81 resultados para Ridley, Matt: Jalouden alkuperä


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The Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory (STEREO) provides high cadence and high resolution images of the structure and morphology of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) in the inner heliosphere. CME directions and propagation speeds have often been estimated through the use of time-elongation maps obtained from the STEREO Heliospheric Imager (HI) data. Many of these CMEs have been identified by citizen scientists working within the SolarStormWatch project ( www.solarstormwatch.com ) as they work towards providing robust real-time identification of Earth-directed CMEs. The wide field of view of HI allows scientists to directly observe the two-dimensional (2D) structures, while the relative simplicity of time-elongation analysis means that it can be easily applied to many such events, thereby enabling a much deeper understanding of how CMEs evolve between the Sun and the Earth. For events with certain orientations, both the rear and front edges of the CME can be monitored at varying heliocentric distances (R) between the Sun and 1 AU. Here we take four example events with measurable position angle widths and identified by the citizen scientists. These events were chosen for the clarity of their structure within the HI cameras and their long track lengths in the time-elongation maps. We show a linear dependency with R for the growth of the radial width (W) and the 2D aspect ratio (χ) of these CMEs, which are measured out to ≈ 0.7 AU. We estimated the radial width from a linear best fit for the average of the four CMEs. We obtained the relationships W=0.14R+0.04 for the width and χ=2.5R+0.86 for the aspect ratio (W and R in units of AU).


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Galactic cosmic ray flux at Earth is modulated by the heliospheric magnetic field. Heliospheric modulation potential, Φ, during grand solar minima is investigated using an open solar flux (OSF) model with OSF source based on sunspot number, R, and OSF loss on heliospheric current sheet inclination. Changing dominance between source and loss means Φ varies in- (anti-) phase with R during strong (weak) cycles, in agreement with Φ estimates from ice core records of 10Be concentration, which are in-phase during most of the last 300 years, but anti-phase during the Maunder Minimum. Model results suggest “flat” OSF cycles, such as solar cycle 20 result from OSF source and loss terms temporarily balancing throughout the cycle. Thus even if solar activity continues to decline steadily, the long-term drop in OSF through SC21 to SC23 may plateau during SC24, though reemerge in SC25 with the inverted phase relation.


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During propagation, Magnetic Clouds (MC) interact with their environment and, in particular, may reconnect with the solar wind around it, eroding away part of its initial magnetic flux. Here we quantitatively analyze such an interaction using combined, multipoint observations of the same MC flux rope by STEREO A, B, ACE, WIND and THEMIS on November 19–20, 2007. Observation of azimuthal magnetic flux imbalance inside a MC flux rope has been argued to stem from erosion due to magnetic reconnection at its front boundary. The present study adds to such analysis a large set of signatures expected from this erosion process. (1) Comparison of azimuthal flux imbalance for the same MC at widely separated points precludes the crossing of the MC leg as a source of bias in flux imbalance estimates. (2) The use of different methods, associated errors and parametric analyses show that only an unexpectedly large error in MC axis orientation could explain the azimuthal flux imbalance. (3) Reconnection signatures are observed at the MC front at all spacecraft, consistent with an ongoing erosion process. (4) Signatures in suprathermal electrons suggest that the trailing part of the MC has a different large-scale magnetic topology, as expected. The azimuthal magnetic flux erosion estimated at ACE and STEREO A corresponds respectively to 44% and 49% of the inferred initial azimuthal magnetic flux before MC erosion upon propagation. The corresponding average reconnection rate during transit is estimated to be in the range 0.12–0.22 mV/m, suggesting most of the erosion occurs in the inner parts of the heliosphere. Future studies ought to quantify the influence of such an erosion process on geo-effectiveness.


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Aims: In view of recent findings that a multidrug efflux pump CmeABC exists in Campylobacter jejuni, 391 C. jejuni and 52 Campylobacter coli of human and animal origin were examined for a multidrug resistance phenotype. Materials and methods: The MICs of ampicillin, chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin, erythromycin, kanamycin, tetracycline, cetrimide, triclosan, acridine orange, paraquat and ethidium bromide were determined. Resistance to organic solvents and the effect of salicylate (known inducer of the marRAB operon in Escherichia coli and Salmonella) were also examined. Results: Two C. coli and 13 C. jejuni isolates, mainly from pigs or poultry, were resistant to three or more antibiotics and 12 of these strains had reduced susceptibility to acridine orange and/or ethidium bromide. Strains (n=20) that were less susceptible to acridine orange, ethidium bromide and triclosan were significantly more resistant (P<0.05) to ampicillin, chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin, erythromycin, nalidixic acid and tetracycline, with two- to four-fold increases in MIC values compared with strains (n=20) most susceptible to acridine orange, ethidium bromide and triclosan. Growth of strains with 1 mM salicylate caused a small (up to two-fold) but statistically significant (Pless than or equal to0.005) increase in the MICs of chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin, erythromycin and tetracycline. Conclusions: These data indicate that multiple antibiotic resistant (MAR)-like Campylobacter strains occur and it may be postulated that these may overexpress cmeABC or another efflux system.


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RE/Search Publications’ Modern Primitives (Vale and Juno 1989) changed countless lives, bringing what had been a localized and niche set of body modification practices, aesthetics and philosophies out of San Francisco to a global audience, dominating scholarly and popular discourse around body modification subculture for more than a decade afterwards. The voice of Fakir Musafar dominates the book. This article argues that modern primitives as Musafar defines them never really existed (and never could have existed) in the terms he suggests, and goes on to address an important sub-strand within Modern Primitives almost entirely ignored by critics and commentators, who have read the book as generally representative of the body modification culture as a whole. With specific reference to contributors such as infamous tattoo artist Don Ed Hardy who do not frame their practice in ‘primitive’ terms, the article concludes with a study of an alternative account presented by Vale and Juno’s book: body modification as artistic practice.


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Wide ranging climate changes are expected in the Arctic by the end of the 21st century, but projections of the size of these changes vary widely across current global climate models. This variation represents a large source of uncertainty in our understanding of the evolution of Arctic climate. Here we systematically quantify and assess the model uncertainty in Arctic climate changes in two CO2 doubling experiments: a multimodel ensemble (CMIP3) and an ensemble constructed using a single model (HadCM3) with multiple parameter perturbations (THC-QUMP). These two ensembles allow us to assess the contribution that both structural and parameter variations across models make to the total uncertainty and to begin to attribute sources of uncertainty in projected changes. We find that parameter uncertainty is an major source of uncertainty in certain aspects of Arctic climate. But also that uncertainties in the mean climate state in the 20th century, most notably in the northward Atlantic ocean heat transport and Arctic sea ice volume, are a significant source of uncertainty for projections of future Arctic change. We suggest that better observational constraints on these quantities will lead to significant improvements in the precision of projections of future Arctic climate change.


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The development of global magnetospheric models, such as Space Weather Modeling Framework (SWMF), which can accurately reproduce and track space weather processes has high practical utility. We present an interval on 5 June 1998, where the location of the polar cap boundary, or open-closed field line boundary (OCB), can be determined in the ionosphere using a combination of instruments during a period encompassing a sharp northward to southward interplanetary field turning. We present both point- and time-varying comparisons of the observed and simulated boundaries in the ionosphere and find that when using solely the coupled ideal magnetohydrodynamic magnetosphere-ionosphere model, the rate of change of the OCB to a southward turning of the interplanetary field is significantly faster than that computed from the observational data. However, when the inner magnetospheric module is incorporated, the modeling framework both qualitatively, and often quantitatively, reproduces many elements of the studied interval prior to an observed substorm onset. This result demonstrates that the physics of the inner magnetosphere is critical in shaping the boundary between open and closed field lines during periods of southward interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) and provides significant insight into the 3-D time-dependent behavior of the Earth's magnetosphere in response to a northward-southward IMF turning. We assert that during periods that do not include the tens of minutes surrounding substorm expansion phase onset, the coupled SWMF model may provide a valuable and reliable tool for estimating both the OCB and magnetic field topology over a wide range of latitudes and local times.


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The practice of partial depopulation or ‘thinning’, i.e. early removal of a proportion of birds from a commercial broiler flock, is a reported risk factor for Campylobacter colonization of residual birds because of the difficulty in maintaining biosecurity during the process. Therefore, the effect of this practice was studied in detail for 51 target flocks, each at a different growing farm belonging to one of seven major poultry companies throughout the United Kingdom. On 21 of these farms, the target flock was already colonized by Campylobacter and at slaughter all cecal samples examined were positive, with a mean of log10 8 cfu / g. A further 27 flocks became positive within 2 – 6 days of the start of thinning and had similarly high levels of cecal carriage at slaughter. Just prior to the thinning process, Campylobacter could be isolated frequently from the farm driveways, transport vehicles, equipment and personnel. Strains from seven such farms on which flocks became colonized after thinning were examined by PFGE typing. The study demonstrated an association between strains occurring at specific sampling sites and those isolated subsequently from the thinned flocks. There were also indications that particular strains had spread from one farm to another, when the farms were jointly company-owned and served by the same bird-catching teams and / or vehicles. The results highlighted the need for better hygiene control in relation to catching equipment and personnel, and more effective cleaning and disinfection of vehicles, and bird-transport crates.


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Fire investigation is a challenging area for the forensic investigator. The aim of this work was to use spectral changes to paint samples to estimate the temperatures to which a paint has been heated. Five paint samples (one clay paint, two car paints, one metallic paint, and one matt emulsion) have been fully characterized by a combination of attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared (ATR-IR), Raman, X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy and powder X-ray diffraction. The thermal decomposition of these paints has been investigated by means of ATR-IR and thermal gravimetric analysis. Clear temperature markers are observed in the ATR-IR spectra namely: loss of m(C = O) band, >300°C; appearance of water bands on cooling, >500°C; alterations to m(Si–O) bands due to dehydration of silicate clays, >700°C; diminution of m(CO3) and d(CO3) modes of CaCO3, >950°C. We suggest the possible use of portable ATR-IR for nondestructive, in situ analysis of paints.


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