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Worldwide, the population is aging, with estimates of 1 billion people aged 60 y or over within the next 20 y. With aging comes a reduction in overall health and increased morbidity and mortality due to infectious disease. Mortality due to gastrointestinal infections is up to 400 times higher in the elderly compared with younger adults. Recent studies have shown that the gut microbiota changes in old age, with an increased number of bacterial groups represented in the predominant elderly gut microbiota. This change in species "evenness" coincides with parallel changes in immune function, diet, and lifestyle and may contribute to disease susceptibility and severity in old age. The intestinal microbiota may thus be identified as an important target for improving health through reduced disease risk. Here, the application of prebiotics, especially the inulin-type fructans, and synbiotics (prebiotics combined with efficacious probiotic strains) will be discussed in terms of microbiota modulation and impact on disease risk in the aged population. Recent human intervention studies have confirmed the microbiota modulatory capability of the inulin-type fructans in the elderly and there is some evidence for reduced risk of disease. However, there is a need for more and larger human intervention studies to determine the efficacy of prebiotics in the elderly, particularly studies that take advantage of recent high resolution analytical methodologies like metabonomics, to shed light on possible prebiotic mechanisms of action.


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A combined mathematical model for predicting heat penetration and microbial inactivation in a solid body heated by conduction was tested experimentally by inoculating agar cylinders with Salmonella typhimurium or Enterococcus faecium and heating in a water bath. Regions of growth where bacteria had survived after heating were measured by image analysis and compared with model predictions. Visualisation of the regions of growth was improved by incorporating chromogenic metabolic indicators into the agar. Preliminary tests established that the model performed satisfactorily with both test organisms and with cylinders of different diameter. The model was then used in simulation studies in which the parameters D, z, inoculum size, cylinder diameter and heating temperature were systematically varied. These simulations showed that the biological variables D, z and inoculum size had a relatively small effect on the time needed to eliminate bacteria at the cylinder axis in comparison with the physical variables heating temperature and cylinder diameter, which had a much greater relative effect. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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Lipid oxidation was studied in beef and chicken muscle after high pressure treatment (0.1-800 MPa) at different temperatures (20-70 degrees C for 20 min, prior to storage at 4 degrees C for 7 days. Pressure treatment of beef samples at room temperature led to increases in TBARS values after 7 days storage at 4 degrees C; however, the increases were more marked after treatment at pressures >= 400 MPa (at least fivefold) than after treatment at lower pressures (less than threefold). Similar results were found in those samples treated at 40 degrees C, but at 60 degrees C and 70 degrees C pressure had little additional effect on the oxidative stability of the muscle. Pressure treatments of 600 MPa and 800 MPa, at all temperatures. induced increased rates of lipid oxidation in chicken muscle, but, in general, chicken muscle was more stable than beef to pressure. and the catalytic effect of pressure was still seen at the higher temperatures of 50 degrees C, 60 degrees C and 70 degrees C. The addition of 1%, Na(2)EDTA decreased TBARS values of the beef muscle during storage and inhibited the increased rates of lipid oxidation induced by pressure. The inhibition by vitamin E (0.05% w/w) and BHT (0.02% w/w), either alone or in combination, were less marked than seen with Na(2)EDTA, suggesting that transition metal ions released from insoluble complexes are of major importance in catalysing lipid oxidation in pressure-treated muscle foods. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The effects of high pressure (to 800 MPa) applied at different temperatures (20-70 degreesC) for 20 min on beef post-rigor longissimus dorsi texture were studied. Texture profile analysis showed that when heated at ambient pressure there was the expected increase in hardness with increasing temperature and when pressure was applied at room temperature there was again the expected increase in hardness with increasing pressure. Similar results to those found at ambient temperature were found when pressure was applied at 40 degreesC. However, at higher temperatures, 60 and 70 degreesC it was found that pressures of 200 MPa caused large and significant decreases in hardness. The results found for hardness were mirrored by those for gumminess and chewiness. To further understand the changes in texture observed, intact beef longissimus dorsi samples and extracted myofibrils were both subjected to differential scanning calorimetry after being subjected to the same pressure/temperature regimes. As expected collagen was reasonably inert to pressure and only at temperatures of 60-70 degreesC was it denatured/unfolded. However, myosin was relatively easily unfolded by both pressure and temperature and when pressure denatured a new and modified structure was formed of low thermal stability. Although this new structure had low thermal stability at ambient pressure it still formed in both the meat and myofibrils when pressure was applied at 60 degreesC. It seems unlikely that structurally induced changes can be a major cause of the significant loss of hardness observed when beef is treated at high temperature (60-70 degreesC) and 200 MPa and it is suggested that accelerated proteolysis under these conditions is the major cause. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The flavor characteristics of pennywort juices with added sugar treated by ultra-high pressure, pasteurization, and sterilization were investigated using solid phase microextraction combined with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. It was found that sesquiterpene hydrocarbons comprised the major class of volatile components present and the juices had a characteristic aroma due to the presence of volatiles including beta-caryophyllene and humulene and alpha-copaene. In comparison with heated juices, HPP-treated samples could retain more volatile compounds such as linalool and geraniol similar to those present in fresh juice, whereas some volatiles such as alpha-terpinene and ketone class were apparently formed by thermal treatment. All processing operations produced juice that was not significantly different in the concentration of total volatiles. Practical Application: Pennywort juice is considered a nutraceutical drink for health benefits. Therefore, to preserve all aroma and active components in this juice, a nonthermal process such as ultra-high pressure should be a more appropriate technique for retention of its nutritive values than pasteurization and sterilization.


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Differential thermal expansion over the range 90-210 K has been applied successfully to determine the crystal structure of chlorothiazide from synchrotron powder diffraction data using direct methods. Key to the success of the approach is the use of a multi-data-set Pawley refinement to extract a set of reflection intensities that is more 'single-crystal-like' than those extracted from a single data set. The improvement in reflection intensity estimates is quantified by comparison with reference single-crystal intensities. (C) 2008 International Union of Crystallography Printed in Singapore - all rights reserved


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In young adults information designated for future enactment is more readily accessible from memory than information not intended for enactment (e.g. Goschke & Kuhl, 1993). We examined whether this advantage for to-be-enacted material is reduced in older adults and thus whether attenuated action accessibility could underlie age-associated declines in prospective remembering. Young and older adults showed an equivalent increase in accessibility (faster recognition latencies) for to-be-enacted items over items intended for verbal report. Both age groups also showed increased accessibility for actions performed at encoding compared with verbally encoded items. Moreover, these effects were non-additive, suggesting similarities in the representation of completed and to-be-completed actions.


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Modal filtering is based on the capability of single-mode waveguides to transmit only one complex amplitude function to eliminate virtually any perturbation of the interfering wavefronts, thus making very high rejection ratios possible in a nulling interferometer. In the present paper we focus on the progress of Integrated Optics in the thermal infrared [6-20 mu m] range, one of the two candidate technologies for the fabrication of Modal Filters, together with fiber optics. In conclusion of the European Space Agency's (ESA) "Integrated Optics for Darwin" activity, etched layers of clialcogenide material deposited on chalcogenide glass substrates was selected among four candidates as the technology with the best potential to simultaneously meet the filtering efficiency, absolute and spectral transmission, and beam coupling requirements. ESA's new "Integrated Optics" activity started at mid-2007 with the purpose of improving the technology until compliant prototypes can be manufactured and validated, expectedly by the end of 2009. The present paper aims at introducing the project and the components requirements and functions. The selected materials and preliminary designs, as well as the experimental validation logic and test benches are presented. More details are provided on the progress of the main technology: vacuum deposition in the co-evaporation mode and subsequent etching of chalcogenide layers. In addition., preliminary investigations of an alternative technology based on burying a chalcogenide optical fiber core into a chalcogenide substrate are presented. Specific developments of anti-reflective solutions designed for the mitigation of Fresnel losses at the input and output surface of the components are also introduced.


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We discuss a novel approach to the development of an ultrasonic optical force-feedback measurement microphone suitable for observing biophotonic related photoacoustic and photothermal phenomena at high modulation frequencies and spatial resolution.


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The behaviour of the lattice parameters of HTCuCN (high-temperature form), AgCN and AuCN have been investigated as a function of temperature over the temperature range 90–490 K. All materials show one-dimensional negative thermal expansion (NTE) along the ––(M––CN)–– chain direction c (ac(HT-CuCN) ¼32.1 10–6 K1, ac(AgCN)¼23.910–6 K1 and ac(AuCN) ¼9.3106 K1 over the temperature range 90–490 K). The origin of this behaviour has been studied using RMC modelling of Bragg and total neutron diffraction data from AgCN and AuCN at 10 and 300 K. These analyses yield details of the local motions within the chains responsible for NTE. The low-temperature form of CuCN, LT-CuCN, has been studied using single-crystal X-ray diffraction. In this form of CuCN, wavelike distortions of the ––(Cu––CN)–– chains occur in the static structure, which are reminiscent of the motions seen in the RMC modelling of AgCN and AuCN, which are responsible for the NTE behaviour.


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The thermal decomposition of the complex K-4[Ni(NO2)6]center dot H2O has been investigated over the temperature range 25-600 degrees C by a combination of infrared spectroscopy, powder X-ray diffraction, FAB-mass spectrometry and elemental analysis. The first stage of reaction is loss of water and isomerisation of one of the coordinated nitro groups to form the complex K-4 [Ni(NO2)(4) (ONO)]center dot NO2. At temperatures around 200 degrees C the remaining nitro groups within the complex isomerise to the chelating nitrite form and this process acts as a precursor to the loss of NO2 gas at temperatures above 270 degrees C. The product, which is stable up to 600 degrees C, is the complex K-4[Ni(ONO)(4)]center dot NO2, where the nickel atom is formally in the +1 oxidation state. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A year-long field study of the thermal environment in university classrooms was conducted from March 2005 to May 2006 in Chongqing, China. This paper presents the occupants’ thermal sensation votes and discusses the occupants’ adaptive response and perception of the thermal environment in a naturally conditioned space. Comparisons between the Actual Mean Vote (AMV) and Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) have been made as well as between the Actual Percentage of Dissatisfied (APD) and Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied (PPD). The adaptive thermal comfort zone for the naturally conditioned space for Chongqing, which has hot summer and cold winter climatic characteristics, has been proposed based on the field study results. The Chongqing adaptive comfort range is broader than that of the ASHRAE Standard 55-2004 in general, but in the extreme cold and hot months, it is narrower. The thermal conditions in classrooms in Chongqing in summer and winter are severe. Behavioural adaptation such as changing clothing, adjusting indoor air velocity, taking hot/cold drinks, etc., as well as psychological adaptation, has played a role in adapting to the thermal environment.


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A physiological experiment was carried out in a naturally ventilated, non-HVAC indoor environment of a spacious experimental room. More than 300 healthy university students volunteered for this study. The purpose of the study was to investigate the human physiological indicators which could be used to characterise the indoor operative temperature changes in a building and their impact on human thermal comfort based on the different climatic characteristics people would experience in Chongqing, China. The study found that sensory nerve conduction velocity (SCV) could objectively provide a good indicator for assessment of the human response to changes in indoor operative temperatures in a naturally ventilated situation. The results showed that with the changes in the indoor operative temperatures, the changing trend in the nerve conduction velocity was basically the same as that of the skin temperature at the sensory nerve measuring segment (Tskin(scv)). There was good coherent consistency among the factors: indoor operative temperature, SCV and Tskin(scv) in a certain indoor operative temperature range. Through self-adaptation and self-feedback regulation, the human physiological indicators would produce certain adaptive changes to deal with the changes in indoor operative temperature. The findings of this study should provide the baseline data to inform guidelines for the development of thermal environment-related standards that could contribute to efficient use of energy in buildings in China.