38 resultados para Poisson Kriging
Commonly used repair rate models for repairable systems in the reliability literature are renewal processes, generalised renewal processes or non-homogeneous Poisson processes. In addition to these models, geometric processes (GP) are studied occasionally. The GP, however, can only model systems with monotonously changing (increasing, decreasing or constant) failure intensities. This paper deals with the reliability modelling of failure processes for repairable systems where the failure intensity shows a bathtub-type non-monotonic behaviour. A new stochastic process, i.e. an extended Poisson process, is introduced in this paper. Reliability indices are presented, and the parameters of the new process are estimated. Experimental results on a data set demonstrate the validity of the new process.
The basic repair rate models for repairable systems may be homogeneous Poisson processes, renewal processes or nonhomogeneous Poisson processes. In addition to these models, geometric processes are studied occasionally. Geometric processes, however, can only model systems with monotonously changing (increasing, decreasing or constant) failure intensity. This paper deals with the reliability modelling of the failure process of repairable systems when the failure intensity shows a bathtub type non-monotonic behaviour. A new stochastic process, an extended Poisson process, is introduced. Reliability indices and parameter estimation are presented. A comparison of this model with other repair models based on a dataset is made.
The Boltzmann equation in presence of boundary and initial conditions, which describes the general case of carrier transport in microelectronic devices is analysed in terms of Monte Carlo theory. The classical Ensemble Monte Carlo algorithm which has been devised by merely phenomenological considerations of the initial and boundary carrier contributions is now derived in a formal way. The approach allows to suggest a set of event-biasing algorithms for statistical enhancement as an alternative of the population control technique, which is virtually the only algorithm currently used in particle simulators. The scheme of the self-consistent coupling of Boltzmann and Poisson equation is considered for the case of weighted particles. It is shown that particles survive the successive iteration steps.
Estimation of a population size by means of capture-recapture techniques is an important problem occurring in many areas of life and social sciences. We consider the frequencies of frequencies situation, where a count variable is used to summarize how often a unit has been identified in the target population of interest. The distribution of this count variable is zero-truncated since zero identifications do not occur in the sample. As an application we consider the surveillance of scrapie in Great Britain. In this case study holdings with scrapie that are not identified (zero counts) do not enter the surveillance database. The count variable of interest is the number of scrapie cases per holding. For count distributions a common model is the Poisson distribution and, to adjust for potential heterogeneity, a discrete mixture of Poisson distributions is used. Mixtures of Poissons usually provide an excellent fit as will be demonstrated in the application of interest. However, as it has been recently demonstrated, mixtures also suffer under the so-called boundary problem, resulting in overestimation of population size. It is suggested here to select the mixture model on the basis of the Bayesian Information Criterion. This strategy is further refined by employing a bagging procedure leading to a series of estimates of population size. Using the median of this series, highly influential size estimates are avoided. In limited simulation studies it is shown that the procedure leads to estimates with remarkable small bias.
A Kriging interpolation method is combined with an object-based evaluation measure to assess the ability of the UK Met Office's dispersion and weather prediction models to predict the evolution of a plume of tracer as it was transported across Europe. The object-based evaluation method, SAL, considers aspects of the Structure, Amplitude and Location of the pollutant field. The SAL method is able to quantify errors in the predicted size and shape of the pollutant plume, through the structure component, the over- or under-prediction of the pollutant concentrations, through the amplitude component, and the position of the pollutant plume, through the location component. The quantitative results of the SAL evaluation are similar for both models and close to a subjective visual inspection of the predictions. A negative structure component for both models, throughout the entire 60 hour plume dispersion simulation, indicates that the modelled plumes are too small and/or too peaked compared to the observed plume at all times. The amplitude component for both models is strongly positive at the start of the simulation, indicating that surface concentrations are over-predicted by both models for the first 24 hours, but modelled concentrations are within a factor of 2 of the observations at later times. Finally, for both models, the location component is small for the first 48 hours after the start of the tracer release, indicating that the modelled plumes are situated close to the observed plume early on in the simulation, but this plume location error grows at later times. The SAL methodology has also been used to identify differences in the transport of pollution in the dispersion and weather prediction models. The convection scheme in the weather prediction model is found to transport more pollution vertically out of the boundary layer into the free troposphere than the dispersion model convection scheme resulting in lower pollutant concentrations near the surface and hence a better forecast for this case study.
Rainfall can be modeled as a spatially correlated random field superimposed on a background mean value; therefore, geostatistical methods are appropriate for the analysis of rain gauge data. Nevertheless, there are certain typical features of these data that must be taken into account to produce useful results, including the generally non-Gaussian mixed distribution, the inhomogeneity and low density of observations, and the temporal and spatial variability of spatial correlation patterns. Many studies show that rigorous geostatistical analysis performs better than other available interpolation techniques for rain gauge data. Important elements are the use of climatological variograms and the appropriate treatment of rainy and nonrainy areas. Benefits of geostatistical analysis for rainfall include ease of estimating areal averages, estimation of uncertainties, and the possibility of using secondary information (e.g., topography). Geostatistical analysis also facilitates the generation of ensembles of rainfall fields that are consistent with a given set of observations, allowing for a more realistic exploration of errors and their propagation in downstream models, such as those used for agricultural or hydrological forecasting. This article provides a review of geostatistical methods used for kriging, exemplified where appropriate by daily rain gauge data from Ethiopia.
A new numerical modeling of inhaled charge aerosol has been developed based on a modified Weibel's model. Both the velocity profiles (slug and parabolic flows) and the particle distributions (uniform and parabolic distributions) have been considered. Inhaled particles are modeled as a dilute dispersed phase flow in which the particle motion is controlled by fluid force and external forces acting on particles. This numerical study extends the previous numerical studies by considering both space- and image-charge forces. Because of the complex computation of interacting forces due to space-charge effect, the particle-mesh (PM) method is selected to calculate these forces. In the PM technique, the charges of all particles are assigned to the space-charge field mesh, for calculating charge density. The Poisson's equation of the electrostatic potential is then solved, and the electrostatic force acting on individual particle is interpolated. It is assumed that there is no effect of humidity on charged particles. The results show that many significant factors also affect the deposition, such as the volume of particle cloud, the velocity profile and the particle distribution. This study allows a better understanding of electrostatic mechanism of aerosol transport and deposition in human airways.
The dependence of much of Africa on rain fed agriculture leads to a high vulnerability to fluctuations in rainfall amount. Hence, accurate monitoring of near-real time rainfall is particularly useful, for example in forewarning possible crop shortfalls in drought-prone areas. Unfortunately, ground based observations are often inadequate. Rainfall estimates from satellite-based algorithms and numerical model outputs can fill this data gap, however rigorous assessment of such estimates is required. In this case, three satellite based products (NOAA-RFE 2.0, GPCP-1DD and TAMSAT) and two numerical model outputs (ERA-40 and ERA-Interim) have been evaluated for Uganda in East Africa using a network of 27 rain gauges. The study focuses on the years 2001 to 2005 and considers the main rainy season (February to June). All data sets were converted to the same temporal and spatial scales. Kriging was used for the spatial interpolation of the gauge data. All three satellite products showed similar characteristics and had a high level of skill that exceeded both model outputs. ERA-Interim had a tendency to overestimate whilst ERA-40 consistently underestimated the Ugandan rainfall.