant DNA. Here we reported the use of a reversed-phase HPLC coupled with tandem mass spectrometry method and stable isotope-labeled standards for assessing the levels of the oxidized 5-mC nucleosides along with two other oxidatively induced DNA modifications in genomic DNA of Arabidopsis. These included 5- HmdC, 5-formyl-29-deoxycytidine (5-FodC), 5-carboxyl-29-deoxycytidine (5-CadC), 5-hydroxymethyl-29-deoxyuridine (5- HmdU), and the (59S) diastereomer of 8,59-cyclo-29-deoxyguanosine (S-cdG). We found that, in Arabidopsis DNA, the levels of 5-HmdC, 5-FodC, and 5-CadC are approximately 0.8 modifications per 106 nucleosides, with the frequency of 5-HmdC (per 5-mdC) being comparable to that of 5-HmdU (per thymidine). The relatively low levels of the 5-mdC oxidation products suggest that they arise likely from reactive oxygen species present in cells, which is in line with the lack of homologous Tetfamily dioxygenase enzymes in Arabidopsis.
In der biologischen Massenspektrometrie (MS) werden überwiegend zwei Ionisationstechniken für die Analyse von grçßeren Biomolekfürlen wie Polypeptiden eingesetzt. Dies sind die Nano-Elektrospray-Ionisation[1,2] (nanoESI) und die matrixunterstfürtzte Laserdesorption/-ionisation[3, 4] (MALDI). Beide Techniken werden als „sanft“ bezeichnet, weil sie die Desorption und Ionisation von intakten Analytmolekfürlen und damit ihre erfolgreiche massenspektrometrische Analyse erlauben. Einer der wichtigsten Unterschiede zwischen diesen beiden Ionisationstechniken liegt in ihrer F�higkeit, mehrfach geladene Ionen zu erzeugen. MALDI erzeugt typischerweise einfach geladene Peptidionen, w�hrend nano- ESI leicht mehrfach geladene Ionen produziert, sogar für Peptide mit einer Masse von weniger als 1000 Da. Die Erzeugung von hoch geladenen Ionen ist wünschenswert, da dies die Verwendung von Massenanalysatoren wie Ionenfallen (inkl. Orbitraps) und Hybrid-Quadrupolinstrumenten ermçglicht, die typischerweise nur einen begrenzten m/z- Bereich (<2000–4000) bieten. Hohe Ladungszust�nde ermçglichen auch die Aufnahme von informativeren Fragmentionenspektren, wenn Methoden wie die kollisionsinduzierte Dissoziation (CID), die Elektroneneinfang-Dissoziation (ECD) und die Elektronentransfer-Dissoziation (ETD) in Kombination mit der Tandem-MS (MS/MS) verwendet werden.
This article considers whether, in the context of armed conflicts, certain non-refoulement obligations of non-belligerent States can be derived from the 1949 Geneva Conventions. According to Common Article 1 (CA1) thereof, all High Contracting Parties (HCPs) undertake to ‘respect and to ensure respect’ for the four conventions ‘in all circumstances’. It is contended that CA1 applies both in international armed conflicts (IACs) and in non-international armed conflicts (NIACs). In turn, it is suggested that Common Article 3 (CA3) which regulates conduct in NIACs serves as a ‘minimum yardstick’ also applicable in IACs. It is widely (though not uniformly) acknowledged that the undertaking to ‘ensure respect’ in a given armed conflict extends to HCPs that are not parties to it; nevertheless, the precise scope of this undertaking is subject to scholarly debate. This article concerns situations where, in the course of an (international or non-international) armed conflict, persons ’taking no active part in hostilities’ flee from States where violations of CA3 are (likely to be) occurring to a non-belligerent State. Based on the undertaking in CA1, the central claim of this article is that, as long as risk of exposure to these violations persists, persons should not be refouled notwithstanding possible assessment of whether they qualify as refugees based on the 1951 Refugee Convention definition, or could be eligible for complementary or subsidiary forms of protection that are regulated in regional arrangements. The analysis does not affect the explicit protection from refoulement that the Fourth Geneva Convention accords to ‘protected persons’ (as defined in Article 4 thereof). It is submitted that CA1 should be read in tandem with other obligations of non-belligerent States under the 1949 Geneva Conventions. Most pertinently, all HCPs are required to take specific measures to repress ‘grave breaches’ and to take measures necessary for the suppression of all acts contrary to the 1949 Geneva Conventions other than the grave breaches. A HCP that is capable of protecting displaced persons from exposure to risks of violations of CA3 and nonetheless refoules them to face such risks is arguably failing to take lawful measures at its disposal in order to suppress acts contrary to the conventions and, consequently, fails to ‘ensure respect’ for the conventions. KEYWORDS Non-refoulement; International Armed Conflict; Non-International Armed Conflict; Common Article 1; Common Article 3
Background Polygalacturonase-inhibiting proteins (PGIPs) are leucine-rich repeat (LRR) plant cell wall glycoproteins involved in plant immunity. They are typically encoded by gene families with a small number of gene copies whose evolutionary origin has been poorly investigated. Here we report the complete characterization of the full complement of the pgip family in soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) and the characterization of the genomic region surrounding the pgip family in four legume species. Results BAC clone and genome sequence analyses showed that the soybean genome contains two pgip loci. Each locus is composed of three clustered genes that are induced following infection with the fungal pathogen Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary, and remnant sequences of pgip genes. The analyzed homeologous soybean genomic regions (about 126 Kb) that include the pgip loci are strongly conserved and this conservation extends also to the genomes of the legume species Phaseolus vulgaris L., Medicago truncatula Gaertn. and Cicer arietinum L., each containing a single pgip locus. Maximum likelihood-based gene trees suggest that the genes within the pgip clusters have independently undergone tandem duplication in each species. Conclusions The paleopolyploid soybean genome contains two pgip loci comprised in large and highly conserved duplicated regions, which are also conserved in bean, M. truncatula and C. arietinum. The genomic features of these legume pgip families suggest that the forces driving the evolution of pgip genes follow the birth-and-death model, similar to that proposed for the evolution of resistance (R) genes of NBS-LRR-type.
The human ROCO proteins are a family of multi-domain proteins sharing a conserved ROC-COR supra-domain. The family has four members: leu- cine-rich repeat kinase 1 (LRRK1), leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2), death-associated protein kinase 1 (DAPK1) and malignant fibrous histiocy- toma amplified sequences with leucine-rich tandem repeats 1 (MASL1). Previous studies of LRRK1/2 and DAPK1 have shown that the ROC (Ras of complex proteins) domain can bind and hydrolyse GTP, but the cellular consequences of this activity are still unclear. Here, the first biochemical characterization of MASL1 and the impact of GTP binding on MASL1 complex formation are reported. The results demonstrate that MASL1, similar to other ROCO proteins, can bind guanosine nucleotides via its ROC domain. Furthermore, MASL1 exists in two distinct cellular com- plexes associated with heat shock protein 60, and the formation of a low molecular weight pool of MASL1 is modulated by GTP binding. Finally, loss of GTP enhances MASL1 toxicity in cells. Taken together, these data point to a central role for the ROC/GTPase domain of MASL1 in the reg- ulation of its cellular function.
A basic data requirement of a river flood inundation model is a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) of the reach being studied. The scale at which modeling is required determines the accuracy required of the DTM. For modeling floods in urban areas, a high resolution DTM such as that produced by airborne LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) is most useful, and large parts of many developed countries have now been mapped using LiDAR. In remoter areas, it is possible to model flooding on a larger scale using a lower resolution DTM, and in the near future the DTM of choice is likely to be that derived from the TanDEM-X Digital Elevation Model (DEM). A variable-resolution global DTM obtained by combining existing high and low resolution data sets would be useful for modeling flood water dynamics globally, at high resolution wherever possible and at lower resolution over larger rivers in remote areas. A further important data resource used in flood modeling is the flood extent, commonly derived from Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images. Flood extents become more useful if they are intersected with the DTM, when water level observations (WLOs) at the flood boundary can be estimated at various points along the river reach. To illustrate the utility of such a global DTM, two examples of recent research involving WLOs at opposite ends of the spatial scale are discussed. The first requires high resolution spatial data, and involves the assimilation of WLOs from a real sequence of high resolution SAR images into a flood model to update the model state with observations over time, and to estimate river discharge and model parameters, including river bathymetry and friction. The results indicate the feasibility of such an Earth Observation-based flood forecasting system. The second example is at a larger scale, and uses SAR-derived WLOs to improve the lower-resolution TanDEM-X DEM in the area covered by the flood extents. The resulting reduction in random height error is significant.
CLEC-2 is a member of new family of C-type lectin receptors characterized by a cytosolic YXXL downstream of three acidic amino acids in a sequence known as a hemITAM (hemi-immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif). Dimerization of two phosphorylated CLEC-2 molecules leads to recruitment of the tyrosine kinase Syk via its tandem SH2 domains and initiation of a downstream signaling cascade. Using Syk-deficient and Zap-70-deficient cell lines we show that hemITAM signaling is restricted to Syk and that the upstream triacidic amino acid sequence is required for signaling. Using surface plasmon resonance and phosphorylation studies, we demonstrate that the triacidic amino acids are required for phosphorylation of the YXXL. These results further emphasize the distinct nature of the proximal events in signaling by hemITAM relative to ITAM receptors.
The C-type lectin receptor CLEC-2 is expressed primarily on the surface of platelets, where it is present as a dimer, and is found at low level on a subpopulation of other hematopoietic cells, including mouse neutrophils [1–4] Clustering of CLEC-2 by the snake venom toxin rhodocytin, specific antibodies or its endogenous ligand, podoplanin, elicits powerful activation of platelets through a pathway that is similar to that used by the collagen receptor glycoprotein VI (GPVI) [4–6]. The cytosolic tail of CLEC-2 contains a conserved YxxL sequence preceded by three upstream acidic amino acid residues, which together form a novel motif known as a hemITAM. Ligand engagement induces tyrosine phosphorylation of the hemITAM sequence providing docking sites for the tandem-SH2 domains of the tyrosine kinase Syk across a CLEC-2 receptor dimer [3]. Tyrosine phosphorylation of Syk by Src family kinases and through autophosphorylation leads to stimulation of a downstream signaling cascade that culminates in activation of phospholipase C γ2 (PLCγ2) [4,6]. Recently, CLEC-2 has been proposed to play a major role in supporting activation of platelets at arteriolar rates of flow [1]. Injection of a CLEC-2 antibody into mice causes a sustained depletion of the C-type lectin receptor from the platelet surface [1]. The CLEC-2-depleted platelets were unresponsive to rhodocytin but underwent normal aggregation and secretion responses after stimulation of other platelet receptors, including GPVI [1]. In contrast, there was a marked decrease in aggregate formation relative to controls when CLEC-2-depleted blood was flowed at arteriolar rates of shear over collagen (1000 s−1 and 1700 s−1) [1]. Furthermore, antibody treatment significantly increased tail bleeding times and mice were unable to occlude their vessels after ferric chloride injury [1]. These data provide evidence for a critical role for CLEC-2 in supporting platelet aggregation at arteriolar rates of flow. The underlying mechanism is unclear as platelets do not express podoplanin, the only known endogenous ligand of CLEC-2. In the present study, we have investigated the role of CLEC-2 in platelet aggregation and thrombus formation using platelets from a novel mutant mouse model that lacks functional CLEC-2.
The C-type lectin receptor CLEC-2 activates platelets through Src and Syk tyrosine kinases, leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of downstream adapter proteins and effector enzymes, including phospholipase-C gamma2. Signaling is initiated through phosphorylation of a single conserved tyrosine located in a YxxL sequence in the CLEC-2 cytosolic tail. The signaling pathway used by CLEC-2 shares many similarities with that used by receptors that have 1 or more copies of an immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif, defined by the sequence Yxx(L/I)x(6-12)Yxx(L/I), in their cytosolic tails or associated receptor chains. Phosphorylation of the conserved immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif tyrosines promotes Syk binding and activation through binding of the Syk tandem SH2 domains. In this report, we present evidence using peptide pull-down studies, surface plasmon resonance, quantitative Western blotting, tryptophan fluorescence measurements, and competition experiments that Syk activation by CLEC-2 is mediated by the cross-linking through the tandem SH2 domains with a stoichiometry of 2:1. In support of this model, cross-linking and electron microscopy demonstrate that CLEC-2 is present as a dimer in resting platelets and converted to larger complexes on activation. This is a unique mode of activation of Syk by a single YxxL-containing receptor.
GPVI activates platelets through an ITAM pathway by activation of Src and Syk kinases leading to activation of PLCy2. CLEC-2 has been shown to activate platelets using an ITAM-like sequence in its cytoplasmic tail that is also dependent on Src and Syk kinases, but shows a partial rather than an absolute dependence on adapter SLP-76 for activation of PLCy2. The aim of this thesis is to understand some of the key differences in these signalling pathways. GPVI is in complex with FcRwhich contains the ITAM sequence (Yxx(L/I)x6−12Yxx(L/I)). These two tyrosines provide a docking site for the tandem-SH2 domains of Syk. In this thesis I show that CLEC-2 signalling through Syk is mediated by phosphorylation of the CLEC-2 YxxL sequence, receptor dimerisation and cross-linking by the Syk SH2 domains. I also show that the differential requirement for SLP-76 is not mediated by Gads. Both signalling pathways also show partial dependency for LAT. I also show that a novel protein, G6f, is not able to substitute for LAT in this signalling pathway and also exclude the LAT-family proteins PAG, LIME, LAX and NTAL as potential LAT replacements in platelet activation by GPVI. These results extend our understanding of platelet activation by CLEC-2.
The glycoprotein VI (GPVI)-FcR gamma-chain complex initiates powerful activation of platelets by the subendothelial matrix proteins collagen and laminin through an immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM)-regulated signaling pathway. ITAMs are characterized by two YxxL sequences separated by 6-12 amino acids and are found associated with several classes of immunoglobulin (Ig) and C-type lectin receptors in hematopoietic cells, including Fc receptors. Cross-linking of the Ig GPVI leads to phosphorylation of two conserved tyrosines in the FcR gamma-chain ITAM by Src family tyrosine kinases, followed by binding and activation of the tandem SH2 domain-containing Syk tyrosine kinase and stimulation of a downstream signaling cascade that culminates in activation of phospholipase Cgamma2 (PLCgamma2). In contrast, the C-type lectin receptor CLEC-2 mediates powerful platelet activation through Src and Syk kinases, but regulates Syk through a novel dimerization mechanism via a single YxxL motif known as a hemITAM. CLEC-2 is a receptor for podoplanin, which is expressed at high levels in several tissues, including type 1 lung alveolar cells, lymphatic endothelial cells, kidney podocytes and some tumors, but is absent from vascular endothelial cells and platelets. In this article, we compare the mechanism of platelet activation by GPVI and CLEC-2 and consider their functional roles in hemostasis and other vascular processes, including maintenance of vascular integrity, angiogenesis and lymphogenesis.
Phagocyte superoxide production by a multicomponent NADPH oxidase is important in host defense against microbial invasion. However inappropriate NADPH oxidase activation causes inflammation. Endothelial cells express NADPH oxidase and endothelial oxidative stress due to prolonged NADPH oxidase activation predisposes many diseases. Discovering the mechanism of NADPH oxidase activation is essential for developing novel treatment of these diseases. The p47phox is a key regulatory subunit of NADPH oxidase; however, due to the lack of full protein structural information, the mechanistic insight of p47phox phosphorylation in NADPH oxidase activation remains incomplete. Based on crystal structures of three functional domains, we generated a computational structural model of the full p47phox protein. Using a combination of in silico phosphorylation, molecular dynamics simulation and protein/protein docking, we discovered that the C-terminal tail of p47phox is critical for stabilizing its autoinhibited structure. Ser-379 phosphorylation disrupts H-bonds that link the C-terminal tail to the autoinhibitory region (AIR) and the tandem Src homology 3 (SH3) domains, allowing the AIR to undergo phosphorylation to expose the SH3 pocket for p22phox binding. These findings were confirmed by site-directed mutagenesis and gene transfection of p47phox_/_ coronary microvascular cells. Compared with wild-type p47phoxcDNAtransfected cells, the single mutation of S379A completely blocked p47phox membrane translocation, binding to p22phox and endothelial O2 . production in response to acute stimulation of PKC. p47phox C-terminal tail plays a key role in stabilizing intramolecular interactions at rest. Ser-379 phosphorylation is a molecular switch which initiates p47phox conformational changes and NADPH oxidase-dependent superoxide production by cells.