88 resultados para Stochastic inflation
An analysis of Stochastic Diffusion Search (SDS), a novel and efficient optimisation and search algorithm, is presented, resulting in a derivation of the minimum acceptable match resulting in a stable convergence within a noisy search space. The applicability of SDS can therefore be assessed for a given problem.
An information processing paradigm in the brain is proposed, instantiated in an artificial neural network using biologically motivated temporal encoding. The network will locate within the external world stimulus, the target memory, defined by a specific pattern of micro-features. The proposed network is robust and efficient. Akin in operation to the swarm intelligence paradigm, stochastic diffusion search, it will find the best-fit to the memory with linear time complexity. information multiplexing enables neurons to process knowledge as 'tokens' rather than 'types'. The network illustrates possible emergence of cognitive processing from low level interactions such as memory retrieval based on partial matching. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Stochastic discrimination (SD) depends on a discriminant function for classification. In this paper, an improved SD is introduced to reduce the error rate of the standard SD in the context of a two-class classification problem. The learning procedure of the improved SD consists of two stages. Initially a standard SD, but with shorter learning period is carried out to identify an important space where all the misclassified samples are located. Then the standard SD is modified by 1) restricting sampling in the important space, and 2) introducing a new discriminant function for samples in the important space. It is shown by mathematical derivation that the new discriminant function has the same mean, but with a smaller variance than that of the standard SD for samples in the important space. It is also analyzed that the smaller the variance of the discriminant function, the lower the error rate of the classifier. Consequently, the proposed improved SD improves standard SD by its capability of achieving higher classification accuracy. Illustrative examples are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed improved SD.
To test the effectiveness of stochastic single-chain models in describing the dynamics of entangled polymers, we systematically compare one such model; the slip-spring model; to a multichain model solved using stochastic molecular dynamics(MD) simulations (the Kremer-Grest model). The comparison involves investigating if the single-chain model can adequately describe both a microscopic dynamical and a macroscopic rheological quantity for a range of chain lengths. Choosing a particular chain length in the slip-spring model, the parameter values that best reproduce the mean-square displacement of a group of monomers is determined by fitting toMDdata. Using the same set of parameters we then test if the predictions of the mean-square displacements for other chain lengths agree with the MD calculations. We followed this by a comparison of the time dependent stress relaxation moduli obtained from the two models for a range of chain lengths. After identifying a limitation of the original slip-spring model in describing the static structure of the polymer chain as seen in MD, we remedy this by introducing a pairwise repulsive potential between the monomers in the chains. Poor agreement of the mean-square monomer displacements at short times can be rectified by the use of generalized Langevin equations for the dynamics and resulted in significantly improved agreement.
In this paper we apply GMM estimation to assess the relevance of domestic versus external determinants of CPI inflation dynamics in a sample of OECD countries typically classified as open economies. The analysis is based on a variant of the small open-economy New Keynesian Phillips Curve derived in Galí and Monacelli (Rev Econ Stud 72:707–734, 2005), where the novel feature is that expectations about fluctuations in the terms of trade enter explicitly. For most countries in our sample the expected relative change in the terms of trade emerges as the more relevant inflation driver than the contemporaneous domestic output gap.
In this paper we evaluate the relative influence of external versus domestic inflation drivers in the 12 new European Union (EU) member countries. Our empirical analysis is based on the New Keynesian Phillips Curve (NKPC) derived in Galí and Monacelli (2005) for small open economies (SOE). Employing the generalized method of moments (GMM), we find that the SOE NKPC is well supported in the new EU member states. We also find that the inflation process is dominated by domestic variables in the larger countries of our sample, whereas external variables are mostly relevant in the smaller countries.
This paper considers the use of a discrete-time deadbeat control action on systems affected by noise. Variations on the standard controller form are discussed and comparisons are made with controllers in which noise rejection is a higher priority objective. Both load and random disturbances are considered in the system description, although the aim of the deadbeat design remains as a tailoring of reference input variations. Finally, the use of such a deadbeat action within a self-tuning control framework is shown to satisfy, under certain conditions, the self-tuning property, generally though only when an extended form of least-squares estimation is incorporated.
The Stochastic Diffusion Search (SDS) was developed as a solution to the best-fit search problem. Thus, as a special case it is capable of solving the transform invariant pattern recognition problem. SDS is efficient and, although inherently probabilistic, produces very reliable solutions in widely ranging search conditions. However, to date a systematic formal investigation of its properties has not been carried out. This thesis addresses this problem. The thesis reports results pertaining to the global convergence of SDS as well as characterising its time complexity. However, the main emphasis of the work, reports on the resource allocation aspect of the Stochastic Diffusion Search operations. The thesis introduces a novel model of the algorithm, generalising an Ehrenfest Urn Model from statistical physics. This approach makes it possible to obtain a thorough characterisation of the response of the algorithm in terms of the parameters describing the search conditions in case of a unique best-fit pattern in the search space. This model is further generalised in order to account for different search conditions: two solutions in the search space and search for a unique solution in a noisy search space. Also an approximate solution in the case of two alternative solutions is proposed and compared with predictions of the extended Ehrenfest Urn model. The analysis performed enabled a quantitative characterisation of the Stochastic Diffusion Search in terms of exploration and exploitation of the search space. It appeared that SDS is biased towards the latter mode of operation. This novel perspective on the Stochastic Diffusion Search lead to an investigation of extensions of the standard SDS, which would strike a different balance between these two modes of search space processing. Thus, two novel algorithms were derived from the standard Stochastic Diffusion Search, ‘context-free’ and ‘context-sensitive’ SDS, and their properties were analysed with respect to resource allocation. It appeared that they shared some of the desired features of their predecessor but also possessed some properties not present in the classic SDS. The theory developed in the thesis was illustrated throughout with carefully chosen simulations of a best-fit search for a string pattern, a simple but representative domain, enabling careful control of search conditions.
In this paper we present a connectionist searching technique - the Stochastic Diffusion Search (SDS), capable of rapidly locating a specified pattern in a noisy search space. In operation SDS finds the position of the pre-specified pattern or if it does not exist - its best instantiation in the search space. This is achieved via parallel exploration of the whole search space by an ensemble of agents searching in a competitive cooperative manner. We prove mathematically the convergence of stochastic diffusion search. SDS converges to a statistical equilibrium when it locates the best instantiation of the object in the search space. Experiments presented in this paper indicate the high robustness of SDS and show good scalability with problem size. The convergence characteristic of SDS makes it a fully adaptive algorithm and suggests applications in dynamically changing environments.
Stochastic Diffusion Search is an efficient probabilistic bestfit search technique, capable of transformation invariant pattern matching. Although inherently parallel in operation it is difficult to implement efficiently in hardware as it requires full inter-agent connectivity. This paper describes a lattice implementation, which, while qualitatively retaining the properties of the original algorithm, restricts connectivity, enabling simpler implementation on parallel hardware. Diffusion times are examined for different network topologies, ranging from ordered lattices, over small-world networks to random graphs.